Renaming Files, Way To Include Extension?

May 19, 2007

This is probably small to most people and maybe many prefer it now, but when manually renaming a file the extension is not highlighted forcing me to have to perform a second manual operation to highlight the whole filename. It is the 'rename' function but I use it to copy and paste the entire file name. Like I said it is probably a minor thing to most, but I do this many, many times a day so if there was anyway to have this function behave like it did in all previous Windows versions I would like to know how to do that.

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Renaming Many Files At 1 Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have a lot of Pictures in my pictures folder,that start from file number 01-200,they are pictures taken from my camera. I need to rename them? instead of renaming them for eg: Riptorn 1 Riptorn 2, can I rename the whole lot?

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Files With Msu Extension

Apr 12, 2008

when I Start > Run > Browse for a file to run, the Browse dialog box displays by default the programs (.exe, .pif, .com, .bat, .cmd). How can I add there the .msu extension?

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Searching For Files By Extension

Mar 19, 2009

I want to search for a file based on extension e.g. .pst When using vista's built in search and putting *.pst in the name section I did not get any results when I know there is a .pst file on my system.

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Files Downloaded With EFW Extension

Aug 2, 2008

I trying to download this program. When I do it saves it as a EFW file extension. This just started when downloading stuff with this ext. on the end of files. Now I cant open and run nothing. How can I fix this ext. file problem?

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Searching: Locate All Files That Have A Certain Extension, Such As .pst

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having problems with Search in Vista. I want to locate all files that have a certain extension, such as .pst. In previous versions of Windows, this was simple, but not so in Vista. Previously, all I had to do in Search was to search for *.pst to see a list of all .pst files. In Vista, what do I have to do to find all .pst files on my hard drive?

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Opening .exe Extension Files Hang

Jan 8, 2009

All the games that i dled so far ending with the .exe extension seem to freeze up completely until i have to end task it. I tried the file on my other laptop it ran absolutely smooth.

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Mswmm Files: Change The File Extension To Like .WMV.

May 26, 2008

I have seen the replies about MSWMM files and understand that I have to change the file extension to something like .WMV. But how do I do this? I have tried various things but none seem to work. The tinyurl references published in other answers don't help, and the Microsoft reference is utterly useless. Why do I get an .MSWMM ext. anyway? SHouldn't Vista automatically supply a useable file extension, or is it something to do with a pre-installed program in my Sony Vaio laptop??? Grateful for advice.

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Open Files With The SKP Extension It Started Using Adobe Reader

Sep 22, 2009

For some reason Vista stopped using Google Sketchup to open files with the SKP extension. (It started using Adobe Reader). If I attempt to navigate to and open the correct program (Open With | Chose Default Program | Browse) Sketchup is not added to the list of candidate programs (no error indicated -- just doesn't happen). I can open a file from within the Sketchup program or drag a file onto the Sketchup desktop icon but can't open with the correct program by double clicking the SKP file. What am I missing?

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Cannot Renaming The Subfolders

Apr 4, 2009

This sounds like one of those Vista curses. I'm the sole new user of a home media center PC running Vista 64 bit ultimate. Privileges are of absolutely zero concern. So I try to rename a folder, call it MainFolder located in UserName | Music and which contains numerous subfolders created by Windows Media Player 11. I can rename the subfolders with no problem. But today, for the first time I tried to rename the MainFolder. I get a warning that I need permission,and to try again (which does nothing).

I right click the folder's properties and see that the read-only attribute is checked (not by me). I uncheck it and try renaming again. Same result, and on my returning to Properties, the read only box is miraculously rechecked. I click on Properties | Security and see that all are checked "Allow" except special permissions, which is blank. I click Advanced, and in the resulting Permissions tab I see the following:

Name Permission

WMP Network Service Full control
WMP Network Service Read
Username Full Control

Anyhow, All I want is For Vista to allow me or anyone using the computer to be able to use it without requiring passwords, secret handshakes, etc...

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Problems While Renaming Any Folder

Jan 1, 2009

I Having Great Problem While Renaming Any Folder ...

Whether {Renaming} a NEW - FOLDER or {Renaming } an Existing Folder

plz help me to sort out this problem

below is the screen-shot of what actually the error is coming :

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Drive Renaming /DVD Not Working

Sep 19, 2009

My DVD player has been working on and off for about a year now. I've finally decided to sort it out, and have done the following but no luck:

1. Deleted upper/lower filters
2. Uninstalled/reinstalled drivers
3. Renamed drive letters in Computer Management (as suggested by

Having looked round a number of forums, they seem to suggest Vista has a specific problem renaming drives when new USBs/dongles/hard drives are used on the machine, which results in DVD player problems and 'no disk' errors. For instance, other people have had DVD recognition problems when installing new hard drives, or using USBs to transfer music files.

