System Is Likely To Be Infected By An Exploit Within 15minutes Of Connecting To The Internet

Aug 11, 2005

I was reading some article that claimed a typical unpatched (pre-SP1) Windows XP system is likely to be infected by an exploit within 15 minutes of connecting to the Internet.

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Having Problem With Connecting To The Internet

Jun 16, 2008

I recently bought a hp desktop with windows xp home on it.Anyways everything seems to be good i used the disks and rest it back to factory and i am having a problem with connecting it to the internet. It recognizes the Ethernet cord connected, but it will not connect to the internet.ive tried : resetting the router typing in a manual ip address and all that.I took out the chip and dusted it off and well dusted out all the internals. everything seems to be running fine no reported issues.

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Service Pack 2 - Not Connecting To Internet

Aug 4, 2005

Dell Inspiron 2500

Microsoft 2002 XP Home Edition

Celeron 897 Mhz Processor

128 MB

20G/7 used

I finally relented and installed service pack 2 recently and my computer has been EXTREMELY sluggish and has frozen up a few times. Currently, two LAN icons appear in the tray at the bottom, one with my DSL connection, the other saying there is no connection

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Connecting To Internet Then Goes Shutdown After 1 Minute?

Feb 1, 2005

I am receiving some problem in windows XP. when i connect internet computer goes shutdown automatically after a min or 2.some kind of message appearC:windows Isaac.exe" for safety ur computer will be shutdown..i have installed win xp SP1 yesterday and haven't use internet.

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Delays Internet Connecting For Two Minutes

Nov 24, 2005

I use a licensed WIN XP Home and am wondering why it takes about two minutes after my wallpaper and icons appear before I can connect to my dsl provider? While waiting for those two minutes, the cursor remains as an hourglass and until I am able to connect to the internet. If I try to connect to the Internet or double click any icon during those two minutes, nothing happens. I do use Zone Alarm with the security settings set to high as well as the Windows firewall enabled.

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Connecting To Internet Without Using Connection Center?

Sep 6, 2005

I am using the Microsoft firewall and Spy Sweeper for MSN, with up-to-date definitions and a recent sweep.Today when I signed in online,the Connection Center had a pop-up and asked if i wanted a security check.It wouldn't take "no" for an answer.When I took the security check the Connection Center said it couldn't find my access numbers, and this prevented me from going online

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Install New Ethernet Card: Not Connecting To Internet?

Feb 14, 2010

installed dynex dx-pcigb gigabit pci adapter ethernet card in my emachines t1120 computer as it only had a 56k modum adapter.ran enclosed cd for new card. wont connect to internet using internet explorer. tried unplugging router for 3 mins. and retry no connection.tryed uninstalling drivers and the reinstalling still no connection,on bottom of taskbar on the right side it saysaquiring network address,but it never happens.

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Getting Error Loading Message While Connecting To Internet?

Apr 27, 2005

every time i try to get on the internet on my web site, this comes across the screen RUNDLL Error Loading C:DOCUME~SJH~1.THELOCALS~1 Tempse.dll Access is denied

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Connecting To Internet Results In Getting Error Loading Message?

Dec 31, 2006

Just after I log on the internet my screen flashes "ERROR LOADING"C:Program 1MYWEB5~ar 11binMW5.DLL 53707962-6f74-2d53-2644-206d794 2484 F /Support

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Computer Infected By Virus: No Internet Connection?

Jan 20, 2005

i just got a couple viruses, my antivirus isnt working out very well, i just installed norton which doesnt think im connected to the internet so i cant get the new virus deffs. Anyways, i need to get these off my coputer because they load many pop ups as well as starting me at odd start pages. i ran ad-aware, spyware blaster, search and destroy and remain

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DSO Exploit When Run Spybot Search

Aug 23, 2005

I keep getting DSO Exploit problem found when I run Spybot search and destroy. Anyone know how I can stop this? Im running Windows XP Home Edition.

