Recovery - No Install Cd Formate Drive

Dec 26, 2005

I neeed to recover my hard drive but it is a work laptop and I dont have the Windows-XP Pro CD. I could send the machine back to the head office but I will end up with a formatted drive which I dont want. Is there any way I can restore from an ASR backup without going into Xp Setup?

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MS DOS Commands - Formate Hard Drive

May 24, 2006

I'd just like to know how to format my hard drive with ms dos and not windows no disks. or to pass an administrator password if i forget then the password.

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Restore Files From Formate Drive

Oct 13, 2008

Accidently reformat my windows an i lost a important folder fill with my beats.Is there any way i can get that folder back?

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Install Onto New Hard Drive - Recovery Files Are Not Accessible

Jun 3, 2008

My friend's computer seized up in the middle of the boot. Tried recovery, but it isn't able to go forward. The hard drive seemed to be spinning tho, so chances were good we could recover the data. I removed the hard drive and copied everything to a back-up external drive using my own computer. Replaced the hard drive in the disabled computer. Question is how do I install Windows XP? The recovery files on the hard drive are not accessible, I assume, so we can't use those - right? We misplaced the disks that came with the computer, so I'm buying a new copy of Windows XP.

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Passport Drive Recovery - Inbuilt Virtual CD Drive

Jul 17, 2010

My WD passport drive just stop working with 400GB data in it. But the inbuilt virtual CD drive is still working. and for the Storage drive, its showing capacity of zero bytes.

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New HDD - Install - OEM Recovery CD

May 19, 2008

PC hdd crashed so I need to install new one. I have the OEM recovery CD but it has XP Home SP1. Also have the SP2 CD. Can I install SP2 from that CD or do I have to install the OEM CD first? Second, the PC had an ATA 100 EIDE hdd and I have a new ATA HDD but bigger. Do I have to do something with BIOS after installing the new HDD? The old hdd was 60g and new one is 160g.

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Cannot Install System Recovery Cd

Apr 14, 2006

Cannot access the system and was not able to ad or remove anything to recover.

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Boot Laptop From CD For Recovery / Re-install?

Dec 1, 2008

how to boot from CD on a Travel mate 2410 so I can install a fresh copy of Win XP, the problem is Ive changed / unchecked some of the start up settings in MS Config, re-booted and now the laptop loads with missing files such as: winlogon, dlls missing etc, then re-sets, Ive tried safemode but still show missing start-up files, F2 for (Phoenix Recovery Bios Utility) but dont know the password, tried comos, phoenix, 000000 and bios as the password but with no luck.

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Recovery Disk Will Not Install / Repair

Oct 19, 2007

My XP Home recovery disk will not install or repair anymore (the last few days I did have it up and running - but after trying to install SP2 it's crashing again). So my final chance to get this system back up and running is to try and install a "retail version" XP Pro to a new hard drive.

Can you perform a 'full installation' from a product that is listed as "upgrade" I found what I feel is a good deal on eBay - the blurb states that you can (boot from CD drive) and then when promted just insert your original XP Home or WIN98 disk which sorts out the "key problem". I have listed what this Power Seller says - I have also emailed previous buyers who say it's a great product - legal etc. But these buyers had installed over a working copy of Windows 2000 and XP Home....

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Clean Install From OEM Recovery Disk!?

Jan 5, 2007

First off I've searched this but haven't found the relavent information I'm looking for. Chances are I've looked or searched in the wrong places.I've heard I need to boot from disk then format, to do a clean XP install when do I format and how.Also, I'm going to be getting more RAM very shortly, probably tomorrow, and I think this is the majority of the slow, lagging problems I've been having with the laptop (only 256 now) and I was wondering if I should hold off on the re-install untill I put the new RAM in there or does that not matter.

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After System Recovery Cannot Install Updates

Jun 24, 2005

using do a system recovery on xo home and when I go to Windowsupdates, it says I have a problem in updating and give me 3 options 1/ find answer from Response centre, from newsgroup and cal MS. Any specific reason why when I just did a system recovery and install my NAV (updated). For some reason, when I was updatring I gpt infected by sasser but I got it fix by applying patch 835732 and run stinger.

