Upgrade Cpu To Intel Core 2 Quad Or Possible An I7

Mar 27, 2009

Im looking to upgrade my cpu to a intel core 2 quad or possible an i7. Are there any good AMD equivalents that i should consider? And where are some good places to buy the processors when ive decided which one to get, as i dont want a whole machine, just the cpu.

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Q9650 Intel Quad Core Listed As Unknown Device?

Nov 15, 2008

I have updated my bios ,update came out last month, and still under the device manager it shows "unknown device". The BIOS recognizes it and the Sytem under Control Panel recognizes it. Anyone with the same issue? I don't have any performance problems and didn't even with the old bios. I attached a screenshot.

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Strange Behaviour After Upgrading To AMD Quad-Core From Dual-Core

Jan 20, 2010

Simply put- RED Blue Screens. I don't know what I need to call them. THEY ARE RED! And they just reference "An error reading the instruction set" There is no STOP Error. I upgraded the Processor from AMD Athlon x2 5000+ to an AMD Phenom x4 9650. I have not overclocked it. In fact, first thing I did after installing it was reset CMOS.

I've checked for minidumps relating to this issue but there are none. I am running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium.

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Quad Core Heading Up

May 12, 2008

Vista duo cor AMD processors working jusy fine......Having concerns about my Quad core q6600 running Xp on another machine.
Tems running at idle @ 90deg F....... Cool Master box, dual 120mm fans.
Stress test heats up to 4% set to 10% danger signal.

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Most Applications Dont Use Quad Core Yet

Nov 22, 2008

is software like games able to use all 4 cores? i heard that most apps dont use quad core yet. if not, Is it possible to have say 2 cores used for running a game, then the other 2 to run all my background tasks, or even everything else on my pc, so that there are always 2 cores free for games or rendering etc.

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Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R V2.0 Quad Core Bios Setup From Scratch

Apr 2, 2010

Can anyone provide me with screen shots of how i should set up my bios for 64 bit as i have had issues and had to remove the cmos battery.

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Intel Dual Core Overclocking, Need New Cooling Fan?

Mar 2, 2010

i`ve seen a video in Internet where the user overclocks his e2220 (that is my cpu model) from 2.4ghz to 3.16ghz. i got a question: after overclocking will i need a new cooling fan?

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Updating Processes: Upgrade To A Quad

May 7, 2009

Right now I have Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E6850. What would I have to do to upgrade to a Quad? What do I need to check because I would like to upgrade to one of these. Extreme Desktop Computer - Intel. Multimedia Computer - Intel

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Reports: Intel To Skip Vista Upgrade

Jul 1, 2008

Following a report Monday on the Inquirer, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Intel's IT department "found no compelling case" for upgrading.

And that's despite the fact that it's been nearly seven years since XP debuted. It's not a good thing, if your customers are electing to stick with 7-year-old technology. (In fairness, XP did get a fairly big update with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but even that is four years old at this point.)

Microsoft, which once predicted businesses would adopt Vista at twice the rate they moved to XP, has scaled back its ambitions and these days talks a lot about how long the adoption curve is for businesses when it comes to new operating systems.

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Intel G33/G31 Express Chipset Family Upgrade

Mar 23, 2008

My computer performed an automatic update Saturday night. This was deemed "important" by the Windows Update program. It completely blew up the graphics on my computer, a 4 month old Dell Insperion 530S running Vista Home Premium. It turned my 19 inch monitor into a 12 inch monitor. Some web pages were squeezed into the middle of the screen, with blank spaces on each side. Some were spread way out. Some were all the way to the left, some all the way to the right. Neither Word nor Excel displayed properly. Only Quicken seemed okay, but not QuickBooks. I restored the system to the previous settings, and fixed the problem, but automatic update did the same thing last night and I had to restore it again.

I have disabled the automatic update feature, at least for now. I don't want to be subjected to this every morning when I wake up! I don't know if this is an Intel problem or a Microsoft problem, but the lack of testing on a update like this is just inexcusable......

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Bug In AVG 7.5.519: Avginet.exe Uses 100% CPU Core

Apr 4, 2008

AVG Free 7.5.519 has a serious bug in avginet.exe. Very often, the morning AVG update fails and in the task manager you can see avginet.exe is using 100% CPU core and it remains in deadlock!

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Cpu And Core The Same Thing?

Sep 22, 2008

i have a dumb question: is the cpu and core the same thing? cause my cpu temp is 28c. but my core temp is 43c.i thought the core was part of the cpu. if i'm right then why's my temps off so much.

