ICO Image: File Type Not Supported

Aug 1, 2009

I have some ICO Images? the only program that opens this image is ACDSee 10? I have Adobe lightroom, photoshop, illustrator, flash and photoshop elements. Is ACDSee 10, the only program that can only open these types of images? I tried all my Adobe, but it says file type not supported?

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Background Image For Each Folder Type Not Showing.

Oct 13, 2008

Now before you get excited and hit reply to tell me what to do read this carefully and read it again if you have to.

1) I don't see a background image for any of my folder types on my system.
2) I already went into Advanced system settings to make sure it was checked, which it is, rebooted and nothing. Unchecked it, rebooted. Checked it, rebooted. Nothing.
3) I have done nothing to my system. I do not install 3rd party themes. I do not use any tweak programs to modify the appearance of anything. So what's the deal? Why am I not seeing a background image for each folder type? Let's review:

1) No background image for each folder type.
2) Already went into Advanced system settings to check the option there.
3) No 3rd party apps installed ever or tweaking done.Ideas? Perhaps it's been removed in the lastest version of Vista? I already went into Advanced system settings to check the option in case you didn't know.

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Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of File

Oct 9, 2009

I was installing a .msi file. I double clicked it, and my cat jumped on my keyboard. This unchecked the "always ask before opening this type of file" box, and I clicked continue, not realising until I clicked it. how do I make it ask me again? This option was from running it, off of my desktop. This is to do with Windows Installer

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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Can't Save Any Type Of File

Mar 17, 2009

I can't save any type of file. I click save or save as and nothing at all happens. If I close a spreadsheet and it ask if I want to save, I can click on yes and still nothing happens. Right clicking on a picture to save as, nothing happens.

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Use To Creat HCR File Type

Mar 19, 2009

what program do you use to create or read a .hcr file?

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Windows Movie Maker: File Is Not Supported

Aug 23, 2009

My friend with an HP laptop using Vista (version unknown) burned a file named Anniversary Video Final.mswmm onto a DVD_R for me. The file size is 2.89mb (that's mb-not gb). As I expected, my 3 year old Dell running WinXP SP3 won't play the file. The WMM on this machine (v 2.1.4026.4) says the file is not supported. Okay-that's fine...but the XP box could "see" the file. Then I took the disc over to my 1 year old Dell running Vista SP2 (WMM v 6.0.6002.18005). This machine cannot even see the file. I tried typing in the file name and it still won't find it. Yes the drive in the Vista box is a DVD drive-it reads other CDs-DVDs just fine (so far). This same machine while booted in Ubuntu could not read the disc (gave error message "invalid mount option").

Is there any good reason why the XP box could mount the disc and the Vista machine could not? Is it worthwhile to try and burn a copy of the disc on the XP box, or should I ask my friend to burn another disc for me?

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How Do You Change A File Type Icon?

Mar 17, 2009

I want to change the icon associated with the mp3 file type. There are others I want to change.

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Change File Type Association

Mar 29, 2008

I am using Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. How do I change the file type so that it will open in the correct application? For some reason the little icon changed from the Photoshop (PSD) to the Quick Time Icon.

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Backup: Include JSP File Type?

Mar 23, 2008

I just accidently lost a JSP file (it's a type of file, eg., somefile.jsp) and went to Backup and Restore to recover the file. Much to my shock and horror, it looks like no JSP files were backed up, even though I have all checkboxes checked in the Backup configuration and have regularly run backup. How do I get the Backup and Restore program to backup all files types? If Backup and Restore can't do it, is there something I can load (eg., maybe the old XP Pro backup) from Microsoft?

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Won't Associate File Type Jpg With A Program

Mar 17, 2009

Vista won't let me associate file type jpg with a program other than their defaults. I click on browse and select the program (PaintShop Pro), but when I return it only lets me pick one of the original defaults, not the one I browsed to. If I don't pick one of the defaults, the "OK" won't activate and I have to cancel.

