Dual Boot 2000 And Home

Apr 30, 2007

I was having trouble accessing my Windows XP Home edition from my dual boot Windows XP Home/Windows 2000 Professional system. I used both Win2K and WinXP CDs and their respective repair functions and no help. When I select the Windows XP Home operating system from the boot select menu I get a message that some file for Windows 2000 is corrupt and to use the Windows 2000 CD or F8 function.

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Boot Xp Instead Of Win 2000 Dual Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

i have Windows XP Home edition i got the "NTLRD is missing press ctlr alt del to restart" error i do not have a windows xp cd i found a Windows 2000 server CD and i installed windows 2000 on the same hard drive but on a new partition i can now boot Windows 2000 in my computer it shows two drives
C: and H:

c=Windows 2000

h=Windows XP

i found the NTLRD file online and placed it in H:now how can i boot windows XP instead of Windows 2000 ?

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Dual Boot Drive Setup 2000 Pro

Jun 8, 2005

I have two hard drives, both of them with Win 2000 Pro. The First has been the master in machine one from the start. The second HDD has been in machine twoand that machine has crashed so bad that it is not worth the time, energy or money to fix it. This second HDD has important data on it that is only accessable through older programs that are only on this drive. (It is a church membership data base program and a church financial record program) I have the added problem that no one in the office has a clue where the install disk are for these programs and they are not where they are suppose to be (this was before my time). I would like to place the second HDD in the first machine and set up a dual boot so the user can choose which drive to operate from. There is the added problem that the computers only have a restore disk that came from Dell and not a full Win 2000 Pro CD.

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Dual Boot Win Home

Jun 11, 2005

I am attempting to install Win XP Pro into a second partition to dual boot with an original install of Win XP Home. Both are installed and working with the exception of an application that I installed in Win XP Pro that apparently has some hardcoded assumptions that the product is installed on the C: drive. Since Win XP Home was the originally installed OS, it has drive letter C:, with Win XP Pro getting assigned drive letter E: when it boots.

Ideally, I would like to have each OS bootup with its boot partition appearing as drive letter C:. The other OSes boot partition doesn't necessarily have to even be seen when the other OS boots, although it would be nice. There is also a third partition on the drive which I need to be available to each OS when booted, again preferably as the same drive letter. There are also a CD-R and CD-RW drive installed, which prior to the Win XP Pro install appeared as drive letters D: and E:.At this point I am looking for the easiest/quickest way to obtain the desired results, ideally without having to uninstall/remove either or both. I am willing to look at a third party boot and/or partition manager as well as manually switching between active partitions within Win XP Home or Pro prior to reboot.

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Dual Boot Home And Pro

Dec 14, 2005

I would like to load XP Pro on an XP Home PC and have a dual boot (do not want to lose the software by a fresh install) Can I have 2 operating systems on the same partition?

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Dual Boot With Home And Pro?

Nov 8, 2008

With all reasons aside for now (mainly because it would be too much typing), if I were to create another small partition other than my main "C" partition on my 320 Gig drive and install XP Pro on the small partition then would that cause problems and conflicts with my main C partition? The small partition that XP pro would be going on would have the drive letter "G" since I already have "D, E and F" taken up by another physical hard drive, DVD-RAM drive and Removable Disk.

So basically my question is that if I make a small partition "G" on my 320 that has my main partition "C" on it, would I be able to boot normally with each one and not have any conflicts? Also, I assume I would have to download a boot loader. Which boot loader is the best to use? And, this is kind of an experiment process in that I don't know that I will even keep the G partition so if I were to reformat the "G" partition and add the space back to the "C" partition then how would I go about removing the no longer needed boot loader?

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Can Create Home And Pro Dual Boot?

Sep 1, 2005

can I create a dual boot system. One side Pro and the other Home? Or better yet, can I install pro over home and keep my computer intact?

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Dual Boot Home / Pro - Can Cancel?

Jun 24, 2005

I upgraded an XP Home PC to XP Pro using an upgrade disk and some how have got a dual boot situation. On start up I get the option to boot up in XP Home or XP Pro. I just want XP pro how can I get it to cancel the dual boot and go straight to XP Pro

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Make A Dual-boot OEM Home And Vista?

Feb 14, 2007

I have a four year old eMachines that has expired and isn't worth repairing. I would like to use the OEM Windows XP Home restore disc from this computer to dual-boot my Vista machine (HP Pavilion a1730n). Is this:

1. possible?
2. ethical?

I want to do this because I can't use many of my programs on the Vista machine. If I can dual-boot the eMachines restore disc I can use Windows Home until vendors catch up with Vista.

