Task Manager Top Menus Tabs Never Show Up

Apr 28, 2006

That's how my manager has been looking for the past week or so. The top menus and tabs never show up. Has anybody else seen this happen? If yes, is there a fix?

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Processes Run But Don't Show Up In Task Manager?

Sep 20, 2006

I have a strange issue. I have a couple of processes that do not show in task manager at all. The strange part is they do on my other PC's.If I start Word I don't see word.exe if I start some games I don't see their *.exe's I find it to be strange that htings aren't being listed in here. Uninstall and reinstall of offending softwares is not changing anything.Mind you Process manager is not empty it has a fair amount going on... just some never show up.Also no rhyme or reason as far as application opening times I can start up word first and it not show up but then start up internet explorer and see the iexplore.exe.

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Task Manager Wont Show The Close Button?

Aug 14, 2006

my task manager doesnt have the close button,minimize button and the tab menus..only the applications the endtask button,switch to and new task!! what should i do!! and when my PC startup the windows xp logo load for almost 10 secs.

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Not Responding - Start Bar - Task Manager Doesn't Show Up

Oct 2, 2010

I have Winodws XP on a Compaq nc6120. I opened my laptop today to get it working and clicked on Google Chrome's shortcut, and nothing happened. The hourglass cursor came up and it stayed that way for about a half hour, then I tried to turn it off and back on the same thing keeps happening. I have also tried other programs. The task manager doesn't show up and the start bar does not even respond. I ran an HDD self-test and it said that all tests were successful. I use Avast Anti-Virus Free, and tried to download Comodo, but something went wrong, this was the day before theses issues started happening. I'm not very intelligent when it comes to 'under-the-hood' problems with computers, so I have no idea what could be happening.

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File Edit And Other Menus Does Not Show Anything

Jun 14, 2006

When ever I open up one of the menus in any program (file, edit, tools, windows etc.) it doesn't show me anything unless I run my cursor down over them all. This all so happens with all the sub menus

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Menus Invsible In Start Menu And Task Bar

Jul 8, 2005

I am trying to find out why menus are not visible. For instance If I open my Start Menu and go to All Programs I can see all of those, but the program submenus are not visible, I see the shadowed outline and that is it. Also happens for the menus off the taskbar. Basically anything that is a submenu is not visible. The entire Start Menu is not visible in the classic view as well.

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Enable Front Two Tabs Task Scheduler

Aug 24, 2005

Reinstalled Windows XP and the task scheduler looks alright. Then I copied the task from the previous system directly into the C:WindowsTasks. Now all my task is missing the front two tabs. I should normally have 4 tabs (Task, Schedule, Settings and Security). Now I only have 2 tabs (Settings and Security). What can I do to enable the front two tabs again? Even newly created tabs have only the two tabs. The newly created task would still run, but I cannot update them anymore.

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Task Bar Tabs Minimize / Close Fails To Respond

May 9, 2010

I have the oddest problem thats occuured in the past few days.It appears to be connected with the opening and closing and switching between tasks.For no apparent reason, the window you either want to close or one that's been opened and you need to say click on a button to start a task, just fails to respond. The only way to unfreeze and carry on with your work is to open task manager then you can click on any line of info on the list, dont take any action in task manager, just close it down. Then you can carry on with what you were doing.I'm running a relatively new machine with XP SP3.I've reinstalled XP and I've checked the machine for all sorts of nasties and there's nothing.

This problem can be in programs, browsers (firefox is the worst. If you load a new page, all the URL links will not be accessible, meaning when you mouse over they do not change the cursor, til you do what I mentioned withthe task manager).I have checked the system performance with task manager open and I am not getting any sudden drains on the machine, which is a pretty fast processor (dual core) and working with 4 Gb or RAM.One other thing I noticed. Say you have a page of icons on screen for example in control panel. Single click to highlight one of them and then I would usually double click to perform the action. Now I can't double click because I get a small box open withthe options available open etc.

