Lost Word File - Disappeared, Recovery!

Feb 9, 2009

I have been working on a chapter of my thesis, recently moving it all to my USB so I can work at uni too. Well, its totally disappeared, after I tried to save it tonight - it came up with an error, saying the file path was gone and that it would make a rescue save and close down! I tried to close everything else properly, but this one file just had the error message and I had to click ok.... and then it was completely gone. I wrote down the ~wrl file number, but searching for it yields nothing. There is one 'rescue file' but it has endnote reference coding (bibliographic software) and no text.

This isn't the first time this has happened, but the last time was years ago when Vista first came out and I learnt to put files on the C: to work one them - I forgot. I have recently changed my anti-virus software too, I've heard that can cause trouble. I have downloaded "Undelete" and it seems to be scanning forever. Before I googled I backed up my other chapters and emailed them to myself - but I backed them up (zipped to a folder) ON the USB, didn't realise that would be a bad idea, grr.

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Updates: Lost WORD Files

Dec 27, 2007

At first I had an apparent common problem: my user profile, which happened to be the admin profile, stopped working and would show error your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with a temporary profile yada yada yada yada. Main problem besides the annoyance was I could obviously not find my documents. I called Dell tech support. They found all my valuable WORD documents. We then created a new folder and moved all the valuable files to it. So far so good. Now......Dell tech decides he wants to check for any MS updates. There were 14 updates needed. Downloaded and installed. Same problem with the user profile - but now the WORD documents are GONE. Nowhere. Folder everything gone after the MS updates. Plenty of free C drive space (like only 30% full) and plenty or RAM, so it should not have needed the disk space. Problem is after 4 hours the Dell tech could not recover the files. He found some *.temp files but when machine was shut down those disappeared, too.

Machine is running Vista and has been flawless for 7 months until the problem with the user profile. BTW System Restore will not work. We tried that first thing to try and fix the user profile issue. It returns the message it did not work completly once it brings the desktop back up. It did not work before the Windows update nor after the Windows update. Where did the WORD doc files go after the MS updates? Am I screwed? Any software available or ways to recover these very valuable lost files? I know I know shoulda woulda backed them up. That's fine -

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Lost MS Word Icon From Start Menu

Mar 23, 2008

Trying to move MS Word shortcut icon from Start Menu "All Programs" area, I deleted it - oops! How to find/create or otherwise return the icon? Now, to use MS Word, I must open a past Word document, delete all contents and begin my new Word document.

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Lost The Recovery

Oct 11, 2009

i done partition for my pc unfortunatly i lost the recovery how can i get it back in my c.

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Open Word File, Can't Find File

May 12, 2008

Trying to open a Word file, get message "Windows can't find so-and-so file". Similarly, trying to open it programmatically in Excel VBA, I get the same message. But if I right-click and select "Open with" and pick Microsoft Windows, it works.

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Windows Recovery Disk Lost

Sep 11, 2009

the problem is with the compaq presario F500 which i gave as a gift to my cousin, unfortunately neither of made a recovery disk in the begining, later on his computer crashed and he brought it to me, now i dont have recovery disk neither have a recovery partion, i intalled a new windows and also activated it, is there anyway i can create a recovery disk or somehow i can use the windows data to create a recovery partition so in future we dont need to find the drivers and everything from scratch.

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File Names Disappeared / Folder View Changed?

Aug 7, 2009

When I turned my computer on today it seems that all of my filenames have 'disappeared' - the files are still called the same that I named them, but instead of them showing the titles, they either show the date modified or only certain details. I mainly have music on my hard drive, and now the folder looks like this:

As you can see, on the left in the folder tree, the path is showing up, the files are still there etc, but instead of the track titles, there is now only the artist and album? I have tried shift and view, tried different views, tried changing the folder view to pictures and videos etc, I have also completely scanned the drives and there doesn't seem to be any problems? Under 'folder options' I have tried showing all extensions etc, showing hidden files, different customizing of views:...........

