Background Image For Each Folder Type Not Showing.

Oct 13, 2008

Now before you get excited and hit reply to tell me what to do read this carefully and read it again if you have to.

1) I don't see a background image for any of my folder types on my system.
2) I already went into Advanced system settings to make sure it was checked, which it is, rebooted and nothing. Unchecked it, rebooted. Checked it, rebooted. Nothing.
3) I have done nothing to my system. I do not install 3rd party themes. I do not use any tweak programs to modify the appearance of anything. So what's the deal? Why am I not seeing a background image for each folder type? Let's review:

1) No background image for each folder type.
2) Already went into Advanced system settings to check the option there.
3) No 3rd party apps installed ever or tweaking done.Ideas? Perhaps it's been removed in the lastest version of Vista? I already went into Advanced system settings to check the option in case you didn't know.

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ICO Image: File Type Not Supported

Aug 1, 2009

I have some ICO Images? the only program that opens this image is ACDSee 10? I have Adobe lightroom, photoshop, illustrator, flash and photoshop elements. Is ACDSee 10, the only program that can only open these types of images? I tried all my Adobe, but it says file type not supported?

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Cant Put Background Image

May 25, 2008

why cant i put a background image on my laptop? the only thing it allows me to do is change the backgrounds colors.

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How Can I Change A GIF Image Background To Transparent?

Jan 25, 2009

I didn't know anything about GIF images until today when I discovered I had to change a JPEG's image background to transparent. I downloaded an image editing program (Coral Paint Shop Pro) and after about two hours of trial and error I only got to changing the background to a solid colour (light red), after which I deleted the program because ALL my image files were redirected there when I clicked on them (instead of Windows Photo Viewer and such).

Now I want to know if and how I can make the background transparent without image editing software. I followed one online suggestion which was to:

- Open MO Excel
- Under the "Insert" tab click "Picture" and upload image
- Under the "Format" tab click "Recolor" and choose "Set Transparent Color", then choose the color you want transparent and click on it...but that only gave me an image I wanted in an Excel spreadsheet which I couldn't save as a GIF in any program I tried.

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Display Background Image Across Multiple Monitors

Mar 18, 2007

I am a multi-monitor Windows Vista user ever since I got hooked on multiple monitor at work. Two monitors make doing multiple tasks at one so much easier.  If I am working on an article or trying to be creative in Photoshop, everything is just much easier because I always have multiple applications open at once.  One feature that I wish I had as soon as I purchased my two monitors and hooked them up was the ability to stretch my wallpaper across both monitors.  I wanted to use a very large and wide photo as my background that would like cool displayed across both monitors. Something like the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco or a cityscape.   After installing and uninstalling Ultra Mon, a third-party shareware utility that I heard is great for multi-monitors, I wanted a easier solution and not something that I had to run in the background.  A few weeks go by until I accidentally stumble across how to natively stretch your wallpaper across multiple monitors.   Follow these steps in to display a large image across multiple monitors: ...

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Changing Background, Image Plain Color The Sidebar Does Not Change

Mar 12, 2006

1) When changing the background from an image to just a plain color the sidebar does not change, it is still looking as if there is a background image behind it. It will only adapt to the change if you flip it from left to right, and back to left again. Same thing goes for taskbar/start menu bar on the bottom.

2) Sometime I get random re-boots when resuming from standbye or just for the hell of it sometimes.

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No Sound, Drive Noise, Jittery Image, Background Blue

Sep 19, 2008

I just finished setting up my Media Center on Vista Home Premium, got all the latest drivers and SP1 and updates. DVD playback is giving me some trouble though, and I've resorted to playing them on my 4-5 year old DVD player instead, which is just plain stupid when I have this whole machine set up with Vista Media Center. I've experienced several problems:

1) No sound.

I have the sound card stereo cable going into the back of the TV, it's possible that VMC isn't downsampling the 5.1 audio to stereo and that it's outputting it over a different port.

2) Drive noise

VMC spins up the drive, as if it's buffering up, then slows it down, then spins it up again, then slows down. It's really annoying as you can imagine. Is there a way to make it read the DVD video disc at a constant, lower speed? Say 2x or 4x ?

