Connecting Mobile To Operating System Through Wifi

Sep 22, 2006

One question anyone. Is it possible initate a direct connection between a windows mobile device and a notebook computer running windows xp through the wifi that is available on both of them alone? Without having to use any other hardware.

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Usb Ports Not Connecting With Mobile To PC

Sep 20, 2010

im trying to connect a usb port from my mobile to my pc to download music. its taking for ever, is that normal ?

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Reverse Connecting Wifi Router - Increase Range

Sep 12, 2006

Is it possible to reverse connect a wifi router? Using the wifi router instead, of say, a usb wifi adapter? Has anyone tried this? Would this increase the range of a wifi network?

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Explorer - Freepicks

Jul 22, 2005

i have baught a newt-mobile phone, they sent me a text for free downloadable
picture messages , i duly entered the information-as follows, freepicks . it was not recognised,this is not my query,i think i must be doing something wrong, why cant i get in touch with a website using the exact address such as www information. (i made that up)

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System Is Likely To Be Infected By An Exploit Within 15minutes Of Connecting To The Internet

Aug 11, 2005

I was reading some article that claimed a typical unpatched (pre-SP1) Windows XP system is likely to be infected by an exploit within 15 minutes of connecting to the Internet.

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My Documents Folders - SettingsJay Between Mobile Devices

Jul 28, 2005

Just getting around to asking this I have a few 'My Document' folders' listed in Explorer. Under Desktop Under Documents & SettingsJay Between Mobile Devices and My Network Places They appear identical. Why do I need all these?

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Connecting External Hard Disk To System / Getting Slow Writing?

Mar 1, 2008

I connected a 10GB HDD with Windows 2000 on it to a Windows XP machine using a USB 2.0 external drive enclosure. Apparently, I connected the HDD enclosure to a USB 1.1 port and XP advised me I could get better performance by connecting it to a USB 2.0 port.After some time, XP reported an error indicating it couldn't save E:$Mft (E: is the drive letter assigned to the external enclosure) due to a lazy write problem.I disconnected the external drive enclosure from the system and put it back in the laptop and when I boot the machine, it displays the "starting windows" screen, the progress bar goes to the end, and the machine reboots itself.

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Install Software On One Desktop / One Mobile Computer Within Household?

Sep 23, 2005

When you purchase Windows XP (Pro) as a consumer, is it correct that you may install that software on one desktop and one mobile computer within the household? I remember reading this somewhere. Either that or I'm smoking crack.

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System Reboots Upon Connecting Digital Camera And Unable To Access W2k Directory

Jul 2, 2005

I recently (two weeks ago) upgraded my system from W98 to W2k. The first time I installed, the program , I did it keeping my w98 folders etc. Ther were some errors and I tried to re-install, choosing the overwrite option. (also downloaded service pack one! I tried to download service pack 4 but it told me there was not enough memory) I have been left with two W2k directories. I have been using the most recent one (the preferred one) and have slowly been copying my important files using my flash disk from the other W2k directory. The only problem I have had is that althought the drivers and soft ware are installed, everytime I connect and switch my digital camera on, the sytem reboots. Iwanted to "defrag " the preferred W2k directory but was told there was not enough disk space. I thought then to uninstall programs on the other W2k diectory that I was not using. ie. mainly software etc for which I have disk and have reinstalled on the preferred W2k directory. Well after I had finished I rebooted, and then the trouble began! I cannot get into the "preferred" W2k directory. I swear I did not change or remove any settings or programs.

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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Restrict Wifi Access

Apr 26, 2010

Long story short. I want to restrict my employees from logging into ANY wireless access point other than the one at our work. Employees have access to laptops for work use and I want to restrict them from being able to take the laptops home and using them on their home networks and then bringing them back to work to connect to the works network. This will reassure that they are not bringing viruses from home and putting them on our network. Unfortunately since they are considered a "work tool" I can not stop them from taking them away from work, but I would like to restrict them from connecting to any other access point other than ours at work. Any suggestions?

