Xp Home Will Not Boot

Feb 28, 2006

I have XP home (OEM install) and it comes up with windowssystem32configsystem files are missing or corrupt . Windows support has only a fix for "FULL install disk" not OEM. Is there a way to recover my data??

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Home Will Not Boot Up

May 30, 2005

I would consider myself as an intermediate PC user. I can install a hard drive and stuff like that, but when it comes to stupid windows problems then I get stuck easily! Currently my PC refuses to boot into Windows XP Home. It will just get as far as the loading screen, and it flashes a blue screen error and restarts. The blue screen is far too quick to see anything, which doesnt help!

This I assume was all caused after I decided to repair my Windows installation as things were running a bit slow. I have now gone through the repair installation 5 times. Alas, it does not work. I took out my TV card, all my extra bits of hardware, disconnected my secondary hard drive, but it still wouldnt boot up after repairing it. Also ran a chkdsk, took a very long time, but had no effect. I honestly do not want to do a clean format and install as I don't want to loose all my data. I can't even get into safe mode to do any backups, it still gives me the blue screen of death, and restarts.

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Home Does Not Boot Right

Aug 1, 2005

I have WindowsXP-home. when i boot the computer it starts normally, i get the desktop and all the icons but i cannot open any application. The only thing i can do is ALT+CRTL+ DEL and log off and log back in with the same users or different user.

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Home Won't Boot

Jul 15, 2005

My XP home laptop will not boot it shows a black screen with with message asking you to select from Safe Mode, Safe Mode with networking,Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Lat known Good configuration and Start.Windows Normally. If I select Lat Known.. or STart Windows Normally, it displays the XP start up screen briefly and then shuts down and starts again. For the Safe modes, it displays a lot of system files, and again turns off and starts again. I think my disk is corrupted. I would like to retrieve data from my disk. I have a XP recovery disk, but it will wipe all data off the disk and return it to the state when I bought it.so I don't want to use it. Is there any way I can boot the PC from CD(it doesn't have floppy) and recover data from the disk?

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Dual Boot Win Home

Jun 11, 2005

I am attempting to install Win XP Pro into a second partition to dual boot with an original install of Win XP Home. Both are installed and working with the exception of an application that I installed in Win XP Pro that apparently has some hardcoded assumptions that the product is installed on the C: drive. Since Win XP Home was the originally installed OS, it has drive letter C:, with Win XP Pro getting assigned drive letter E: when it boots.

Ideally, I would like to have each OS bootup with its boot partition appearing as drive letter C:. The other OSes boot partition doesn't necessarily have to even be seen when the other OS boots, although it would be nice. There is also a third partition on the drive which I need to be available to each OS when booted, again preferably as the same drive letter. There are also a CD-R and CD-RW drive installed, which prior to the Win XP Pro install appeared as drive letters D: and E:.At this point I am looking for the easiest/quickest way to obtain the desired results, ideally without having to uninstall/remove either or both. I am willing to look at a third party boot and/or partition manager as well as manually switching between active partitions within Win XP Home or Pro prior to reboot.

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Dual Boot Home And Pro

Dec 14, 2005

I would like to load XP Pro on an XP Home PC and have a dual boot (do not want to lose the software by a fresh install) Can I have 2 operating systems on the same partition?

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Dual Boot With Home And Pro?

Nov 8, 2008

With all reasons aside for now (mainly because it would be too much typing), if I were to create another small partition other than my main "C" partition on my 320 Gig drive and install XP Pro on the small partition then would that cause problems and conflicts with my main C partition? The small partition that XP pro would be going on would have the drive letter "G" since I already have "D, E and F" taken up by another physical hard drive, DVD-RAM drive and Removable Disk.

So basically my question is that if I make a small partition "G" on my 320 that has my main partition "C" on it, would I be able to boot normally with each one and not have any conflicts? Also, I assume I would have to download a boot loader. Which boot loader is the best to use? And, this is kind of an experiment process in that I don't know that I will even keep the G partition so if I were to reformat the "G" partition and add the space back to the "C" partition then how would I go about removing the no longer needed boot loader?

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Boot Failure Home

Jul 7, 2007

Today, when the XP boot screen appeared after post, my machine rebooted. Went to MSKB and followed instructions for Recovery Console, but when I got to the money shot, I was denied access - tried this 4 times, same response. Tried repair install, but after drivers loaded and auto re-boot, XP boot screen appeared and machine rebooted...vicious cycle.

