Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of File

Oct 9, 2009

I was installing a .msi file. I double clicked it, and my cat jumped on my keyboard. This unchecked the "always ask before opening this type of file" box, and I clicked continue, not realising until I clicked it. how do I make it ask me again? This option was from running it, off of my desktop. This is to do with Windows Installer

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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Can't Save Any Type Of File

Mar 17, 2009

I can't save any type of file. I click save or save as and nothing at all happens. If I close a spreadsheet and it ask if I want to save, I can click on yes and still nothing happens. Right clicking on a picture to save as, nothing happens.

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Use To Creat HCR File Type

Mar 19, 2009

what program do you use to create or read a .hcr file?

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How Do You Change A File Type Icon?

Mar 17, 2009

I want to change the icon associated with the mp3 file type. There are others I want to change.

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Change File Type Association

Mar 29, 2008

I am using Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. How do I change the file type so that it will open in the correct application? For some reason the little icon changed from the Photoshop (PSD) to the Quick Time Icon.

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ICO Image: File Type Not Supported

Aug 1, 2009

I have some ICO Images? the only program that opens this image is ACDSee 10? I have Adobe lightroom, photoshop, illustrator, flash and photoshop elements. Is ACDSee 10, the only program that can only open these types of images? I tried all my Adobe, but it says file type not supported?

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Backup: Include JSP File Type?

Mar 23, 2008

I just accidently lost a JSP file (it's a type of file, eg., somefile.jsp) and went to Backup and Restore to recover the file. Much to my shock and horror, it looks like no JSP files were backed up, even though I have all checkboxes checked in the Backup configuration and have regularly run backup. How do I get the Backup and Restore program to backup all files types? If Backup and Restore can't do it, is there something I can load (eg., maybe the old XP Pro backup) from Microsoft?

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Won't Associate File Type Jpg With A Program

Mar 17, 2009

Vista won't let me associate file type jpg with a program other than their defaults. I click on browse and select the program (PaintShop Pro), but when I return it only lets me pick one of the original defaults, not the one I browsed to. If I don't pick one of the defaults, the "OK" won't activate and I have to cancel.

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File Type Ordering Inconsistency

Mar 23, 2008

Almost trivial but annoying! [Vista HP, Office 2002]. I have a folder containing Excel .XLS files and CSV files associated with Excel. Unfortunately, when I "Group by Type" CSV files appear under "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", whereas XLS files are under "XLS Files". (Excel Templates are also "Microsoft Excel Template in Windows Explorer, charts are "Microsoft Excel Chart", etc. etc. i.e. XLS seems to be an exception).-I'd rather like all the Excel types to be adjacent. Looked in the registry (The reg key is at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTExcel.CSV) and under the Excel.CSV key is the "(default)" string "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", but surprisingly there is no Excel.XLS key that I could find to modify to give Windows Explorer a common Type-string beginning. How might I assert some control over this? What and where could I change in the registry? Of course there is the vanilla .xls key, which has as (default) "Excel.Sheet.8" - if I put a new (default) under Excel.Sheet.8 with the string "Microsoft Excel XLS Files" would that work?

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Opening Pst File: Windows Mail To Open That File

Feb 21, 2009

I had to reinstall Vista on my computer. Previously I used Outlook. I can't find the activation code so I want to try Windows Mail. I saved my Outlook email pst file. Is there a way to get Windows Mail to open that file.

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Opening Pdf File

May 5, 2010

im trying to open a pdf file using adobe 9 when i click the pdf is always trys to open in word processor i want to change so it try to open in adobe?

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MSI File Not Opening

Jan 29, 2010

Been using the forums a lot. I downloaded 7zip for V64 as an msi file. I clicked it and nothing happens. I then associated it with msiexec.exe out of syswow64 and then system32, no luck. I keep getting a dialogue box listing batch mode flags.

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Opening .pdf File Attachments

Oct 5, 2009

When I attempt to open .pdf file attachments I get the following: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel. I have Abode Reader 9. I don't know how to do this. Where is the Set Associations control panel?

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Can Not Opening Office File

Jan 2, 2008

I have a problem with office on 2 of my Pc's (Vista x64 & MCE2005) If I double click on any office file e.g. Spreadsheet.xlsx document.docx Nothing happens. Instead I must open them from the file (globe) open menu in program.

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Windows Not Opening A File

Apr 16, 2009

Vista Home Premium 64 bit Service Pack 1 Virus/Malware scanners up to date, nothing suspicious in tasks, no odd performance issues...Description of Problem After "Something ?" Happened, Windows lost the ability to Default-open Rtf files in wordpad. This Had been the default behavior. *At the time, OpenOffice was installed, and when this problem first occurred, Openoffce WP “became” the default Open action. I uninstalled Openoffice, which only resulted in “blank” icons for rtf files. Doubleclicking (shell-default verb) only results in “Windows cannot open this file…use web service, or browse to find correct application”

1) OK, web service does absolutely nothing. (Is this blocked by default firewall settings?)
2) Clicking “browse for correct app” SHOWS wordpad as the default, “suggested” app. (!!!) The “always use this app” checkbox is checked. Basically, this “checkbox” is apparently broken, because Windows can’t associate the file with the app. It always forgets, or does nothing.............

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Opening E-mail Can T Attachment File

Mar 24, 2008

I have an HP laptop with office. When I type out a paper in the word processor and attach it to an e-mail it cannot be opened - even on the same laptop. Any ideas/solutions? The attachment is in application/octet-stream. The two most abundant things in the world are hydrogen and stupidity.

