How Can Attached A Gif File Word Documnet

Feb 10, 2009

I'm pretty new to the whole Vista experience. Would one of you be able to tell me something? How can I attach a gif file to a word document. I know it's probably a stupid one but I can't figure it out.

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Open A Attached File Not Found

Apr 1, 2009

When I try to open a file (Word, Excel, pdf) directly from Windows Mail without saving the file, the associated program opens then I get an error message saying that the file C:WindowsSystem32 could not be found.

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Unable To Open Attached File

Jun 4, 2008

Whenever I try to open an attached (so far all Excel files) file to an incoming e-mail in Windows Mail, I am getting following Windows (Vista) message: "Windows cannot find 'file name w/ path'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again." Clearly this message is misleading since I have not typed any file name and/or its path. I just double-clicked the attached file name.

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Recipient Cannot Open The Attached File

May 14, 2008

When I send my C.V. the recipient cannot open the attached file. They say use a different format, whats all that about.

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Open Word File, Can't Find File

May 12, 2008

Trying to open a Word file, get message "Windows can't find so-and-so file". Similarly, trying to open it programmatically in Excel VBA, I get the same message. But if I right-click and select "Open with" and pick Microsoft Windows, it works.

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"this File Could Not Be Found" - Windows Mail Cant Open Attached

May 5, 2009

Since I installed IE8, I have had a lot of small glitches. I have been able to clean them all up. But this one has been completely resistant to all my attempts to solve it. Here is the problem. Please READ this and do not jump to conclusions (such as that the problem is a program association problem -- which it is NOT) that are not based on this scenario, nor recommend to me doing something that I have already tried.

- I receive a Word document attached to an e-mail.
- I double click on the document in the ATTACH box of the received e-mail.
- Windows Mail opens a MAIL ATTACHMENT window asking if I want to open the document.
- Word 2007 opens.
- Word 2007 opens a MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD window that says "This file could not be found. (C:...Filename ...)" where Filename is the name of the .DOC file.

The same thing happens with PDF files: Adobe Acrobat Reader opens but then opens an ADOBE READER window that says "There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found.".........

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Won't Find A File Given A Word In The Contents

Mar 23, 2008

It just doesn't work.
I have a simple text file with a certain word in it.
I try to find this text file, but vista won't find it.
Windows 2000 finds it within a second.
I have tried all available options.
"include non-indexed"
"always search file names and contents"
"find partial matches"
"include subfolders"

It just doesn't work.
Why is there not a simple search function that actually works like in

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DOS Command, Print Out As A Word File

Apr 19, 2009

Vista Ultimate - 64 bit. In one of my folders, I have an extensive sub- folder tree which I'd like to print out as a Word file. Here's what I've done:

1. I click Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt
2. Using the CD command, I get to the head folder of the desire sub-folder tree
3. If I then run the command "Tree", the sub-folder tree scrolls by quickly in the desired format - i.e., like a genealogy chart, with lines connecting the various levels.

But if I try to pipe the output to a text or Word file using the command tree>tree.txt or tree>.tree.doc, I get the tree. But the nice lines linking the various levels are replaced by a sequence of bogus characters. The maddening thing is that I was earlier able to get the nice chart into a Word document. But I neglected to record the steps, and can't reproduce them.

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Conversion Of File List To Word Document

Mar 23, 2008

How can one convert the list of files in a folder, as shown on "View...List" in Explorer, to a Word Document without first capturing the screen, printing the image, then physically scanning the printed page, and finally utilizing the OCR program? I do not wish to retype the lists as text documents, which I nearly and effectively have to do when the OCR has been used previously in this manner. I have over 2,000 family photos that I have restored and "saved as..." with identifiying names and dates and need an editable list to be used by recipients of the copies that will be given. The photos were not tagged. Vista Home Premium and Office 2003 are being used.

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Word Perfect Compatibility, NOT SavING The File

Jul 5, 2008

I can type in Word Perfect 11, but it will not let me save the file.

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Lost Word File - Disappeared, Recovery!