From the forums, the answer seems to be renaming drives in the *memory card readers *also, so that windows knows where to go for stuff. But I don't know how exactly to do this, what to rename and how, and whether this works when you're using 2 USBs and a dongle.

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Deleting And Renaming User Accounts

Jan 24, 2009

I have recently created a new user account on my Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit OS because I had problems with my CPU Usage firing up to 100. Anyways, I made this new account and kept some of the files from my old account. My problem is that the old account is still showing up in the Computer>OS(C:)>Users folder, and when I try to delete it it says I need permission. I tried the "Taking Ownership" tutorial and that didn't help because it still said I needed permission to delete it. I also tried to go to Properties>Security and give myself (the only admin on my computer) complete rights to delete/rename/etc. No such luck there either. So I guess my two questions are:

1) Can I delete my old user account files and how?
2) Can I rename this new account so that it doesn't show up as OldName_2 in the file directory?

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Renaming User Not Reflected In Windows Explorer

Jun 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. I don't know if this occurred in XP or not. I have renamed a user, but when I use Windows Explorer, the old user name shows up instead of the new one, even after a restart. What can I do to get consistency?

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Batch File Renaming In Vista Doesn't Work!

Mar 23, 2008

To rename a file, you do not need to open the file in a program.

Right-click the file that you want to rename, and then click Rename.

Type the new name, and then press ENTER. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.


You can also rename several files at once. If you give files of the same type the same name, each file will have the same name followed by a different sequential number (such as Renamed File (2), Renamed File (3), and so on). This can be useful for grouping related items. To do this, select all the files you want to rename, and then follow the same steps as you would for renaming an individual file. Each of the files will be saved with the new name, and a different sequential number will be appended automatically to the end of each file name.

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SP2 Include All Patches To SP1?

Jan 17, 2010

I purchased an HP Pavilions laptop, with Vista Home Premium SP1, 3-4 months ago. There were about 35-40 security patches waiting for download and installation. I haven't gotten around to installing all of them yet. Does SP2 include all of those patches?

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Include Gif File In Reply

Dec 5, 2009

How do I make Windows Mail include a .gif file when I reply and do an Insert/Text from File, and the file is an html file that includes a sound file and a .gif file? The sound works, but WM does not include the .gif file. The source shows SRC="" and no .gif file name..

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Do Not Want To Include Addresses Of Contacts

Mar 23, 2008

I do not want to include the addresses of my contacts when I send emails to a number of people at the same time. How do I remove the addresses without going through all ttheBCC stuff?

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Backup: Include JSP File Type?

Mar 23, 2008

I just accidently lost a JSP file (it's a type of file, eg., somefile.jsp) and went to Backup and Restore to recover the file. Much to my shock and horror, it looks like no JSP files were backed up, even though I have all checkboxes checked in the Backup configuration and have regularly run backup. How do I get the Backup and Restore program to backup all files types? If Backup and Restore can't do it, is there something I can load (eg., maybe the old XP Pro backup) from Microsoft?

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How To Include Someone's Message Or Quote When Reply

Mar 23, 2008

I can't find out how to include someone's message or quote When I make a reply. I went over the tutorials and the FAQ . I couldn't find what I need.

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Backup Tool Include Specified Folders?

Jun 18, 2008

Can Vista Backup tool include folders that I specify, or is it just the basic tickbox choices?

Info: I want to specify a folder and back that up each night. Vista Automatic Backup only lists which hard drive I can include, and then asks for which device I backup to, then which files types (photos, movies etc). There doesn't appear to be an "advanced" option, which lets me click on each folder and put a X for it to be backed up. Would choosing "other" give me access to the folder view? It's backing up right now and I don't want to cancel because it's taking a while to do the backup.

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Windows 7 Not Include Any E-mail Program

May 6, 2010

Ours is a home computer that is used by my wife and myself. Together we receive less than 20 e-mail messages per day. I notice that Windows 7 does not include any e-mail program at all, so I was wondering about the future of Windows Mail. Even Windows Live Mail is complicated for us "Old Timers". I guess I would like to see Windows Mail go on forever.

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Does Clean Installation Of Include Msvcrt.dll And Msvcirt.dll?

Mar 26, 2008

He's been spending a fair amount of time trading emails with the tech support group of a company making some software he's been trying to install since he got his laptop. They've finally identified the problem as his laptop missing two files, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll, from his system32 folder. I find that *very* strange, since, as far as I can tell, all Windows versions in recent years have shipped with these files--or at least msvcrt.dll--and my thought is that there's a lot of Windows components that would be broken without it. I don't have a Vista machine or Vista discs so I can't verify this for myself, but can anyone confirm whether a *clean* Vista (32-bit) machine includes those files or not under their system32 folder?

