File Names Disappeared / Folder View Changed?

Aug 7, 2009

When I turned my computer on today it seems that all of my filenames have 'disappeared' - the files are still called the same that I named them, but instead of them showing the titles, they either show the date modified or only certain details. I mainly have music on my hard drive, and now the folder looks like this:

As you can see, on the left in the folder tree, the path is showing up, the files are still there etc, but instead of the track titles, there is now only the artist and album? I have tried shift and view, tried different views, tried changing the folder view to pictures and videos etc, I have also completely scanned the drives and there doesn't seem to be any problems? Under 'folder options' I have tried showing all extensions etc, showing hidden files, different customizing of views:...........

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Changed My File Names

May 20, 2008

i wright games and i just finished a new version of the old mmorpg ragnarok online and well all te file names are wrong when read on a vista computer. for example.(????????????)was changed to(_??AI??U)the only reason i can think of is the os is changeing the file name. the language is korien i think.... but i use it for all encrypted file names so no 1 else can edit them.

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Folder Names Disappeared

May 15, 2010

I'm new here so excuse me if I make any mistakes, but suddenly, I've noticed that my folders inside %ProgramData% are not showing properly, it wasn't like this before and I'd really like to have this solved because this irritates me. I've already tried selecting "Show filenames" in the context menu but this option is not available in this map. And all my other folders are showing the files properly.

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File Names Not Sorted Properly In File List

Mar 23, 2008

When I open a folder with a list of files for all View Options, the files are not listed in proper ascending sequence. I indexed the files to make sure that indexing may not be the factor in the Sort By Name not working properly. After the files were indexed, clicked the Sort By Name item in the View menu item, and the files are stilled not sorted porperly. Has anyone encountered this similar problem ? I suspect this may be a bug in Windows Vista File System. The folder had 87 files in it.

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Names In Fonts Folder

Apr 20, 2009

Does anyone know when/why MS gave us a bunch of fonts such as "Batang & BatangChe & Gungsuh & GungsuhChe" and "Microsoft YaHei?" There are many more of these strange looking font names in my fonts folder and each font takes up > 15,000,000 bytes. I tried to delete 1 or 2 of them but that's a no can do. Was there a specific "hotfix" we applied and what is/are the reason(s) for these fonts?

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Documents Folder Has Changed To Pictures Folder Format

Jun 23, 2008

This has happened to me before - somehow the folder formats change themselves, eg the documents folder has options along the top like 'organise' 'view''slideshow' and 'burn' ie like in the pictures folder. I found the answer once before in one of the forums, but can't remember where it was. And why does this happen? Also, when I go to 'Help & support" in the Start button, it defaults to Lenovo (my hardware mfg) instead of Microsoft Windows.

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No File Names In Search

Jul 29, 2009

When I perform a search in the Search Results window, showing any kind of icon view (instead of list, details, or tiles), the results show up without file names visible. This only happens when I run a search from the Search Results window (Windows Key + F), not when I run a search from a folder window.

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Names Of Panes Called The Folder Pane

Dec 6, 2008

In a Vista Windows Explorer window, what is the right pane's name? There is the Layout/Menu Bar/Details Pane, Preview Pane & Navigation Pane but I don't see a name for this pane....I think maybe it is called the Folder Pane or Display Pane or the Folder Display Pane?

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Number File Names Sequentially

May 28, 2008

I am trying to number file names sequentially. It works, but not how I would like. I am trying to number file names as: Filename (10), Filename (11), Filename (12). What I get is: Filename (10), Filename (2), Filename (3)... How do I do what I want?

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Long File Names In Vista Nothing Works

Feb 21, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit, and on one particular drive, I had backed up some files with extremely long names from a different system. The kind of stuff you find as temp files in the "Content.IE5" sub directory of "Temporary Internet Files."

Now, I'm trying to delete a parent directory where all these files are located. But Vista, in it's ultimate wisdom is giving me an error, indicating that it cannot delete these files becuse the overall path is too long - It suggested I move the files to a place with a "shorter path," but when I try, it won't let me do it for the same damned reason! The Source path is too long Nothing works.

Attempting to delete individual files, the parent directory, the "grand parent" directory all fail because Vista attempts to calculate/sum space and thus accesses each individual file, and fails because the "path is too long." When I try to rename individual files, it grays out the "rename" option. Is there any way I can either get rid of these files or bypass the "file length" warning so I can delete them? Formatting the drive is *not* an option. This is a SAN drive with lots of stuff on it and I'd never be able to off load it all.