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Virus Infected Computer - Internet Explorer Blue Screen

Aug 14, 2007

My computer is infected. I have ccCleaner, Spybot, Ad-Watch, Ad Aware, Windows live onecare. I have ran them all but I am still having problems. When I log onto Internet Explorer I get a blue screen that tells me I need to reset my security settings in order to view my home page which is road runner. I followed the instructions and nothing. I cannot view any flash sites. I tried to see if I am missing a flash player and I cannot locate one. When I try to download Adobe Flash Player, I am unable to do so as the download button does not appear on my screen ( I know where the button is supposed to be because I checked out the site on my daughters computer,which I am on now). I also tried to download other software to help with the spyware and malware, however the minute I hit download I either instantly get disconnected from the internet or I get an error message that says " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and must shut down...". I have gone into safe mode and ran spybot and the others and still no better. I am getting a message that Windows Firewall is disabled, however when I got to it Its grey and it wont let me turn it on. I have been trying to fix my computer for days and am completely fustrated,

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Eliminating Exploit Cyber

Sep 29, 2006

Apparently I've picked up Exploit through a security hole of some sort. I found this out after running the Bazooka scanner on my machine. It seems to have hijacked my browser(IE6) also because I had to do a System Restore back one week to be able to get to here. I run Avast version 4.7 Home Edition as my virus protection, and I use the Comodo Firewall software version both of which are fully updated and running fine.My browser operates fine at this moment after doing the System Restore but I'm eager to rid myself of whatever I picked up here.

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Connecting Mobile To Operating System Through Wifi

Sep 22, 2006

One question anyone. Is it possible initate a direct connection between a windows mobile device and a notebook computer running windows xp through the wifi that is available on both of them alone? Without having to use any other hardware.

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Connecting External Hard Disk To System / Getting Slow Writing?

Mar 1, 2008

I connected a 10GB HDD with Windows 2000 on it to a Windows XP machine using a USB 2.0 external drive enclosure. Apparently, I connected the HDD enclosure to a USB 1.1 port and XP advised me I could get better performance by connecting it to a USB 2.0 port.After some time, XP reported an error indicating it couldn't save E:$Mft (E: is the drive letter assigned to the external enclosure) due to a lazy write problem.I disconnected the external drive enclosure from the system and put it back in the laptop and when I boot the machine, it displays the "starting windows" screen, the progress bar goes to the end, and the machine reboots itself.

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System Is Infected With Trojans & Spywares?

Aug 10, 2005

my system says its infected with trojans and spyware what to do?

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Operating System Infected By Spy Boot@MXT

Oct 18, 2007

Laptop was infected by the SpyBot@MXT trojan and Spy.Win32@mx trojan. I keep getting the system alert icon and the yellow triange with the black exclamation point in it. I also get iexplorer pop ups to download spyware programs.

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System Is Infected By Spyware/Adware

Aug 31, 2005

I had a message that my PC is infected by Spyware/adware this morning and it took me to to install something to disinfect my PC. is it OK to use this or should I use something else?

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System Reboots Upon Connecting Digital Camera And Unable To Access W2k Directory

Jul 2, 2005

I recently (two weeks ago) upgraded my system from W98 to W2k. The first time I installed, the program , I did it keeping my w98 folders etc. Ther were some errors and I tried to re-install, choosing the overwrite option. (also downloaded service pack one! I tried to download service pack 4 but it told me there was not enough memory) I have been left with two W2k directories. I have been using the most recent one (the preferred one) and have slowly been copying my important files using my flash disk from the other W2k directory. The only problem I have had is that althought the drivers and soft ware are installed, everytime I connect and switch my digital camera on, the sytem reboots. Iwanted to "defrag " the preferred W2k directory but was told there was not enough disk space. I thought then to uninstall programs on the other W2k diectory that I was not using. ie. mainly software etc for which I have disk and have reinstalled on the preferred W2k directory. Well after I had finished I rebooted, and then the trouble began! I cannot get into the "preferred" W2k directory. I swear I did not change or remove any settings or programs.

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Managed Infected Program - Operating System Crashed

Dec 16, 2004

He has managed to get an infected program. the OS has crashed to the point it will no longer enter window. The laptop still works fine only no OS I am going to wipe the hard drive and reinstall the OS unless anyone has any better ideas. We do have a Ghost image to backup from.

