Enable Front Two Tabs Task Scheduler

Aug 24, 2005

Reinstalled Windows XP and the task scheduler looks alright. Then I copied the task from the previous system directly into the C:WindowsTasks. Now all my task is missing the front two tabs. I should normally have 4 tabs (Task, Schedule, Settings and Security). Now I only have 2 tabs (Settings and Security). What can I do to enable the front two tabs again? Even newly created tabs have only the two tabs. The newly created task would still run, but I cannot update them anymore.

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Task Scheduler Asks For Password / Get Task Scheduler To Run The Task?

Jun 3, 2006

Using Windows XP Sp2.

I am trying to create a task using Task Scheduler, and it asks me to "set account information". I am given three boxes. One of them, marked Run as has "COMPUTERJesse" already filled in. The other two are marked Password and Confirm Password. This is odd, because I am running under an Admin account (yes, generally not smart, but I'm smarter than the average bear when it comes to computers, so I feel confident I'm not going to mess it up with downloading viruses and such

I clicked OK to get out of the "Set Account Information" box, and in the entry for my task, the Status is listed as "Could not Start", Last Result is "0x0", and Creator is "Jesse". how can I get Task Scheduler to run the task and most of all, obey my authori-tah?

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Task Scheduler Can't Run

Apr 12, 2007

i have a bone with ms task scheduler! ha what surprise :s anyway, when i try to schedule a backup, it sits there and says cannot start. i have right clicked on it and then clicked on "Run you obnoxciously Botherating thing, you are for the Birds" but it still doesn't run. and i have checked the service which is running fine. what am i doing wrong??!!

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Task Scheduler Error

Sep 11, 2005

Recently the tasks in my Task Scheduler have stopped running - "Could not start". When I try to check the properties of the task, I get a "General page initialization failed. The specific error is 0x80090016: Keyset does not exist.An error has occurred attempting to retrieve task information. You may continue editing the task object, but will be unable to change task account information." As the error message says, I can edit the task, but the task still won't initiate as scheduled.I've not had much luck googling this error,

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SP2 - Task Scheduler - Microsoft's Knowledge Base

Oct 8, 2004

After installing SP2, I found that Task Scheduler doesn't work. It generates this error:"An error has occurred while attempting to get task account information. The specific error is: 0x80070005. Access is denied. You do not have permission to perform the required operation."I searched Microsoft's Knowledge Base, and found this fix. Microsoft acknowledges that it is a problem

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Unable To Start - Task Scheduler Missing From Services - 0x80041315

Jul 13, 2008

Task scheduler does not appear in the services list. I am logged in under the administrator account and am using Windows XP Professional. Every time I try to start the task scheduler in control panel -> scheduled tasks it says 'Unable to start'. When I try to view the properties of a scheduled task I get error: 0x80041315 (This is a picture of the error. I reinstalled Windows Internet Explorer 7 but it still does not appear in the services list. I also used System file checker but it didn't fix it either. I do not have Task Scheduler listed in the services list. I really don't want to reinstall windows xp...is there some way I can get the Task Scheduler working again? (Also I've selected the Notify of missed tasks option but that doesn't seem to work either)

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Stubborn Tmp Files Task Scheduler Leave .tmp Files

Apr 12, 2005

Last night I noticed 2 files remaining after deleting my temp files. When I try to delete them, a warning box appears saying that another person or program is using these files. Task manager says no other program is running and I do not see any suspicious processes running. The only recent changes I have made was to schedule a daily backup via NTBACKUP and a daily rename & compression of the backup files via a batch file with Task Scheduler. Does task scheduler leave .tmp files in place I don't want to delete the .tmp files if they are indeed needed by something important

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Task Manager Top Menus Tabs Never Show Up

Apr 28, 2006

That's how my manager has been looking for the past week or so. The top menus and tabs never show up. Has anybody else seen this happen? If yes, is there a fix?

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Task Bar Tabs Minimize / Close Fails To Respond

May 9, 2010

I have the oddest problem thats occuured in the past few days.It appears to be connected with the opening and closing and switching between tasks.For no apparent reason, the window you either want to close or one that's been opened and you need to say click on a button to start a task, just fails to respond. The only way to unfreeze and carry on with your work is to open task manager then you can click on any line of info on the list, dont take any action in task manager, just close it down. Then you can carry on with what you were doing.I'm running a relatively new machine with XP SP3.I've reinstalled XP and I've checked the machine for all sorts of nasties and there's nothing.

