LOST File Association For JPG & GIF

Apr 12, 2009

I somehow lost the association for windows to automatically launch gif, jpeg and other image fomats to go to the vista default image viewer. Where is the location of that very default vista image viewer? What's its name too??

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Lost File Association With Exe Files

Feb 17, 2010

The aftermath of a trojan attack (Vista Guardian) has resulted in the file association of exe files being lost and hence an inability to run exe files. I am quite convinced that the trojan is now dead, but I can't figure out how to fix the damage. If I could get into the registry I could fix it, but of course regedit is an exe file so I can't run it. I've tried tricks like running it from command line or from inside a batch file but with no joy. I have also made a copy and called it regedit.com. This looked romising as Vista asked for user permission to run the program, but then nothing. It gets killed off before it starts. I am not familiar with the particular machine, nor am I very familiar with Vista and I am now at a loss as to how to proceed.

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No File Association

Aug 25, 2009

I'm running vista & i try to open my creative zen organizer & it tell me their is no file association -the file path is C:Program Files (x86)CreativeCreative Zen Vision M"

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Changed File Association For .lnk

Mar 13, 2010

I was unable to click on a link in an email (it was a link to an email address). I went to defaults/file associations and .lnk and set it to my mail program. Now I know that it changed every link on my desktop and in my program files, etc...to go to the mail program. There is no reset to the default association. I don't know what the default association was!

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How Remove File Association?

Jun 27, 2008

In windows vista, how can I remove a file association from a particular extension. I don't want to change it, I just want to remove.

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Cancel File Association?

Jun 15, 2008

how can i cancel file association in Vista or eliminat the association. my problem is i associte file DAT with note pad and i dont now how to eliminat that file association, i remeber that in xp u can do it but in vista i found only change file

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This File Has No Program Association

Mar 9, 2009

This file hav coe not a progam Create anassociatons controle panel. Do not know todo it.

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ISO File Type Association?

Jun 19, 2009

I have Virtual CD installed on my computer and it was handling .iso files and a very useful feature it had, it caused some options to appear in the context menu of the file (i.e. right clicking on the file) to be able to directly insert the .iso file into a virtual drive. But then I installed WinRAR and regretfully (!!!) I chose WinRAR to associate with .iso files ... and I lost those useful options in the context menu.

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File Association With Email Shortcuts

Nov 3, 2008

I am experiencing difficulty concerning file association with email shortcuts as can be seen in the attachment. When I click on what I think is my email shortcut, I receive the attached message.

This has only started within the last days and wonder if anyone can instruct me how to correct this error.

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Change File Type Association

Mar 29, 2008

I am using Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. How do I change the file type so that it will open in the correct application? For some reason the little icon changed from the Photoshop (PSD) to the Quick Time Icon.

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File Association Cannot Open With Worpad

May 17, 2010

I meet on the PC of a friend, a problem ? me on persistent the file association in Vista I can not? come ?end. All its documents. doc open with Wordpad and not Winword. I tent? r? involve the control panel , through the cr? ation null.exe empty file by right-clicking " Open with "... Nothing changes , I can change the program ( now the doc. " open " with null.exe ) but IM - PO - ISS - BLE associate WINWORD ...I? also d ? sintall ? / r ? install ? MSOffice 2003 and 2007 . Always nothing ! For the info . docm. docx and others open perfectly with Winword. One of you would be a solution ? propose?

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This File Does Not Have A Program Association With It For Performing This Action

Nov 7, 2009

Computer Club member's Windows Vista Home Premium. The message above says it all. No .exe file will run. I have drilled down to winword.exe, and double clicked. I have clicked icons on the desktop. I have clicked programs on the start menu. In safe mode, I have downloaded a new version of Windows Installer, when Run is clicked the subject message appears.

When using Window Explorer, no .exe file has an icon associated with it! When I open Programs & Features in the Control Panel. Programs cannot be removed as the subject message appears.

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XML File Association, Set Associations Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

I have been having problems running my accounts program (QuickBooks Regular 2006.) Having visited the Intuit website, I reinstalled the software again as they advised but the problem still remains so I think it is in fact an issue with Vista instead.