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System Infected By Malware: Computer Wont Boot?

Aug 24, 2010

can only boot in safe mode. ran rkill and malwarebytes and found/deleted all the infected objects with the exception of 3.i am unable to even run malware bytes or anything else d/t windows shuts down after a couple minutes of running.

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Removing Virus Infected Files: Slow System And Freezes?

Jan 4, 2005

I did remove virus efeected files and my PC is behaving badly, it responds very slow to commands and freezes. Here is the log. Can anybody help me to resore my computer

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System Attacked By Trojans: Antivirus Wont Delete Infected Files?

Dec 5, 2004

C:WINDOWSTELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1 That's what AntiVir. told me today - and I have no idea how to get rid of it, as marking the option "delete" on AntiVir doesn't seem to effectively delete the file.I haven't spotted or better said, felt, any anomalies in the doing of any things to do on my PC...but the fact that the Trojan is there disturbs me greatly since I don't know what exactly it will destroy when it fully activates itself.Just now again it gave me this alert: C:WINDOWSLASTGOODSYSTEM32TELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1

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Error Msg When Connecting

Nov 15, 2006

Im using a dial up connection, when turn my pc on and go online there is no problem but once I disconnect and want to go online again when I try to connect a message appear Error633 the modem or other connecting device is already in use or not configured properly to connect again I always need to restart the computer. Ive already reinstall my modem but its still the same.

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Connecting Remotely To A Computer

Jul 2, 2010

I'm attempting to remotely connect to a laptop running Vista, and I'm using XP. The problem is that I don't know how to do it. And She can't access the internet from her system. She has contacted her internet provider, and they have assured her that everything checks out on their end, but she still can't connect.I was going to remotely download some software from my computer and send it to hers.

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Rundll32.exe & Alg.exe Are Trying Connecting To FTP Sites?

Aug 12, 2009

I am seeing this, rundll32.exe & alg.exe are connecting to FTP site it seems its hacked

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Connecting To Wan From Lan Using Remote Desktop?

Jun 4, 2010

im having lan connection(win xp) and im trying to connecy another system in wan, but im unable to connect . plz tell exact procedure to connect lan to wan using remote desktop conncetion or by using any other software

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MSN Remote Assistance Not Connecting

Jul 10, 2005

When my Mom proffers an invitation for remote assisance using MSN Messenger 7.0 she recieves the following: "Remote Assistance cannot connect because <user> denied the request for help". I've looked at some of the other, similar, threads posted on connectivity issues with 7.0 in these forums, but nothing seems to help. We can send and recieve each others video and audio. Also, the games work. I've tried to do this with a couple of other freinds with the same result. Before we were forced into the 7.0 upgrade there were no problems.
I've checked my settings to allow RA, reinstalled 7.0, tried using Windows Messenger, and have tried doing this with my firewall (ZoneAlarm) disabled.

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Error Connecting In Email

May 10, 2007

Last diagnostic run time: 05/10/07 09:26:31 Network Adapter Diagnostic Network location detection info Using home Internet connection info Redirecting user to support call. This is the error message I get when trying to send a email from another link. any idea what an FTP connection is and how do i correct this?

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Msn Explorer Stopped Connecting

Sep 18, 2007

2 days ago my itunes had problems connecting and then my msn explorer stopped connecting so did firefox i have internet explorer 7 installed i have done for ages i dont use it but get pop ups from starware sometimes an a message pops up sayin about working offline cause it cant connect i dont know if i accidently pressed work offline or not but my firefox will connect and work on safe mode. Another thing is when i turned off zone alarm my firefox connected in safe mode where as it did not when zone alarm was switched on this should not cause a problem though as my firefox and msn explorer always worked when zone alarm was switched on my msn messenger wont connect either i have tried resetting internet explorer now my internet explorer works and firefox but still not my msn explorer and msn messenger also i cant even open itunes

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Usb Ports Not Connecting With Mobile To PC

Sep 20, 2010

im trying to connect a usb port from my mobile to my pc to download music. its taking for ever, is that normal ?

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