This problem can be in programs, browsers (firefox is the worst. If you load a new page, all the URL links will not be accessible, meaning when you mouse over they do not change the cursor, til you do what I mentioned withthe task manager).I have checked the system performance with task manager open and I am not getting any sudden drains on the machine, which is a pretty fast processor (dual core) and working with 4 Gb or RAM.One other thing I noticed. Say you have a page of icons on screen for example in control panel. Single click to highlight one of them and then I would usually double click to perform the action. Now I can't double click because I get a small box open withthe options available open etc.

I have no idea why this is happening, but I reckon it is connected to the problem.I am going nuts with this, because it is adding a lot of time to my PC day constantly having to unfreeze.If anyone can throw some possible causes. I honestly thought the reinstall would fix this once and for all but no such luck.If there's anything I have left out to aptly describe this problem, please ask.

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Enable Task Manager Control Alt Delete

Apr 2, 2007

hey this may seem like a dumb question for most of you, but whenever i try to hit control, alt, delete, my pc says "task manager has been disabled by your administrator". i am the administrator and i dont remember disabling it, heck, i dont even know how to get to the screen to disable or enable it.

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Task Manger Enable I/O Write Bytes - Programs Constantly Changing

Jun 26, 2005

I don't know much about computers but I seem to be having a lot of disc activity since changing my hard drive and reinstalling windows xp. I've been to windows task manager & have enabled I/O Read Bytes & I/O Write bytes. When I'm doing nothing the following 3 programs are constantly changing. I've been online for about 3 hours now & these are the approximate figures:

ashserve.exe (Avast antivirus): read: 4,700,000,000 write: 3,700,000
svhost.exe: read: 705,000,000 write: 718,000,000
lsass.exe: read: 1,010,000 write: 540,000

Today is the 1st time my firewall reporeted that lsass requested internet access though this disc activity has been noticable since doing the reinstall.

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Can't Schedule A Batch File - Run The Pro Scheduler

Sep 4, 2005

I want to automate the backup of our Retail Management Software database file. The Partner who installed it wrote a batch file, which works fine, but he put it in the Scheduler and it never runs. I did the obvious, checked for correct user name and password, etc. The process kicks off, says it is working, but never terminates and does not actually run the batch file. I tried calling the batch file with cmd.exe, but that doesn't work either.

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Screen Upside Down And Back-to- Front

Oct 16, 2008

Windows XP suddenly the screen was upside down and back to front. Is there a way to correct this?

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HP PAVILION 540n Remove The Front

Aug 22, 2007

I just bought a DVD drive for my HP Pavilion 540n computer and I can not figure out how to remove the front cover to install it. I got the two sides off already but don't have a clue on how to remove the front.

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Can Make The Front Ports Fast Too?

Oct 13, 2005

I have two front USB ports, and when I insert the usb flash drive in this ports the notifyer tells me that there are more fast ports in the pc, Yes the two other ports in the back of the pc case are faster. Can I make the front ports fast too?

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Front Panel Audio Port

Oct 10, 2004

i have a separate pci audio card, and even though i correctly connected the front audio port on my case to the motherboard, the front audio wont work.

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Front Ports Won't Or Can't Accept Creative Mu Vu Mp3 Player

Jan 9, 2006

I have two usb ports on the front and six in the back. The front ports won't or can't accept my creative mu vu mp3 player.The message tells me to use a high speed port.I do use the front ports for my camera cord with no problem.My mp3 player works ok in the back ports but its inconvienient to crawl under the desk and plug into the back.Would it be advisable to buy a usb hub? Should I buy a so called powered hub?

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Word And Excel Require Front Page To Open

Aug 7, 2005

When trying to open any Word or Excel file, the program starts configuring Front Page Express. Since I do not have it installed, it results in an error and therefore opens Word/Excel in a blank page. Because of this, I have to always use File -> Open to open anything.

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Record Sound, Using The External RCA Jacks On The Front Of The Computer

Aug 26, 2005

Still trying to record sound, using the external RCA jacks on the front of the computer. To record sound, is it true that you have to be able to hear it on the computer? You can record it if you can hear it, because it is already in the computer?

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Running MS Front Page 2003 And MS No Longer Supports

Oct 28, 2007

this version. I am comfortable with front page and would like to step up to the next level for creating and maintaining my webpages. My OS is Windows XP running on a Dell.

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Plugging Headphones Into Front Jack / Only Getting Sound From One Side?