3) Jittery image

When played on a standalone player the DVD is fine. However on Vista Media Center it's a bit "jumpy". You can see this quite clearly for example on the credits, text appears (for example film title) and it's jittery, moving up and down a tiny bit. On the standalone player its perfectly stable.

4) Image colors

There's a warning text at the start of the DVD, the general copyright thing. The background is blue on a standalone player, but when played through VMC it's pink?! Definitely too much red on the output.

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Program Files Folder Switched To Pictures Folder Type...

Apr 15, 2008

I don't know how this happened, but I didn't do it myself. For some reason,my Program Files directory has been changed to the Photos directory type, so it changed from the details like file type, size, etc., to rating, photo size, etc.I cannot figure out how to change the directory back to a General file folder type. The toolbar shows things like Slide Show, etc.The sub-directories are all fine and appear as a General type. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32-bit, without SP1.How do I change the folder type back to General?I can't figure out how with this single folder.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Where Is The Picture If I "Set Image As Background"?

May 7, 2009

For some websites I have found that they block me from saving a picture onto my HD. I can, however, set the picture as my background. I'm wondering if the computer saves the file in some temporary location while it's on my desktop.

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Folders Pane Showing 2 Of Every Folder

Sep 23, 2009

The pic is fairly self-explanatory, but as you can see on the left hand side in the folders pane, there is 2 of nearly every folder.

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Folder Not Showing The Music Files

Mar 24, 2010

I've been having trouble with a folder. I placed a music file in a folder that it shouldn't have been in and the image art is now on the folder. I can't seem to get it to return to default. I've done the folder options with no avail. I have some knowledge of computers. If you tell me what needs to be done I can navigate my way through and get it done. My machine is HP G60-237NR Notebook running Vista Home Premium 32bit.

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Shortcuts Unlock Toolbar Folder Is Showing

Oct 28, 2008

To the right of "Shortcuts" toolbar, you can see a bit of the first folder (the yellow thing). If I unlock the taskbar, it goes away, but if I lock the taskbar, that yellow part of the first folder is showing. In XP, this doesn't happen... does anyone know how to fix this in vista?

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Stop Showing Drop Down Menu Favorites Folder IE

Mar 23, 2009

every time i click on the favorites it has folders on the bottom is there a way to stop them showing on the drop down menu of favorites of IE

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Folder :: Details Pane Not Showing Accumulative File Size Total

Mar 23, 2008

When I click on a folder, then look down in the Details Pane at the bottom it shows the number of files in the folder but NOT the accumulative file size total.

I also noticed the same thing when I had the Recycle Bin Folder open.

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4gb Showing Sys, 2gb Showing In Task Manager

May 18, 2008

I just installed an additional 2gb of RAM on my system, but this is not showing in the Task Manager. It iniitally was not showing in either, but after installing SP1 Sys info was updated.

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Cannot Type In Textboxes

Apr 13, 2008

I did a fresh install of Vista, and a stange problem has cropped up. I stated to re-install my programs, everything on C: by default when on without a hitch, but I want to install my games on E:. When I go to change the field, I select the text box and the program will crash. So I closed it down and tried again, same thing. So I opened Firefox, and it does the same thing, try to type a URL in and FF locks up. The keyboard works as I can type in my password at the beginning of Vista and if I press num lock for example it toggle on/off. My impression of Vista now is terrible, because now my computer is unusable. Does anybody know how to fix this?

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Email 'box' Moves When I Type

Oct 6, 2009

Whether I reply to someone's email or I create a new email, the scroll bar moves by itself either up or down while I'm typing in the message area - not just one or two lines. For instance I'll just begin typing an email and all of a sudden I'm at the bottom of the page. (Actually, it just did it now as I'm typing this). This happens all the time. Is there something that can be done about this?

