Solution :: Explorer.exe Repeatedly Crashing In Vista Ultimate X64

Mar 18, 2009

A few days ago I began experiencing an odd behavior on my Vista box, every time I opened the start menu and typed something into the search box explorer.exe crashed. Further investigation discovered that was also happening when typing anything into the Run command, into a window address bar and even when typing anything into a New Shortcut address.

NOTE: If you just want to know the solution go to the end of the post .

Using the great tools provided by Sysinternals and by Microsoft, I launched my comprehensive investigation of the problem.

First of all, I set WinDBG to be the default JIT debugger for crashed applications by running Code: windbg.exe -I.

Next, I caused explorer.exe to crash (which was easy) and analyzed the dump using !analyze -v.

Studying the dump I didn't find any interesting clues except that the call stack of the faulting thread showed that some ole32 and urlmonitor extensions of explorer were there.

So, using Autoruns (by Sysinternals) I first disabled 3rd party extensions like FileZilla shell extension and WinRAR shell extension. Crashed explorer, it restarted and the problem persisted. Next, I disabled all OLE32 and URLMON related extensions, but still explorer was crashing.

Well, if at first you don't succeed - USE MORE EXPLOSIVES!!!

Next, I disabled everything in the Explorer tab of Autoruns hoping that it wouldn't break anything and stop explorer from crashing but to no avail.

Now I got pissed, I launched Process Monitor and Process Explorer, and started crashing the hell out of explorer while comparing the dumps, call stacks, thread IDs, thread methods, file accessed by explorer prior to the crash and registry keys accessed by explorer prior to the crash.

Well, the thread causing the crash was running SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootW and by examining the output of Process Monitor I could see that it was looking for whatever I typed into the address box in PATH folders, favorites and search locations.

Finally, I decided to become BFF with the WinDBG help and find out what else the !analyze extension could offer. Apparently, beside the (very useful) -v switch it also provides the -f and -hang switches that give you more information.

Using these I found that the problem was cause by urlmon.dll, specifically by the ~CUri destructor. From the call stack I could see that ntdll!RtlFreeHeap was the last method to be called, and it was called by the ~CUri destructor and caused a Heap Corruption Exception.

Anyway, since I was really annoyed by this problem for two days by now and in an hour I had to be at a wedding I did something that I regret, I used the first solution that came to mind.

!!! SOLUTION !!!

I deleted the Internet Explorer browsing history (address history).

It solved the problem which probably was caused by some address (and could be a bug in urlmon.dll) but now I can't further investigate to find what was the exact address in the history that caused the crash.

I apologize for the long story but I feel the need to pass the knowledge to others.

There might be some holes in the plot, but that is probably the best I can do at 3:30 AM after a long day....

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IE8 Keeps Crashing Repeatedly When Open Several Pages (tabs)

Oct 6, 2009

I had my IE7 configured to open several pages (tabs) when it starts up and everything was working fine until this morning, when IE8 keeps crashing repeatedly. This is the detail of the error reported by IE:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 8.0.6001.18813
Application Timestamp: 4a6621ae
Fault Module Name: BhoCitUS.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 47596c0a
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000046e7
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

I am posting it to the Vista newsgroup since I suspect this is a Vista problem rather than an IE problem; let me know if that is not the case.

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Upgraded To Vista Ultimate: Internet Explorer 8

Dec 15, 2009

I was using yista home premium and upgraded to vista ultimate however it is causing to many problems with other sofftware I use and the internet explorer 8. Is there a way to dowm grade or restore to the previous version without doing a complete system restore. I tried to restore to an earlier date, but it was not early enough.

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Vista Audio Solution - What You Hear

May 31, 2008

Many of you may have been as frustrated as myself by Micrsoft bowing to the RIAA and pressuring the soundcard manufacturers to remove the "What You Hear" feature from their drivers. This supposedly prevents you from recording web radio and other sound card audio.

The short term workaround has been to loop the line out audio back around into the line in jack. While this works, it's a kludge.

The good news is that Version 7 of Total Recorder (just released) now comes with a true kernal mode driver that restores the capability to do direct recordings.


