OEM Recovery Install Of Home Doesn't Retain Settings?

Oct 8, 2007

Recently the machine was really running slowly and of course all the pre-installed demo applications were way beyond their expiration date so when she asked for my help, I opted for a complete HDD format and recovery installation with her original Toshiba recovery CD.Programs were still on the HDD, but All shortcut icons were gone from the desktop Keyboard and language settings had returned to original English Firefox reverted to its initial first-access home page Apps like McAffee's site advisor disappeared completely requiring reinstallation and, upon starting Open Office, it reinitiated its registration sequence I set a System Restore Point. However once again after I rebooted everything had rolled back and even my attempt to restore the machine to the point I'd set failed

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Apps Not Starting Properly - Sys. Recovery Doesn't Work

Nov 24, 2008

I have no idea what my sister and her friends were doing on the comp for a couple of days that i decided not to use it, but now:a few programs take forever to load or don't load at all, but they do show up under the processes tab in the task manager - after pressing Ctrl Alt Del, the task manager icon appears in the system tray, but the thing only shows up a minute later - my system recovery is "not able to protect my computer," and restarting does nothing - actually, when restarting or shutting down Windows, it stops at where it only shows my desktop background and cursor [which is still able to move] and nothing else after that, so i have to hold the power button and force it to shut off - when I right click the desktop and click on "Properties..." [or something similar to this action] it doesn't show up at all, and whenever I try to open any application after that, they don't even load at all either

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System Recovery To Manufacturer Settings

Dec 27, 2008

i did a system recovery to get rid of serious problems and my files and pictures are gone. i have done this before and it has always saved my stuff. is there anyway i can get this stuff back? please tell me yes, all my pics of my kids birthdays and christmas's were in there.

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Missing NTLDR Shocker - Recovery Mode Doesn't Work

Jul 5, 2010

Well I seem to have encountered a problem numerous other people have encountered and well im rather desperate to fix it though i must list 2 important details

1. I have a HP- Pavilion Windows XP mediacenter edition.
2. My recovery mode does not work and my computer never came with a recovery disc of any sort (grrrr stupid idea to put the recovery on the computer IMO)
3. I have little money to spend as of right now. Buying a new computer not an option and buying a new windows operating system is MAYBE a option but one ide like to avoid.
4. Im more curious as to how i should tackle this. Ive read up on a few sites found a site that gives a bootable disc containing the NTLDR file ( I dont know a whole lot about this stuff)

This is all just very aggrivating for me. My computer works and runs better than most new computers despite bieng 4 years old. This is the first issue ive had with it in awhile other than my recovery not working due to a error about a hive file not working ( i figured ide make a seperate thread if i choose to worry about this issue but if some one finds this to be a important detail please do tell me) Also ive looked into purchasing the spotmau disc for it 'adervtises' it is able to fix this problem. How reliable they are i am not sure of how ever.

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Don't Have Recovery Disc To Return To Factory Settings

Jul 12, 2005

hi folks, my problem is this, one of my home pcs a packard bell 1.5 p4 shows as having an invalid product key and wont let me update "ok" and when i try to install a fresh xp on top of it(legal) it will only get so far and then i get a stop screen come up and i have to shut it down and reopen using the allready installed xp, i dont have a recovery disc to return it to factory settings which leaves me stuck on the dodgy xp. My ? is this, is there some way i can enter the key without installing a fresh xp and if not how do i get past the stop screen and install. Any help and suggestions/advice will be greatly appreciated and i will supply any further info that may be necessary.

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XPsp2 Fresh Install / Doesn't Prompt To Install New Hardware

Sep 25, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of windows XP sp2 on 2 machines. Both Dell Optiplex desktops. Usually it prompts that it has found new hardware for each device it hasn't found drivers for. Device manager lists them with a yellow exclamation icon.Problem I have now though is that the fresh install of XP does not show these prompt at all, although device manager lists them and if i go in there and update driver the device works.The problem I have is that basically i usually copy a driver heirarchy to the systemdrive and point the registry at them, which results in automatic installation on boot. This no longer works and I assume they are related as it doesn't look like it's automatically trying to install these devices.Is there a setting somewhere, seems very strange, what with it being a fresh install?

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Making A Bootable Recovery Disc: Restoring PC To Factory Settings?

Aug 16, 2007

My sony vaio came with a recovery option basically its a small partition on my drive that i can access if i press f7 before i boot.it basically restores my PC to "factory Settings" as if were right out of the store with all drivers and preinstaled software.i want to make a similar disc for my desktop. i want to have it on a disc though and not a partition. dont care if its dvd or cdr .anyone know of a 'how to guide'

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How To Retain Desktop Wallpaper?