Feb 9, 2009

I have been working on a chapter of my thesis, recently moving it all to my USB so I can work at uni too. Well, its totally disappeared, after I tried to save it tonight - it came up with an error, saying the file path was gone and that it would make a rescue save and close down! I tried to close everything else properly, but this one file just had the error message and I had to click ok.... and then it was completely gone. I wrote down the ~wrl file number, but searching for it yields nothing. There is one 'rescue file' but it has endnote reference coding (bibliographic software) and no text.

This isn't the first time this has happened, but the last time was years ago when Vista first came out and I learnt to put files on the C: to work one them - I forgot. I have recently changed my anti-virus software too, I've heard that can cause trouble. I have downloaded "Undelete" and it seems to be scanning forever. Before I googled I backed up my other chapters and emailed them to myself - but I backed them up (zipped to a folder) ON the USB, didn't realise that would be a bad idea, grr.

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Corrupt Table In Word. File Not Usable.

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista on a laptop and Windows XP on my desk. Both systems have been used for a Word document I've been working on.This Word document has a contents table and one other freestanding table. One of them has become corrupt -- I do not know which one. I see a discussion string about this, but the solution proposed there does not work for me. When I open the document, I get the error message about the corrupt file, but the cursor doesn't work, page down doesn't work, the down arrow doesn't work, the links above doesn't work. The moment I click on the document to get a cursor, Word no longer responds (I get the not responding message up top), and then it just sits there. If I click again anywhere, the document goes gray, and all I can do is close it.

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Open Anolder File So Clickd On The Word Document On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

I ws workin on my Acer laptop with windows vista last evenin and I ws online surfin thru websites. i clickd on an email id on the web page by mistake.. so it tried to open Outlook to send an email. I hadnt used Outlook b4 on my lap so d setup opend and said tat outlook ws gona b installed. i closd tat dialog box cz i din wan to run dat setup. iv don tat many times b4 too. i continued surfin and in anoder 2 mins i clickd on anoder email id so d same dialog box popped up n i closed it again. i had a Word document opened and was copy-pastin stuf frm it to my email msg. i needed to open anoder file so clickd on d word document on my desktop.. and it said "preparin to instal ms word". i dint understand wt hapnd cz i ws already wrkn wit word and ws wonderin y d setup file of word had opened. i closed it and tried to open anoder word document and d same thin hapnd. i ws realllly surprised and clickd on the word doc which ws already open and tried to type sumthn.. it ws wrkn. i opened a new empty doc frm d doc which ws already open and it wrkd. den i closd the docs dat were open and clickd on ms word and dat setup dialogue box opend up again and word dint wrk no matter wt i tried. i ws really surprised and shockd cz evthin ws wrkn perfectly wel n within 2 mins my ms word seemd to b uninstalld! i closed internet explorer and the oder pdfs tat were open n tried to restart my lap. aftr restartin it i clickd on word n d same installation dialogue box came up. very surprisd i tried to restart again and dis time i cudnt even get into d login page.. sum error came up which said dat dere mite b sum software or hardware problem so i cudnt even gt the login page. dere wer 2 options available-

1. windows startup repair (recommended)
2. restart windows normally

i clickd on "restart windows normally" and a blank screen came up n js sht dwn in around 30 seconds. i clickd on the power button again n got the same 2 options frm which i selectd "startup repair".. d same blank screen came n d lap sht dwn in around 20 seconds. tried again and tis time the lap sht dwn b4 i cud get dose options. totally shockd i thot i needed to giv d lap sum rest cz i had been wrkn on it for a long time. i din tuch t for d nex 20 hrs and den tried again. i cud get the two options and i clickd on start windows normally and a blank screen came up and lap sht dwn. i tried again n selectd startup repair n it went thru d repair and said dat "system files corruped".. "boot error" .. "windows explorer not wrkn" etc.

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Office 2007 Word Edit Document Word 2003

Nov 11, 2009

When I edit Word Documents I get something that looks weird with all sorts of strange characters in the document or letter. How do I edit a previously created Word file and get it to look like a normal document like they did with Word 2003?

