Drive Renaming /DVD Not Working

Sep 19, 2009

My DVD player has been working on and off for about a year now. I've finally decided to sort it out, and have done the following but no luck:

1. Deleted upper/lower filters
2. Uninstalled/reinstalled drivers
3. Renamed drive letters in Computer Management (as suggested by

Having looked round a number of forums, they seem to suggest Vista has a specific problem renaming drives when new USBs/dongles/hard drives are used on the machine, which results in DVD player problems and 'no disk' errors. For instance, other people have had DVD recognition problems when installing new hard drives, or using USBs to transfer music files.

From the forums, the answer seems to be renaming drives in the *memory card readers *also, so that windows knows where to go for stuff. But I don't know how exactly to do this, what to rename and how, and whether this works when you're using 2 USBs and a dongle.

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Cannot Renaming The Subfolders

Apr 4, 2009

This sounds like one of those Vista curses. I'm the sole new user of a home media center PC running Vista 64 bit ultimate. Privileges are of absolutely zero concern. So I try to rename a folder, call it MainFolder located in UserName | Music and which contains numerous subfolders created by Windows Media Player 11. I can rename the subfolders with no problem. But today, for the first time I tried to rename the MainFolder. I get a warning that I need permission,and to try again (which does nothing).

I right click the folder's properties and see that the read-only attribute is checked (not by me). I uncheck it and try renaming again. Same result, and on my returning to Properties, the read only box is miraculously rechecked. I click on Properties | Security and see that all are checked "Allow" except special permissions, which is blank. I click Advanced, and in the resulting Permissions tab I see the following:

Name Permission

WMP Network Service Full control
WMP Network Service Read
Username Full Control

Anyhow, All I want is For Vista to allow me or anyone using the computer to be able to use it without requiring passwords, secret handshakes, etc...

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Problems While Renaming Any Folder

Jan 1, 2009

I Having Great Problem While Renaming Any Folder ...

Whether {Renaming} a NEW - FOLDER or {Renaming } an Existing Folder

plz help me to sort out this problem

below is the screen-shot of what actually the error is coming :

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Renaming Many Files At 1 Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have a lot of Pictures in my pictures folder,that start from file number 01-200,they are pictures taken from my camera. I need to rename them? instead of renaming them for eg: Riptorn 1 Riptorn 2, can I rename the whole lot?

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Deleting And Renaming User Accounts

Jan 24, 2009

I have recently created a new user account on my Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit OS because I had problems with my CPU Usage firing up to 100. Anyways, I made this new account and kept some of the files from my old account. My problem is that the old account is still showing up in the Computer>OS(C:)>Users folder, and when I try to delete it it says I need permission. I tried the "Taking Ownership" tutorial and that didn't help because it still said I needed permission to delete it. I also tried to go to Properties>Security and give myself (the only admin on my computer) complete rights to delete/rename/etc. No such luck there either. So I guess my two questions are:

1) Can I delete my old user account files and how?
2) Can I rename this new account so that it doesn't show up as OldName_2 in the file directory?

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Renaming Files, Way To Include Extension?

May 19, 2007

This is probably small to most people and maybe many prefer it now, but when manually renaming a file the extension is not highlighted forcing me to have to perform a second manual operation to highlight the whole filename. It is the 'rename' function but I use it to copy and paste the entire file name. Like I said it is probably a minor thing to most, but I do this many, many times a day so if there was anyway to have this function behave like it did in all previous Windows versions I would like to know how to do that.

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Renaming User Not Reflected In Windows Explorer

Jun 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1. I don't know if this occurred in XP or not. I have renamed a user, but when I use Windows Explorer, the old user name shows up instead of the new one, even after a restart. What can I do to get consistency?

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Batch File Renaming In Vista Doesn't Work!

Mar 23, 2008

To rename a file, you do not need to open the file in a program.

Right-click the file that you want to rename, and then click Rename.

Type the new name, and then press ENTER. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.