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Install Combo Fix And Recovery Panel

Aug 4, 2008

I'm having a problem on my other laptop which uses Windows 2000. Can I install combofix and a windows 2000 recovery panel.

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OEM Recovery Install Of Home Doesn't Retain Settings?

Oct 8, 2007

Recently the machine was really running slowly and of course all the pre-installed demo applications were way beyond their expiration date so when she asked for my help, I opted for a complete HDD format and recovery installation with her original Toshiba recovery CD.Programs were still on the HDD, but All shortcut icons were gone from the desktop Keyboard and language settings had returned to original English Firefox reverted to its initial first-access home page Apps like McAffee's site advisor disappeared completely requiring reinstallation and, upon starting Open Office, it reinitiated its registration sequence I set a System Restore Point. However once again after I rebooted everything had rolled back and even my attempt to restore the machine to the point I'd set failed

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Boot CD Can't Find Window Install For Recovery Console

Feb 24, 2010

My motherboard went kaput. I got a new motherboard and was going to avoid formating by using a repair install. I did the repair install and booted to windows (in safe mode) but it crashed on agp440.sys, which seems to be a fairly common problem with outdated chipset drivers. I know I can disable this driver in the recovery console, but when I boot to my XP disk, it cannot find my XP installation, It just goes straight to the screen where I can pick a partition to install onto. How did my XP install get lost? I recently fixed up my boot records and everything was fine, I was always able to use the recovery console. Obviously the install is there since I can start booting to it.

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System Recovery Disc Not Full - Repair Install

Nov 1, 2007

I have an HP computer that only has the system recovery disc and not the full xp disc. SP2 came with the install. I have an XP disc just with SP1a can I do a repair install with that and then just install SP2 after?

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Install Operating System Through Data Drivers Recovery CD

Sep 17, 2008

I couldn't seem to find the appropriate section for this, so move this to another section if it's unrelated. I was reading through this networking textbook about operating systems and I just found out that a computer can have more than one operating system. I have Windows XP installed through the Data Drivers Recovery CD and that's all I got related to my computer OS WINXP. If I wanted to install Windows XP to another computer that had Windows Vista, with that CD, is it possible, even though it says Data Drivers Recovery CD? Or do I need the actual Installation of WINDOWS XP (and other OS'S?).

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System Recovery - Original Install - Restore Feature

Feb 17, 2007

I have a Compaq Presario Media Center SR2034NX Desktop PC with XP installed from the factory. I needed to do a system recovery that should have put things back to the place they were when I purchased it.10-21-07. It restored things but not back to the original install.Can I do system restore without useing the programs system restore feature? If so, I could restore to an earlier date when things were ok.

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DVD Recovery With Broken DVD Drive

Apr 28, 2008

I have just tried to restore my laptop to factory settings using the recovery DVD. however part way through this process my DVD drive has broken and now I cannot boot from the DVD and windows will not start as it did prior to this (I am posting this from a friends computer)

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HP Recovery Hard Drive

Sep 28, 2007

I spotted that it's named Recovery, i open it and there's nothing in it...but when it's in a .rar it shows everything that it has in it, when i extracted it showed nothing, i think they're hidden

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Information About Hard Drive Recovery

Apr 26, 2005

Heres a real test. What or where is there information about hard drive recovery particularly "fdisk" and then 3% into formatting on XP os?

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Recovery Drive Heavily Fragmented?

Nov 16, 2006

i have a HP Pavilion laptop which is about a month or so old. The D drive is labeled as the HP Recovery drive and it is roughly 12 gb. It is formatted in FAT32. I just analyzed it with the disk defrag and it was almost 100% red. The report says the total fragmentation is 47% and the file fragmentation is 97%. Should I defragment this or is it supposed to be this way? And if it's not supposed to be this way does anyone know how or why this happened?