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.dbx File Transfer:how Do Prevent All Names Showing When I Click 'to'

May 4, 2009

I've got a large.dbx file of a OE6 folder from another computer sitting on my desktop. how do i prevent all names showing when i click 'to'

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Changing Music File Artist/Album Names?

May 3, 2009

Ive sorted all my music into folders, but some don't have artist/album names, such as: i've right clicked and clicked rename, but it comes up as: i've also clicked properties etc, but no joy there: has anyone any idea how to do this? im on Windows Vista Basic.and its just your average folder. its really bugging me!

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Keep Folder View Settings After Renaming Folder

Nov 20, 2009

every time I rename a folder, Vista changes the folder view settings in that folder back to the default for that specific folder. I have gone through the tutorials in this forum about making Vista always remember the current folder settings. That is not my issue. An example of what I mean: Let us say I have a folder named "Music" and the folder view settings are set to 'Music Details'. Fine. But let us now say that I also want to show the bit rates and/or the length of the songs. 'Music Details' does not have this by default, so I right-click and at the bar (tab? menu?) and choose to show them. So far so good, and my settings are always there. However, if I change the folder name to something else, the view settings revert back to the original 'Music Details'. Is there a way of stopping this from happening? I often change folder names and/or move them around, and it is annoying to always have to add/remove what I want from the view settings.

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Does Not Get Changed The Folder Name

Sep 8, 2008

i created a new folder in my hard disk, but could not rename the folder. When i created, the folder the created with the default name "New Folder". When i try to change the name of the created folder, it does not get changed and also does not show any error message it still remains as "New Folder"

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Changed File Association For .lnk

Mar 13, 2010

I was unable to click on a link in an email (it was a link to an email address). I went to defaults/file associations and .lnk and set it to my mail program. Now I know that it changed every link on my desktop and in my program files, go to the mail program. There is no reset to the default association. I don't know what the default association was!

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Programs Changed To .lnk File

Nov 5, 2009

I have a Vista Home Premium 32bit. Last night on the windows folder I changed ownership from trusted installer to my username for I could delete a file in (Downloaded Program Files). But after I changed the ownership of the folder back to trusted installer some of my programs (iTunes, Adobe Reader, Dell Dock, Microsoft Works, Modem Diagnostic, Windows Live Messenger, etc) changed to (.ink file). I can't even do restore point. I tried the File association fixes in File association fixes for Windows Vista but it did not work.

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Startup Windows And Folder Settings Have Changed?

Oct 3, 2009

i'll startup windows and notice that my folder settings have changed,icon size etc,what is causing this.

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Default Settings Mistake And Changed The Folder

Jun 10, 2009

I recently messed up real bad. I was playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 for PC. And I went into the documents folder to try to delete the last saved game. When I did I made a mistake and changed the folder with a GCF file in it to open the GCF files with adobe reader. Now I can't figure out what program it originally was suppose to open with. So my question is: How do I change the GCF file folder back to it's default settings so it will open with the program that it's suppose to open with?

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Folder Associations Disappeared

May 14, 2008

i'm using vista 64bit. Some of my file associations seem to have disappeared and i am being told to reset them in the control panel - that bit is easy enough but i'm having trouble setting them for actual folders, i can't open the folder just by clicking on it, i have to right click and then select open. i have spent hours trying to find a way to set the association for the folder but no luck - i dont know if this makes any difference but the folder i am trying to open, i marked as hidden. once i openiit with the right click everything else seems to be ok.

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My Document Folder Disappeared

Jul 8, 2009

My Documents folder(My Document) juzt disapeared. who can help me restore or recover it in any possible way. I´m runing a Vista home basic laptop but i´m sure i didnt delete these neither maybe someone did but i dont know how these culd suddenly disappear. I´m having AVG dailly auto update and scan so i hafly ruled out the virus inffection. I tried almost everything, to restore, regedit, undelete, but nothing help but through these i only happen to get the folder itsself but but the files in it still at large...The othe thing is when i got the folder but it suddenly duplicate and name the other folder Document145.. Now what does that mean again?

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Pictures Folder Disappeared

Sep 12, 2009

I uploaded 285 pics to a subfolder in the "Pictures" folder and my Pictures folder disappeared. I couldn't access it through the start menu, and an advanced search did not show any of my pics. I re-established the Pictures folder by "adding" it through the WIndoiws Photo Gallery program (all of the sample pics appeared too) but my subfolder is GONE. I KNOW I did NOT delete this folder. I tried a system restore - no luck. This is a brand new laptop and I am the only user.