You can also rename several files at once. If you give files of the same type the same name, each file will have the same name followed by a different sequential number (such as Renamed File (2), Renamed File (3), and so on). This can be useful for grouping related items. To do this, select all the files you want to rename, and then follow the same steps as you would for renaming an individual file. Each of the files will be saved with the new name, and a different sequential number will be appended automatically to the end of each file name.

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DVD Drive Stopped Working: Nothing In The Drive

Oct 14, 2008

I have the Samsung SH-S223F as my DVD drive, recently it has stopped reading discs, so i can no longer watch DVDs, or get pictures from any of my CDs, its as if there is nothing in the drive. I dont get any error messages except one time it said something about a soundcard driver fault but i didnt read the whole message as it dissapeared, shutting down WMP with it. I do have a soundcard installed (Genius Soundmaker Value 5.1, which i took from my old XP build) but have now reverted to using the onboard sound. Ill remove the soundcard this afternoon to see if that makes a difference.

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Keep Folder View Settings After Renaming Folder

Nov 20, 2009

every time I rename a folder, Vista changes the folder view settings in that folder back to the default for that specific folder. I have gone through the tutorials in this forum about making Vista always remember the current folder settings. That is not my issue. An example of what I mean: Let us say I have a folder named "Music" and the folder view settings are set to 'Music Details'. Fine. But let us now say that I also want to show the bit rates and/or the length of the songs. 'Music Details' does not have this by default, so I right-click and at the bar (tab? menu?) and choose to show them. So far so good, and my settings are always there. However, if I change the folder name to something else, the view settings revert back to the original 'Music Details'. Is there a way of stopping this from happening? I often change folder names and/or move them around, and it is annoying to always have to add/remove what I want from the view settings.

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CD Drive Not Working

Jun 19, 2008

Last week my CD drive was working perfectly. Today I inserted a disk (which
I have used before) and the drive doesn't work, it doesn't even show up.
Have I done something? Or is Vista messing me up.

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DVD/CD Drive Not Working

May 3, 2008

Vista Home Premium Version, Service Release 1 installed. I have a Lightscribe DVD SuperMulti Drive / CD Burner. It was working fine until I installed Photo2DVD program. Uninstalled the problem software (photo2DVD) and now DVD/CD does not work.

Get this message in Device Manager: "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available."

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DVD Drive Not Working

Jun 9, 2008

When I insert a CD or DVD into one of my two drives, it will play but I can't get it to eject. The physical drive button doesn't do it, and if I right click on the drive letter and try "eject" I get an error message. The only way is to physically insert something in the hole, or reboot.

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DVD Drive Is Not Working

May 2, 2009

When I insert a CD or a DVD, and double-click the disc drive in Windows Explorer after you insert the disc, the following error message: Insert disk Please insert a disk into Drive (DriveLetter. As you said I select click on Control panel - sound - show disabeld devices and enabled . Still that problem exist.

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DVD-CD Drive Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Pioneer DVD-RW DVR K17A ATA Device dvd/cd drive that is not working on my Toshiba laptop. When I check out the drives properties through my device settings, the device status reads as below: "This device cannot start. (Code 10) Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available." After I check for solutions, nothing happens. I cannot play dvd's or cds or any programs that use this drive.

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CD ROM Drive Is Not Working

Sep 23, 2009

I have a Toshiba Satellite with Vista32bit and the CD ROM drive is not working. It is called MAT****A DVD-RAM UJ-850S ATA Device. (**** indicate profanity so please use your imagination--starts with 's', ends with 't') In 'Device Manager' I get this message "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing (Code39). When I click "check for solutions" nothing is reported back to me and I can't find out what Code 39 means. When I try to update the driver, I get this message "The best driver software for your device is already installed. Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date."

I've also run a ParetoLogic driver scan and it says the driver is okay and up to date. System Information says Drive-Not Available and Status-Error. Also the Network Adaptor 6TO4 Adaptor is in a state of error and System Information says "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device." I think the problem was caused when I reinstalled my printer using the disc. I reinstalled it then updated it online. The disc drive whirred into action when I clicked to update the driver, I remembered I hadn't removed the disc and promptly did so...I think that was my mistake.

