Task Bar Won't Show Opened Programs And Folders?

Feb 4, 2007

I had this computer for a year or so and about month ago,the little boxes on the blue taskbar at the bottom of the screen stopped showing up I can still open the windows with the ctrl alt delete command to open the task manager, but theres no way to switch between two open windows without that.

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Programs Won't Show Up Task Bar

Jun 3, 2006

Every time I turn on my computer it will load and everything everything is ok...But when it load my programs in the beggining some programs won't show up on my task bar such as DAP ( Download Accelerator Plus ) and my volume contols When I close and start the program again it will appear again on my task bar. Also when i restart it will all appear no problem... I never USED to have this

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MS 2003 Office Not Opened - Another 2 GB Or Programs

Jun 9, 2007

I have a 40 GB HD on a 2005 Compaq Mobile celeron computer - always had about 20 GB free. Suddenly last month discoverd there was only 5 GB free. I looked on Control Panel Add Remove Pgms list and it shows only the original 4.5 GB trial MS 2003 Office which I have not opened and another 2 GB or so programs. I looked on all Drive C folders and it appease as 2-3 GB total. I looked on My Documents and less than 2 GB. I looked on desktop MS Word files I saved in special folders - onlyabout 3-4 GB Maximum.

All is within 1-2 GB or so that I had before. I did make more DVD copies with Nero Express on my external Sony DVD burner from my own originals of my own Stretching DVD's as i have done with same originals for over a year. Can not find any 2.8 GB or 5 GB files of the Videos anywhere that might have gotten recorded on HD.

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Finding Way To Schedule Automated Task To Save Opened Word Files?

Oct 4, 2010

Is there a way to schedule an automated task the will save any open Word or Excel (Office 2003) files, and then close those programmes at a set time? I would like to be able to set this up on a PC with XP Pro as part of scheduling computer shut-down but not losing any data if an individual is still working at that time.

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Content IE5 Folders That Don't Show Up Anywhere

Oct 1, 2005

I have a report regarding a couple of high risk temporary internet files that are supposedly located inside certain content.ie5 folders, but those particular folders aren't showing up in any of the user profiles of this system.How do I locate them? I've done a normal search for folders named content.ie5 with 8 folders showing up, but none show the number-letter folders listed on the report. I've done a search in the XP registry and even the content.ie5 folders don't appear anywhere. Tried doing a search on just the number-letter subfolders mentioned and still nothing.I have all files and folders not hidden, including subfolders, but obviously XP ignores that direction with regard to these 'history' or 'temp int files' folders.The report came from SpyDoctor on a trial run prior to purchasing the program, so it can't remove them without purchase/registration. I've been able to remove all others listed in the report manually but not these entries because I can't locate them anywhere. If they don't show up anywhere, how does spydoctor find them?

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Show MP3 Album Art In Folders

Aug 12, 2002

A ton of MP3s organized by albums. In each folder I have the album cover for the album and saved as folder. jpeg. Now, when I go to the parent directory, I change its view to Thumbnails and all the child folders that have the album art in them show up as mini-previews in the folder image.

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Explorer Doesn't Show All Folders

Nov 24, 2006

I know this is probably a very simple fix but I can't seem to remember it. When I open windows explorer (xp home) to view files and folders it is not showing me all of them. For example, under c:documents and settings it does not show "local settings..." and all the subfolders. And, when I installed Office it created an install cache folder but it doesn't show that either. How do I turn it on to show all? There is no prompt to "show hidden files". its probably something real simple that I am overlooking.

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Show Icons And Task Bar In SP2

Sep 3, 2005

I am working on a machine where the machine boots up fine. I log into XP Pro SP2 and it starts to load but never finishes. I have a wallpaper but icons and no taskbar. The only I can open the task manager and try to start the explorer.exe process, but it never starts. It does the same thing in safe mode. I have cleaned some trojans, spyware and a ton of adaware by slaving the HDD and ran a defrag. I performed a CHKDSK /r using BARTS's PE and it fixed a few errors. I then ran a sfc /scannow. I updated all windows updates. I ran a repair on XP. I checked the startup and found nothing suspious. When I go into the add remove programs it locks up the PC.

