IE8 Keeps Crashing Repeatedly When Open Several Pages (tabs)

Oct 6, 2009

I had my IE7 configured to open several pages (tabs) when it starts up and everything was working fine until this morning, when IE8 keeps crashing repeatedly. This is the detail of the error reported by IE:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 8.0.6001.18813
Application Timestamp: 4a6621ae
Fault Module Name: BhoCitUS.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 47596c0a
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000046e7
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

I am posting it to the Vista newsgroup since I suspect this is a Vista problem rather than an IE problem; let me know if that is not the case.

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Solution :: Explorer.exe Repeatedly Crashing In Vista Ultimate X64

Mar 18, 2009

A few days ago I began experiencing an odd behavior on my Vista box, every time I opened the start menu and typed something into the search box explorer.exe crashed. Further investigation discovered that was also happening when typing anything into the Run command, into a window address bar and even when typing anything into a New Shortcut address.

NOTE: If you just want to know the solution go to the end of the post .

Using the great tools provided by Sysinternals and by Microsoft, I launched my comprehensive investigation of the problem.

First of all, I set WinDBG to be the default JIT debugger for crashed applications by running Code: windbg.exe -I.

Next, I caused explorer.exe to crash (which was easy) and analyzed the dump using !analyze -v.

Studying the dump I didn't find any interesting clues except that the call stack of the faulting thread showed that some ole32 and urlmonitor extensions of explorer were there.

So, using Autoruns (by Sysinternals) I first disabled 3rd party extensions like FileZilla shell extension and WinRAR shell extension. Crashed explorer, it restarted and the problem persisted. Next, I disabled all OLE32 and URLMON related extensions, but still explorer was crashing.

Well, if at first you don't succeed - USE MORE EXPLOSIVES!!!

Next, I disabled everything in the Explorer tab of Autoruns hoping that it wouldn't break anything and stop explorer from crashing but to no avail.

Now I got pissed, I launched Process Monitor and Process Explorer, and started crashing the hell out of explorer while comparing the dumps, call stacks, thread IDs, thread methods, file accessed by explorer prior to the crash and registry keys accessed by explorer prior to the crash.

Well, the thread causing the crash was running SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootW and by examining the output of Process Monitor I could see that it was looking for whatever I typed into the address box in PATH folders, favorites and search locations.

Finally, I decided to become BFF with the WinDBG help and find out what else the !analyze extension could offer. Apparently, beside the (very useful) -v switch it also provides the -f and -hang switches that give you more information.

Using these I found that the problem was cause by urlmon.dll, specifically by the ~CUri destructor. From the call stack I could see that ntdll!RtlFreeHeap was the last method to be called, and it was called by the ~CUri destructor and caused a Heap Corruption Exception.

Anyway, since I was really annoyed by this problem for two days by now and in an hour I had to be at a wedding I did something that I regret, I used the first solution that came to mind.

!!! SOLUTION !!!

I deleted the Internet Explorer browsing history (address history).

It solved the problem which probably was caused by some address (and could be a bug in urlmon.dll) but now I can't further investigate to find what was the exact address in the history that caused the crash.

I apologize for the long story but I feel the need to pass the knowledge to others.

There might be some holes in the plot, but that is probably the best I can do at 3:30 AM after a long day....

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IE7 New Tabs Open Blank

Feb 12, 2009

Minor issue, but annoying Vista Home Premium, IE7. When I open a new tab I get the Blank Tab page. I have checked the Internet Tools item for Open Home Page instead of a Blank page, but no joy. How can I get a new tab to open to my home page.

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Runs Out Of Memory, Cant Open New Tabs And Touchpad Does Not React

Mar 23, 2008

When I surf with IE7 og have more than 7 tabs open at the same time, its like windows runs out of memory, all of a sudden I cant open any new tabs and right click on the touchpad does not react. If I then minimize IE7 and right click on the desktop nothing happens either. If I then close a couple of programs (its only Yahoo messenger og coreTemp that are running(coreTemp shows how warm your cpu is, and min is constantly between 56 og 64 degrees celsius)), then right click works again.

Usually when this happens I cant even get the taskmanager up, but if I close Yahoo Messenger then I can, and now I can see that there is used about 47% memory, under proceses i can see that:

Yahoo uses up to 50MB,
Iexplorer 27 - 150MB
og Dwm.exe takes up to 120MB.

The problem also happens if Yahoo is not started, so thats not the cause. I have disabled aero and use minimal of all the things Vista comes with, so the I get max. performance following most of the instructions but the probleme persist every time I use IE and use more than 7 tabs (This should not happen, and using more than 7 tabs is perfectly normal)............

