Windows Not Shutting Down Properly

Apr 1, 2007

Every time i turn of the computer i get a message saying explorer.exe is not responding and i have to end the program manually # click on end program now. What is the cause of this and can i fix it? I am running windows XP

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Starting Up Home Sp1 - Not Shutting Down Properly

Mar 10, 2005

I keep having problems at s/u, sometimes everything is ok and other times I have to shut down and s/u about 4 or 5 times. I have run spybot, adaware se, webroot spy sweeper and panda titanium av, but it still keeps happening.

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Windows Freezing Up In Windows Shutting Down Screen

Feb 26, 2009

Computer seems to run fine until i hit start and shut down my computer it goes through the regular process until it gets to the blue screen that says WINDOWS IS SHUTTING DOWN then it just freezes right there and the mouse wont move i have to hold the power button in until it shuts down it does this all the time now. i heve windows xp media edition service pack 3. since then i have updated my bios have turned on and off sound drivers and video drivers and deleted and installed my anti virus programs and it will not allow me to go back to any previos stores.

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Computer Won't Shut Down Properly - Freezes At "Shutting Down System "

Apr 4, 2005

I've got a Toshiba Satellite A40 laptop. I've had it for a year and haven't had any problems with it, but lately, when I try to shut it down through the start menu, it will shut everything down, log out, go to the welcome screen all like its supposed to. When it gets to the blue welcome screen, however, it will say something along the lines of "Shutting down system (or Windows or something) and it'll just hang there forever. Once I forgot about it and returned in about an hour to find it still stuck in that screen, one that it should only display for a few seconds. I'm clean on the HJT log and virus-free

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Shutting Down Windows Xp

Apr 3, 2008

When I try to shut down windows I have to go through the shutdown process several times before it will shut down. I get svchost.exe ending program and that's where it stays until I go through the process several times

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Windows Keeps Shutting Down Its Own

Jul 28, 2007

My computer keeps shutting down and restarting on its own! I even unchecked the box in the system properties to stop it from restarting when windows gets a problem. Please any help would be great because I'm getting verizon fios installed, I'm using windows xp.

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Windows Xp Not Shutting Down

Dec 21, 2008

when ever i click shut down button then my sytem or windowxp restrats again my system or windows xp is not shutting down.

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Windows Xp Pro Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 8, 2008

A sony laptop xp pro .was on internet then suddenly laptop shut down now when i try to start up laptop i get as far as the windows logo then a message saying windows shut down unexpextedly ,etc so i then press go to last good configuration it then tries to log in but shuts down again after about 5 seconds and then starts as above again an i try going thru it all again ive not recently changed any hardware

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Windows 2000 Shutting Down

Jul 29, 2005

I am running Windows 2000 with sp4. Unit will come up and run in safe mode. If you try and come up in regular mode, it will load password and then just about get the desktop completely loaded and the unit will shut down and reboot. Tried to create different user and it will do the same thing. No virus or spyware to find

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DEP Keeps Shutting Down Windows Explorer

Feb 24, 2007

The Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security feature in Windows XP sp2 keeps shutting down Windows Explorer (windows explorer is not to be confused with IE) at seemingly random intervals. This has been going on for a few days now and is getting quite annoying. I understand what DEP is and how to adjust its settings so it doesn't apply to Explorer, however my concern is this: because this started happening out of the blue, I'm concerned I may have picked up a virus that is causing the DEP to kick in, disabling DEP might be a bad idea. I cleaned by machine with full scans of both Avast and Microtrend House Call. They both found a Trojan horse and House Call found some security holes.

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Shutting Down Windows But Computer Freezes

Mar 20, 2006

shutting down windows, get to shutting down windows screen then computer freezes

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Shutting Down Windows Xp It Takes Ages To Do

Aug 29, 2008

when i click the turn off compuotr button on the start menu it takes ages to load the other window, ive tried windows washer, defragging,Ccleaner, and all the dll add ons on them programs

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Xp Is Getting Stuck At Windows Is Shutting Down Screen

Feb 10, 2008

I am new here and was not able to find any thing similar to my problem. I recently installed some drivers to work with my logitech mx900 wireless mouse, I just have the mouse itself and a seperate bluetooth reciever. I could not figure out how to get it to work without connecting it every time I turn on the computer and un installed the program. Now my computer gets stuck after I press shutdown and in the blue screen where it says windows is shutting down

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Tilde/hash Key Keeps Shutting Down Windows

Nov 13, 2007

I'm using Windows XP SP2 and have a real problem with the tilde/hash key; everytime i press this key it automatically shuts down Window's I've uninstalled the keyboard a couple of times and have looked everywhere on the net for an answer but cannot find one. Has anybody else come across this problem - if so can you help me as i'm unable to use the in-game console for Morrowind or do any typing using this key until this problem is fixed

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Windows Keeps Shutting Down And Will Not Start Back Up

Oct 15, 2009

Recent hardware or software change might have caused this If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose last known good configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked. If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the power reset button was pressed, or if you arent sure what caused the problem choose start windows normally

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Shutting Down Windows - Corrupt Explorer.exe File

Dec 12, 2005

when I go to shut off the computer I get a box that says "Program not respsonding" It's for the file explorer.exe. I then usually have to hit "End now" and then sometimes when that doesn't work I have to hit "End now" again. I'm asssuming that this has something to do with a corrupt explorer.exe file right

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Weird Error Message When Shutting Down Windows Xp

Sep 28, 2006

My mom started getting this message on her machine last week suddenly. I am not quite sure what to do about it, but I was going to try and reinstall adobe acrobat reader. Here's the message The instruction at Ox5ad71531reference memory at 0x00000001. The memory cannot be read. I am not sure which one is the culprit, but any help is appreciated. System restore did not work out either.