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Reinstall Of Pro - Dual Boot With Home Does Not Work

Feb 20, 2008

All things were fine and I had XP pro and XP home installed and working on seperate drives. I have just reinstalled XP pro and now on booting, no option to choose either operating system appears. I have done some searching and have seen references to copying a boot file from the CD and placing it into the XP home operating system to fix this. The instructions were not that detailed and not directly related to having 2 XP installs. nearly all search results I have found related to Xp dual booting with Vista. I have been thinking of now copying ALL the files from the XP Home operating system into the new XP Pro and then reinstalling the XP Home system. Sigh. I cannot use the system repair/recovery option as I do not know the Admin password. where did I put that? Is there an easy fix to get the dual boot working again?

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Removing Home SP2 From Dual Boot Machine

Aug 1, 2005

I recently purchased a notebook with XP Home SP@ proinstalled. I upgraded to XP Pro but had to do a complete intall rather than an upgrade because my xp pro update cd was older than xp home sp2. I now have a windows (xp home) and a windowsp (xp pro) folder.

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Dual Boot Home And Pro - WLAN Drivers Don't Work?

Mar 9, 2009

I have installed XP Pro on my D drive in order to practise for the MCDST. However the WLAN drivers for XP Home don't work for XP Pro. Do XP Home and XP Pro require different drivers? Because all other hardware works fine.

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Home Dual Boot System On Different Hard Drive

Feb 22, 2007

I have Windows XP home edition already installed on my system and I for some reasons I want to reinstall them on a different hard drive (I have 2 IDE drives). It is very important that my initial windows setup, the one I am running on now, will be working after the new installation too. Is that possible?

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Dual Booting 2000 And ME?

Dec 20, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to dual boot Windows 2000 and Windows ME? I know that you can partition your drive but is there a way to dual boot using a Master/ slave drive?

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Dual Booting & 2000

Feb 1, 2005

I've got two hard drives, one 80gb divided into two equal partitions, and the other drive's just for storage.So my main drive has 2k on it, and nothing on the second partition. I want to install XP on that second partition but I've never even installed an OS, let alone to dual boot but I'm feeling brave (mostly because I've got an unattended setup disc. If someone could help me answer these questions, then I should be good to go -

1. Is there a difference between the second partition (which I was previously using to store video files), and a partition that can run an OS? In other words can I just install straight onto that partition or do I have to 'prepare' it for an OS?

2. I've been told that I don't need to get any extra software to help me do this. If I don't need any software then I'd rather not install some, but I might want to reorganise the partitions to add another OS at a later date. From what I've read a partition manager could be handy in that respect.The previous owner originally partitioned the drive with Partition Magic, so should I use that? He used it to partition and then discarded it, so I don't have it now. I can get it if it's needed though, would it be best to have the exact same version that he used or the new one?

3. I know I had a third question, but I can't remember what it is, so hopefully something will jog my memory.

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Trouble Dual Booting - Characters And Letters Go Blank On Dual Boot Screen

Jun 28, 2010

I have been trying to install Windows XP as a second OS as I already have Windows 7 Ultimate installed. Unfortunately, after I select a partition, format it, and reboot the system stalls on the screen after the BIOS that has something to do with a list of devices and such. After 10 or so seconds a few characters and letters go blank randomly on the page. I rebooted and selected my cd drive as the boot device and accidentally didn't press a button in time to boot and a bunch of highlighted numbers were thrown all over the screen and a random smiley face on one of the lines.

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Linux Boot Loader Or Dual Booting - Dual Drive

Jan 12, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot 2 different installs of xp pro from 2 drives using the Windows boot loader. I've edited the boot.ini every possible way I can think of, but nothing works. I've done this plenty of times using a linux boot loader or dual booting from a single drive but I cant figure this out. I haven't been able to find any reference to this subject anywhere, but I think it would work. Anybody have a clue as to how to do this? I know I can use a different boot manager to accomplish this, I just wanted to make the Win boot.ini work. Or, does anybody know of a good boot manager if I cant make this work?

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Dual Booting

Aug 29, 2009

I have dual booting on my PC with Vista home premium on a 500 Gb SATA disk and XP Pro on a 250Gb SATA, both internal. Vista no longer holds terrors for me and I'd like to get rid of XP and regain better use of the 250Gb HD. Can I just remove XP from the control panel in the XP boot or is it a lot more complicated?I don't really want to re format the XP drive as I'd have to transfer a lot of data and files

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Dual Boot With Dual Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2005

I have Win XP home installed as OEM software on the C drive of my PC.
I also have this OS as a Norton Ghost file supplied with the PC as a
"Recovery CD".
I have installed a second hard drive designated "D"
This all works fine.
I wish to install Win 2000 (which I have on a Microsoft cd) on the second HD.
I would then hope at boot - up to be given the choice of which OS to load.
Can anyone tell me what is the simplest way to do this?

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Dual Booting And Linux Dual Boot?