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Does Clean Installation Of Include Msvcrt.dll And Msvcirt.dll

Mar 23, 2008

I'm investigating a strange problem on behalf of a family member...he's got a brand new HP laptop, less than a month old, that came preloaded with Vista Home Premium (I believe--I don't have access to the laptop at this very moment). He's been spending a fair amount of time trading emails with the tech support group of a company making some software he's been trying to install since he got his laptop. They've finally identified the problem as his laptop missing two files, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll, from his system32 folder. I find that *very* strange, since, as far as I can tell, all Windows versions in recent years have shipped with these files--or at least msvcrt.dll--and my thought is that there's a lot of Windows components that would be broken without it. I don't have a Vista machine or Vista discs so I can't verify this for myself, but can anyone confirm whether a *clean* Vista (32-bit) machine includes those files or not under their system32 folder?

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Creating A Custom Install Disk- What Should I Include.

Jan 17, 2010

Long story short, I registered for my Windows 7 upgrade and overwritten my drive (and my restore partition) with the Windows 7 90-day trial in anticipation. problem is, it is clear that my Windows 7 upgrade kit will not be arriving and my 90-day trial is halfway done. so, I have to reinstall Vista. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of Vista because I wiped my drive and so I have to download it (TO BE ACTIVATED ON MY KEY), and I know for a fact that the generic disks for XP, Vista, and Windows 7 do not have a driver for my SATA controller. this means that I have to insert the driver onto the installation.

Since I have to insert my drive driver onto the installation media, I figure I should include drivers, and what the heck include some applications. Now, what applications do you recommend for a basic install of Windows Vista Home Premium that does not use a lot of system resources or otherwise are irrlelvent. So far I have: GO-OO: An OpenOffice clone that includes needed plugins, such as read/write docx support Microsoft Security Essentials.

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Computer Systems No Longer Include :Recovery Media

Apr 30, 2008

BRING BACK ALL CD FOR COMPUTER , TECH SOME TIMES CANT RESTORE OR REINSTALL HARDWARE IF THE CD IS NOT HERE.BRING BACK THE MEDIA/RECOVERY CDS.RECOVERY MEDIA Most computer systems no longer include "Recovery Media" (Disks or CDs used to restore your computer system to it's factory shipped state).Many do not even include Operating System disks.This is not specific to systems purchased from any one company, but now standard practice throughout the entire industry.However, many manufacturers include software on the hard drive that creates recovery media for you. This allows burning your own set of recovery CDs or DVDs - all you need is the blank media.Inclusion of such a recovery utility varies by manufacturer and model; not all manufactures and models include such a utility. For those that include such a utility we recommend you create your own set of recovery media after completing the Windows installation. In other words, right after you startusing your PC!If you fail to do this and encounter a difficulty in the future you may not be able to properly restore your computer.Some manufacturers may have physical recovery media available separately for purchase; consult your owner???s manual support information section foradditional information. Systems that do not come with a CD/DVD burner may still include Recovery Disks - please check the manufacturer's specs.This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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Sort By File Extension

Mar 24, 2008

Is it possible in Vista window explorer to sort files by extension?

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Memory Extension Getting Error

Dec 28, 2009

I have a laptop HP DV9285ea where i replaced the Vista by Windows7 64 bit. Replacing the 2 Rams each 1 GB by 2GB (total 4GB) resulted in an error. The laptop is a 64bit processor and with W7 64bit there should not be any problem to extent the memory. Placing in one slot 2GB and the other 1GB was working properly. (3GB total)

The current Bios has version F16 while their is new version available F2D. Can the FW having any impact? The product specification gives the following:

Extension / connection
Total extra slots (free)
???2 ( 0 ) x memory - SO DIMM 200-pins
???1 ( 1 ) x ExpressCard/54, 2 ( 0 ) x memory
???1 ( 1 ) x ExpressCard/54

Did i a mistake by just replacing the existing Ram, should their be an extra slot?

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Can't Open File Extension.sig

Oct 4, 2009

I can't open a file with the extension .sig.

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Windows Media Player That Comes With Vista Enterprise Does Not Include The Ability To Play DVDs

May 26, 2010

It appears that Windows Media Player that comes with Vista Enterprise does not include the ability to play DVDs. When I try it says that no codec is installed. what I need to download, preferably for free, to either get WMP to play DVDs, or a free player that's not too obnoxious with ads. I tried installing the K-Lite Standard Codec pack, but either I did it wrong or it isn't enough.

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Change Seperate Icons With .txt Extension

Dec 20, 2009

I want to change the icons I have with .txt extensions on my desktop.

But I want to be able to have different icons for different .txt documents.

For example, one icon for my "Bus.txt" document, and another icon for my "Train.txt" document.

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