Backup: Include JSP File Type?

Mar 23, 2008

I just accidently lost a JSP file (it's a type of file, eg., somefile.jsp) and went to Backup and Restore to recover the file. Much to my shock and horror, it looks like no JSP files were backed up, even though I have all checkboxes checked in the Backup configuration and have regularly run backup. How do I get the Backup and Restore program to backup all files types? If Backup and Restore can't do it, is there something I can load (eg., maybe the old XP Pro backup) from Microsoft?

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Backup Tool Include Specified Folders?

Jun 18, 2008

Can Vista Backup tool include folders that I specify, or is it just the basic tickbox choices?

Info: I want to specify a folder and back that up each night. Vista Automatic Backup only lists which hard drive I can include, and then asks for which device I backup to, then which files types (photos, movies etc). There doesn't appear to be an "advanced" option, which lets me click on each folder and put a X for it to be backed up. Would choosing "other" give me access to the folder view? It's backing up right now and I don't want to cancel because it's taking a while to do the backup.

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What Type Of Backup Does Perform?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Busines on my laptop. I'm using the built-in back up tool to back up my laptop onto my home NAS device. I'm using apporx. 50B of my hard disk space on my laptop and each back up job seems to be around 1GB. When I go through the wizard, Vista never asked me whether I wanted to do a full or incremental back up. Can anyone tell me whether Vista is performing full or incremental backups? Does each backup job stand alone or do they need previous back ups in case I want to restore something?

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Include Gif File In Reply

Dec 5, 2009

How do I make Windows Mail include a .gif file when I reply and do an Insert/Text from File, and the file is an html file that includes a sound file and a .gif file? The sound works, but WM does not include the .gif file. The source shows SRC="" and no .gif file name..

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Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of File

Oct 9, 2009

I was installing a .msi file. I double clicked it, and my cat jumped on my keyboard. This unchecked the "always ask before opening this type of file" box, and I clicked continue, not realising until I clicked it. how do I make it ask me again? This option was from running it, off of my desktop. This is to do with Windows Installer

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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Can't Save Any Type Of File

Mar 17, 2009

I can't save any type of file. I click save or save as and nothing at all happens. If I close a spreadsheet and it ask if I want to save, I can click on yes and still nothing happens. Right clicking on a picture to save as, nothing happens.

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Use To Creat HCR File Type

Mar 19, 2009

what program do you use to create or read a .hcr file?

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How Do You Change A File Type Icon?

Mar 17, 2009

I want to change the icon associated with the mp3 file type. There are others I want to change.

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Change File Type Association

Mar 29, 2008

I am using Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. How do I change the file type so that it will open in the correct application? For some reason the little icon changed from the Photoshop (PSD) to the Quick Time Icon.

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ICO Image: File Type Not Supported

Aug 1, 2009

I have some ICO Images? the only program that opens this image is ACDSee 10? I have Adobe lightroom, photoshop, illustrator, flash and photoshop elements. Is ACDSee 10, the only program that can only open these types of images? I tried all my Adobe, but it says file type not supported?

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Won't Associate File Type Jpg With A Program

Mar 17, 2009

Vista won't let me associate file type jpg with a program other than their defaults. I click on browse and select the program (PaintShop Pro), but when I return it only lets me pick one of the original defaults, not the one I browsed to. If I don't pick one of the defaults, the "OK" won't activate and I have to cancel.

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File Type Ordering Inconsistency

Mar 23, 2008

Almost trivial but annoying! [Vista HP, Office 2002]. I have a folder containing Excel .XLS files and CSV files associated with Excel. Unfortunately, when I "Group by Type" CSV files appear under "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", whereas XLS files are under "XLS Files". (Excel Templates are also "Microsoft Excel Template in Windows Explorer, charts are "Microsoft Excel Chart", etc. etc. i.e. XLS seems to be an exception).-I'd rather like all the Excel types to be adjacent. Looked in the registry (The reg key is at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTExcel.CSV) and under the Excel.CSV key is the "(default)" string "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", but surprisingly there is no Excel.XLS key that I could find to modify to give Windows Explorer a common Type-string beginning. How might I assert some control over this? What and where could I change in the registry? Of course there is the vanilla .xls key, which has as (default) "Excel.Sheet.8" - if I put a new (default) under Excel.Sheet.8 with the string "Microsoft Excel XLS Files" would that work?

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WMP Message: "can't Open This Type Of File"

Oct 10, 2009

I have a large number of digital photos in HIGHMAT (.hmt) file format. I can't get them to open, now that I've moved to Vista. (WMP message is "can't open this type of file") I tried downloading the XP Highmat update, but it wouldn't install. I've looked on the net, but haven't yet found a solution. I have to find one, as these photos are business-related. Secondly, if and when I ever get them open, I'd like to change them to .jpeg. How could Ido that.