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IE 7 Will Close Down If I Type In The Search Bar

Apr 4, 2010

I cannot pinpoint the exact date this first started happening, mainly because I use Firefox for most of my browsing. There are however some sites out there that still do not like Firefox.So on the rare occasion I am forced to use IE, I click on the icon IE opens, the second I try and type in the search bar it shuts down. I have tried upgrading to IE 8 and the same problem still exists.I have run my anti virus and also superANTIspyware, to make sure no nasties have made there way in. They both come up clean.Also if I get an email, that has a URL attached, I can click it open (IE is still mydefault browser), and it will take me to the page.But once again the second I try and type something into the search bar wham its gone. and if I try to use ctrl it disappears also.It never used to do this, I have to date tried :-

Upgrading to IE 8 (no difference)RED BACK TO 7
Reset all the defaults (no difference)
Been to this site How to fix Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close The first one works when i try regsvr32 wintrust.dll I get an error.The odule "wintrust.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005. do not know whether this is relevant or not, but I do not have MSN installed.

regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dl1

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Can Not Type Korean Language

May 19, 2008

I added Korean as other input language on Vista home premium system. I do see korean language bar appeared on my screen, but it won't just let me type in korean.

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Always Ask Before Opening This Type Of File

Oct 9, 2009

I was installing a .msi file. I double clicked it, and my cat jumped on my keyboard. This unchecked the "always ask before opening this type of file" box, and I clicked continue, not realising until I clicked it. how do I make it ask me again? This option was from running it, off of my desktop. This is to do with Windows Installer

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Fastest DSL Connection Type?

Nov 26, 2009

I have Verizon DSL with their supplied DSL Modem. The computer can be connected to the moden via an Ethernet cable, USB or Wireless. It use to be in past years Ethernet was the fastest internet connection. Is that still true when compared to USB, and now USB 2 and Wireless?

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Type The Character "

Apr 10, 2008

I'm having trouble with this key: " I'm working in microsoft word and I want to type the character above but its showing some other character.

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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What Type Of Backup Does Perform?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Busines on my laptop. I'm using the built-in back up tool to back up my laptop onto my home NAS device. I'm using apporx. 50B of my hard disk space on my laptop and each back up job seems to be around 1GB. When I go through the wizard, Vista never asked me whether I wanted to do a full or incremental back up. Can anyone tell me whether Vista is performing full or incremental backups? Does each backup job stand alone or do they need previous back ups in case I want to restore something?

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Can't Save Any Type Of File

Mar 17, 2009

I can't save any type of file. I click save or save as and nothing at all happens. If I close a spreadsheet and it ask if I want to save, I can click on yes and still nothing happens. Right clicking on a picture to save as, nothing happens.

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Use To Creat HCR File Type

Mar 19, 2009

what program do you use to create or read a .hcr file?

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Deleted Items NOT Showing Up In Deleted Items Folder

Dec 31, 2009

I've been using Windows Mail for 18 months without any significant problems.

Now, when I delete an email from my "Inbox," it does NOT appear in my "Deleted Items" folder. It just seems to disappear. I did read many of the earlier posts and have tried the suggestions. I've gone to Tools>Options>Advanced>Maintenance - the "Empty messages from the Deleted Items folder on exit" is NOT checked. I've also gone to Current View "Show all messages" - that's identified/checked. Is there something else that I can do? I'd appreciate any suggestions. This is the first time I've used
the Discussion Group, so I hope that I'm doing this correctly.

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How Do You Change A File Type Icon?

Mar 17, 2009

I want to change the icon associated with the mp3 file type. There are others I want to change.

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IE7 Beta, Type Address Freeze

Jun 5, 2006

Anyway, my problem is that whenever I start IE7 Beta2 for Vista (5384.4) it acts normal but whenever I go to type in an address or go to the tools or anything else it will freeze and I have to close it via Task Manager. When I first Vista Beta 2 IE7 worked fine for the first few days, but then it randomly started acting strange, i didn't install any other software. Also, i tried to uninstall or re-install but I can't find a download for the Vista version of IE7 Beta or a way to uninstall it, and the XP Version won't work, even in XP compatability mode. Is anyone else having similiar issues or know how to resolve this issue?

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