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CD/DVD Drive Doesn't Working

Dec 2, 2008

I posted this a couple of months back: I have a Toshiba Satellite L300 and my DVD drive doesn't seem to be working. I tried it with various CDs and DVDs and it never detects anything. So I went to the Device Manager and this is what it says: TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L632H ATA cannot start (Code 10)." But while the solution kind of worked, it's still not playing the DVDs everytime. First, it doesn't always eject the disc. The only way I can ALWAYS get it out is during restart, or using a paperclip. Second, even if I take the disc out, the computer still tells me it's there (it displays the disc name too...). And worst of all, if the disc is in, it displays the disc name and I click on it, it doesn't load anything most of the time. Unless I restart it, take the disc out at that time and then put it in (and that's not guaranteed to work either).

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DVD Drive Not Working/missing

Aug 31, 2009

i had not used my dvd drive in a while (oh yea it's a hp dv6824) and the other day i tried to open it and it would open so i used a paper clip and opened closed it back . No response so i restarted the machine , my drive no longer appears in my computer or device manager, so after a few days of doing just about everything i could think of including restoring to factory state, nothing worked the drive would function while the machine booted but as it loaded vista it stoped functioning instantly.

i did the registry fix for the upper and lower fix (itunes issues) nothing still After getting throughly frustrated i removed the drive put it back and still nothing so i did a bios flash back to an older bios and magically it started working again then i went to sleep and so did the machine upon the machine resume it all disappeared again i tried the bios flash once more to no avail

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External Drive Not Working

May 17, 2009

i have simpletech 160gb external drive. i cannot access my external drive,i can see the drive but i cannot access it i dont want to format because lots of important file are in it. when i check it from disk management right click the drive E: then on the property windows i choose tools clik the check now boton. it gives me error "The disk check could not be performed because Windows cannot access the disk."

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CD Drive Wasn't Working

Jan 16, 2010

My CD drive wasn't working for a while. I can't remember when it began to do this but it has been a while now. I read forum after forum but couldn't find anything specific to my problems. The CD drive spins the CD, just won't start it to CD. It doesn't matter if it's a CD or DVD.

I ran a "mr. fix it" and it came back and said the dick drive was not detected. Device manager doesn't list the CD/DVD drive, only WDC WD3200BEVT-60ZCT0 ATA Device. I tried updating the drivers and it says they are all up to date. There aren't any filters in the Registry Editor. This did catch my eye, don't know what it means. It is located in the Registry Editor...............

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USB Flash Drive Can Not Working

Aug 1, 2009

Running Vista and every time I plug in my new USB drive, the OS does not see it. If I reboot,

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Flash Drive Not Working

Jun 20, 2009

I can't seem to use my 4G flash drive to use for ready boost. It tells me that this device does not have the required performance characteristics.

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Disk Drive Wont Working

Mar 23, 2008

I can't play any games on my laptop, because for some reason my drive isn't working. I have Windows Vista but I don't have a disk because it was already on my laptop when I got it. I went to my drives to view what was going on and I get this message: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) I don't know what this is and I have never seen it before. The drive Optiarc CD-RW CRX880A ATA Device it has the picture of the drive and for some odd reason there's a caution sign on it.

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Boot Installer Not Working From DVD Drive

Mar 26, 2008

i am running Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit on a custom built PC (Info at bottom). The problem is that there was an issues with the PC and some OS files were corrupted causing problems with Vista. I have tried to load the vista install boot DVD to do a system restore or a clean install of vista but for some reason it cannot boot from the dvd drive. Now i have tried everything i can think of. I have changed the priorities of the boot devices so it boots the DVD drive first however it seems to just ignore it. the drive powers up and reads and whatnot but it doesnt boot the cd it just loads from the HD. When i remove all the boot list items and leave just the DVD drive as the boot option i get a screen saying insert boot media/disk and press any key to continue. Upon doing that the message just appears again. I have checked the hardware. everythings connected properly and tightly. I even stripped the system down to only the Mobo, CPU, Video Card, HD and dvd drive are in and still nothing.