Dec 3, 2004

If I set my desktop wallpaper to a .jpg file then my profile will not retain the wallpaper the next time I log in. However, if I set my wallpaper to something like, FeatherTexture.bmp, or I believed any .bmp files then my profile will retain the wallpaper. So assuming this is true,

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Recovery Console Just Like Compaq Recovery Console For Home?

Jan 11, 2007

My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?

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Home Edition - 4 User Settings

Jan 24, 2005

I have Windows XP home edition and on one of the 4 user settings I get the message the WinCtlAd.exe failed to execute. I also get WinCtlAdAlt.exe failed.
In the task manager they seem to be trying to run repeatedly using 100% of the cpu. What are these files? Are they part of Windows or are the something malicious that I can delete? I have the urge to delete them but I hesitant to do so until I get some expert advice.

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Recovery Console For Xp Home

Mar 28, 2004

There was a thread {and I can't remember where or when} that someone posted a way to get recovery console for xp home edition,OEM. Anybody know about this? I'm still searching but can't find it again.Don't ask! I just didn't save it! Why I don't know! So there!

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Outlook Express Will Not Retain Password

Jul 25, 2005

Outlook Express will not retain it's password

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Try To Pair Computer With Another Device / Does Not Retain Name It Holds

Jul 28, 2005

I am having an issue that i am hoping that someone can help me with, my computer has the correct name, however when i try to pair the computer with another device it does not retain the name it still holds the name that the computer had when i first got the computer a generic name. i am wondering what i need to do to get it to change the bluetooth name

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Folder Views Will Not Retain Details Setting

Nov 15, 2006

I am having a constant problem with my XP installation. The "Folder Views" will not retain "details" setting even though I constantly reset it to "details" and have that set as default in all folders through folder options. This does not happen on an old computer with a really old Windows XP installation. Set it at viwe "details" years ago and it has stayed set. Any ideas on something else to get this to stay as I reset it?

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Damaged Recovery Disk? / Reinstalled XP Home

Oct 3, 2005

I think that the recovery disk that come with the computer is damaged in some way. When I reinstalled XP Home, since I bought a new motherboard, there would be files that couldn't be copied to the computer. Everytime I reinstalled it, there would be different files that would not copy.

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Turn Off Pro Updates And Notices/retain Manual Update

Apr 22, 2008

I am fed up with all the automatic update notices, but the only way I found to turn them off was in the administrative tools/ services settings. This got rid of all the messages, but now I cannot even manually download updates from the windows update without turning autoupdates back on. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

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Fresh Install Windows Home / Locking Up At End Of Install

Feb 14, 2005

I have two computers, one I use for gaming, the other for school. Both computers had 60gb Maxtor (school with lots of room, gaming with about 10 gb free). My school HD took a powder (the evil clicky noise of doom), but I was able to back up my files prior to that. Me being a quick thinker, I decide to upgrade my gamer puter to a 120gb (don't wanna go too nutso, as I am considering building a much superior computer), and put the good 60 gb in my old Athlon 700. Problem? I cannot get Windows XP Home to complete install on my gamer computer. (Athlon 700 installed just fine with 'good' 60gb).Gamer Computer: Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR Ram 2100, KR7A Raid MOBO, GeForce3 Ti 200 (128MB DDR RAM), SB Audigy 2(AGP).

It is a RAID mobo, but i do not use the raid functionality, I did not have a problem before(I have my HD and my 2 roms on ide now). I go through the install steps, and I get to the very very end, where it states you are about to start Windows XP, and then it hangs, and thats it.I have tried to ensure there are no conflicts, I pulled out my sound card as well as my network card, and 're-seated' my video card and RAM. I have tried looking at using a winxp bootup floppy, booted into safe mode (the only error it detects is the missing RAID, no conflicts detected there). Heck, I even swapped out mouse and keyboard. I tried putting back the good 60gb back in the pc, and reformatting, but still get the same thing(sometimes the screen is black, sometimes the icky blue of xp, but that's it).I have no idea now. I did make sure that my bios was up to date before taking down the system originally, and it was, so no change was made there. Even swapped out the ribbon cables to ensure nothing was damaged on original removal.

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Doing A Clean Install / Doesn't Load The Sp3

Sep 10, 2008

I'm gonig to do a clean install of my system, but I need to make sure it doesn't load the sp3... because that screws my cmoputer up, as indicated in the following thread.I just need to make sure I'm doing it right.Do these instructions look good.