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Converting Word 97-2003 Document To Word 2007

May 17, 2008

I use Vista and want to know how to open a file that was originally in Word 97? 2003 to open in Vista Word 2007 and how to convert that file to the Word 2007 format. When I searched Microsoft on this issue, it said to click on Start and look for the word convert. When I did that I could not find the work convert.

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Backup And Restore: "Word Cannot Open The Existing File"

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a WD 500 GB external, and used windows backup. It worked fine. I was planing to return my laptop for repairs because it was making funny sounds, so i deleted all my documents/music/pictures and so on. When i went to restore everything, I got a pretty nasty problem.

everything was restored, but stored on the F: drive, which is the external. when ever i would start up the computer, without the external plugged in, it would give me an error saying that the desktop wasn't found and that it was in different folder. there was also a problem with Microsoft office, which when ever i would open Word 2007 it would say "the office open xml file Normal.dotm cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."

then it would give me a second error message "Word cannot open the existing file. (normal) i would also get this same error when opening up any existing word file. when i would write things up and then go to save it, it says that "word has insufficient memory. do you want to save document one as rescued document 2?" i have a similar problem with itunes

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Email Comes In Without The Attached

Apr 23, 2008

it only happens when sending pictures from my work email addy to my home computer. RE: Emailng jpg pix 100kb or less from work that has Windows 2000 with Outlook 2003 to my personal email addresses on my home computer (Vista) with Comcast & Yahoo.If I email pictures from my work email addy (either attached or inserted into the email body) to my personal email addy and hope to see them on my home computer using Windows Mail with Comcast, the email comes in without the attached or inserted picture and there is no message that there was a problem. I made sure I'm on the safe list and not on the blocked list. When I am at work and open Comcast email on the internet, the attachments are with the emails and open fine. When I am at home and open Comcast email on the internet instead of via Windows Mail, there are no attached or inserted pictures. When at home, the same emails with attached photos sent to my Yahoo email are delivered and open fine.

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Can Not Attached Photo Email

Mar 23, 2008

Windows Vista Premium. I'm able to select a Photo in Windows Photo Gallery and click Email which attaches the photo to a blank email. I can then fill in the Address and words...and send it. But.....I can't seem to Create the email, then click the "attach paper clip icon" and open Windows Photo Gallery to select the photo for the attachment. I'm sure it's obvious I'm not very sharp with this stuff but I'm hoping someone can give me a simple method to do this. All else seems to work OK with Vista and Windows Vista Mail.

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Open An Attached, Restart

Apr 10, 2008

machine having problem when open an attached .doc or ..pdf file. The Outlook 2003 will restart automatically by itself for sometime.

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64 No Boot If Storage Drive Attached

Mar 23, 2008

I have a "storage" drive (seagate sata 3.0gb, 320gb) with lots of files which was previously used (as a storage drive) with my xp pro 32 install, and after that, with my linux system via fuse+ntfs-3g. This drive is mountable in linux still, and all files appear to be intact. I would like to share this storage drive between my dual boot Vista
Ultimate/Debian Etch (both 64) system, but if it is connected while trying to boot vista, vista will stop after the "loading" screen, and rest eternally on a black screen, before any welcome logo or logon screen.Without this drive connected, vista boots fine. Without my linux drive connected, and with the storage drive connected, vista still will not boot. Vista even sees my linux drive and all its partitions, but will not boot
with the storage drive attached. I've tried booting and *then* connecting the drive, but it doesn't show up anywhere at all (my computer, device manager, disk management).I've searched EVERYWHERE for the last several months (ever since i bought vista near the end of september '07) and have found absolutely Zero clues as to why this is happening or how to fix it.

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Not Set Display Resolution, (screenshot Attached)

Feb 21, 2009

I uninstalled Microsoft office 2007 and after that I noticed that although the resolution of my laptop display is adjusted to maximum at 1280X800 but the icons appear a little blur at their edges and the messages boxes that open do not show all the matter and commands that are there (screenshot attached).

I have scanned my window’s registry and also I have checked all the files with scannow option but nothing was found wrong anywhere and also all the drivers are working properly. But I cannot change the resolution by any means and my problem remains the same.