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Multi Boot Home

Aug 20, 2005

I have had some XP problems, which have involved me installing several versions of XP.(all of them are gone now except the one Im using.)The problem is, When I start my computer, It gives me the option to start in all 3. (only 1 of which works)I thought the file to edit to get rid of this was boot.ini, but I cant find it anywhere. I have searched my whole computer

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Start Up Options: Want To Boot From XP Pro Or XP Home?

Dec 31, 2005

I have just got a new PC which came preloaded with XP Home. As I wanted to use XP Pro I nuked what was on there, or so I thought, and installed Pro from scratch. Now when I boot up (as distinct from booting it which I would like to do regularly,) when it starts it gives me a screen asking if I want to boot from XP Pro or XP Home etc. Is there anyway I can get rid of that first screen please?

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Move HDD To New PC And Boot, OEM Version Of Home

Aug 26, 2005

I'm building a replacement PC and would like to boot off my original XP Home edition HDD. Its an E-Machines OEM version of XP home, is this possible as I only have the CD that came from E-Machines with the PC? Do I need a repar CD? If so where can I get one? I really don't want to loose all my settings.

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Home Sp2 Boot Screen - Without Instaling

Dec 18, 2006

where is the boot screen located and what is it calledi want to change it also the welcome screen i dont want to install 3rd party program just manully edit the image and save change saving it in same place with same name and copy originalfile to my docs 1:where is the boot screen located and what is it called2 :where is the welcome screen located and what is it named3:is there any where i can download cool boot screens free without instaling prog like bootskin

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Can Create Home And Pro Dual Boot?

Sep 1, 2005

can I create a dual boot system. One side Pro and the other Home? Or better yet, can I install pro over home and keep my computer intact?

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Dual Boot Home / Pro - Can Cancel?

Jun 24, 2005

I upgraded an XP Home PC to XP Pro using an upgrade disk and some how have got a dual boot situation. On start up I get the option to boot up in XP Home or XP Pro. I just want XP pro how can I get it to cancel the dual boot and go straight to XP Pro

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Dual Boot 2000 And Home

Apr 30, 2007

I was having trouble accessing my Windows XP Home edition from my dual boot Windows XP Home/Windows 2000 Professional system. I used both Win2K and WinXP CDs and their respective repair functions and no help. When I select the Windows XP Home operating system from the boot select menu I get a message that some file for Windows 2000 is corrupt and to use the Windows 2000 CD or F8 function.

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Home Won't Boot In Any Mode, Stuck In Loop

Sep 15, 2007

I don't really know where i should start so.well earlier today i installed a second hd in my computer to pull so files off of it for my sister and my mom, but when i got it working it said accsess was denied to there stuff i went on my moms computer to check if i hade already backed up there stuff of the old comp, so i go into her document to see if i could find the old documents and when i start scrolling through them the window freezes...so i leave it for a minute and while i'm waiting i close some other programs one of which was mozilla which was also frozen.I go back to the my document window and its still frozen.

I try to close it and of course its not responding so i click end now and it made the every thing disappear like the task bar and all the icons on the desktop are missing...so i wait and see if any thing will reappear and nothing does so i restart it and it starts booting up..the windows logo comes up and the little bars only gets half way across then it restarts and brings me to that menu where you can choose save mode or start normally and all that and no matter what i pick the comp just restarts and bring me back to the menu.

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Make A Dual-boot OEM Home And Vista?

Feb 14, 2007

I have a four year old eMachines that has expired and isn't worth repairing. I would like to use the OEM Windows XP Home restore disc from this computer to dual-boot my Vista machine (HP Pavilion a1730n). Is this:

1. possible?
2. ethical?

I want to do this because I can't use many of my programs on the Vista machine. If I can dual-boot the eMachines restore disc I can use Windows Home until vendors catch up with Vista.

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Home OS Boot - Missing File NTLDR

Jan 19, 2006

i booted up my other PC the other day and it wouldn't boot. i got the message 'missing NTLDR file press ctl-alt-del to reboot, and when i do the same message appears. i'm running a gen windows XP home OS.

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Reinstall Of Pro - Dual Boot With Home Does Not Work

Feb 20, 2008

All things were fine and I had XP pro and XP home installed and working on seperate drives. I have just reinstalled XP pro and now on booting, no option to choose either operating system appears. I have done some searching and have seen references to copying a boot file from the CD and placing it into the XP home operating system to fix this. The instructions were not that detailed and not directly related to having 2 XP installs. nearly all search results I have found related to Xp dual booting with Vista. I have been thinking of now copying ALL the files from the XP Home operating system into the new XP Pro and then reinstalling the XP Home system. Sigh. I cannot use the system repair/recovery option as I do not know the Admin password. where did I put that? Is there an easy fix to get the dual boot working again?