I have no idea why this is happening, but I reckon it is connected to the problem.I am going nuts with this, because it is adding a lot of time to my PC day constantly having to unfreeze.If anyone can throw some possible causes. I honestly thought the reinstall would fix this once and for all but no such luck.If there's anything I have left out to aptly describe this problem, please ask.

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Task Manager Acting Weird - Shows The Running Task Window

Nov 1, 2008

when I click on task manager it only shows the running task window. it used to have a list of all startup stuff and a thing where I could look at a graph of cpu usage, but those are not there anymore

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Task Manager Unavailable - Manager Becoming Disable

Jun 24, 2005

I have Windows XP and I recently had a problem with my task manager becoming
disabled. Upon attempting to open task manager I would recieve a message
stating that it had been disabled by my administrator, I am the administrator
and I did not disable the task manager. I corrected this problem and now when
I attempt to open the help menu in the task manager I get a message stating
that the task manager has encountered a problem and needs to close.

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"Always Show Full Menus" In Start Menu Not Office?

Sep 15, 2005

I understand how to make Office applications always show full menus instead of collapse to only show the most recently used, but I want to do that same thing in my Start button. I have Windows XP Professional, but I have it configured in Start Menu Properties to use the Classic Start Menu. So when I click Start, then hover over Programs, it pops out the side menu, and that side menu always only shows the two or three folders or solo icons I've used recently. That is sooo annoying.

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Task Manager / Device Manager Don't Run

Aug 30, 2005

A friend of mine has a 4 yr. old PC running XP Home with 128Mb of memory. He's had problems with programs aborting recently. I tried to run Device Manager to make sure there were no issues there. It briefly brought the screen up, then it went away. The same thing happened to Task Manager when I tried to see what was running and how much memory was being used. Anybody ever see this behavior before? I might try installing a memory cleaner pgm (ie. Memturbo), but I'm not sure I would even be able to get it to run. The hard drive amd memory seem to have no errors.

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Task Manager And Task Bar Not Responding

Feb 27, 2006

I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?

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Task Manager - End Task Queries

Oct 16, 2007

You know how after you end a program using End Task in Task Manager, it asks you if you want to tell Microsoft about the problem? I was able on my other XP system to change an option somewhere so it doesn't ask me that any more. I just can't remember how I did it.

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Task Manager Refused To End Task

Sep 1, 2005

At times, I have this problem.When I tries to "End Task" of some program, Windows Task manager refused.The same will happen to Process Viewer that comes with Norton SystemWorks

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Does Not Show Up In Device Manager

Feb 15, 2007

ga-965p-s3 motherboard, intel core 2 duo e6400 processor. cpu does not show up in device manager and my computer is listed as a standard pc instead of an acpi multiprocessor.

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Cd Rw & Dvd Rw Does Not Show Up In My Computer - Device Manager

Sep 19, 2005

I just installed a brand new cd-rw & dvd-rw into my computer. and windows did not see that there was new hardware installed, and it did not assign a letter to the drive, in fact it does not show up in my computer. It also does not show up in device manager. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS ON WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM HERE!!!!! I have triple checked the cables connecting them to the motherboard, and all is well, there are definately connected. the power cable is also connected, the links on the front of them blink when i restarted the computer

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Expanding Menus In Custom Pop-up Menus

Jun 25, 2005

'Here' (http://img239.echo.cx/img239/8277/desktop5bo.jpg) is a picture of my current desktop, is there any way i can make the folders at the bottom of the pop up menu on the right expand? At the moment all i can
make them do is open up the folder, expanding menus like the ones found in the start menu would be great if possible.

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Won't Reconize External Modem - Does Not Even Show Devise Manager

Aug 7, 2005

I have a Actiontech external modem that XP doesn't recognize after I have hooked it up to the serial port, turned it on, and then booted up the PC.It doesn't even show up in devise manager. I lost the installation CD and got updated drivers for this modem at Actiontec.