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IE7 Couldn't Open Any Internet Pages

Mar 14, 2009

I downloaded: "Realtek-Network-Realtek RTL8168B8111B family PCI-E Gigabyte Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)" And my IE7 couldn't open any internet pages. Had to Restore to a previous point to get internet navigation again.

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64 Slow Browsing, Web Pages Takes Long To Open

Aug 20, 2008

I've just formatted (twice now cause I thought maybe there was wrong with the first installation) my Vista 32 SP1 PC and put 64 on, did all the latest updates. Everything works great except my memory usages is always very high.

my internet speed is playing up real bad. I can browse and do what I want at normal speeds but as soon as I start downloading anything my internet slows down to an unbearable pace, web pages take so long to open that I have to cancel my download

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How Pages/folders Up On The Screen Stacked Vertical Like Book Pages?

Aug 20, 2008

how you get the pages/folders up on the screen stacked vertical like book pages? i can seem to find the settings for it anywhere coming from Xp!

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Documents Not Open, Crashing

Nov 13, 2008

I've been using my computer for more than a year now, and suddenly I have a problem with it. I've been away for 3 weeks, and have just returned to find that the My Documents folder will not open. Details: When I open the folder Hayden (your folder with your name, basically My Documents) it opens a window, with nothing but a white screen. If I click anywhere, or wait for too long, it goes into Not Responding mode, and has to be closed out of. as I need to access my folder.

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Domain Account Locked Out Repeatedly

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Windows Server 2003 active directory domain, ISA server with VPN, and one Windows Vista client. The Vista owner calls me every time he wants to connect with VPN, and tells me that he cannot. Looking in Active Directory shows me, that his domain user account is locked out. When I unlock the account he is able to login. It seems that something (a service? office 2007?) does try to authenticate with wrong credentials, and locks his account every time it can.

I have the default settings for the account lockout policy, threshold of 3, and 0 for lockout duration. This problem is really annoying so much, that I think about to tell him to uninstall Vista and install XP again. The XP users don't have this problem at all. I've looked around in the web and found some other users that have the same problem. But I found no solution for it.

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Print Spooler Crash Repeatedly

Mar 23, 2008

When connecting to network print devices. Printer Spooler crashes repeatedly. This happens on startup occationaly. It happens when running logon scripts. I have tried numerous scripts VBS and BAT files. All of which work 100% on XP boxes. When connecting manually it will load 1 or 2 devices then spooler will fail. I notice that there are 1000's of posts related to this issue. Is there a FIX or Workarount from Microsoft? Vista will never go in my enterprise at this rate...

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Emails With Attachment Repeatedly Sent In Live Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I tried sending an email with a word document attachment about three days ago, but i cannot stop it being re-sent. The recipient has to date received 33 instances of this email

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Outlook 2007 Repeatedly Installs And Configures

Dec 1, 2008

Just installed Outlook 2007 today. Seems that when opening Outlook or when sending messages that Windows installer is repeatedly running before things are done. States gathering necessary information or configuring Outlook in notification boxes and then things will finally process once all this stops. Is this a none issue with Outlook and Vista that one has to live with?

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IE8: Remembering Tabs From Last Session

Dec 15, 2008

Is it possible to get IE8 (b2) to remember the tabs you had open in your last session?

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How Preview Tabs As Thumbnails?

Feb 26, 2009

after spending almost 30 min (yeah yeah I'm a newb or whatever you call people like me these days) trying to figure out how I can preview the tabs as thumbnails when I scroll my mouse over the task bar, I see that IF you have Vista Home Premium or better, you can change your Color and Appearance to Aero and then supposedly the option (under the Taskbar and Menu section in the Control Panel) for previewing tabs as thumbnails is supposed to be click-able... I have Windows Vista Home Premium, AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-56, etc. ... I tried to change the color to Aero and it won't let me, so of course it won't let me preview the tabs as thumbnails either.

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Tabs: Change The Location To The Top Of The Screen

Jun 10, 2008

The tabs open at the bottom of the screen, how do I change the location to the top of the screen?

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Home Page Tabs Nothing Works

May 31, 2008

A few days ago I set my home page tabs with no problem. Today I decided to add two tabs. Nothing works. I've even tried adding them via IP's. I've clicked on each tab, added the desired webpage, selected Add or Change Home Page and then checked "use the current tab set as your home page." I've also tried all other options. Only the original page is retained. What am I doing wrong? (Date/Time are correct and open new tabs next to current is checked in IE Properties.)

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Setting Home Page Tabs

May 31, 2008

I set my home page tabs with no problem. Today I decided to add two tabs. Nothing works. I've even tried adding them via IP's. I've clicked on each tab, added the desired webpage, selected Add or Change Home Page and then checked "use the current tab set as your home page." I've also tried all other options. Only the original page is retained. What am I doing wrong?