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Won't Find A File Given A Word In The Contents

Mar 23, 2008

It just doesn't work.
I have a simple text file with a certain word in it.
I try to find this text file, but vista won't find it.
Windows 2000 finds it within a second.
I have tried all available options.
"include non-indexed"
"always search file names and contents"
"find partial matches"
"include subfolders"

It just doesn't work.
Why is there not a simple search function that actually works like in

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DOS Command, Print Out As A Word File

Apr 19, 2009

Vista Ultimate - 64 bit. In one of my folders, I have an extensive sub- folder tree which I'd like to print out as a Word file. Here's what I've done:

1. I click Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt
2. Using the CD command, I get to the head folder of the desire sub-folder tree
3. If I then run the command "Tree", the sub-folder tree scrolls by quickly in the desired format - i.e., like a genealogy chart, with lines connecting the various levels.

But if I try to pipe the output to a text or Word file using the command tree>tree.txt or tree>.tree.doc, I get the tree. But the nice lines linking the various levels are replaced by a sequence of bogus characters. The maddening thing is that I was earlier able to get the nice chart into a Word document. But I neglected to record the steps, and can't reproduce them.

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How Can Attached A Gif File Word Documnet

Feb 10, 2009

I'm pretty new to the whole Vista experience. Would one of you be able to tell me something? How can I attach a gif file to a word document. I know it's probably a stupid one but I can't figure it out.

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Conversion Of File List To Word Document

Mar 23, 2008

How can one convert the list of files in a folder, as shown on "View...List" in Explorer, to a Word Document without first capturing the screen, printing the image, then physically scanning the printed page, and finally utilizing the OCR program? I do not wish to retype the lists as text documents, which I nearly and effectively have to do when the OCR has been used previously in this manner. I have over 2,000 family photos that I have restored and "saved as..." with identifiying names and dates and need an editable list to be used by recipients of the copies that will be given. The photos were not tagged. Vista Home Premium and Office 2003 are being used.

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Word Perfect Compatibility, NOT SavING The File

Jul 5, 2008

I can type in Word Perfect 11, but it will not let me save the file.

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Corrupt Table In Word. File Not Usable.

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista on a laptop and Windows XP on my desk. Both systems have been used for a Word document I've been working on.This Word document has a contents table and one other freestanding table. One of them has become corrupt -- I do not know which one. I see a discussion string about this, but the solution proposed there does not work for me. When I open the document, I get the error message about the corrupt file, but the cursor doesn't work, page down doesn't work, the down arrow doesn't work, the links above doesn't work. The moment I click on the document to get a cursor, Word no longer responds (I get the not responding message up top), and then it just sits there. If I click again anywhere, the document goes gray, and all I can do is close it.

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Open Anolder File So Clickd On The Word Document On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

I ws workin on my Acer laptop with windows vista last evenin and I ws online surfin thru websites. i clickd on an email id on the web page by mistake.. so it tried to open Outlook to send an email. I hadnt used Outlook b4 on my lap so d setup opend and said tat outlook ws gona b installed. i closd tat dialog box cz i din wan to run dat setup. iv don tat many times b4 too. i continued surfin and in anoder 2 mins i clickd on anoder email id so d same dialog box popped up n i closed it again. i had a Word document opened and was copy-pastin stuf frm it to my email msg. i needed to open anoder file so clickd on d word document on my desktop.. and it said "preparin to instal ms word". i dint understand wt hapnd cz i ws already wrkn wit word and ws wonderin y d setup file of word had opened. i closed it and tried to open anoder word document and d same thin hapnd. i ws realllly surprised and clickd on the word doc which ws already open and tried to type sumthn.. it ws wrkn. i opened a new empty doc frm d doc which ws already open and it wrkd. den i closd the docs dat were open and clickd on ms word and dat setup dialogue box opend up again and word dint wrk no matter wt i tried. i ws really surprised and shockd cz evthin ws wrkn perfectly wel n within 2 mins my ms word seemd to b uninstalld! i closed internet explorer and the oder pdfs tat were open n tried to restart my lap. aftr restartin it i clickd on word n d same installation dialogue box came up. very surprisd i tried to restart again and dis time i cudnt even get into d login page.. sum error came up which said dat dere mite b sum software or hardware problem so i cudnt even gt the login page. dere wer 2 options available-

1. windows startup repair (recommended)
2. restart windows normally

i clickd on "restart windows normally" and a blank screen came up n js sht dwn in around 30 seconds. i clickd on the power button again n got the same 2 options frm which i selectd "startup repair".. d same blank screen came n d lap sht dwn in around 20 seconds. tried again and tis time the lap sht dwn b4 i cud get dose options. totally shockd i thot i needed to giv d lap sum rest cz i had been wrkn on it for a long time. i din tuch t for d nex 20 hrs and den tried again. i cud get the two options and i clickd on start windows normally and a blank screen came up and lap sht dwn. i tried again n selectd startup repair n it went thru d repair and said dat "system files corruped".. "boot error" .. "windows explorer not wrkn" etc.