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Movie Maker On Ultimate Is Crashing

Apr 27, 2008

My Movie Maker is crash during publishing. I have Vista Ultimate newly
installed. What could be the problem? Here are 3 of the recent errors:

* Error on 4/26/08 at 12:36

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:moviemk.exe
Application Version:6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp:4549b5b6
Fault Module Name:wmvencod.dll
Fault Module Version:11.0.6001.7000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a822
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:0001bc09
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:fd00
Additional Information 2:ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3:fd00
Additional Information 4:ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:225969324

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Blue Screen Crashing Ultimate

Mar 26, 2008

I put together a PC with brand new parts and installed Vista Ultimate about a year ago (Feb'07). Besides for waiting for driver updates at the begining when vista first came out, I have not had a problem with vista until a week ago. I have not installed any new hardware or software. I have a Radeon 1600x I thought it may be the graphics card, I took that out but I still get the same issue. I have been getting blue screen for about a week. I have done system restore, that worked for a few days with the occasional blue screen.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing

Aug 4, 2008

My Vista works fine in safe mode. I uninstalled almost every program I ever installed, I wrote down all of the processes that were running in safe mode and then rebooted and killed each process one by one, replicating the crash inciting event...opening any folder, after killing each process until I was down to the processes that were running in safe mode...and the ones that kept restarting themselves and I can't get the problem fixed.

I am using an HP Pavilion dv9000 running the pre-installed Vista Home Premium. The HP rebuild disk boots up into a repair screen, says it is repairing and if it works it will restart normally, which it does but I still have the same problem. I have run every anti virus/anti virus I could get my hands on (none of which seem to be getting rid of this Virtumonde piece of %*&, which is the least of my worries at this point unless it is causing the crashes).

I am about ready to take my laptop to the shooting range with me or upgrade to Windows XP because I have honestly not seen a single value added by Vista. If anyone has any ideas I would gratefully listen. If not, I think I am shooting this hard drive (really) and restarting with XP or some flavor of **ix and running XP in VMware.

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SP2 Explorer Keeps Crashing -

Jun 5, 2009

ok i have too many of these. After i installed Vista SP2, i keep getting explorer crashes. It's sporadic. I open my computer, boom, it hangs and then i need to hit reset. It's happening alot.

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Ultimate Installation Crashing Hard Drive

Aug 17, 2009

My husband and I just bought a brand new Toshiba Satellite A505-S6965. It comes installed with Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit (SP1). We tried installing an upgrade of Windows Ultimate using the 64-bit disc. It crashed our hard drive. We took it back to Best Buy and they told us that the computer just had a bad hard drive. They gave us a new computer (exact same model). We went home, tried installing, same thing happened. Called Toshiba. They don't know why it would be doing that. Called Microsoft. They don't know why it would be doing that either.

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Window Explorer Crashing

Mar 11, 2009

When ever I'm trying to Right click on a folder, My windows explorer crashes. It also crashes when I highlight the folder, and Hit the delete button, Windows crashes. I'm pretty sure I'm Running a Vista home premium 64bit. I know for sure
its 64bit, and That its vista. But I forgot where to see what version it is.

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Explorer Crashing On 2nd Partition...

Sep 27, 2009

I have I laptop in which I have vista installed on a HDD that is in three partitions. One is strickly for the OS and programs, the second is for all audio, videos, live cd downloads, etc., and the third is the recovery partition (my vista is an OEM installation) I have a problem that arises every once in awhile which involves windows explorer crashing when I access the partition with all my audio etc on it. it does it every once and awhile and I have traced the problem back to the windows temp folder. apparently something happens and it makes explorer go crazy untell i delete everything in the temp folder (via ccleaner)

my question is what could be causing this to happen and if anyone else has/had this problem and has found a more permenant solution then clearing the temp folder everytime it happens.

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Crashing In Explorer.exe Module

Jun 26, 2008

I am getting the following crash on my newly installed Vista ultimate system. Would like to know how to stop this. Here are some of the crash logs.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:Explorer.EXE
Application Version:6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:47918e5d....I want an answer as to why this is happening and want to know how to stop this from reoccuring.

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Internet Explorer Crashing

Sep 18, 2009

I have Vista 64 and IE8 and I get frequent crashes in sites like Amazon or forum sites. Something freezes when that part starts to load. I have to restart ie after. Is there a way to tell what is freezing it?