It brings up a dialog box that says "c:Program FilesIntuitQuickBooks RegularComponentsSales TaxSalesTax2523.xml" as the title and "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." I've looked in Control Panel ---> Default Programs on Vista and XML files don't seem to be associated with any program at all.

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Powerpoint Viewer: File Association Throwing Error

Dec 1, 2009

A friend installed the Powerpoint viewer. He's still having problems with the file association throwing an error when doubling clicking in Windows Mail. I seem to recall that there was a specific Vista Bug/Fix in this area. Any pointers?

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Windows Defender File Association Ox8007002 Error

Apr 28, 2008

I upgraded my xp os to vista home premium 32bit. By mistake I uninstalled windows defender. When i tried to reinstall, I got a message that I already have it in the os. When I go into the control panel, and click on windows defender I get a no file association 0x80070002 message.

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How To Create An Association In Set Association Control Panel

Mar 24, 2009

I have read all of the questions and answers regarding how to do this but still do not know how to create. I am a beginner and need step by step instructions. I have went into my control panel and then into programs/default and that brought up a screen with names such Windows email on the left side of the screen and then at the bottom of the screen were two items listed which I have now forgotten what was listed; however, I clicked on both of them and found nothing to indicate what to do or where to go to next so please can you give me step by step instructions. All I am trying to do is open an attachment to an email and I receive the message I need to create an association in set association control panel.

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Cannot Open A .dat File And Cannot Set An Association To Open

Apr 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium with SP1. I cannot open a .dat file and cannot set an association to open it because .dat is not listed in the Set Association menu. How do I get .dat listed so that I can set an association to it?

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.DOC And .PSD File Lost

Apr 25, 2009

I have an issue where I lost the file association for .DOC and .PSD files, but I restored them and now the icons look like this instead of the full icon.

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Changed File To Old Then Lost All Emails

Aug 7, 2009

Having a few problems with mail. So I located the email store and changed the name of the file to .old This didn't cure the problem so I deleted the new mail file and renamed the old one by taking out the .old bit. Now when I open Mail I have all the emails in the inbox but none of them are available to view in the preview pane.

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File Saved To Destkop :Lost

Mar 23, 2008

This has happened 4 times with Vista:A word on the Desktop is opened, modified, saved and closed.Then, the word file is opened but it is showing an earlier version of the file.Any ideas on how to recover the word file and how to avoid this from.

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Windows Mail - How To Recover Lost File?

Aug 23, 2009

I opened up an excel file from an email in Windows Mail and made some changes in it, but forgot to download the file. I did save the file while making changes to it, but just couldn't locate it the next day. how to retrive the file....I spent 3 hours massaging the data in the file.

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Lost Word File - Disappeared, Recovery!

Feb 9, 2009

I have been working on a chapter of my thesis, recently moving it all to my USB so I can work at uni too. Well, its totally disappeared, after I tried to save it tonight - it came up with an error, saying the file path was gone and that it would make a rescue save and close down! I tried to close everything else properly, but this one file just had the error message and I had to click ok.... and then it was completely gone. I wrote down the ~wrl file number, but searching for it yields nothing. There is one 'rescue file' but it has endnote reference coding (bibliographic software) and no text.

This isn't the first time this has happened, but the last time was years ago when Vista first came out and I learnt to put files on the C: to work one them - I forgot. I have recently changed my anti-virus software too, I've heard that can cause trouble. I have downloaded "Undelete" and it seems to be scanning forever. Before I googled I backed up my other chapters and emailed them to myself - but I backed them up (zipped to a folder) ON the USB, didn't realise that would be a bad idea, grr.