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Making Attached Pictures Smaller

Nov 2, 2009

I am trying to attach pictures to an outgoing email and they are inserting into the email way too large. Is there a solution to this? I have tried using Microsoft Picture Gallery and creating an email that way, but it won't let me. Outlook had a "wizard" for pictures so it was really easy.

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Can Not Open Newsgroups Attached Photos

Feb 22, 2009

I have Vista and of course the viewer as Windows Photo Gallery. Suddenly and without any apparent reason I can not open pictures attached to newsgroup messages with Windows Photo Gallery. The photo is visible in the body of the message, is saved where I want but when I try to view it the Windows Photo Gallery tells me this: "Could not find file xxx.jpg verify that the file name is correct and try again"

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Cannot Send An Email With Photo Attached

Oct 6, 2009

Using Windows Mail I've always been able to email photos, and also compressed folders. This morning I have been unable to send emails with pictures attached to them. They remain in the outbox and block other outgoing mail. I can send an email with no attachment. I don't know if loading Apple Quicktime has caused my mailing problem.This morning I also downloaded Apple Quicktime. I needed this program in order to view movies taken with a Panasonic Lumix camera. The digital JPGs that I upload to computer can be viewed with Windows Photo Gallery, but the movies can't. I want to look at the movies I have taken with my camera, and share them. I want to share my photos as well, via email.

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Cannot Attached The Company Logo To The Signature

Sep 1, 2009

How could i attached the company Logo to my signature.

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How Windows Sees Attached Hard Drive

Aug 22, 2009

I have a Ultimate 64 PC with a USB hard drive attached, a new problem has come up, hopefully someone can help me fix it.

When I start my PC; Windows is asking me what I want to do with the Drive, open the pictures, play the music, open it to view the content etc, it's as if I have just attached the drive.

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Infected Hard Drive Can Be Attached To XP To Clean Virus?

Aug 19, 2009

Can I attach my infected Vista HDD into an XP set and do a Virus/Malware scan? Will it find and clean Registry items as well as files?

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Make NAS (Network Attached Storage) Devices Work

Sep 1, 2006

If you are like me and have a NAS device on your network that is not compatible with Windows Vista, now you can tweak Windows Vista to make it work again. You do not even have to wait for your device manufacturer to release a new firmware any more! Just follow these steps below:

Click on the Start Button and key in secpol.msc in the search box and hit Enter.

When the Local Security Policy editor has loaded, expand Local Policies and select Security Options.

Scroll through the list and locate "Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level." Right click on this setting and select Properties....

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Multi Card Reader Attached To MB, Wanted To Format Disk

Jan 22, 2009

I just installed a new MB (Biostar MCP6P M2+) and CPU AMD 64 x2 Brisbane 4200+ 2.2ghz. overclocked to 2.8ghz. and installed Vista x64 Premium OS. I was trying to import some pictures into Picasa from an SD card via a multi card reader on my Canon MP130 printer and the program froze. I shut it down. When I tried to use my multi card reader attached to the MB it wanted to format my disk??? is this because I am using a x64 system? After a few more attempts my entire system froze. I hard rebooted and when the POST comes up it only shows the CPU info and stops?

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Ms Office Professional 2007: When Open Microsoft Work I Get This> (Image Attached)

Aug 21, 2009

When i always open microsoft work i get this> (Image attached) Is there any thing i can do to stop this?

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Error Message: "A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning".

Oct 26, 2008

I am trying to open jpeg image files from a CD on my new Vista PC laptop and it is not working. I think I burned them on a Mac - there is a small red Apple icon on the disc drive icon. I can see the jpeg files in the disc folder but can't open them by double-clicking the jpeg icons - nothing happens. I can't import them into Windows Photo Gallery. When I drag and drop them into Photoshop, it just opens blank white jpeg of the same dimensions. If I try to open them from within Photoshop, I get the error message: "A device attached to the system is not functioning". I can't copy the files onto my computer. I can open the images in Windows XP and Windows 2000, just not Vista. I assume the problem is because the discs were burned on a Mac (I could be wrong).

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