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Very Slow To Show Up Folders & Contents In Explorer?

Feb 4, 2010

Hi everybody. Since a couples of days, when I clic on a folder into the left panel of Windows explorer, it takes really long and is Very, very slow to show up the related contained folders and/or its contents in my Windows explorer's right panel. I have a Pentium4 processor and additional 3GB of rams I also tried to adjust my PC for best performances in "advanced" Performances/properties of MY Computer.

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Processes Run But Don't Show Up In Task Manager?

Sep 20, 2006

I have a strange issue. I have a couple of processes that do not show in task manager at all. The strange part is they do on my other PC's.If I start Word I don't see word.exe if I start some games I don't see their *.exe's I find it to be strange that htings aren't being listed in here. Uninstall and reinstall of offending softwares is not changing anything.Mind you Process manager is not empty it has a fair amount going on... just some never show up.Also no rhyme or reason as far as application opening times I can start up word first and it not show up but then start up internet explorer and see the iexplore.exe.

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Put A Show Desktop Shortcut On Task Bar

Jan 5, 2005

Put a show desktop shortcut on task bar ?

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Show Sound Icon On Task Bar

Jan 2, 2007

I have Windows XP on my computer. And I have a monitor with built-in speakers. Can any one tell me how to put an icon on my taskbar which will allow me to make the sound louder or lower? Also, should I keep the sound turned off on my monitor?

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Tool Tips Show Behind Task Bar

Aug 2, 2005

Why do the tool tips sometimes appear behind the task bar? I like to hover over them for a brief description of what they are.

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Get Explorer To Show Folder Sizes For Multiple Folders?

Aug 20, 2004

I know you can either hover over a folder in Explorer or right click, click properties and get the folder size - but what I want is a fix or utility that allows me to see multiple folders, ala Explorer, and see their size displayed - the way it does for individual files on the DETAILS setting

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Virus Wont Allow To Show The Hidden Files And Folders?

Apr 6, 2008

i have a pentium 4 with windows xp, service pack 2, thats been infected with a virus that prevents me from checking show hidden files and folders radio box. The virus is named ''0hct8ybw'' and from my research its quite new and first showd itself on 12 february 2008 and google has next to nothing about it. mcafee has totaly nothing and i have no idea what to do next.

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Desktop Icons, Start Bar And Task Bar Will Not Show

May 1, 2005

I get an error message saying that An exception occurred while trying to run " "C:WINDOWSsystem32mfyuv.dll" DllGetVersion", only the .dll file is a different one each time I reboot the system. And I can't find any of the .dll files online at all. Not only that, but when the computer is starting up internet explorer is using up all of the memory, even though I can't see anything on screen. This slows everything down and I have to turn it off using the task manager to give enough memory to the System Idle Process.

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Running A Program But Show No Task Bar Button?

Aug 28, 2005

i want to run an application in windows xp professional and have no button appear on the taskbar. effectively the programme must run in the background and be accessable through the task manager or by using alt+tab to move to it.

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Task Manager Top Menus Tabs Never Show Up

Apr 28, 2006

That's how my manager has been looking for the past week or so. The top menus and tabs never show up. Has anybody else seen this happen? If yes, is there a fix?

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Task Bar Show Each Program Open In Two Times

Dec 25, 2007

I have a problem with my taskbar. I accidently changed it and it seems I fixed it. But now, whenever i open up a program, it shows that program two times on the taskbar. It's annoying and wastes up space on the taskbar.

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Show Hidden Files And Folders Memory Card - Option

Jul 30, 2009

My friend has some important photos in his memory card which is in cell phone. They are not appearing in the cell phone. But, they are appearing in my PC when connected using the data cable (USB) and after checked the option "show hidden files and folders". They are reappearing in the cell phone after deleting and recopying the files to cell phone. My question is ,the "show hidden files and folders" is a option in windows based operating systems. But, why it is effecting the memory card. Why they are not appearing in the cell phone.

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Make Explorer Show Folders In The Left Pane Automatically Every Tim

Feb 3, 2005

How can I make Windows Explorer show folders in the left pane automatically every time I run it?

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Task Manager Wont Show The Close Button?

