Windows Suddenly Shutdown-no Clue

Mar 7, 2009

this has happened only once before...last week...but since it was fine after a while, i didn't bother about it.But it happened today too...was working on some stuff and suddenly-poof!!!!shutdown..have no clue what caused this...But i think this may have been due to overheating..not sure.. One more thing--my system makes this never ending background noise whenever it's's comparatively more noise than what my friends' system makes.Is this worth worrying about?

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Suddenly No Sound Windows Xp Pro

May 24, 2005

All of a sudden this afternoon, no sound coming out of my computer. Not sure how or why? Volume is up on speakers, and they are carefully plugged in. Volume control on the task bar is up and not muted. Legacy audio drivers seem to be working fine.

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Computer Restarts Suddenly / Windows Has Recovered?

Oct 14, 2006

anytime I am working on it it will suddenly turn off. I mean one second I'm working away and the next it's booting up as though someone flicked the switch off and on again really quickly. When it starts up it shows the message "Windows has recovered from a serious error". It happens when I doing 3d work, burning a dvd, listening to music or even opening a document. It's not and never was connected to the internet.

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Activation Trial Expired And No Clue What's Next

May 11, 2006

The install went fine, until I was prompted to activate. The key wouldn't work, obviously. It wasn't long until I found out why. One computer per key.Now the trial has ended
The OS uninstalls itself and I have to wait to get a legit copy before I can continue on with the work I have on my HDD. The uninstall program formats the entire drive, leaving me with NOTHING left.

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IE7 Not Working - Address Bar - Freaking Clue

Feb 17, 2008

Out of nowhere, everytime I open IE7, im getting the following message:Navigation to the webpage was canceledI try just going ahead and typing an address in the address bar, page cannot be displayed. Nothing works, nothing at all.I've seen this problem posted on this site already several times, and I read the posts and it looks like no one has a freaking clue, which is ridiculous since it's beenhappening to tons of people. So needless to say, I didn't find my answers by reading the other peoples topics. I literally can't do anything on my computer right now until this is fixed so, I'm hoping I get some speedy help because I really can't afford to wait around right now, I'm crippled over here

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Can't Tell Windows To Shutdown

Oct 13, 2006

When I go to shut down my computer, it freezes.Two ways to reproduce it, first is to click start -> shut down -> freeze.Second is ctrl+alt+del -> shut down -> freeze I can't undo.I can undo the freeze if I use the start menu, by hitting ctrl+shift+esc and then ending explorer, and restarting it. But I still can't shutdown safely. If I try to shut down with ctrl+alt+del I get a freeze I can't get out of.First thing I checked was my virus scan, and ad-aware, made sure they were both up to date, and ran them both. Defragmented my computer also.One thing about it, it doesn't happen all the time. Only if I have been running the computer for more then 20 minutes or so. That caused me to take a screen shot of task manager, and then when shutting down at then end, compare the two. The only thing that had changed was one more instance of svchost.exe and because I have it show PID I knew which one was the new one, and ended it. Windows still didn't shut down.Another thing is, I can log off by using ctrl+alt+del and then log off. It's just when ever I hit shut down, either in start menu, or in windows security, it freezes before it can bring up the menu to pick which shutdown option I want.This is really bothering me, as it's not good to just pull the plug every night when I need to go to bed, so I'm trying to figure out how to fix it, without any luck so far.

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No Windows Music Playing At Startup And Shutdown

Aug 21, 2006

For sometime my user profile has had the problem of no windows music playing at startup and shutdown but I can live with that.However. I just tried to switch to the guest profile and received a message that it could not find a profile and to be sure I was connected to the network. I then created a new profile and got the message that "Windows canot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the default.It would appear that I have corrupt files in profile and the only apparant solution is to foremat. I say that becasue I can't find a fix anywhere.

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Lagging In Shutdown And Inability To Download Windows Updates?

Jan 13, 2005

I have an issue with my computer taking a very long time to shut down. First it takes a long time after i press shut down in the start menu, for the pop up of choices (restart, log off etc) to appear. Then when I make a choice, it takes a very long time again to actually shut down. I have tried downloading windows updates lately as well and i keep getting error message "0x80248011". I cannot download any updates!!!