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Can't Connect To Wifi - With Password

Apr 22, 2010

My laptop is running on: Microsoft XP~professional version 2002 service pack 3 intel(R) pro wireless lan 2100 3b mini pci adapter Firmware~ And the problem I'm having is that i cant connect to any wifi with a password on it. Any other device works perfectly fine and the password is correct. Also, when a Ethernet wire is connected i can connect to the wireless connection with no problem...

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Boots Fine With Wifi Card Out

Mar 24, 2007

In an attempt to use her computer in our apt, she's set it up and tried to boot. Problem is, the computer is going to an error page whenever she boots with the card in place. The specific message is that file ar5200.sys is trying to write to a read-only memory. We then have to shut the system down cold as ctr-alt-del isn't working. So, it's locking up pretty well. With the card not in place, XP is booting fine. We are getting an error code as well, but the computer boots and is working (although running slightly slower). It says system is recovering from a serious error. The error report shows the problem is files in the temp folder? Searching for the specific sys (ar5200.sys) file hasn't given us any help. I just can't seem to find that darn file that's causing the trouble!

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Unable To Browse After Wifi Network?

Dec 20, 2006

I am using a laptop and sometimes I shut the lid and put it into hibernate mode. When I open the lid again and the computer boots back into windows, the wireless internet doesn't work. Windows says my computer is connected to the wifi network but when i open firefox or internet explorer it just doesn't work. I am using windows xp pro.

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Connects To Home Network Via Integrated WIFI Card

Sep 29, 2005

I have a Windows Media Center 2004 edition PC. It connects to my home network via integrated WIFI card.IS there a feature that could enable a Wake on WIFI as opposed to a
wake on lan?there is no option on the properties of my wifi adapter, but i'm dying
to know if this is possible?

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Admin Account Shown After Install WiFi Router

Jul 13, 2009

I always use the computer with user accounts with limited privliges. This is safer, right?I was trying to install the wifi router last week. Now when starting up I get the "admin" user account, not the Welcome Screen, with the user acct. icons. I have not made password for any of the accts., so I get the admin log-in, and simply hit return, and I'm in the admin user acct.. I can see the limited user's folders of documents and favorites, but I can't get into the user accounts.

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Blue Screen 0x0000000c5 - Netgear Wpn311 Wifi Card

Jul 2, 2006

I had 3 times a blue screen with: 0x0000000c5 (0x0007ef28 0x00000002 0x00000001 0x8054a10d) i haven't added any new hardware or software since building my pc. Is it possible it had anything to do with receiving a huge amount of email (i received some 100 mb yesterday) while i received those emails i tried running spybot s&d and that's when it crashed again. i since checked my ram for errors with the windows tool and after 12 passes still no errors. the only hardware which causes constant problems is my netgear wpn311 wifi card but that has been so since the beginning

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Driver For 10/100 Ethernet Card Acer 5583/ Enable Wifi On Linux?

Jul 1, 2010

i recently formatted by acer 5583wxmi and unable to find Lan driver for it any where, able to go online thorugh wireless but not through lan as driver is not installed where can i find my lan driver for acer laptop. i have installed linux on one f the partition but unable to enable to the wifi its working fine under xp but nt in linux.

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System Wont Load Operating System / Unable To Format Disks?

Aug 19, 2009

I shut off the computer and turning it back on couldn't boot up windows. It gave the windows wasn't shut down properly and I tried the normal restart option and it would just give a black screen with a blinking _ and then nothing happens. Tried loading in safe mode but it gets to mup.sys then "Press Esc to cancel SPTD.sys" flashes below and whether I press Esc or let it be, nothing happens after that.

I tried popping in the windows xp disc that came with the laptop, boot from disc, it starts up but then after loading everything, it then says "Windows is starting up" the disc stops spinning then nothing happens. I tried popping in a windows vista disc and it says "Windows is loading files" with a progress bar, when it fills up, I get stuck with a blank black screen the disc stops spinning and then nothing happens.