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File Type Ordering Inconsistency

Mar 23, 2008

Almost trivial but annoying! [Vista HP, Office 2002]. I have a folder containing Excel .XLS files and CSV files associated with Excel. Unfortunately, when I "Group by Type" CSV files appear under "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", whereas XLS files are under "XLS Files". (Excel Templates are also "Microsoft Excel Template in Windows Explorer, charts are "Microsoft Excel Chart", etc. etc. i.e. XLS seems to be an exception).-I'd rather like all the Excel types to be adjacent. Looked in the registry (The reg key is at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTExcel.CSV) and under the Excel.CSV key is the "(default)" string "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values Files", but surprisingly there is no Excel.XLS key that I could find to modify to give Windows Explorer a common Type-string beginning. How might I assert some control over this? What and where could I change in the registry? Of course there is the vanilla .xls key, which has as (default) "Excel.Sheet.8" - if I put a new (default) under Excel.Sheet.8 with the string "Microsoft Excel XLS Files" would that work?

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Image File Problem

May 12, 2008

When I save any kind of image file to my desktop (jpeg, gif etc.) the file
wont open unless I put it in a folder first. I click on it and nothing
happens. I try right click > open with > and nothing happens, they will only
open if they are put in a folder. This problem only happens with image
files, all other files open with no problems.

I don't have SP1 installed on my Vista home premium.

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Can't Create Iso Image File

Mar 24, 2009

Could anyone explain to me why I cannot (for instance) create an ISO image file in C: I get an error message: "Unable to create or replace file Reason: A required privilege is not held by the client"

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Print Web Site Image To Adobe PDF File: Placed In Virtual

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to print a web site image to an Adobe PDF file, Vista states that for security purposes the pdf file will be placed in a "virtual" temporary internet file folder, then opens the virtual folder on C drive, but then doesn't save the file in the folder. I've been able to work around the problem by disabling all user account control security, but there has to be an easier way. I'd like to save files without security forcing them to a
specific folder.

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Windows Complete PC Restore Cannot See DVD With Backup Image File

Mar 26, 2008

upgrade HD from 60G to 250G without having to reinstall all files and programs. Windows Complete PC Restore cannot see DVD with backup image file

1. Backed up C: using Windows Complete PC Backup. (6 DVDs no errors.)
2. Removed old HD and inserted new.
3. Booted Windows Vista install DVD. (I proceeded to partition HD but did not complete the install.)
4. From Windows Recovery Environment, I chose Windows Complete PC Restore.
5. Inserted Backup image DVD disc1.
6. When it looked for the location of the image it couldn't find it so it fails.

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WMP Message: "can't Open This Type Of File"

Oct 10, 2009

I have a large number of digital photos in HIGHMAT (.hmt) file format. I can't get them to open, now that I've moved to Vista. (WMP message is "can't open this type of file") I tried downloading the XP Highmat update, but it wouldn't install. I've looked on the net, but haven't yet found a solution. I have to find one, as these photos are business-related. Secondly, if and when I ever get them open, I'd like to change them to .jpeg. How could Ido that.

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The "PrefetchLayout.ini" File Is Not Yet Supported

Apr 17, 2009

I've heard good things about the commercial apps Perfect Disk and O&O, and the freebie jkdefrag.

My main concern with jkdefrag is this:

The "PrefetchLayout.ini" file is not yet supported. This means" that JkDefrag will undo the boot optimization of the built-in XP and Vista defragger."

I'm not sure what that means but it doesn't sound good.

So which Defragger should I buy? (Or is Vista's own defragger good enough?)

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Which Disk Image Creation Software Is Good For Vista: Fat32 Or NTSF File System?

Mar 23, 2008

In previous years I used Ghost to create the image of my harddrive. It was simple, easy procedure and very fast. I booted up computer to the command prompt and restored harddrive in few minutes!!! But it was FAT32 system. Now, with Vista I do not have a choice but to use NTSF file system. Which program offers the most features for disk image creation? I know it will be impossible for me to restore image from command boot option, but what the options I have? Can I for example take the harddrive to another computer and restore the image in there? Or create bootable CD (DVD?) and restore the image that way? Or I have to first install Windows and then restore?

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FSX - 64 Bit OS Not Supported

Oct 14, 2009

I recently purchased a new system primarily to run MS Flight Simulator FSX. The OS on my new righ (Packard Bell iXtreme) is Vista 64bit and I am already finding out that many addon programs to FSX are not supported by 64Bit OS. My question is whether or not I should upgrade to Windows 7.

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Font Not Supported

Oct 1, 2009

i think my vista has lost few of it font that it previously supported.

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Hot Mail Not Supported

Mar 23, 2008

When i try to send an email to some internet "contact us" link, it don't work. a couple windows come up- i write my message, add my name and then my email, which is hotmail. then it says it doesn't support hotmail, but aren't wndows live and hotmail linked somehow, is it a default email prob. or what?