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QIC Backup File Cannot Restore

Nov 26, 2009

I just installed Family Tree Maker into my laptop that has Vista. Found a problem when I went to restore from the backup that was created using my desktop which created a .QIC backup file so it's not recognized. What can I do to recover these backups?

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Make File Backup?

Apr 30, 2008

I have a Vista Enterprise (SP1) and am trying to make file backup. As you know when we were running XP the backup tool allowed backing up data from mapped network drives and even would allow you to brows the network and (when provided with the right credentials) connect to certain network drives to chose data areas to bakup. Unless I am being very silly I just can not (forthe lif eof me) find out how to back up network drives. Ihave correctly mapped the drives with full permission but the mapped drive simply does not appear in the list of available areas to back up.

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Cannot Read The File Backup Cd

May 5, 2009

I burned data from my XP installation prior to installing Vista Home 32bit. I checked that the data on my backups were readable using Nero. Now I have 2 programs I want to intall on my Vista, but Vista says it cannot read the files on the backup CD. I am able to see that the files are there as I can get their size.

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Mail File Backup

Apr 8, 2008

Where are the email folders so that I can back them up on an external backup drive?I can't find them in the directory list.I want to make sure they are all backed up like I do the old XP external backup drive.I would like to be able to recover my saved emails if I have a system crash and recovery.It has happened before on the XP system and I had them saved and restored to the Outlook Express program in it.As of now I have been backing up everything in Vista under my personal directory, which includes Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, etc. This Vista is a factory install OS.

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Cannot Backup Pst File Over Home Network

Jun 13, 2008

New Dell PC Running Vista, Office 2007 & Nornton Internet Security ......Am trying to backup Outlook 2007 pst file from one computer to another on our network. I can copy and paste any other file from the originating computer to the destination folder without a problem. (Sharing is enabled.)But I cannot use the Outlook backup procedure, nor can I simply copy the pst file and paste it to the destination folder over the network.

When I attempt a backup or a copy/paste (with Outlook closed) I get the same reaction. The "wheels turn" for about 60seconds then an error message pops up saying "There is a problem accessing [path and pst file name]". I checked Task Manager and verified Outlook.exe is not open. Some how it is glued in place. But I can copy/paste it to a folder on the same machine. I just can't move it over the network. I posted a description of this issue on the Outlook forum but no one has come up with a solution.

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External Storage Device: File Backup

Mar 31, 2010

I occasionally (every 3 months) back up my hard drives (I am using three computers, all similarly configured) to an external storage device. I tend to back up the My Documents folders somewhat more frequently (monthly). My two desktops are Vista 64s, and the laptop is a Vista 32-bit. I use the laptop as the master, so to speak, and will occasionally update the My Documents folders of the desktops from this machine.

I sometimes overwrite the same file on the desktops with an older file from the laptop. What I would really like is an easy to use piece of software that updates a file only if it is newer (later time stamp) than what is being updated. This would run much more quickly, and also prevent me from overwriting newer files.

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Backup/recovery/file Sharing Strategy

Apr 15, 2009

I have been interested to note that large numbers of forum members have home networks that consist of multiple PC's w/diff OS's and it made me wonder what backup/restore/file sharing strategies people have put in place to help them with the management of their networks. Now....I like to play/overclock/tweak/etc or windows update/Nvidia drivers/ Java upgrades/ etc sometimes break something unexpectedly which ends up with me needing to recover files, drivers and/or something else. I have noticed that restore points help but do not allow for complete recovery of all the files and folders on my pc's so I needed to use a different strategy to accomplish my needs.

In my case, I came down on the side of "Windows Home Server" to provide the above mentioned services because the OS now costs under $100 and will run on an older re-purposed pc (I built mine from scratch but the the principle remains the same). Drives are cheap (I use 5 drives in my server) and the OS will mirror the data in the shared folders across multiple drives so I don't lose valuable pictures (I would hate to have to explain to my wife that I lost the pictures of our kids or grandchildren and can't get them back), software, or the pc backups that will be needed sooner or later. The home server even monitors if my pc's have been backed up regularly or need to be backed (and notifies me should one need to be backed up, the default backup schedule is daily or I can manually backup after I make changes) and it even cleans up the backups for me retaining however many I tell it (default I believe is 3-daily, 4-weekly, 3-monthly) so I don't have to be bothered with the administration. Now I only have to maintain the files I share in one location (even my music library) and I just point to the shared file on the server from 5 different computers and because the restore can be down to a single file or folder instead of only the complete system I have been able to turn off restore points on the individual pc's and use this space for other uses.....