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32Bit Explorer Crashing

Jul 5, 2009

About a week ago my monitor started to dim and was just because it was burning out.but 2 days ago i turned my monitor back on and my explorer crashed.i reset my pc and my explorer crashed again before anything could come up.i tired safe mode and ti doesnt work either.i have an monitor plugged in now and although i can do more then with my LCD my explorer still crashes.with this old 2002 monitor the explorer still crashes but i can still get to some things.

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Explorer.exe Is Crashing On Windows

Jun 28, 2008

I have and Windows Vista Business N laptop (Sony VAIO BX297XP) and on that machine Explorer.exe is crashing very often, which is very annoying. I usally kill the process and then restart the process after that it works again. It started happening after the install of Service Pack 1

Things I have done, and have no effect:
*Updated my drivers
*Defragmented all my disks, which I also have sheduled weekly
*Runned Chkdsk, seems to be fine
*Checked for Viruses with Trend Micro Housecall, I have no viruses
*Checked for Spyware with Windows Defender, found nothing
*With ShellExView I have disabled all non Microsoft Shell Extensions........

When the Explorer crashed I was able to create a dump file of the process. Next I analyzed it with Debugging Tools for Windows and have an debuglog. And that's where i got stuck. I don't understand anything of that debuglog. Beneath I have included it. Does someone understand and see what the problem is?...........

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing

May 4, 2009

I have regular problems with my vista software where the software gives me this message or a similar one

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangXProcB1
Application Name: Explorer.EXE
Application Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp: 47918e5d
Hang Signature: 7ce1
Hang Type: 128
Waiting on Application Name: svchost.exe:AudioClientRpc
Waiting on Application Version:
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Hang Signature 1: 9224369711237709974176f646a5196a
Additional Hang Signature 2: 0c9f................................

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Explorer Crashing, Event Name: APPCRASH

Jul 28, 2009

Why does this keep crashing?

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 7.0.6001.18248
Application Timestamp: 49f1c24f
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a7a6
Exception Code: c015000f
Exception Offset: 000763a2
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

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Windows Explorer Crashing Randomly

Mar 23, 2008

I am using an Asus G1S with Vista Home Premium 32 installed. I've had my computer since June of last Year. It's been working perfectly fine up until about a week ago. Windows Explorer started crashing multiple times and randomly. There has been no reason for it and I can't duplicate it. Sometimes it's after I finish watching a video file in Media Player Classic, sometimes when coming back from sleep mode. I've tried reading for solutions and can't find anything similar to my problem. I've reported and searched for fixes every time but to no avail.

This is the Error report I am receiving.

Windows Explorer

Stopped working

2/26/2008 2:47 PM

Report Sent..............

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Internet Explorer Crashing All The Time

Aug 19, 2009

internet explorer 9 keeps crashing non stop i press X to close it and it crashes i do searches in facebook it crashed it never used to have this problem suddenly its crashing non stop i had to change my default browser because it was so annoying...a way to fix it?

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing/restarting

Feb 2, 2010

i saw a video of someone i subscribed to on Internet, and he posted a video about a 'god mode' folder, and it was real, except he forgot to put '32 bit only'.., so what it was was you had to made a new empty folder on your desktop, and rename it something like 'godmode.{j74h37858g83e453e4g74c}' but right after i did, the folder disappeared, and windows explorer kept restarting about every 5-10 seconds, and i was just lucky i had another user on this computer which does still work. but i really need that first account back (it was the administrator account). so yeah, any thoughts on this would be helpful. *also, i forgot to note that safe mode doesn't work either; the screen just keeps flashing black every 5-10 seconds, which is obviously still the windows explorer.

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Constant Explorer Crashing (file Viewer)

Mar 14, 2008

6 months ago i bought a new lappy and its been going really good with vista on it, no crashes of anykind that i can remember, but last week its just started playing up, Whenever i do anything explorer crashes, sometimes it resets itself and other times i have to load task manager and Run explorer.exe to get my desktop back. anytime i load IE7 it resets itself or anytime i load a new page it does it. It does it when i load explorer (file viewer) and within 10 sec it crashes and closes that with no error box or anything, simply resets or crashes and dosent come back. Same with control panel etc. i've tried my nod 32 virus scanner is up to date and i've run a spyware scan but its still crashing constantly. When i first load windows a missing file error pops up that never used to aswell, but its a different file missing each time i boot up.

