Power Management Admin Option Change

Mar 27, 2008

Is there a definitive description of the Vista Power Management options? Something like a system adminstrator description of all the options and what affect each change will have.

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Power Management No Longer Allowing Me To Change Display Brightnes

Apr 17, 2008

I'm on a Toshiba Satellite that's worked fairly well except for a few self-repaired hiccups. However, about a week ago my power management plans suddenly stopped working. I can switch from different plans that change how quickly my display turns off, but my screen has been stuck at the lowest brightness possible for a while now. It has nothing to do with the plans themselves, I've restored all to their default settings and still no change in brightness when I switch between all of them. The little slider to adjust
brightness simply does not appear anymore. I can't find what exactly it is that's malfunctioning to reinstall, as no power management driver appeared on my disk from Toshiba. Can anyone provide an explanation or perhaps a link to repair this?

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Power Option: Can Show The Power Plan In Tray

Mar 15, 2008

is there any way to show the power plan in tray like in winxp so i can change between plans (balanced, power saver...)

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Why I Cant Make "run As Admin" Option Even If I On Admin Acccount

Aug 7, 2008

1.why i cant make "run as admin" option even if i on admin acccount?
2.how i can stop hard drive flashing w/o stop.
3.why copy/paste take so long?

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Processor Power Management Works In Vista?

Mar 23, 2009

After reading multiple articles on various site regarding how the processor power management works in Vista, I have yet to find a resolution to my current situation. I am running Vista Home Premium 32bit on my HP Pavilion tx 2110 with an AMD X2 Mobile Tech TL-62 2.1Ghz and 3gb of RAM. Whenever my laptop is unplugged from the wall and running on the battery, Vista seems to limit the processor frequency to 38% of the max (roughly 800mhz) no mater the power plan or processor load. While the computer is plugged in however, everything runs beautifully with the frequency at 100%.

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Default Option Admin Username And Password

Sep 22, 2009

im trying to forward some ports through my modem (not firewall). i try entering my default gateway into the internet browser address, but it pops up a screen that asks me for a username and password, it never used to do that before i got this new internet. i tried all the default options like "admin" for username and "password" for password. or "admin" for both username and password, but nothing seems to let me into my modem settings,

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Power Settings Option, Set Timeout

Feb 18, 2010

Had to do a rebuild on my pc, before rebuild, on power settings option I could set timeout for screen and put the computer to sleep. After the rebuild Put the computer to sleep is greyed out and will take no changes. PC is on a domain, I am an admin, yet it keeps saying it may be a group policy, but Dammit I'm an admin.

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Power Managment Option Turned Off

Mar 25, 2009

I know this question keeps coming up but I have yet to find a solution. Basically my Vista screensavers reset to nothing everytime I reboot my machine. I can preview them, I can set a time and it works once I "apply" it. But as soon as I turn off the machine and then reboot it has reset to nothing, and I have to set it again to get it to work. This is quite annoying. I do not have any wireless devices installed, and all of my Power Managment options are turned off as well.

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How To Bring The Admin Login Option On The Welcome Screen In Home Premium

Oct 19, 2009

I am using a Dell XPS 1330 machine running Vista Home Premium.

I needed to replace some files(tcpip.sys,tcpreg.sys etc)in the system 32 folder with their new versions. But Vista wont let me copy them to the destination folder(system 32) citing admin reasons.

Read a bit and found out that "Administrator" account is by default disabled in Vista.

So ran the following 2 commands from command prompt to enable Admin account and set the admin password.
net user administrator password
net user administrator activate:yes

After that logged off and was expecting to see the admin login option on the welcome screen. But it didnt come.

Actually in the control panel user accounts I can see myself as Administrator....but I guess that is some administrator with limited powers and there is a greater/stronger/divine/all-conquering "Administrator" above this crappy admin category to which I right now belong and which Microsoft has due to some inexplicable reasons kept undercover. So plz plz help me and lemme know how to get that all-conquering admin to come on my welcome screen so that i can log in and try out what I want.

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Can Change Drive Letters In Disk Management

Apr 15, 2009

I have 5 USB devices (2 external drives, 1 flash drive, one CF card reader, and 1 Sony walkman) that when connected score a drive letter. My problem is that the drive letters change depending on the order in which the devices are connected (the first one plugged in gets drive F, then G, etc). This causes a headache for my backup software SyncBackPro, where I have schemes set up for my two external hard drives based on drive letters. I can change the drive letters in Disk Management (Vista Ultimate) but that only sticks while that device is connected. For instance, if I unplug my primary backup drive G and connect my flash drive, the flash drive would then become G. Is there any way of permanently locking a particular device to a particular drive letter?