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Make Recovery CDs From USB Hard Drive

Oct 29, 2007

I bought a laptop and burned 4 recovery CDs for recovery purpose. Instead of burning as disc images, I just copied and pasted these 4 CDs to my USB HDD as 4 folders called "RecoveryCD 1", "RecoveryCD 2", "RecoveryCD 3" and "RecoveryCD 4". Now my laptop got problem and I lost my 4 recovery CDs. All I have now is 4 recovery folders in my USB HDD. I burned another 4 CDs as data disc from my USB HDD, but it didn't work out (it didn't boot because they are just data discs). I again burned my first recovery CD as a bootable CD, and it booted but didn't automatically install XP, drivers and other softwares. It just appeared some sentences on a black screen and cursor is waiting for me to type after the text, "A:>".

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Will Toshiba Recovery CD's Work On New Drive?

Mar 22, 2008

My niece has a Toshiba Satellite laptop on which the harddrive died. My aunt ordered a new drive from newegg a couple of days ago. My question is this, will her Toshiba Recovery CD's work on the new hard drive or will she need an actual reinstallation CD for XP home? Thank you for any help in this matter.

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Data Recovery From Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2005

I am looking at my partition and for some weird reason it is saying Partition 1 inactive. How do i correct this so i can recover data of this drive.

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Recovery Console Does Not List C Drive

Jul 11, 2010

Recently, my computer has recieved a massive error. Upon startup, the windows xp logog displays and the little blue bar starts moving, then about 1 second later the bar freezes, and BSOD STOP: 0x7e appears. Nothing helps this (restart, last known good config, safe more, and i have no clue why all of a sudden I'm getting this). So, I went to the recovery console with the Win XP install disk. I hit R, it all loads, then where it asks "Which Windows installation would you like to log into?" it displays

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Unbootable Hard Drive: Data Recovery?

Jan 27, 2006

The other day my computer crashed during log off. When I turned it on again, i ended up with a blue screen saying 'unbootable boot volume' . I guess at this point i should have sent it to a technician!...anyway i found a number of forum posts with the same problem and followed the instructions to do 'chkdsk' from MS DOS. This looked to be doing stuff.... but now... instead of a blue screen I get nothing...the screen just goes blank!

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Recovery Of Data Off Of Possible Damaged Hard Drive?

Sep 20, 2006

I found myself facing a black screen with this text:"We appologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.It your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automaticlly shutdown to protect your files and folder, choose last known good configuration to revet to the most recent settings that worked.If a previous start up attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the powe or reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem choose start windows normally

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Recovery Console Does Not Detect Hard Drive

Nov 27, 2008

So I had a failed boot with following message: "Windows XP could not start Additional message said to fix with recovery console from XP installation disk.I did that and Recovery fails because hard drive not detected. I went into bios configuration and no listing of primary ide enabled. What should I do? I checked all the connections and everything is connected. How can I bring my hard drive on line for a recovery?

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Recovery Console To Actually Format My Hard Drive

Jun 17, 2005

I am attempting to format my hard drive by booting up using a windows xp disc, and entering the recovery console. After the drivers and such have loaded up and I enter the recovery console, I type format c:, it asks me for confirmation and I type yes. When I press enter, the screen looks as though it is loading for a second but then just returns to the recovery console without having done anything. I try typing the command in again and again nothing happens. When I reboot the computer, my hard drive has not been formatted.How can I get the recovery console to actually format my hard drive?

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Boot Drive Letter - Recovery Partion Stole C

Jun 23, 2010

I reformatted a crappy gate way which has a recovery partition, but it would not reformat the rigth way, when i went to set up windows, Push the next button, i big white box went over everything and that was that, i reformatted 3 times and it kept doing it, so i got a winxp pro disk and did it this way, everything works geat, but now, that damn partition is taking my drive letter C, and i have already read the thing from microsoft about regedit, i did it and i could not load windows, it froze after Loadined winxp, mouse moved but nothing happend, i reformatted again... still taking my drive letter.. please help, if i have to reformat one more time, i wish for it to be the last, and my drive letters to be right.. HELP!! THANKS

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Performing The Data Recovery After Hard Drive Failure?

Oct 15, 2009

My external hard drive has suddenly stopped working.My computer can see the drive (but not the drive label) and the shortcut I have for the drive will open it but when it does there is nothing there.I have downloaded a few so called free data recovery pieces of software and they can all see the data on my drive with no problems, even stuff I'd previously deleted seems to be available for recovery, however, as soon as you try to recover the data these "free to use" tools need to be registered and paid for.

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