Dec 29, 2008

I have a problem with my headphone, I plugged it into the front jack and it's been working okay for months now. A couple days ago I noticed only the right side of the phones playing, I tried it in the soundcard and the same problem I tried it on my cassette player and the same thing

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IE7 Tabs Gone / Want Them Back

Jan 27, 2008

I'm running XP and IE 7. I downloaded something bad (maybe spyshredder??) and it made my IE7 tabs stop working. I deleted the program and everything i could find related to it, but i can't get the tabs back. I've read thru lots of searches and forums and can't find anything to help me. I've tried many things. I did tools>options>setting tabs are enabled, but they don't work. Also did a RIES, and restarted the computer but they still don't work. I really like the tabs and want them back.

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No Tabs At Display Properties

Jul 25, 2007

When i right-click my desktop and choose properties, the panel that opens doesnt have any tabs.The weird thing, is when i click on the places of the tabs, the tab switches, but they r invisible, and much much more smaller... like, every tab is about 3-5 mm in length, aqnd i have to be accurate, click on something i cant c, with a small size.Another thing, when i change any setting, then press "Apply", the tabs r back normally, but when i reopen the panel, they r gone.

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Display Properties TABS Where Did Go?

Jun 3, 2005

Awhile back when my computer was going cuckoo ( i think because my daughter went on that stupid kazaa infectious website!!!) Somehow pictures from a folder that had nothing to do with screensavers or wallpaper suddenly appeared as choices. Well i couldnt figure out how they got into that d.p. tab much less delete them but somehow i stumbled across a way to disable so no one could change it. well needless to say can't figure out how to enable it and was wondering how to fix it.

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Desktop Properties - Tabs Gone

Aug 10, 2006

When I right-click on the desktop and choose Properties, all I get is a drop-down box to select a theme - no tabs for screen saver, etc. I tried the "Restore All Display Tabs" solution at kellys-korner-xp.com, didn't work. The tabs do appear if I boot in safe mode, but changes aren't saved. I've run virus and spyware scans (including the scans at ewido.net), nothing picked up.

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Missing Tabs Under Display

Aug 25, 2005

i have managed to lose the tabs under my appearance settings. The only one available are screen saver and resolution. Can anyone help with this. I think i managed to get a virus, i have since cleaned everything up, but still unable to retrieve a desktop.

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Ctrl+Alt+Del - Cannot Change Tabs

Jun 23, 2006

My Ctrl-Alt-Del window is really messed up. I have to hit Alt + F4 to close it, and I cannot change tabs. Right clicking doesn't give me any options to get it back to normal

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Program Tabs Highlighting

Sep 13, 2007

After my kids removed a program (Sims original) we have a problem with some of our windows program tabs staying highlighted. I am not sure if the SIMS had anything to do with it but I would like to get the tabs back to the way they were. It used to be if you hovered over a tab file name, it would highlight. If you clicked on it it would stay highlighted and then return to normal. Now it is highlighted as soon as the program opens, stays highlighted when you hover over it (instead of going back to normal when you move the mouse off it again) and all the tabs will end up highlighted and stay that way until a function is completed.

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Get File Properties Tabs From CMD Prompt

Apr 30, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to get the file/folder properties page from a cmd prompt as though you have just gone and right-clicked the file/folder in the gui, The reason I ask is because I may have a user logged in and need to look at the file/folder properties (specifically the ntfs permissions) and because they are logged in as a user account and have no access to the folder they cannot even see the security tab of the properties box. So I need a way from the command prompt to open the properties box of a file/folder (as I have done a runas to get an admin prompt inside their user gui session. Looking at security settings in a cmd program may also be of some interest if anyone knows that either

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Just Installed Sp3 - Tabs They Take Ages To Load

May 16, 2008

I noticed that there was critical updates needed (XP/SP3) so i installed them and the browser was taking ages to load ( 2-5min's!) so i downloaded IE7 thinking that maby it needed that to work properly but still no success. Once the browser is opened it's pretty normal but if i open new links / tabs they take ages to load and its the same with closing them, I've been searching for quite a while for an answer but no luck.

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IE 8 Windows & Tabs Now SLOW To Close

Mar 27, 2010

In the last few days I've noticed IE is suddenly taking ages to close a tab or window, it seems particularly strange as my computer is only a few months old.I saw that someone else here with a similar problem had been asked for an HJT log as well as an 'uninstall' list from HJT, so *just in case* I'm including both here.
(Some terms may appear in Portuguese because I'm living in Portugal at the moment.)

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