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USB Wont Show In Device Manager After Fresh Install Of OS?

Jan 10, 2006

Over clocked my system a bit too much, and ended up having to reformat. It's now a new install of Win 2000 Pro. But for some reason I don't have my USB. It doesn't show in device manager or Everest. Have done a system file check, loaded the newest Via chipset drivers, anything else I could think of, including show hidden files in device manager. Did a file search and the USB .inf file is there. But no controller. Everything worked fine before the reformat.

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Show Icons And Task Bar In SP2

Sep 3, 2005

I am working on a machine where the machine boots up fine. I log into XP Pro SP2 and it starts to load but never finishes. I have a wallpaper but icons and no taskbar. The only I can open the task manager and try to start the explorer.exe process, but it never starts. It does the same thing in safe mode. I have cleaned some trojans, spyware and a ton of adaware by slaving the HDD and ran a defrag. I performed a CHKDSK /r using BARTS's PE and it fixed a few errors. I then ran a sfc /scannow. I updated all windows updates. I ran a repair on XP. I checked the startup and found nothing suspious. When I go into the add remove programs it locks up the PC.

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Programs Won't Show Up Task Bar

Jun 3, 2006

Every time I turn on my computer it will load and everything everything is ok...But when it load my programs in the beggining some programs won't show up on my task bar such as DAP ( Download Accelerator Plus ) and my volume contols When I close and start the program again it will appear again on my task bar. Also when i restart it will all appear no problem... I never USED to have this

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Onboard Audio Not Found: Device Manager Wont Show?

Oct 6, 2008

I recently reinstalled Xp after formatting the hdd, since I was giving a friend in need this computer. Everything went smooth and I left the computer in her possession. A few weeks later I was visiting her and was using the computer when I noticed there was no sound, where there had previously been sound. Upon opening sounds properties box I found a message stating that there was no audio device installed.I opened the device mgr and there was a yellow exclamation mark under "video controller" which was under "display." After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that the chipset driver needed updated or re-installed.

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Put A Show Desktop Shortcut On Task Bar

Jan 5, 2005

Put a show desktop shortcut on task bar ?

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Show Sound Icon On Task Bar

Jan 2, 2007

I have Windows XP on my computer. And I have a monitor with built-in speakers. Can any one tell me how to put an icon on my taskbar which will allow me to make the sound louder or lower? Also, should I keep the sound turned off on my monitor?

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Tool Tips Show Behind Task Bar

Aug 2, 2005

Why do the tool tips sometimes appear behind the task bar? I like to hover over them for a brief description of what they are.

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Ctl -alt - Del Does Not Bring Up The Task Manager?

Dec 22, 2008

When I turn it on my wallpaper comes up on the desktop but no desktop icons or start up bar. Just an arrow. ctl -alt - del does not bring up the task manager. Absolutely nothing can be done. Nothing on the keyboard makes anything work. Is she gone or what? Please help this is my baby here. I tried the recovery disk that doesn't work either.

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Multiple Net.exe In Task Manager?

Jan 11, 2007

I was working on a computer that was extremely slow. It's an older Dell, Win XP SP2, Celeron, only 128 MB RAM. When I opened task manager there were several net.exe and net1.exe processes running. I would end a process and a new one would take its place. I scanned for spyware and viruses. The spyware that was found was cleaned. There were no viruses. When I ran in Safe Mode there were no problems.

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CPU Usage 100% - On Going To Task Manager

Dec 22, 2005

Alright the last few days my computers been very slow, whenevr i hit ctrl+alt+delete the cpu usage that is is showing oin my computer is 100% is there a vius or spyware that causes this?

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Error: Task Manager (again)

Jan 13, 2005

In my previous topic i thought i had solved my problem although now this error comes up on start up you can check it hear > http://forums.techguy.org/t318684.html

Please help thanks.

i attached my HiJackThis Log

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