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Excel Worksheet Tabs Disappeared

Mar 3, 2008

The strangest thing has happened in my excel 2007, running in vista 64. As of yesterday, it no longer displays the individual tabs for worksheets in a workbook of existing files. Any new blank file it will show the standard three tabs. Its not a problem with the file which when viewed in vista 32 or xp still shows the tabs. I've searched the ms knowledgebase and the web, but this appears to be a one of a kind. The "unhide" worksheet feature is greyed out in excel.

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Internet Explorer Keeps Freezing On Switching Tabs

Nov 5, 2009

over the last couple of weeks Internet Explorer has decided to stop responding. Is this a general problem or am I the only one? I don't seem to be doing anything unusual when it happens. Sometimes simply switching tabs causes the freeze.

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Minimized Tabs On Taskbar Wrong Side?

Jun 22, 2008

I turn on my computer today, and all of a sudden the minimized tabs for the programs I'm using are on the wrong side of the taskbar. They're on the right side, near the clock, rather than the left side by the start menu. They are also so small that I cannot read them, and if I have more than two they don't show up. I know it's a minor problem, but it's really annoying to me, and I can't figure out how to make them go to the way they were before.

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Tabs Disappeared, And Unable To Hide Menu Bar

Mar 29, 2008

Tools/Internet Options/General tab, click on Tab settings and re-enable this feature. If it is enabled already, uncheck the box, click apply/ok and then close all open browsers. Repeat to re-enable this feature.

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Slow Down On 15-20 Web Pages

Sep 26, 2009

I'm running a dell dual core with 2 gb of memory and a 200 gig hard drive, with Mozilla Firefox. In the past I have been able to peruse perhaps 15-20 web pages, reduced in size and it hasn't slowed down at all. All of a sudden after four or five windows accrue the computer comes to nearly a stop and it takes forever to load that last page. I have to wait a long time before I can even close the windows.

I have cleared all the temp files and cache, removed cookies and cleaned everything up.

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IE8: Can't Load Pages

Aug 25, 2009

I have a new machine with Vista Home Premium. I find when browsing in IE8 it works fine for a while then it just can't seem to load any pages even my home page. No message, just a blank screen and the green bar across the bottom sitting there about half way across and doesn't go any further as if it can't load the page. I have cleaners I have tried but the only thing that works is to restart my machine.

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IE Does Not Load Any Pages

Apr 26, 2009

I can open google, search with google, but IE does not open any of the links! I tried to load firefox or chrome, but IE won't open the pages! Also, I can't update Windows. I tried to check for problems in connection, result was no problems found. Obviously I'm connected, because google works fine. Nothing else (virus, Win updates) does.

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IE Pages Not Responding

Mar 15, 2009

I have been having to use the Task Manager to shut down Internet Explorer due to the pages freezing up. When I open task manger it indicates that the page is not responding. This happened approximately 30 times today alone. I have no idea what is causing this problem so I don't have a clue as to what to do to fix it. I finely got so frustrated I just gave up and shut my system down.I'm running the VISTA operating system and, as stated above.

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Cant Get Web Pages To Print

Mar 23, 2008

ok i have vista home, i have tried i think everything, i cant get the web pages to print all i get is codes. i cant even print this page out! i am about to throw this dumb thing out the window! and regret ever buying a hp with vista.

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Attachments Are Sent As Web Pages

May 1, 2008

When I send attachments through Windows Mail they can't be opened in the program they were created in eg Word. I can click on "open as a web page" to open them, but then I can't print them as a whole document, only the part of the page on the screen. Is there some way I can just send them as ordinary attachments without the web page proviso or should I go back to Outlook?

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Unable To Print Web Pages In IE7

Mar 23, 2008

I suddenly find I am unable to print web pages in IE7. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium. It shows the item in print preview but when print is selected nothing happens other than the printer icon shows briefly before disappearing followed by nothing. The printer details state there are no documents pending. I can print from all other programmes such as Word,Excel etc so I know the fault is not with the printer.

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IE 7 Or 8 Refusing To Load Pages

Aug 6, 2009

I know two folks that just got new computers with Vista. They both seem to be having the same problem with IE 7 or 8 refusing to load pages after surfing for a period of time. They both say a reboot is necessary to restore IE to usability. I have not found a definite answer on the net, so does anyone know if this is a common problem in Vista and how to fix it?

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How To Scan Multiple Pages

May 27, 2008

How to scan multiple pages and save as one single file without document feeder?

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Web Pages Wont Display

Jun 8, 2009

ive just set up my new net connection and although ive got access local and internet on my vista home premium 64 bit system when i try to connect to a web page i get a blank white page which says done at the bottom. I then connected an XP based laptop with no problems so i presume theres a problem with vista

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