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Core Temp To Run At Start-up

Sep 11, 2009

Tried all I know to get core temp to run at start-up but it always has to be manually started and permission granted - a tiny but maddening thing. Who out there knows the answer?

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Core I7 Compatible With Mobo?

Aug 12, 2008

so intel is bringing the new core i7 cpu. but must we buy new mobo's to used them or are the compatible with the current mobo's????

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Debugger For AMD Dual Core X64

Jun 27, 2008

I have had some irritating system lockups with my computer lately and I am looking for ways to analyze the problem to see if I can pinpoint the offending application or driver. I have several mini dumps on the computer but unfortunately I don't have the tool to even open them. My computer uses an AMD Athlon dual core 64 bit processor but I'm running 32 bit Vista Ultimate. Following Microsoft's instructions I downloaded the x64 debugger file for amd processors. When I tried to install it I got a message that it is not for use on my system and I'm told to contact my processor vendor (or something to that effect).

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Core 2 Duo T5200 Compatible X64?

Dec 2, 2007

I'd like to install vista X64 but not sure if my processor Core 2 Duo T5200 (toshiba P100-160) is compatible. Is there any software to check the compatibility?

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Overclocking Instel Core 3.o7 Ghz

Oct 19, 2009

overclocking my Intel Core i7 950 3.07 GHz I know there is a lot of guides and stuff about OC but Check my specs for more info on my system. I really want to make this overclocking the right way. I OC'd my last Core duo 3.16GHz a bit but it never felt safe. So any tips or anything to get me started would be great

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Gtx260 Core 216 Superclocked

Jan 15, 2009

Does anybody here have a EVGA GTX260 core 216 SUPERCLOCKED edition with an Asus p6t deluxe mobo? If so, what BIOS are you using? And in your BIOS, did you change any settings (voltage especially) that deal with your GPU?

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Vista 2.4 Dual Core 4gb Ram

Sep 11, 2008

I have a custom tower with Vista Ultimate x64 a 2.4 dual core Intel Proccessor 4gb ran and 5 hhd. I just started having this problem not that long ago. I will turn my computer on and it will start up fine and seem to run just fine, but then after a bit my performance guage on my side bar will read out that one or both of the two cores is at 100% it will stay this way for indefinate amount of time. I uswaly restart and it will work fine then do the same thing. It is not just a glich cause the computer nearly locks up when this happens. I move the mouse and a minute later the cursor will acctualy move. What are some posible causes and solutions to this and does anyone else have these problems?

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Intel Or AMD: Which Combination Would Be Better?

Feb 1, 2009

I m looking to buy a new desktop as i m now fed up with my compaq laptop. I was wondering which combination would be better? 1: Intel Motherboard and Processor with Nvidia Graphics Card? 2: AMD Motherboard and Processor with ATI Graphics Card?

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Intel Gives Windows 7 The OK.

Oct 2, 2009

Quote: The giant chip manufacturer Intel today announced that 97% of its test community would recommend Windows 7 to their colleagues. These claims were made after a 3 month evaluation with Intel’s employees. Intel have also said they plan to begin Enterprise Deployment of Windows 7 at the beginning of 2010. This would replace Windows XP (Intel like many others didn’t adopt Windows Vista) which is currently on their companies laptops and computers. More - Intel Give's Windows 7 The OK | Windows 7 News

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Intel E8400

Apr 10, 2009

My Intel E8400 is looking very hot now a days. The cooler is stock. See the pic, is this normal or I need a better cooler?

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Intel GMA 950 Overclockers

Dec 31, 2009

i have a gma(graphics media accelerater)950,i got the core clock from 166 mhz to 400,helps by around 10 frame rates per second,i use GMA booster as a tool for overclocking,is there any other freeware out there

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Overclocking An Intel Cpu

Jun 29, 2008

Any instructions for overclocking an Intel Q6600 Quad CPU. Want increase to at least 2.9mhz from 2.4mhz. Or suggestions for a different CPU, Quad preferred

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Fan Running Warm, Core, Doesn't It?

May 15, 2010

I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. PC boots up, loads fine. Moments later, LOUD whirring noise. Lasts for maybe 60 seconds, dies off. That was two weeks or so ago. This morning, get it again. Same characteristics. Fan issue? Seems to be running warm @ the core, doesn't it? I've seen it as low as 44.