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Admin Account: How Change Setting?

May 4, 2010

I remember the solution involved creating an admin account to change a setting. I don't remember what I changed either. So that account sits there, unused, and I've decided to remove it. The problem is that I don't know how. In account management, for that account, there is no "delete the account" or "change account type" options. Does anyone know why this is?

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Get Admin Rights: Change My Desktop Background?

Dec 11, 2008

how do i change my desktop background, whenever i change it after restarting my laptop, it comes bak to my Office's background. Guess need to change some policy. Got Vista Enterprise 32bit OS.

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Admin User Does Not Allow Uninstall/Change/Repair To Programs

Mar 23, 2008

I installed Vista Ultimate about 8 months ago. This was an upgrade from XP. I just now have had the need to do an uninstall. I went to my Admin User account (although my normal user account has Admin privileges) and when I go to Add/Remove programs, there are no command lines for Uninstall/Remove/Repair programs.

I verified that my normal user account had Admin privileges. Logged into it and it does not have the capability to do any of the above. I even added a new user with Admin privileges, no success. I then re-installed Vista Ultimate as an "upgrade" again, still the same problem. All my user accounts have full security access, so I know that's not it. I've read through the threads and although there are similar admin issues, I haven't seen this specific one. I have tried a couple of the suggestions for other Admin problems to no avail.

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Power Supply Change Issue

Sep 6, 2009

I recently purchased a HP 6180, Intel Core 2 Quad 2.5ghz. 6 gig of ram, 1333 fsb. Here is my problem. I purchased a Corsair 750 watt power supply to run the new video card I just purchased. I believe in installing one thing at a time and test it to make sure all is well. (I have not installed the video card until I get the power supply Issue resolved first). The power supply was a pretty basic install. When I start the system everything runs ok until windows starts to load. The black screen with the little green night rider bar then the system shuts down. I went into cmos and looked for adjustments and tried a few and no luck. I ran the diagonistics for the processor and hard drive and ram. All checked out ok. The power supply is working ok, otherwise I would not be able to do anything. Every time windows vista 64 home prem goes to boot the system shuts down and then restarts. I tried the reload f11 tool and no luck. As soon as I reinstall the 300watt stock power supply back into the computer, everything works fine.
HP is sending me recovery disks or something, but I don't think that is the problem. Maybe if I reload windows with the new power supply installed it will work.

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Automatic Power Plan Change?

Jun 27, 2008

Is there a way to get Vista to automatically change power setting plans depending whether a laptop is on mains or battery? I want to run mine on high performance when plugged in but on balanced when using the battery. I know I can manually change which plan to use, but surely there must be a way to get Vista to recognise which power supply it is using and change settings accordingly.

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Run As Admin Option Causes Data "loss"

Mar 5, 2009

We use a financial application that stores financial data for clients in a database file (mdb). When we run the application in Vista as-is (i.e. without enabling "Run as Administrator"), we see [and can retrieve] any saved case data. However, if we enable the "Run as Administrator" option and launch the app we no longer see that saved data in the application. If we disable the "Run as Administrator" option again we can once again see that saved data in the app. Any new cases saved with the app open with "Run as Administrator" enabled do not seem to disappear like the ones saved with that option enabled, regardless of whether the option is enabled or not. Does this particular option perform something like a "rollback" when enabled, causing sort of an undo action to happen to the application, or could this be some kind of security issue that "blocks" or "hides" the data?

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Attachment Photo Option Change

Nov 29, 2009

I'm just trying to get used to this windows mail. When i try to send an e mail with a few photos attatched. As well as the photo id showing under the subject bar the photos are being shown within the viewing pain way over sized so when i try to send the photos they are holding too much info for receiving address to accept so the e mail is bouncing back. I cant see where there are options to change this.

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How Change Option From Shutdown To Logoff?

Nov 24, 2009

I was trying to find the registry value in Vista where you can change the option from shutdown to logoff. By default Vista remember the last option you have chosen and I would like to change that when a user logs in.

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Dictionary: Cant Find Option To Change To Uk Spelling

May 23, 2008

My e mail dictionary seesm to be set for 'american' I have checked everywhere but cant find the option to change it to uk spelling.

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Computer Management - Disk Management...

Jul 29, 2009

Vista Home Premium 64bit SP1. When I try to get into Storage -> Disk Management, it just sits there. At the bottom it says "Connecting to Virtual Disk Service".. I see NO disks listed, not even C:...

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Admin Permissions And Local Admin

Jun 4, 2008

wont allow me to access my "Msn" and my burning tools" they both say u need admin permissions and local admin or something like that, as far as i know, i am logged in as admin, that is also the only user account avilable on start up, and i did just format my pc.