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Removing Home SP2 From Dual Boot Machine

Aug 1, 2005

I recently purchased a notebook with XP Home SP@ proinstalled. I upgraded to XP Pro but had to do a complete intall rather than an upgrade because my xp pro update cd was older than xp home sp2. I now have a windows (xp home) and a windowsp (xp pro) folder.

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Cloned Drive Won't Boot - Home Edition

May 12, 2007

I just just purchased a 100 Gb drive and cloned my old 60Gb with the 2 partitions into it. I swapped the 2, but windows doesnt boot properly. I can see the windows logo, and the blue screen with the second windows logo (the one right before asking you for username and password) and it just gets stuck there. Whats wrong with it? I read in a thread that the drive letters make a difference. Should I name my new operating system partition c? Can you please help? I use windows xp home edition.!

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Dual Boot Home And Pro - WLAN Drivers Don't Work?

Mar 9, 2009

I have installed XP Pro on my D drive in order to practise for the MCDST. However the WLAN drivers for XP Home don't work for XP Pro. Do XP Home and XP Pro require different drivers? Because all other hardware works fine.

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Home Configuration Wont Boot Stuck In Loop

Jan 6, 2005

Windows xp will not boot to the safe mode or normal mode or the the last known good configuration, just goes in a loop and right back to the menu page

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Home Boot - Pop Up Logo With The Moving Blue Bar Disappears

Dec 30, 2007

I'm removing spy & adware from a friend's PC, using spybot, adaware, and Norton AV. It seems to have worked, but one odd little problem exists. During the boot process, when the "Windows XP" logo with the moving blue bar disappears, the screen goes black, then the blue background loads for the "Windows is starting" screen - this is all normal. Before that screen appears, though, a large popup window appears, with just a few "boxes" for letters (bad font?), a red X to close it out and an "Ok" button. Clicking the red X does nothing except make the background go black. Clicking Ok is the only way to move past it, then the boot continues as normal. This does not happen in safe mode. I've gone through msconfig and disabled the startup programs, can't see anything in either win or system ini files.

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How To Remove Options Before Boot Screen In Home Edition?

Jul 4, 2005

I am using a new Windows XP home edition. i wanted to know how do i remove the two options i get before booting my system 1. Start Windows With Boot screen And 2. Start Windows Normally (Although Both Boot up similarly)

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Home Blue Screen / Unmountable Boot Volume

May 24, 2008

After a current power outage, my screen came up blue with the following information: unmountable_boot_volume..blue screen reads:if problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software(nothing new or added). disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disale compnents, restart you computer, press F8 to select advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.All this has been tried and the blue screen continues to come up.

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Home Dual Boot System On Different Hard Drive

Feb 22, 2007

I have Windows XP home edition already installed on my system and I for some reasons I want to reinstall them on a different hard drive (I have 2 IDE drives). It is very important that my initial windows setup, the one I am running on now, will be working after the new installation too. Is that possible?

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Dule Boot Windows 2003 Server With Windows Xp Home On 2 SATA Hard Drives

Jul 22, 2008

i have 2 sata hard drives and i need to know how to duel boot windows xp home with windows server 2003?

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Home Network Unable To Connect With Home And Pro?

Sep 14, 2005

I am trying to set up a home network to connect my laptop (with xp pro) to my desktop (with xp home) i am using a 3com office conect router as a hub. With the fire walls on each machine switched off I can see each of the machines from each other.I can share files on the laptop with the desktop, but when I try to access the desktop from the laptop I get the following message : xxxxxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.
Login Failure : the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

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Home And Pro Not Playing Nice Together Via Home Wifi?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to share folders between two laptops set up on a home wifi workgroup. Currently, both laptops are "seeing" each other's share folders (as mapped network drives), and both laptops have full internet access I have allowed simple file sharing on the XP Pro system. I have also set the firewalls to allow access, and I'm using AVG firewall instead of Windows firewall.However, only one of the computers is allowing access to the other. The XP Pro computer can access the share folders on the XP Home computer, but not vice versa. When using the XP Home computer, I can map the shared folders on the XP Pro computer, but when I try to access them, I get denied access.

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Home VS. Dell Reinstallation CD Of Home

Aug 27, 2006

Is there a difference between buying Windows Xp Home from a store and using the reinstall cd that Dell provides with thier computers?

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