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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System Restore A Good Idea - Logon Operating System

Apr 29, 2008

The situation: A reasonably new PC, clean and working properly. Several new programs are installed, including Firefox, Winamp, desktop publishing, photo manager, and security software (not the antivirus, standalone scanners.) Everything appears to be fine.I log on to Windows Live OneCare to use their "Safety Scanner" to, as they say, check for PC health issues and optimize performance. Mind you, the site recommends users log on once a month for the full service scan. As you know, the scan includes the removal of what it refers to as invalid registry entries. "Oh boy," right? The registry. Except you'd like to believe the official Microsoft site won't screw up your programs.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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Reinstalling Operating System: System Wont Recognize CD Drive?

May 5, 2006

Should I ever use one of the utility programs to wipe my hard drive completely, how do I reinstall Windows XP since the CD driver has been erased? How can you reinstall an operating system that is on CD when you have no driver for the CD player? The reason I am asking these questions is that I might want to give my computer to friend and I want my stuff off of the hard drive and my friend to be able to use the computer.

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Deleting System Alert Message In Operating System?

Dec 31, 2006

my computer attack viruses last i got system alert message. since i deleted that viruses.But system alert message didn't go.Please tell any for how delete or cancel that system alert message.

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System Having No Audio After Fresh Install Of Operating System?

Aug 5, 2009

I just corrected my problem by reinstalling the operating system from a CD for windows XP... The problem now is there is NO audio device, I cannot download some of programs from the CD's--it can't find the installation program.I have no sound and cannot donwload some of the programs that came with this computer.

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System Reboot Even After Formated And Reinstall Operating System

Aug 15, 2006

My machine keeps rebooting, I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled xp pro and still the problem persists. what could cause a problem like this?

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Install Programs On Other Operating System Without Restart System

Jan 30, 2006

I have 2 windows on my pc. Now i want to install some programs without restarting to the other win sys. how can i trick current win to think that i'm now actually at my c:windows & not e:windows (something to do worth system variables?).

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System Not Detect Other Drive After Installing Operating System

Dec 19, 2007

Hello Friends,I have problem regarding my hard disk!I have 2 hard disk's. 160gb segate barracuda (SATA) & 80gb segate barracuda (SATA).I was having windows vista. My computer was running smoothly that time with 2 hard disk's.I formatted my PC and installed windows xp.While installing windows xp i didn't connect my 80Gb hard disk.But after installation, when i tried to connect it , my computer started hanging.160Gb is my primary hdd and 80gb is secondary hard disk.I never had any OS on 80Gb. My computer hangs at windows xp boot screen.I tried at my friend's place also... tried all jumper settings also but no use. What could be the problem?

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System Restore - Operating System Queries

Jul 27, 2005

I read somewhere?{and forgot to note where} that system restore "does not restore everything"! Correct?What doesn't it restore? Isn't it primarily personal stuff that you should backup anyway? Can anyone provide a list of what it doesn't restore or provide a link to? that gives this info?Is it in the help/tutorial/tour of xp and other OSs that have it?Remember! =There's no such thing as a stupid question but they're the easiest to answer!" TSG says so! So there!

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System Stopped During First Install Of Operating System?

Dec 31, 2006

i just reformatted my hdd with my system restore dvd (symantic ghost)i have used this disk multipule times (major hardware problems) this time after ghost repartitions and reformats the Hdd it installs windoze xp home OEM (eww..machine) windows installs fine and then it asks me to remove my disk and press any key to reboot After it reboots windows goes through its setup (not install) it is the pretty blue screens first it asks for language then time zone then the EULA the it asks for me to name the computer

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Hanging System - Old Harddisk In Operating System

Sep 8, 2007

I have read through the forums and didnt find anything related to my problem, i have bought a new PC and used my old harddisk with the same operating system, luckly i was able to access the harddisk and everything was working fine, i prefered to format and install a fresh XP, after installing all the drivers, everything was working fine, however sometimes the PC hangs and you can not click or move the nouse or do anything, no error message is poping and i have to restart the PC manually.

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