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File Focus Lost After Restoring Minimized Window

Jul 17, 2008

I've noticed that if you follow these steps, the cursor isn't on the file anymore:

1) Open a folder with some files.
2) Click on a file. Pressing the arrow keys should move the file selection around (I call this the cursor).
3) Minimize the window.
4) Restore the window.
5) The cursor isn't on the file anymore. The current selected file has a gray background. Pressing arrow keys have no effect on the file selection. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Files Lost: File Extensions Xlsx, Wav And Mp3 Have Been Deleted Without Any Hint

Apr 29, 2008

Only couple of months I have been using Windows Vista, In the last two days some files with file extensions xlsx, wav and mp3 have been deleted without any hint. I did not deleted these files. I am at a loss why this has happened.

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Lost File: "Windows Mail Can Compact Your Messages Store"

Sep 10, 2009

I clicked on to a message that said "Windows Mail can compact your messages store. This may take up to a few minutes" & lost important File I cannot find where it is or how to contact Windows Mail. This message still continues to come up all the time

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Can't Get Rid Of Notepad Association

Jun 17, 2008

I inadvertantly changed a .bat file association to open with Notepad and didn't uncheck the box for it to just run once under Notepad. Now I need that ..bat file to be able to run and can't get rid of the Notepad association.

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Set Association Control Panel

May 6, 2008

I am trying to open microsoft powerpoint slide show and i get this error message: This file does not have a program association with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel. How do i do this?

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No Association For Included Games

Jun 23, 2008

When I try to open any of the games included with my Vista x64 premium, I get the error message: "The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set associations control panel". When I check the associations, it tells me the games are associated to their respective exe files. Am I missing something here? Is this secret Vista business?

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Create An Association .pdf, Windows Mail

Sep 13, 2009

I've created an association (.pdf) using my control panel but .pdf files that i try to open in windows mail still say "create an association"..(I have it set to use Adobe Reader to open my .pdf files).

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How To Change The Association For "DOC" Using The Vista Default Programs

Mar 10, 2009

I can't seem to change the association for "DOC" using the Vista "Default Programs" utility. Is there an effective, hopefully free utility to do this? The utilities I've found work great with XP, but not Vista.

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Broken (and "locked"?) Rtf > Wordpad Association

Mar 4, 2009

Vista Home Premium 64 bit

Service Pack 1

*Virus/Malware scanners up to date, nothing suspicious in tasks, no odd performance issues...

Description of Problem

After "Something ?" Happened, Windows lost the ability to Default-open

Rtf files in wordpad. This Had been the default behavior.

*At the time, OpenOffice was installed, and when this problem first occurred,

Openoffce WP “became” the default Open action.

I uninstalled Openoffice, which only resulted in “blank” icons for rtf files.

Double-clicking (shell-default verb) only results in “Windows cannot open this file…use web service, or browse to find correct application”

1) OK, web service does absolutely nothing. (Is this blocked by default firewall settings?)

2) Clicking “browse for correct app” SHOWS wordpad as the default, “suggested” app. (!!!)

The “always use this app” checkbox is checked.

Basically, this “checkbox” is apparently broken, because Windows can’t associate the file with the app. It always forgets, or does nothing.

Now, if you Right Click on the rtf file, the Bold Face Open (top, default action verb) brings up The “windows cannot open this file…etc.”. If you click the small “Open” below this, the file Opens Up In WordPad (!).

If you click “properties”, you see that “rtf” files are associated (default open) with….

“Windows Shell Common…?” (looks like a .dll icon, as I can’t see the whole name in the property dialog)….If you click “Change”, it opens up the “Browse for correct app” Window, again Showing WordPad (!!!) as default, suggested program.

Somehow, this basic shell double-click default verb action for “rtf” is broken and gets pointed to Some basic shell system .dll instead of wordpad.

*****Interestingly, using a few different “file association editor” programs, they all show that “rtf” is not a valid, assigned extention. It is listed as “orphaned”, but Cannot be associated with anything. In particular, “File Type Manager 2” shows “rtf” in the orphaned category, but if you click “change”, “rtf” isn’t of course listed in the “valid” extentions that can be associated to.

I’ve searched the registry for every “rtf” related key, and compared to other computers…everything seems the same, nothing seems broken or missing.

Would there be different settings using “Wordpad” as the registry search?

Would there be an odd, malicious malware thing that would “steal” the rtf extension and Not let Vista reassign it?

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