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Want To Repair Windows / Doesn't Boot Up Properly

May 1, 2010

I want to repair my windows cause I doesn't boot up properly..I hve followed instructions but when I put cd in it takes mr to set up windows n asking mr to select I select my current system drive n it is asking mr to press c to continue setup using this partition..N then it ask me to format or leave current file system I doing something wrong, how come I don't have the repair windows xp option like it shows on the user guide?

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Computer Hangs Up At "windows Is Shutting Down"

Nov 14, 2009

when i click turn off it just hangs saying "Windows is shutting down"i have to manually turn it off by pressing the power button

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Does Not Start Up Properly - Power Failure Start Windows Normally

Aug 18, 2008

We are trying to start a laptop but windows is not starting up properly. As the boot begins, it takes you to a screen that says, :"if a previous start up attempt was inturrupted due to a power failure, then choose Start Windows Normally". We follow the directions, takes us the Window XP screen trying to boot it up and then takes us to the Gateway screen and then back to the screen where it asks the same question again.The cycles continues without any other options.

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Pc Shutting Off By Itself

Jun 21, 2006

recently when i use grabit newsreader my pc shuts off by itself. it had never done so for the half a year before now when i used it.i think its my pc overheating. i tried dusting the inside a bit, and downloaded speedfan to show u guys what the temps are. the first pic is without grabit running. and the second pic is with grabit running. before i go thru a bunch of malware/spyware tests, which i dont believe is the problem, could someone please first rule out a simple fan problem?

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PC Keeps Shutting Off

Aug 6, 2005

Problem started with cd burner not writing through windows media player.I installed fireman and everything seemed okay.PC then starts rebooting itself at random.The past week it either won't boot up at all(it powers on but all the lights just flicker in a steady pattern while the screen remains blank) or it boots to the point right before the desktop loads then goes into the flicker mode.By holding down f2 or esc I can usually get the flicker to stop. The pc then tries to reboot again or just shuts off competely.I'm trying to do a xp repair this morning by booting off the cd.It will get down to 36 min to go and then goes into the flicker mode.

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IE Keep Shutting Down By Itself

Sep 1, 2005

It's my girlfriend's computer. The IE keeps shutting down by itself for some reason. I'm thinking of spyware or adware.

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Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 13, 2005

I've got windows XP and my computer keeps randomly crashing. A blue screen comes up that says something along the lines of, "An unexpected error has occured and windows needs to shut down..." Then it gives some numbers, then underneath the only thing I remember it saying was "beginning dump of physical memory". There was more to it but I didn't write it down so can't remember, sorry! It's a blue screen with white writing. I've run anti-virus, I've defragmented, I've checked windows for errors and checked for adware.

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PC Keeps Shutting Down

Dec 23, 2005

I've been searching about the site but can't find anything that relates to the problem that I've been having. I hope that someone can help as I'm sure that it's a pretty simple thing to correct, For the past few days if I leave my pc for about 15 minutes it just turns off as if it has gone into some kind of standby. I have to turn the monitor back on and wiggle the mouse and it starts back up with the screen exactly as it was before it went off. It isn't the same as going into standby as when i do that I have to use my user password to get back in. I don't have a screensaver at the moment but it kinda reminds me of one.

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Os Xp Prof Shutting Down

Apr 22, 2005

My os is xp prof. when I click on start then shut down it always now goes to end program and the system wont shut down. I have run scan disk,and several syware programs(they find no spyware) but it wont shut down at all

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Shutting Down But Its Restarting

Sep 17, 2007

When I shut down my computer it restarts. I am using a Compaq Deskpro EN with windows 2000 operating system.

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Shutting Down Home

Feb 9, 2005

My pc has started to lock up when I try and shut it down, I am running XP Home.

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Keeps Shutting Down Automatically

Dec 10, 2004

I'm having this problem where my computer keeps shuting down (automatically) when I log in, right when the applications are loading. The message that popped up varied quite a few times, when of the messages I've seen the most is: "imjpmig.exe-dll initiation failed" and "the application is shutting down".Also, how do you change your BIOS (I'm so used to Win ME) with XP? Which button do you press and when do you press it?

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Computer Is Not Shutting Down

Aug 29, 2005

When I go to shutdown my computer it just restarts automatically. I go to Start and choose turn off computer then click on turn off. It seems to shut down then restart straight away, can someone please help. I am NOT clicking restart.

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Pc Hangs When Shutting Down

Mar 4, 2008

When I shutdown my Dell PC ( XP OS SP1) using the start log off function, the PC starts to shut down and then hangs up as it approaches the final stage. I then restart the PC with a computer switch and it goes through the process again and then shuts down correctly.I also notice recently that my PC takes a longer time to boot up when turned on.

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