Feb 1, 2008

I am running Windows XP and would really like to share the hard drive with another OS "Linux" and dual boot.

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Upgrade To WIN Home From Win 2000 Pro?

Mar 5, 2007

I want to upgrade my OS from WIN 2000 Pro SP 4 to WIN XP Home SP 2. I have a retailer who offers this upgrade, but does not specify if you can upgrade from WIN 2000 Pro. In fact, they don't speciy what update options you have with this upgrade pakage (Form - To). I have e-mailed them asking if this upgrade will work for me. But, as yet, they haven't replied to my query. Will this this upgrade work for me?

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Change Home To 2000 Pro

Jul 30, 2007

I'm not very familiar with installing Operating Systems, and I don't want to screw this up. My computer is slow with XP Home ( but still usable ), so I'd like to do this properly. Also, do you think it'd be good to go back to 2000 if it works fine? I've heard there are many security flaws with 2000 Professional.

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Convert 2000 Pro To Home

Jun 12, 2008

I have a Dell OptiPlex GX1 currently running Windows 2000 pro.I went to Staples yesterday and purchased XP Home Edition and want to upgrade the Dell. I thought I would be able to just put the cd in and start the process but it keeps giving me an error and says that This version of windows is not compatible, What do I need to do to get XP home to install on this pc?

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Switching From 2000 Pro To Home

Dec 1, 2006

What a pain. It says that upgrading from windows 2000 to XP home is not supported and when I go to reformat, it doesnt allow me to reformat the "partitioned space". It gives me no other option than to install XP on the same partition as Windows 2000, and then tells me it isn't advisable to do it. Whats up with that, and how do I get rid of 2000 so I can properly install XP home?I've unfortunately got XP partially installed, and when I reboot it will go to the black screen... but then asks do I want to start up with xp or 2000, so I start with 2000 and, well, frankly I am sick of this and just want it to install.If I'm going to screw around with this all the time, trying to keep these dang computers functioning, then I really need to take some classes, sheesh.

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Compaq Laptop: Which OS 2000 Pro Or Home

Mar 17, 2005

I was given an old Laptop from a National Canadian Bank. Here are the following statistics, It currently has Windows 2000 Professional but since it was from a Bank it has quite a bit of Bank related Software and Network settings. I was looking to format the drive and install Windows XP. I was told in another post on the forum that perhaps my laptop might not be the optimal to my system. Which Operating system should I install on this system?

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Replace Computer 2000 Pro With Home

Jan 12, 2008

I just got a laptop that is now running 2000 professional (intel pent. 2). My main computer has XP home (intel pent.3) They are both Compaq's. I would like to replace the 2000 on the laptop with xp. I have the install (retail purchase) disc for the xp. It will be a fairly long process using the install disc due to the updates required. Can I download the XP and other desired programs from my main computer onto the laptop (it has all required updates etc.) If so, could someone outline the process involved. I have a files and settings transfer wizard on the main computer that should be of help in the process. I also have Nero that would allow me to burn a bootable disc if necessary.

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Partitioning And Installing 2000 Pro After Home

Aug 18, 2006

I'm an intermediate user just beginning to study for MS sys admin.Both my laptops run XP home, but I have 2000 Pro from when I had a desktop...which I unfortunately gave to a family member. I'd like to install this on one of my laptops because the Pro capabilities will allow me to "study" a little better than just home XP. At any rate, I'd like the experience of configuring everything. will I lose everything in XP if I set up a partition to install 2000 Pro? Is it even possible to install both of them without installing 2000 first? The XP came pre-loaded on my computer but I do have a disk.

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Uninstalling 2000 Pro And Installing Home

Oct 28, 2006

I have a pentium III Dell spare computer siting on a shelf downstairs with win pro 2000 installed on it. Is it a hard thing to uninstall that operating system and reinstall the windows xp home from my main home Dell computer?

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Dual Bootitng - Home(32-bit) And Pro (64-bit)

Nov 21, 2008

i currentlly have a 500 gb hard drive with windows xp home on it and i have an extra hard drive sitting on my desk, a seagate barracuda 1 tb hard drive, and i will be purhasing xp por 64-bit, and i wanna know if i can just put in my 1 tb hard drive and install xp pro on that and then to choose wich os to run, i know dual botting is possible im just not sure how i am going to go about installing it onto my 1 tb hard drive

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Home Vs Pro (Dual Core PC) - Why?

Dec 29, 2005

I recently built my new dual core PC and I have set up my bios, etc. I'm ready to install an OS. What I'm wondering is - what is better for a dual core pc? XP Pro or XP Home and why?

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Dual Booting Both Home And Pro

May 9, 2007

Is it possible that having both windows xp home and pro installed on my computer could mess things up. I have this, and have noticed programs that used to work just fine crash.

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