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Dreme Scene 3 Content Crashing Explorer?

Apr 24, 2008

I am a vista ultimate owner, and have downloaded the dremescene features as well as the older content. Recently with the patch to SP1, I downloaded via the windows update when it became available. Tonight I downloaded the Dremescene 3 content as it became available.

However when I go in to see what the content contains, my Windows Explorer crashes every time.... Regardless if through windows explorer or through the control panel window. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon? I.E. is it a Video Codec that didn't get installed correctly and therefore I just need to download and install it so that Vista and Windows Media Player can decode and show the previews?

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Attemp To Move Files

Apr 15, 2009

Fully patched Vista - I can reproduce every time. When I attempt to move files by dragging from one folder to the next within Explorer, it crashes.

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Windows Explorer Crashing When Installing Games, Also Dvd Turns Dead

Feb 21, 2010

im installing AvP 3 and i just cant do it.

apparently for some reason the dvd stops reading...

when i enter "my computer" and try to go into drive d(my dvd) it just crashes,

then i have to wait from a range of 5 mins to 1.5 hours for windows explorer to restart...

and the game installation crashes too...

that happens with other dvds and cds too.

i have changed various dvd drives from various companies and i have updated all of their drivers...the problem is consistent.

im tired of buying new dvd drives and throwing them away for nothing.

obviously its a vista issue cause on my old pc everything works just fine(i have xp on that one).

most of the games i just copy the dvds files on my portable harddrive using my old pc and then do the installations through that harddrive on my current pc...

but this game is a "steam" game and that wont work...

any ideas?

ps:its not a hardware issue,its definately a windows vista issue.

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New Ultimate Extras: Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs Are Back After The SP1 Upgrade

Apr 23, 2008

I see Windows Sound Schemes, and DreamScene Content Pack 3 now available. Also the Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs are back after the SP1 upgrade.

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Anytime Upgrade To Ultimate Can I Choose Between The 32 And 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 25, 2008

I Have Windows Vista OEM 32 bit that came on my computer. I noticed that the full retail version of ultimate includes the 32 and 64 bit install. With the anytime upgrade to ultimate can I choose between the 32 and 64 bit vista ultimate? I do realize that I would have to do a clean install of the 64 bit OS. I would like to try the 64 bit version but would also like to be able revert back to the 32 bit if the 64 bit doesn't work out. If I can't then the 32 bit version it is as I need to join a domain.........

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Domain Account Locked Out Repeatedly

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Windows Server 2003 active directory domain, ISA server with VPN, and one Windows Vista client. The Vista owner calls me every time he wants to connect with VPN, and tells me that he cannot. Looking in Active Directory shows me, that his domain user account is locked out. When I unlock the account he is able to login. It seems that something (a service? office 2007?) does try to authenticate with wrong credentials, and locks his account every time it can.

I have the default settings for the account lockout policy, threshold of 3, and 0 for lockout duration. This problem is really annoying so much, that I think about to tell him to uninstall Vista and install XP again. The XP users don't have this problem at all. I've looked around in the web and found some other users that have the same problem. But I found no solution for it.

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Print Spooler Crash Repeatedly

Mar 23, 2008

When connecting to network print devices. Printer Spooler crashes repeatedly. This happens on startup occationaly. It happens when running logon scripts. I have tried numerous scripts VBS and BAT files. All of which work 100% on XP boxes. When connecting manually it will load 1 or 2 devices then spooler will fail. I notice that there are 1000's of posts related to this issue. Is there a FIX or Workarount from Microsoft? Vista will never go in my enterprise at this rate...

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Emails With Attachment Repeatedly Sent In Live Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I tried sending an email with a word document attachment about three days ago, but i cannot stop it being re-sent. The recipient has to date received 33 instances of this email

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Outlook 2007 Repeatedly Installs And Configures

Dec 1, 2008

Just installed Outlook 2007 today. Seems that when opening Outlook or when sending messages that Windows installer is repeatedly running before things are done. States gathering necessary information or configuring Outlook in notification boxes and then things will finally process once all this stops. Is this a none issue with Outlook and Vista that one has to live with?

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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