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Remote Shutdown Causes BSOD But Not Local Shutdown

Aug 3, 2010

i remote into my XP box everything is fine except when i shut down using a shutdown shortcut and other shutdown utilities no matter what after i get booted off the remote session the computer looks like its shutting down then stays on for a few seconds then a BSOD appear. I have been trying to figure out why for the past week and no solution so im hoping someone can chime in..The problem is only on remote if i shut down locally never a single BSOD and no hardware has changed. No driver issues. ive read and tried all the usual solutions. Need someone here to chime in on specifics.Ive also tried to remote in with bare minimum and no go. same thing.

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Shutdown 2000 Pro Twice To Shutdown Computer

Aug 28, 2003

This is weird. I have to go through the shutdown procedure twice, i.e., Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok, then Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok again. It will then shutdown properly. The same thing happens when I try to "Restart." After doing the first shutdown sequence, everything is normal. I can open programs, surf the web, etc. It's as if I never tried to shut it down at all. Only after the second shutdown procedure will it shutdown fully. One note: When I go through the first shutdown sequence, my taskbar pops up and the desktop is darkened. After clicking Ok, the taskbar autohides and my desktop returns to its normal color.I have only had this problem for the last month or two. Before that, all was fine. It's not critical since I can shut it down. It's just annoying to have to do it twice.I have Windows 2000 Pro, SP4, build 5.00.2195.

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Click On Shutdown Twice To Shutdown Computer

Jun 13, 2005

When attempting to "shutdown" or "reboot", I have to do it twice. When I select "Start" then either shutdown or reboot, my desktop will flicker a couple of times, and then nothing appears to happen. I must select "start" again and then either shutdown or reboot and then they will work as expected.

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PC Suddenly Being Slow

Apr 26, 2008

As the title states my computer all of a sudden started to be really slow, this happened about a week ago.Well, a little history behind my Laptop. It's an Acer TravelMate 4070, and I got it at the end of summer vacation 2006, so it's kinda old, I know. Anyways, it has worked perfectly for it's purposes until a week ago. I only used it for Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Firefox, Messenger, iTunes and World of Warcraft (admitted; im addicted) which all ran with no problems at all.Now 3 weeks ago I reformatted it, due to helluvalot BSODS, and then I reformatted it again 2 weeks ago 'cos the 3 weeks ago reformat was a false copy of Windows XP, tho.

Firefox, WinRar, Windows Live, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Daemon Tools, VLC, Spytbot S&D, CCleaner and all the drivers for my laptop ofc.Then there went a week and I installed BitTorrent, 'cos I wanted something I've allready payed license on! After that there went 3 days and my computer suddenly started to run very slow.It takes 2 minutes to start up and explorer.exe uses additional 1 minute to load. Also, I can't play music and watch videos on it anymore, music simply gets a "lag" every 1sec, and videos plays like they have a FPS equal 1, plus my CPU speeds is on 60%+ if I have anything open at all or moves my mouse to fast.

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VPN Connection Suddenly Dysfunctional

Jul 31, 2009

I have been accessing my work VPN over my home firewalled wireless connection (WindowsXP) for over a year now on my Dell laptop. Suddenly, I am able to log on to the VPN, and it shows me connected, but I cannot connect to my mail or the databases. I have not intentionally changed any settings. Could this be a result of a security or windows update?

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CD-rom Drives Suddenly Don't Work

Dec 27, 2005

I have a MITSUMI CD-ROM FX54++M and a CR-48XCTE drives.they stopped working, and under device manager it says this for both: "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)" Im pritty sure that the reason for this was when i was installing quicktime 7 with itunes and it prompted me if i wished to change windows so that every time i put in a cd it would auto-run the cd, because after i rebooted they stopped working. If i uninstall the drives windows still detects them, and the drives work physically. I have changed autorun back to 0 in regedit but that has changed nothing, and when i tried to install the driver for the CD-R drive it says it cannot detect any drive. I also did a system restore and the drives still do not work

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Right Click Is Suddenly Gone In Firefox

Aug 23, 2009

Can anyone suggest why my ability to right click in Firefox suddenly went away? I've always been able to open new tabs by right-clicking a link, but now nothing. It still works in IE. Sony Vaio XP Home with Pentium 4.