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Core I7 975 XE Breaks 5 GHz Barrier, With Air Cooling

Apr 27, 2009

Quote: Intel's newest high-end processor, the Core i7 975 Extreme Edition is gearing up for launch later this year, on course of which, it already passed a milestone. Xtreme Systems Forums member PcCI2iminal scored one with overclocking a Core i7 975 XE D0 stepping chip part the 5 GHz mark, 5015 MHz to be precise using only air cooling for the processor, with an ambient temperature of 20 °C as claimed by the overclocker. more: techPowerUp!

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Intel Over Clocking Guide

Aug 28, 2008

What is overclocking? Firstly, it is currently the mostly widely used word that does not appear in the English dictionary...... Secondly, it is operating hardware (particularly CPU, RAM, motherboard, and video card) above and beyond rated specs. Rated specs are the level to which a particular piece of hardware is expected to, has been tested to, and is warranted to perform. What this equates to in the real world is a certain price tag for a certain level of expected performance.... Overclockers strive to determine not what hardware should do, but what can do.

Overclocking is more of an art than a science. There is no combination of settings that will yield the best results for every system...... Greater experience does make the overclocking process less cumbersome, but it is and always will be a trial and error process..... Don't be afraid to experiment, but always take things slow and be aware of temperature and voltage limits. Overclocking Basics (particular to Intel systems, though many of the concepts apply to AMD systems as well)

1) Limitations - Each hardware component has physical limitations that, at a minimum, meet the rated (stock) specifications..... In the process of thoroughly overclocking a system, the actual limitations of various components will be found. In general, the CPU, RAM, and motherboard will control the overclock, but other components such as the PSU and cooling will have a major impact on overclocking abilities..... Depending on which of the three primary components (CPU, RAM, and mobo) is the first to reach its limits, different steps can be taken to squeeze more out of the other components. Video card overclocking is generally independent of overclocking the components previously listed.

2) Overclocking in the BIOS vs. overclocking software - Whenever the option exists, manipulating BIOS settings is the best way to accomplish overclocking..... BIOSes on value/low end motherboards and on proprietary systems such as Dells and HPs generally have few to no options available for overclocking....... On such systems, there is the potential to overclock through software, though there is not a single piece of software to overclock every board............

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Vaio TZ, SP1 And Intel Video

May 28, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Business on a Vaio VGN-TZ21WN and I loathe the entire experience. The notable changes in SP1 list gives me some hope, however SP2 won't come up in Windows Update. Before I use the standalone install, I have read all the possible reasons why this might happen and it appears the only driver issue left is the Intel video chip: I am stuck with

The update from Intel won't install - asking me to get an update from Vaio. Vaio are not offering anything new yet. Longshot time: Has anyone else here forced an install SP1 in a similar situation? I am keen to at least try and fix this nasty, nasty OS before I am just forced into buying a Macbook instead.

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Intel DG33FB Shutdown

Sep 18, 2008

I built a computer for a friend of mine running Vista Ultimate 32bit OS, with SP1 installed. Everything's been working great, except one annoying issue that I can't get to the bottom of!! When the machine is shutdown from the operating system, it powers all the way down and then it turns right back on...I've checked all of the wake-on settings in the BIOS and Device Manager, checked the powerconfg -devicequery wake_armed from the command line and disabled all of the devices that showed up, clearing all of the entries...I've updated the BIOS and Chipset drivers too. I have the Intel DG33FB Motherboard with Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Conroe 2.66GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor installed.

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What Is Ag Core Service? It's In A Folder C:Program FilesAGI

Jun 18, 2009

What is Ag Core Service? It's in a folder C:Program FilesAGI. Is it, I hope, a Windows Vista sp2 service.

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Blue Screen Due To Core Multi-Processing

Apr 27, 2009

I had lot of issues while installing the Vista x64 Operating System and after a long research, I was able to locate the issue. i.e. I had to disable "Core Multi-Processing" from the BIOS while installing the Operating System. However after successfully installing the Vista Operating System and all the latest services packs/updates when I enabled "Core Multi-Processing" from the BIOS, my system would work for few minutes and then crashes (Does not restart, but just hangs) with a Stop blue screen error stating "A Clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the allocated time interval. Stop: 0x00000101". I just have 1 processor installed on the first slot of the M/B. The issue occurs even if I sit idle and do not perform anything on the computer.

If I disable "Core Multi-Processing", my system works fine with out any issues.
I have even downloaded and installed the latest BIOS updates and drivers for NIC card and sound card. I do not have any 3rd party hardware devices attached to it. I also do not have any softwares installed on the computer yet. I even tried re-installing the OS couple of time.

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