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Can' T Opening E-mail Attachment File

Jul 29, 2009

When I receive a .doc attachment, I can't open it from the email. I get the message "the file cannot be found." If I save the attachment to a folder then try to open it, I am able to. Why won't it open directly from the email?

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Instantly Crashing File Opening

Feb 15, 2010

When I try to open an online game called "Subspace Continuum", the program loads but just gives me a black screen, sometimes shows a glitched cursor and instantly gets out of the game. Sometimes after this happens, Vista tells me that the colour scheme has changed. his only just started happening, and worked fine about 1 day ago, which was before I got 2 viruses called "Trojan:Win32/Alureon.CO" and "TrojanDownloader:Win32/Renos.KF". I am pretty sure these viruses have been removed now.

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WMP Message: "can't Open This Type Of File"

Oct 10, 2009

I have a large number of digital photos in HIGHMAT (.hmt) file format. I can't get them to open, now that I've moved to Vista. (WMP message is "can't open this type of file") I tried downloading the XP Highmat update, but it wouldn't install. I've looked on the net, but haven't yet found a solution. I have to find one, as these photos are business-related. Secondly, if and when I ever get them open, I'd like to change them to .jpeg. How could Ido that.

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Changing Folders View When Opening A File

Jun 10, 2009

I'm working in InDesign. I prefer for all my windows to come up in Detail view. When I "Open a File," the window comes up in List view. I can change that specific window to Detail, and it will stay that way, but I can't figure out how to universally change all such windows to open in Detail. Anybody know?

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Opening Outlook .pst File Within Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a data transfer file from my old and now dead computer that includes Microsoft Outlook mail personal folders and mail. I am unable to open the .pst file with any existing extension or program offered by vista. When I open with Windows mail, I only get current, newly opened Windows Mail and new messages from last two days. I have all my work search information and my divorce e-mail files. I need them desperately....and soon.

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Opening Attachments: "The File Does Not Have A Program Associated......

Jul 29, 2009

When I go to open an attachment, it tells me "The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." I have no idea what that means or how to find that control panel.

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Opening All Programs Error File Does Not Have A Program Associated Performing This Action

Jan 17, 2009

"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create and association in the Set Associations control panel" I have been having a problem with my computer for several days now. Opening all programs causes me to recieve this error message. I have to use right click + Run as Administrator to use any of my programs. I have done some forum surfing and tried several recommended techniques for correcting this problem but to no avail. I downloaded the exefix_vista reg file but the very same problem prevents me from merging it (I even tried fixing the reg extension but that failed aswell). I have run the sfc/scannow in command propmt but that came up empty. I would have fresh installed but I am away from home and do not have the means to reinstall vista. I apologize if this post seems in any way redundant but my forum searches have failed me. HELP! PLEASE!

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Cannot Type In Textboxes

Apr 13, 2008

I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I stated to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on without a hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change the field, I select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed it down and tried again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the same thing, try to type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I can type in my password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

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Email 'box' Moves When I Type

Oct 6, 2009

Whether I reply to someone's email or I create a new email, the scroll bar moves by itself either up or down while I'm typing in the message area - not just one or two lines. For instance I'll just begin typing an email and all of a sudden I'm at the bottom of the page. (Actually, it just did it now as I'm typing this). This happens all the time. Is there something that can be done about this?

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IE 7 Will Close Down If I Type In The Search Bar

Apr 4, 2010

I cannot pinpoint the exact date this first started happening, mainly because I use Firefox for most of my browsing. There are however some sites out there that still do not like Firefox.So on the rare occasion I am forced to use IE, I click on the icon IE opens, the second I try and type in the search bar it shuts down. I have tried upgrading to IE 8 and the same problem still exists.I have run my anti virus and also superANTIspyware, to make sure no nasties have made there way in. They both come up clean.Also if I get an email, that has a URL attached, I can click it open (IE is still mydefault browser), and it will take me to the page.But once again the second I try and type something into the search bar wham its gone. and if I try to use ctrl it disappears also.It never used to do this, I have to date tried :-

Upgrading to IE 8 (no difference)RED BACK TO 7
Reset all the defaults (no difference)
Been to this site How to fix Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close The first one works when i try regsvr32 wintrust.dll I get an error.The odule "wintrust.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005. do not know whether this is relevant or not, but I do not have MSN installed.

regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dl1

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Can Not Type Korean Language

May 19, 2008

I added Korean as other input language on Vista home premium system. I do see korean language bar appeared on my screen, but it won't just let me type in korean.

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Fastest DSL Connection Type?

Nov 26, 2009

I have Verizon DSL with their supplied DSL Modem. The computer can be connected to the moden via an Ethernet cable, USB or Wireless. It use to be in past years Ethernet was the fastest internet connection. Is that still true when compared to USB, and now USB 2 and Wireless?

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Type The Character "

Apr 10, 2008

I'm having trouble with this key: " I'm working in microsoft word and I want to type the character above but its showing some other character.

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What Type Of Backup Does Perform?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Busines on my laptop. I'm using the built-in back up tool to back up my laptop onto my home NAS device. I'm using apporx. 50B of my hard disk space on my laptop and each back up job seems to be around 1GB. When I go through the wizard, Vista never asked me whether I wanted to do a full or incremental back up. Can anyone tell me whether Vista is performing full or incremental backups? Does each backup job stand alone or do they need previous back ups in case I want to restore something?

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