View 2 Replies View Related Account Has Suddenly Appeared

Feb 1, 2009

A new account -ASP.NET MACHINE A has suddenly appeared on my computer - it is password protected. Can anyone tell me what it is? Can I delete it safely if so how?

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Suddenly Extremely Slow?

Mar 4, 2008

Computer booted into windows XP nice and fast as per usual, and i played some Battlefield 2142 after checking some messages/emails. Later i played some Crysis to find i had to mess around with updating punkbuster in order to get it to work. Failing that i looked around the internet with Firefox and then contacted punkbuster for help and went back to play BF2142 again. But! The map took absolutely ages just to get halfway. So i assumed Crysis had eaten up enough resources to make everything else sluggish. So i rebooted, only to discover i couldn't boot into XP! It just hung there with the little loading bar animation for what seemed like an indefinite period of time. I hit the reset button and try to boot in another three times without success. I try booting into my Vista install and have no trouble whatsoever. So i boot into safemode and find everything to be quite slow, but it's hard to gauge the speed of safe mode as most graphics drivers aren't loaded. So anyway i schedule a disk check for when i next boot in.

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File Suddenly Appeared

Aug 26, 2008

When I was about to use Norton Speed Disk to defrag, I noticed about 4 Gigs of "unmovable" file space allocated at the end of my C disk which was not there twenty four hours ago. The same space on the disk is listed as "Allocated" by Auslogics Defrag program. I defrag about every other day so I know it wasn't there before. The only major change I've made recently was to install SP3. But I also installed SP3 on my laptop and have noticed no such evidence of any file that huge listed as "unmovable" by Speed Disk or "Allocated" by Auslogics Defrag program like I have on my desktop. Another interesting thing is that when booted in Safe Mode that file does not appear in the disk usage graphics for those two defrag programs. And, in Safe Mode, my "free space" is increased by about 4 Gigs compared when booted normally. This huge file only appears when booted normally. Maybe you might think that with hard drives so huge these days I should just not worry about it. The computer seems to be running okay. But it bothers me to have this huge file, or whatever it is, just suddenly appear and take up so much space. Can anybody help me figure out what this is and get rid of it?

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Netbook Suddenly Very Slow - Sound Lag

Oct 11, 2009

This evening I was using my netbook to listen to music offline, which was working perfectly well. I then closed the lid, which sent it to sleep, and upon opening it again, everything was going very slowly.

I re-booted the computer, which then took several minutes longer than usual to boot (whilst not booting quickly normally, being a low-powered machine, was a significant length of time longer amounting to around 2 or 3 times longer than normal), and the machine was still incredibly sluggish. It is also now unable to play audio files properly, it plays the first part perfectly coherently and then begins to lag more and more as the media continues. (The same occurs on any video files of any king played in any form)

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Laptop Shutting Off Suddenly/overheating

Feb 4, 2007

this has randomly happened to me before and now twice tonight, but my laptop will just shut off randomly..i think it may be overheating because the bottom gets quite warm (i put it on my lap to use)

the fan in the back is going but it doesn't sound loud or anything or blowing hard..i don't really know what else it could be

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BAK Files Suddenly Appeared In Recycle Bin

Sep 13, 2010

I checked my Recycle Bin for another reason and was startled to find that I had 195 BAK files in that bin that had not been there the day before. In fact I've never had BAK files appear in my Recycle Bin before. What happened and is it safe to delete them

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Dvd-rom Open Files But Suddenly Stopped?

Jun 26, 2005

The drive will read and permit opening of normal CD ROM's, itwill also allow DVD films to be run, however when trying to open DVD media other tham films then the drive tries to open tbut then eventually just gives up for no apparent reason. There was one point when it started to work, but only briefly and that was when I checked for new updates on the RADEON Video 7200 card, I downloaded the updates then tried to open the DVD, this worked before re-booting, but when I re-booted the DVD-ROM refused to work again.

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Dvd-rom Open Files But Suddenly Stopped?