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.DOC And .PSD File Lost

Apr 25, 2009

I have an issue where I lost the file association for .DOC and .PSD files, but I restored them and now the icons look like this instead of the full icon.

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LOST File Association For JPG & GIF

Apr 12, 2009

I somehow lost the association for windows to automatically launch gif, jpeg and other image fomats to go to the vista default image viewer. Where is the location of that very default vista image viewer? What's its name too??

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Lost File Association With Exe Files

Feb 17, 2010

The aftermath of a trojan attack (Vista Guardian) has resulted in the file association of exe files being lost and hence an inability to run exe files. I am quite convinced that the trojan is now dead, but I can't figure out how to fix the damage. If I could get into the registry I could fix it, but of course regedit is an exe file so I can't run it. I've tried tricks like running it from command line or from inside a batch file but with no joy. I have also made a copy and called it regedit.com. This looked romising as Vista asked for user permission to run the program, but then nothing. It gets killed off before it starts. I am not familiar with the particular machine, nor am I very familiar with Vista and I am now at a loss as to how to proceed.

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Changed File To Old Then Lost All Emails

Aug 7, 2009

Having a few problems with mail. So I located the email store and changed the name of the file to .old This didn't cure the problem so I deleted the new mail file and renamed the old one by taking out the .old bit. Now when I open Mail I have all the emails in the inbox but none of them are available to view in the preview pane.

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File Saved To Destkop :Lost

Mar 23, 2008

This has happened 4 times with Vista:A word on the Desktop is opened, modified, saved and closed.Then, the word file is opened but it is showing an earlier version of the file.Any ideas on how to recover the word file and how to avoid this from.

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Lost Data, "out Of Range" Recovery

Aug 4, 2008

My last "out of range" recovery attempt caused me to lose some data. I'm using a Compaq SR5410F with Vista and have been dealing with the standard "out of range" message quite frequently. I'm aware of the "out of range" fix but I have a 22" LCD and do alot of graphics, 800x600 doesn't suit me, XP gave me better than 1024x960 and I don't think that Vista is the OS for me but when I bought this computer it was only offered with Vista.

Last night, I could not get to safe mode nor to a command prompt, the only screen available was the recovery utility and the only option was to reformat the Windows partition and once the recovery started, I shut down immediately once I realized that I'd lose my files but it was too late, the only screen that would show up was the recovery screen. I have heard that the data still resides on the drive and now that I've reinstalled all of my software, I need to know whether the lost files can ever be recovered.

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Best File Recovery Program

Nov 25, 2009

I need a good file recovery program that will run both under Vista and Win 7. It needs to be able to salvage files both deleted and those lost because of disc errors. It also needs to be able to work with both internal and external hard discs, and all flavors of CD and DVD. Any recommendations? Most of the ones that allow you to download a trial have crippled to trial so much that it's really hard to judge them. Incidentally, I ran the free Recuva on a DVD-RW; I started it at 12:30 PM and at 5:30 AM (17 hours later) it showed 89% complete, and at 8:00 it had stopped with the message "allocation error".

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Recovery.dat File Not Found

Jul 22, 2009

I have an Asus F5 laptop with Vista Home premium. I was loading Ubuntu 9.04. Once I restarted, I got a GRUB menu. Once I clicked on Vista loader, I got an error in BIG red ERROR. C:Recovery.dat file not found. I have used the recovery Vista CD but it not have a recovery option or console , so cannot use fixmbr in command line. If I load Vista , it asks for the driver CD and then I get a GRUB error 22. I am unable to get into Vista.

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Windows Mail - How To Recover Lost File?

Aug 23, 2009

I opened up an excel file from an email in Windows Mail and made some changes in it, but forgot to download the file. I did save the file while making changes to it, but just couldn't locate it the next day. how to retrive the file....I spent 3 hours massaging the data in the file.