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How To Crack DRM Video, Rip A DVD, Burn A DVD, Backup IPod File

May 31, 2009

This article is a full guide which includes five parts, and the following content will show you how to Crack DRM Video, Rip a DVD, burn a DVD, backup iPod File and make iPhone Ringtone. (1) HOW TO CRACK DRM VIDEO AND AUDIO FILES. * (2) How to Rip a DVD to put it on iPod/iPhone 3G/PSP/Zune/Sansa

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Moved Mail Folder: Restored Backup File

Apr 29, 2009

My computer crashed & I had to repair the system. The User that I entered is "xxxxxx". When I restored my backup files to their original location my mail box, which I had relocated from its default location to "Documents", reinstalled to the user name of my original installation "xxx". I then started Windows Mail and selected the mail box to that location. However when I try to restart Windows Mail I get the following "Windows Mail could not be started. The application was unable to openthe Windows Mail message store. Your Windows Mailmailbox data is currently being used by another program...............(0x800C0155)"When I click OK I get a window showing "Windows Mail could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized. Is there a solution other than repairing Vista again?

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Windows Complete PC Restore Cannot See DVD With Backup Image File

Mar 26, 2008

upgrade HD from 60G to 250G without having to reinstall all files and programs. Windows Complete PC Restore cannot see DVD with backup image file

1. Backed up C: using Windows Complete PC Backup. (6 DVDs no errors.)
2. Removed old HD and inserted new.
3. Booted Windows Vista install DVD. (I proceeded to partition HD but did not complete the install.)
4. From Windows Recovery Environment, I chose Windows Complete PC Restore.
5. Inserted Backup image DVD disc1.
6. When it looked for the location of the image it couldn't find it so it fails.

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SP2 Include All Patches To SP1?

Jan 17, 2010

I purchased an HP Pavilions laptop, with Vista Home Premium SP1, 3-4 months ago. There were about 35-40 security patches waiting for download and installation. I haven't gotten around to installing all of them yet. Does SP2 include all of those patches?

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Do Not Want To Include Addresses Of Contacts

Mar 23, 2008

I do not want to include the addresses of my contacts when I send emails to a number of people at the same time. How do I remove the addresses without going through all ttheBCC stuff?

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How To Include Someone's Message Or Quote When Reply

Mar 23, 2008

I can't find out how to include someone's message or quote When I make a reply. I went over the tutorials and the FAQ . I couldn't find what I need.

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Renaming Files, Way To Include Extension?

May 19, 2007

This is probably small to most people and maybe many prefer it now, but when manually renaming a file the extension is not highlighted forcing me to have to perform a second manual operation to highlight the whole filename. It is the 'rename' function but I use it to copy and paste the entire file name. Like I said it is probably a minor thing to most, but I do this many, many times a day so if there was anyway to have this function behave like it did in all previous Windows versions I would like to know how to do that.

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Windows 7 Not Include Any E-mail Program

May 6, 2010

Ours is a home computer that is used by my wife and myself. Together we receive less than 20 e-mail messages per day. I notice that Windows 7 does not include any e-mail program at all, so I was wondering about the future of Windows Mail. Even Windows Live Mail is complicated for us "Old Timers". I guess I would like to see Windows Mail go on forever.

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Does Clean Installation Of Include Msvcrt.dll And Msvcirt.dll?

Mar 26, 2008

He's been spending a fair amount of time trading emails with the tech support group of a company making some software he's been trying to install since he got his laptop. They've finally identified the problem as his laptop missing two files, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll, from his system32 folder. I find that *very* strange, since, as far as I can tell, all Windows versions in recent years have shipped with these files--or at least msvcrt.dll--and my thought is that there's a lot of Windows components that would be broken without it. I don't have a Vista machine or Vista discs so I can't verify this for myself, but can anyone confirm whether a *clean* Vista (32-bit) machine includes those files or not under their system32 folder?

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Does Clean Installation Of Include Msvcrt.dll And Msvcirt.dll

Mar 23, 2008

I'm investigating a strange problem on behalf of a family member...he's got a brand new HP laptop, less than a month old, that came preloaded with Vista Home Premium (I believe--I don't have access to the laptop at this very moment). He's been spending a fair amount of time trading emails with the tech support group of a company making some software he's been trying to install since he got his laptop. They've finally identified the problem as his laptop missing two files, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll, from his system32 folder. I find that *very* strange, since, as far as I can tell, all Windows versions in recent years have shipped with these files--or at least msvcrt.dll--and my thought is that there's a lot of Windows components that would be broken without it. I don't have a Vista machine or Vista discs so I can't verify this for myself, but can anyone confirm whether a *clean* Vista (32-bit) machine includes those files or not under their system32 folder?

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