Jun 27, 2005

The drive will read and permit opening of normal CD ROM's, itwill also allow DVD films to be run, however when trying to open DVD media other tham films then the drive tries to open tbut then eventually just gives up for no apparent reason. There was one point when it started to work, but only briefly and that was when I checked for new updates on the RADEON Video 7200 card, I downloaded the updates then tried to open the DVD, this worked before re-booting, but when I re-booted the DVD-ROM refused to work again.

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Computer Suddenly Refused To Connect To The Net

Jul 29, 2005

I got a virus (at least I THINK I did, I have no other explanation) about 2 weeks ago despite firewalls, up to date antvirus, and tons of other programs to keep me safe, ie: adaware, Spybot, spyware Blaster, MSN Anti spyware, loads of stuff. Anyway, my computer suddenly refused to connect to the net, when I put the mouse on ths "Start" button all I got was the dreaded hourglass, lots of niggly little things. I ended up installing a new hard drive as the master with the other as slave and was able to salvage most of my stuff. However, I now have no sound

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Suddenly All Exes And Links To Them Won't Work

Mar 22, 2006

I just took turned off my comp and took my cdrom out so i could put it in another computer. then i booted back up and adwatch comes up with all these registry entries, i wsa really really tired and didnt read them and just started blocking them all. and then suddenly all my links on my desktop turned into the generic icon and dont work, when i click them it asks what program to open them with.when i go to program files and open it directly the icons dont work at all, asks what program to open it with.I know it wasnt a virus of any kind i was offline.

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Suddenly Unable To Browse Internet

Feb 3, 2006

I am using windows XP pro and all has been great. Suddenly, today I can no longer surf. All I get is page cannot be found. I have checked with the cable company and everything is fine on there end. under IPCONFIG I have correct address and dns servers. The cable company thinks it is a firewall issue on my end. I have windows firewall disabled and uninstalled all Norton products.

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PC Suddenly Runs Extremely Slow

Dec 8, 2008

am using my laptop for 2 years now, there is a constant problem that happens so many times lately. the pc suddenly become very slow. it happens when it's freeze for 6-7 second (i think its hardisk) and the sound stuck for this period of time ,and then it becomes very slow when u try to do anything with inconstant sound(or slow). this freezing occur once in a while, some times after this, it's run regular without any problems and some goes bad forever (blue screen,slow.)i can solve this problem by restoring my system in less than 30 minutes (which i did alot) but am sick of it.. i want to know what i had to do to fix this problem and to change the hardware if necessary to prevent further problems.who know what it could be the problem or had similar issue , please response..the usage of cpu is 18% when am not doing nothing,it goes to max 50-55% when i open a new program, when am looking at CPU Usage History one of CPU's reach the top the other nearly nothing!

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Suddenly Refuses To Upload Pictures

Aug 9, 2009

my system suddenly refuses to upload pictures or documents (Windows 2000) how do i fix

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Screen Suddenly Freezes And Pixelates?

Aug 12, 2008

The problem is the screen will all of a sudden pixelate into a whole bunch of blocks and the computer will just freeze. I wish I could take a screenshot of what it looks like, but, obviously I can't. I'm not sure why this problem would be occuring. It's only started doing it recently. It doesn't seem to occur while I'm doing a specific activity either. In fact, a lot of the times I'll be coming back to the computer, after leaving it idle, and the screen will look like this, and I'm forced to just pull the power and reboot.

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Ntfs.sys Missing - Suddenly Won't Start

May 1, 2008

So my computer has been running perfectly normal lately (with the exception of a Vundo trojan infection, which I removed about 2 days prior to this)Last night I was burning a DVD (I do this all the time) and a couple hours later when I look at my computer it's at a black DOS-like screen that says the following:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys"
My computer is a Gateway, so I have their restore disk. I really don't want to have to reformat Windows though. Is there another way to fix this? I have the option to "Repair" using the Gateway restore disks too, but I'm worried that will either delete my files or screw something up

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Audio Device Suddenly Dissapeared

Aug 24, 2007

My audio device suddenly dissapeared recently,in Control Panel/Sound and Audio Devices in volume it reads: No Audio Device.Does Anyone know where i can install a new audio device? I have a Dell WindowsXP:Home Edition

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