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File Focus Lost After Restoring Minimized Window

Jul 17, 2008

I've noticed that if you follow these steps, the cursor isn't on the file anymore:

1) Open a folder with some files.
2) Click on a file. Pressing the arrow keys should move the file selection around (I call this the cursor).
3) Minimize the window.
4) Restore the window.
5) The cursor isn't on the file anymore. The current selected file has a gray background. Pressing arrow keys have no effect on the file selection. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Recovery Disk BOTTMGR File Got Deleted

Jul 6, 2008

here is the deal I had to use my recovery disk that came with my computer because the BOTTMGR file got deleted and it would not even get to the main windows screen. Ok so since I did that I cannot find ANY of my other files like pictures or my poems ect... How can I get my old files back?

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Backup/recovery/file Sharing Strategy

Apr 15, 2009

I have been interested to note that large numbers of forum members have home networks that consist of multiple PC's w/diff OS's and it made me wonder what backup/restore/file sharing strategies people have put in place to help them with the management of their networks. Now....I like to play/overclock/tweak/etc or windows update/Nvidia drivers/ Java upgrades/ etc sometimes break something unexpectedly which ends up with me needing to recover files, drivers and/or something else. I have noticed that restore points help but do not allow for complete recovery of all the files and folders on my pc's so I needed to use a different strategy to accomplish my needs.

In my case, I came down on the side of "Windows Home Server" to provide the above mentioned services because the OS now costs under $100 and will run on an older re-purposed pc (I built mine from scratch but the the principle remains the same). Drives are cheap (I use 5 drives in my server) and the OS will mirror the data in the shared folders across multiple drives so I don't lose valuable pictures (I would hate to have to explain to my wife that I lost the pictures of our kids or grandchildren and can't get them back), software, or the pc backups that will be needed sooner or later. The home server even monitors if my pc's have been backed up regularly or need to be backed (and notifies me should one need to be backed up, the default backup schedule is daily or I can manually backup after I make changes) and it even cleans up the backups for me retaining however many I tell it (default I believe is 3-daily, 4-weekly, 3-monthly) so I don't have to be bothered with the administration. Now I only have to maintain the files I share in one location (even my music library) and I just point to the shared file on the server from 5 different computers and because the restore can be down to a single file or folder instead of only the complete system I have been able to turn off restore points on the individual pc's and use this space for other uses.....

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Corrupt File Doesn't Recovery Drive

Dec 13, 2009

I ran a sfcscan and... It seems I have some corrupt files. This laptop doesn't have a recovery/reformat drive or i'd just reformat the laptop. Moreover, I don't have a recovery disc for vista, just Win-7. Perhaps anyone can pinpoint me in the right direction? I have the CBS file... However it's close to 24MBs...

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Files Lost: File Extensions Xlsx, Wav And Mp3 Have Been Deleted Without Any Hint

Apr 29, 2008

Only couple of months I have been using Windows Vista, In the last two days some files with file extensions xlsx, wav and mp3 have been deleted without any hint. I did not deleted these files. I am at a loss why this has happened.

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System Recovery Getting File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f

Sep 29, 2009

I got a brand new Hp pavillion laptop, and 4 days after i got it it gave me the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f. so i needed to wait 6days because i didnt burn the System recovery discs so needed to order it. In the system recovery kit it had 2 system recovery dics 1 and 2, and a application and driver disc.

Now i cant turn off and on my laptop before i get the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f and this is the 3 time i'm doing system recovery. but i think it didnt work because i didnt use both Discs of the system recovery. i just dont know what could be worng. and i dont know how to get the second disc started when it's finaly up. So if somebody could tell me how i can get my laptop started again step by step with both disc's and maybe tell me how i can make this not happen again. I'ts a windows vista home premium SP1 64bit

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"Open With" Command Disappeared Completely From File Context Menu

Jun 9, 2009

The "open with" command disappeared completely from my file context menu.

The fact is that I cannot have alternate choices of opening media files or any files, cause the command is not there!

So please, if anyone knows, tell me the default command line to edit on my registry...or otherwise please provide me the appropriate solution.

My OS is Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

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Office 2007 Word Edit Document Word 2003

Nov 11, 2009

When I edit Word Documents I get something that looks weird with all sorts of strange characters in the document or letter. How do I edit a previously created Word file and get it to look like a normal document like they did with Word 2003?

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