I used a restore program at - it couldn't find my pics but another one called "Easy Drive Data Recovery" shows them. In order to access them though, I would have to pay over $70. I don't think I should have to pay as these files were not deleted at all. I beleive they are still there - but Vista is ignoring them somehow. I need help here ... any good freeware recover programs out there? Anyone know how I can convince the system that the subfolder still exists again?

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Changed File To Old Then Lost All Emails

Aug 7, 2009

Having a few problems with mail. So I located the email store and changed the name of the file to .old This didn't cure the problem so I deleted the new mail file and renamed the old one by taking out the .old bit. Now when I open Mail I have all the emails in the inbox but none of them are available to view in the preview pane.

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IE8: Favorites Folder Has Disappeared From My Documents

May 18, 2009

just downloaded IE8, and now, seemingly randomly, I can't access my Favorites from the altC or altA bar whatsoever. even more odd, the Favorites folder has disappeared from My Documents (i reassiged the location to a backup drive previously, but that is still there). when I try to bookmark something (ctrlD, or click add to favorites) absolutely nothing happens.. no popup, no nothing.

i've tried several things already from changing downloading the fix_fav_il prompt, to resetting folder properties, etc. and i tried uninstalling/reinstalling IE8 already, which didn't help anything nothing seems to work. I feel like if the Favorites folder would reappear in MyDocuments, I might be able to figure something out, but it just won't come back!

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Does SP1 Fix Folder View Setttings

Mar 23, 2008

i just wanted to know if Vista SP1 finally fixes the folder view settings ? Does SP 1 finally end all the folders being rearranged ?

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How To View The Size Of A Folder

Jun 7, 2008

how can I view the size of folders, without having to r-mouse --> proparties. is it plausible to see this in the 'details-classification' in windows explorer?

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Restricting Folder View

Apr 1, 2009

When I am looking at the files in a folder view window, is there any way to restrict the files displayed to be only of a certain extension (.DOC for example)?

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Folder View Resets Itself

May 7, 2008

I know every one here has this default Vista (even XP) problem. The problem is that the folder customization / layout never stays the way you set it, even minutes later after closing/re-opening explorer. This is driving me insane. For example, in explorer under Computer I choose large icons. Close, re-open its back to list view instead. Sometimes other folders will somehow change views by themselves too. This is really annoying.

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Keeps Chainging My Folder View

Jun 14, 2010

I go into a folder and get the following colums Album Artist, Genre, , Rating. I don't want any of this rubbish. I only want date Modified which is missing. I remove this and put in Date Modified. Next time I go to my PC they are back again and Date Modified is gone

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Multiple Repeat Messages Folder Disappeared

Mar 21, 2009

I opened a folder and because it had multiple repeat messages I clicked on one (I think) to delete it and the whole folder disappeared. I looked in the deleted items folder. It wasn't there. I looked in the Recycle Bin and it wasn't there so I lost all the legit messages I had in that folder.

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Change Folder View Templates

Feb 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me if I can change the templates used to display folders in Vista.

I've searched the forums and discovered plenty of tutorials about the problem of Vista remembering the template used and how to change which template is used.

But that is not what I want. I actually want to change the template itself (In an ideal world I'd like to create new templates), but at the minimum I'd like to change what the existing templates show.

For example, I have a number of Sound FX files and for those, I'd like the template to show the length of the clip. Similarly, I do not use Ratings, and have no use for them or Genres or track numbers, but I would like file size. For Images, I again never use Ratings, or tags (I use Adobe Lightroom to catalog my images as I have thousands) but I would like to see file type and modification date!

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Windows Explorer Folder View?

Mar 15, 2009

This is about Windows 7, I do not know whether this is an issue in Vista. Seems like Microsoft has undervalued the folder view, maybe even trying to get rid of it. Some time after Windows 98, I think Microsoft improved folder view by allowing a single click on the folder name to expand subfolders underneath. Now with Windows 7, clicking on the default taskbar folder opens with the folder view exposed. Apparently Microsoft again understands how useful folder view is. But, unless I am mistaken, here we go again... Currently I am looking at Windows 7, trying to find the setting to allow single clicking on a folder name in the folder view to expand the folder. Before, it was the same function as clicking on the small plus mark on the left side of the folder name. In the main window of Windows Explorer, you can enable hover to select and a single click to expand the folder, but that IMO sucks when working with files.

Is there a setting in Windows 7 which allows a single click on a folder name in folder view to expand the subfolders underneath that folder in folder view? Or are we stuck once again having to click the small plus sign to the left of the folder name?

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