I have installed Vista from this cd on another machine and on 2 different hard drives in this machine in the past. 1 install was about a week ago. i have even tried using a windows XP boot disk and still it doesnt boot from the dvd drive. The DVD drive works perfectly with no problems when the OS is running. I can read and burn cd/dvd and play music and games on it. Recognizes it as a vista install disk as well when the os is running. The Bios recognizes all the devices connected to it as well (HD, CPU, DVD drive, etc) I am just stumped as to what it could be.

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Random Hard Drive Not Working

Apr 7, 2009

I have a hard drive laying around from an old computer I had. I'm trying to figure out how many GB it is. I was wondering if anyone can find out what the GB is on this, I looked around but couldn't be sure as to what.

Name: Maxtor
Model: 96147U8
HDA: 08A
Unique: 66B
Code: BAC51KJ0

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SATA Drive Doesn't Working

Jan 26, 2010

I currently have a SATA drive in my desktop. I desire to add a second SATA drive to increase storage space. In reading about the drives many places speak of the need for special SATA cables. I have not pulled the case yet on my computer but, with older computers, there have always been extra connectors on the ribbon and power cable to connect to additional drives. My basic question is if I purchase a "bare" drive, do I need some sort of cables to connect it as a second drive in my computer??

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Hard Drive Doesn't Working

Nov 6, 2009

I have an HP Pavillion a1473w that I installed a new WD 320 drive in a few weeks ago. This a second internal drive just for data. Been working fine until tonight when it just vanished. It shows up in bios but not in explorer (My Computer) or in Device Manager.When installed I initialized it as 1 partition and formatted it. Worked fine.I don't care about the data, just want my drive back.

What shows in bios:
Samsung SP2004C

Doesn't show in drive management either. Tried new data cable (SATA) and reseated power cables. Even removed one of the DVD drives thinking it might be a power problem.Also the computer takes about twice as long to boot.Don't have another computer to try it in (my Mac is IDE).Using Vista Home Premium. All updates.

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CD Drive Isnt Working, Wont Run Any Cds Or Software

Mar 24, 2008

CD Drive isnt working, wont run any cds or software, please help worked last week, brand new.

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Hard Drive Failure, Windows Not Working

Jul 30, 2008

went to get a new laptop and founds a nice mew Toshiba laptop (have to check model number) got the laptop home an started up fine worked fine also got thee system online and with all the anti virus set up (used the 90 day Norton trial) worked fine next day I stared the laptop up and the worked fine for a wile then went into a full crash with nothing responding forced a reboot look fine bios came up vista went to load the bar stuck and then restarted then kept doing this and no hard drive activity left the machine

and still stayed like this tried restore and start-up recovery as the pc was loading in safe mode the laptop did start the reload of the hard drive after that said was successful rebooted and did not want to load up ,took the pc back and checked the machine out they could not fix there machine the man told me the machine was not going to work and sated to fill out a Toshiba doa form stating that hard drive failure was the cause, that left me the option to change the laptop or get my money back and chose the get money back to see what i could get else were still looking I am thinking of getting a Sony vairo instead

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External Hard Drive Has Stopped Working

Feb 6, 2009

i went to listen to some music on my external hard drive and it is not working. this is the first time it has stopped working and i am not sure what to do i thought i would post this thread and find out some info. I am not sure what is going on i do not know if it is broken or anything but i plug the external into both the usb ports and still nothing. it may be that windows vista is not reading but if you guys know anything or know something i should even try please do as this is very important to me as it contains very important info.

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Hard Disk Drive Failure Working

Nov 7, 2008

I have 2 hard disk drives: Seagate 1000GB 7200.11 32MB Western Digital 150GB 10KRPM 16MB and two days ago, the Seagate hard drive isnt being recognized/seen by the computer. I have an Asus P5Q3 Deluxe mother board. A week before this problem I was getting alot of BSOD's and freezes, turned out to be faulty RAM, but added this in case it might help. I have never had this problem before... I unplugged and replugged the hard drive, and switched a cord that links it to the motherboard. I have also tried putting the cord into a different SATA port but it didnt work, I didnt try a diff power cord yet, but I will see if it works or not and post it PS - I'm not very computer technical or w/e, but

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