Aug 14, 2006

my task manager doesnt have the close button,minimize button and the tab menus..only the applications the endtask button,switch to and new task!! what should i do!! and when my PC startup the windows xp logo load for almost 10 secs.

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Welcome Screen Wont Show: Unable To See Icons In Task Bar?

Mar 23, 2006

I am using windows home edition without an internet connection, first the welcome logon screen doesn't show even though i turn it on in my account. the second thing is that, my taskbar isn't showing any icons at all, every other toolbar on the start menu works besides the task bar,the only way i can switch windows is via CTRL + Tab. To me it seems to have been closed or completely disabled

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Not Responding - Start Bar - Task Manager Doesn't Show Up

Oct 2, 2010

I have Winodws XP on a Compaq nc6120. I opened my laptop today to get it working and clicked on Google Chrome's shortcut, and nothing happened. The hourglass cursor came up and it stayed that way for about a half hour, then I tried to turn it off and back on the same thing keeps happening. I have also tried other programs. The task manager doesn't show up and the start bar does not even respond. I ran an HDD self-test and it said that all tests were successful. I use Avast Anti-Virus Free, and tried to download Comodo, but something went wrong, this was the day before theses issues started happening. I'm not very intelligent when it comes to 'under-the-hood' problems with computers, so I have no idea what could be happening.

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Deleted Show Desktop Icon - Task Bar Operations

Feb 1, 2008

On the quick launch toolbar, it comes with the Show Desktop icon. I deleted this not thinking I would need it.I tried to remove the quick launch bar through the task bar options, and I looked in Windows XP setup to see if it was sitting there.

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Checkbox For Show Hidden Files And Folders Disappear From Folder Option

Aug 10, 2007

i got hit by some virus(trojan i think ) and try to run norton but notron cannot clean some suspect file. it show error opening (Access denied)[4] or error opening (folder locked)[4]after running norton i found that 'folder options' from Tools command is disappear i download and repaire registary as kiwiguy suggest.Read the heading as to how to apply these Registry "fixes", and then scroll down to number 129 and click on it to download the registry script to correct this problem. now i can see 'folder options' but cannot find 'show hidden file and folder' check box.

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Folder Options Located - Show Hidden Files Folders See Check

Dec 28, 2005

Where are the "Folder Options" located in Windows XP? I want to check to see if the "Show hidden files and folders" is ticked.

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Programs Don't Show On Taskbar

Dec 29, 2004

I have a gateway notebook running Windows XP. There are 2 user accounts, each with administrative rights. I recently installed SP2, defragged the hard drive, and cleaned up some spyware and adware with spybot and adaware. I am also running Norton Anti-Virus and all definitions are up-to-date. (This is my college daughter's computer). All ran fine after doing this, but after the next boot, the taskbar completely disappeared. I was finally able to get it back, but only by selecting the quick launch toolbar. If I deselect the quick launch tool bar, the whole taskbar goes away. The real problem is that programs no longer show up on the taskbar when they are opened (Word, Excel, IE, Trillian, etc). And, if I open a program, and then minimize it, it goes away completely as though it were closed, but if I open task manager, the application is still running. I have to close the applications from task manager. The really odd thing is that this is only happening on one of the user accounts (my daughter's). The other user account is functioning normally. Short of creating an additional user account or using system restore and starting all over, does anyone have any ideas on how to repair this?

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No Programs Show On Taskbar

Jun 17, 2006

Whenever I log on, no programs show on the taskbar, and I have to switch between them with Task Manager. Also, the Connect To submenu in Start menu is not showing, and I have to connect through Control Panel. Is there an easy way to fix this?

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Icons Don't Show Up For Specific Programs

Aug 23, 2007

I find that certain programs show up blank boxes,instead of the icons which are supposed to be there. For example when I click on Mcafee antivirus software, it opens up a blank box. I can't remove it through 'add remove programs' because when i click 'remove' on it another blank box pops up,which is actually supposed to have the 'uninstall' icon. The same is the case with System restore. I cant do a system restore because nothing comes up when i click on it except a blank box. I do not know what other programs would have this kind of problem. Please help me resolve this issue.

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