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Screen Resolution Not Supported

Oct 18, 2008

Although my card supports 2xxx x 1xxx resolutions and my monitor supports 1920x1200 optimal; I can only reach 1920x1080 at maximum resolution. All my drivers are up to date. What can I do to solve this problem? Can I do anything? What is wrong?

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Burning Cd And Scanner Is Not Supported

Apr 20, 2010

I have been trying to burn a clutch of photographs to a cd for the first time on my Dell Laptop using Vista. I am using old cds (CD-RW) that I know are free and I have been using them to transfer photographs from an older PC so I know that laptop is able to read the cds. I have had to use the old PC to scan the photographs as my scanner is not supported by Vista.

However, when I come to burn the photographs I get a message that windows cannot complete the format or it hangs after taking forever to try to complete the format. I have to admit I do not understand the process and thought I would be able to drag and drop as I have done with a flash drive. I did have Nero on my old PC but I cannot use that as I cannot get the photographs back to the PC from the laptop. I am fairly sure the old PC does not support a flash drive. Also the old PC does not have an Ethernet port.

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Graphics Card Is Not Supported

May 14, 2009

I havent been on these forums in a while, which is good becuz it means i have had no problems but... i want a new graphics card becuz my intel card doesnt currently support the detail i want it to.

I currently have the Moblie intel(R) 965 express chipset family, but it doesnt support lighting detail on a game i play. its browser based, and the tech forums for that game says its my graphics card. I am awaiting full confirmation as of yet. Until then, i would like a nvidia graphics card series 6 or upwards, and i am looking to pay £50 so i dont think i am gonna get the 9 series

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Windows Mail: MSN Is Not Supported

May 28, 2009

Im trying to put info. in the Incoming mail server and Outgoing mail server box. I have know idea what to put in it. I keep getting error messages. This is getting very frustrating because i used MSN and it no longer supports it.

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AVG 7.5 Free Edition Not Supported Any More

Jul 3, 2008

I've been using AVG on one of my computers (with OS 2000 prof) and have loved it (coupled with Zone Alarm). My parents just got a new HP desktop computer with Vista Home Premium installed. I installed the free edition AVG 7.5 and free edition Zone Alarm and everything worked fine. Then AVG sent out notices that AVG 7.5 free edition would not be supported any more (definition updates). I left 7.5 on and downloaded 8.0 thinking it would update over it. But that failed. So, I uninstalled 7.5 (admittedly, I did not turn it off first. Then I downloaded and installed 8.0 free edition. At this point, it seemed to work just fine. I had to uninstall it a week or so later (we won't go into those details) for reasons other than it not working properly.

I then proceeded to download 8.0 free edition once again. So, here is where it all went bad: It downloaded fine, it did its first update fine, it restarted itself fine. However, when I shut down the computer and then put it back on, Vista got caught in a loop - getting as far as the Windows Password/Login menu and then looping back to the initial start up process. The only way to get out of it was to use the F8 function and choosing Use Last Good Configuration. I then turned off AVG and Vista still got caught in the loop. I had to completely uninstall AVG for the computer to shut down and then start up normally. I really hate my parents' computer being vulnerable with no anti-virus on it currently. Not sure what to do. AVG will not help me because its a free edition (even though I use other licensed products of theirs) and I've found no help in their user forum.

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Video Card Not Supported

Feb 13, 2008

main reason is because my current video card isn't supported on vista and is only running on 16bits instead of 32 and overall picture display seems to be dark then usual even with the brightness on the monitor turned up all the way but i only have a regular 15.7inch monitor.

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Cannot Type In Textboxes

Apr 13, 2008

I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I stated to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on without a hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change the field, I select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed it down and tried again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the same thing, try to type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I can type in my password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

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Windows - Until When It Will Survive Stop Being Supported

Aug 18, 2009

Windows 7 release is nigh, and of course Windows Vista will still be supported, but until when? Well, I know that Windows XP will be ditched in April 2014, when will Vista stop being supported?

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New Language Interface Packs Is Supported?

May 8, 2008

Microsoft has released new Language Interface Packs for Windows Vista. The LIPs can be applied to all Vista editions as long as the parent language is supported. These language packs are not Ultimate extras. Some restrictions apply to Vista Starter. Also, new LIPs have been released for the Office 2007 products.

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