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Disk Management

Jan 6, 2009

I am havein Vista Home Premium instaled on mu laptop. there are three partition on my Hard disk
C: 31 GB
D: 5 Gb (Recovery disk)
E : 75 GB
I wan to format my system and want to merge C: drive and E: drive as single drive. I have recovery disk with me.I dont bother if data is lost on either drive. I just want to reinsitall every thing and create single drive.

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Disk Management Problem

Jun 8, 2009

My new computer has a SATA HDD and im trying to put in an old IDE HDD
but when I hook it up I get get a blank screen after the BIOS loads for
about 5minutes and then windows finally loads. When I do get into
Windows (Vista x64) it doesn't see the drive until i go into Disk
Management and rescan disk 2-3 times, then it doesn't see its partitions
until i scan again, and then it freezes my whole computer and i have to
hit the reset button on my case.

The IDE cable is also hooked up to a DVD drive, I don't know if thats a
problem or not.
Also are their IDE to SATA adapters?

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Media Management Services

Jan 1, 2009

Does anybody know how I can set a scheduled restart to occur regularly overnight.

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Disk Management 3 Partirions

Mar 26, 2008

Due to an Office Enterprise issue that can only be resolved with a clean re-install of Vista on an ACER computer rather than re-installing the ACER factory load I have bought a Full version of VISTA Home Preimum so that I can do a CLEAN install. I have 3 partitions on my HD C, D & hidden, the hidden contains the factory load. My plan is to run a full back up to D as well as copies of my files. I will also make copies of my files off computer. I do have the ACER recovery disks but I hope to never have to use them.

When I am all backed up I would like to format C, get rid of the hidden partition, keep D, put the VISTA DVD into the drive and do a clean install of VISTA on C . I could be wrong but I think that it would be best to format before putting the VISTA disk into the drive so there is no confusion between product keys etc. this is not an upgrade it is the same version that ACER supplied.

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Fix VMWare ESX Management Interface In IE7

Dec 20, 2006

Do you use the web-based VMWare Management Interface to control your ESX server and have problems opening virtual machines in IE7?
Many user have reported that instead of getting the open prompt in IE7 they get a find option instead. To fix this, you need to define the application/x-vmware-console MIME type so IE7 allows you to open the file.

Open up notepad.

Copy the text below into notepad:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMIMEDatabaseContent Typeapplication/x-vmware-console] "Extension"=".xvm" ....

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2nd HD (IDE) Not Detected By Disk Management

Aug 7, 2008

I recently installed Vista with on this machine with this new HD deatched though it had previously been used in this computer running xp. It is a IDE hard drive and although device manager recognizes it as a disk drive I cannot get windows explorer or disk management to notice it. It has a ntfs format.

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Disk Management Not Working?

Jul 29, 2009

when I go into Disk Management, my interal hard drive, external USB harddrive (Western Digital) and Disk Drive are all unreadable. I am certain it was fine when I first installed Vista as I formatted and partitioned both the internal and external HD. I have tried rescanning and resetting my computer, both to no avail. It is interesting to note that Memory Diagnostic Tool doesn't seem to want to work either...Microsoft only suggested rescanning and resetting, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

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Disk Management Not Start

Aug 17, 2008

I have a newly installed Vista64 Ultimate system. After clicking Disk Management in the Computer Management window the service never starts. Instead, the following launching information is displayed: Loading disk configuration information…..Any idea what might cause this strange behavior.

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Color Management Without Success

Jun 2, 2008

I just recently upgraded my XP system to a Vista 64 bit system. I print digital photos using Adobe Lightroom 1.4. With my XP system, I had a good match between my calibrated monitor (NEC 2690) and my printer (HP B9180) working in the ProPhoto RGB color space. I use ICC profiles and let the Lightroom application manage the color. With Vista, I've lost my match. Skin tones look great on my monitor and now print with a red tint. A blue sky prints with a purple cast. I tried Lightroom Beta 2 (64 bit software) but no difference. I played with some advanced settings in Vista's Color Management without success. I'm using NEC's SpectraView II calibration software which is 64 bit compatible. The graphics card that came with the computer is a NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT.

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Disk Management Partition

May 14, 2007

By a process too tedious to recount I've wound up with the following primary partitions on disk 0 of my laptop, a Compaq Presario R3275US with a 75-gig hard drive:

C: System (43 gig)
D: Local Drive (15 gig)
G: New Volume (15 gig)

Is it possible to combine the empty G with the non-empty D without erasing the latter in the process? If so, how can that be done?

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