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Can't Install On My Hard Drive - Cd Doesn't Works

Oct 14, 2005

My home computer just crashe I got a blue screen, and i have lost my Recovery CD, so i tooke the Hard drive to my Office and installed on another PC as SLAVE (running windows XP) I backed up all my Data and then I formated the Hard Drive as NTFS, but now that i installed back the hard drive to my computer, i can't install the windows xp, I have de WIn XP CD, and I chosed to boot from the CD-ROM here the CD is but it doesn't work... what can I do...? How can I boot the PC to install windows XP?

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Updates Will Not Install - Link Still Doesn't Work

Jun 28, 2005

my windows updates will not install. I have tried the all the solutions on this link but it still does not work

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New HDD - Install - OEM Recovery CD

May 19, 2008

PC hdd crashed so I need to install new one. I have the OEM recovery CD but it has XP Home SP1. Also have the SP2 CD. Can I install SP2 from that CD or do I have to install the OEM CD first? Second, the PC had an ATA 100 EIDE hdd and I have a new ATA HDD but bigger. Do I have to do something with BIOS after installing the new HDD? The old hdd was 60g and new one is 160g.

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Install Via Portable HDD - Drive Doesn't Read Cd Properly?

Nov 13, 2008

when I was formatting his pc (for win xp) through bootable cd i formatted his C drive keeping xp cd in drive, later i came to know his drive dsn't read cd properly and unable to complete installation, he dnt have floppy drive. I have portable HDD(hitachi 80GB) and want to install xp via usb(hard disk), is it posible?? nd How to do?

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Repair Install Doesn't See Hard Drive Size Right

Oct 6, 2010

My problem in a nutshell. I'm trying to install XP as a repair but it isn't going well. I've done it before and I'm quite familiar with the steps, but this time there is one new wrinkle. Windows tells me it sees two partitions, which it shouldn't. There is only one, but it is comprised of two HDD's in a stripe setup. There is a total of 1.2TB of space between the two of them. The free space is somewhere in the 800-900 GB range before the machine started having problems. Windows keeps saying that there is only 900 MB of free space, which is not enough to install windows. Laughable. There is a ton of free space on those drives, and there is an existing XP installation, albiet one that doesn't work.

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Reinstalling Macromedia Flash - Doesn't Install Properly

Dec 29, 2005

I can't get the streaming videos to work when viewing pages from the internet. I have installed QuickTime 7.0.3. Instead of seeing the videos, a faded QuickTime symbol with a question mark appears. I am assuming that there is a plug-in problem, but can't seem to get it to work. I tried reinstalling Macromedia Flash as well, but it does not install properly. I get an error message asking me to make sure I am connected to the internet, when I already am.

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Cannot Install System Recovery Cd

Apr 14, 2006

Cannot access the system and was not able to ad or remove anything to recover.

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Clean Install Doesn't Start Setup After Copying The Files

Oct 9, 2007

Got new parts for PC upgrade. All parts new (including cables) but recycled HDD and DVD/CD-ROM.All bits connected and powered up last night in about 10 mins. Put Windows XP CD in, went into setup/ reformat process then PC needed rebooting to continue with Windows setup. Fine. or so I thought. rebooted, went into "Please press any key to boot from CD". IF pressed any key, went through the whole reformat, copy setup files etc. ELSE, just hangs on that screenie. No error messages or anything!Seems to me like it's gone into a loop, and not running the Windows set-up files copied into the HDD.

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Boot Laptop From CD For Recovery / Re-install?

Dec 1, 2008

how to boot from CD on a Travel mate 2410 so I can install a fresh copy of Win XP, the problem is Ive changed / unchecked some of the start up settings in MS Config, re-booted and now the laptop loads with missing files such as: winlogon, dlls missing etc, then re-sets, Ive tried safemode but still show missing start-up files, F2 for (Phoenix Recovery Bios Utility) but dont know the password, tried comos, phoenix, 000000 and bios as the password but with no luck.

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Recovery - No Install Cd Formate Drive

Dec 26, 2005

I neeed to recover my hard drive but it is a work laptop and I dont have the Windows-XP Pro CD. I could send the machine back to the head office but I will end up with a formatted drive which I dont want. Is there any way I can restore from an ASR backup without going into Xp Setup?

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Recovery Disk Will Not Install / Repair

Oct 19, 2007

My XP Home recovery disk will not install or repair anymore (the last few days I did have it up and running - but after trying to install SP2 it's crashing again). So my final chance to get this system back up and running is to try and install a "retail version" XP Pro to a new hard drive.

Can you perform a 'full installation' from a product that is listed as "upgrade" I found what I feel is a good deal on eBay - the blurb states that you can (boot from CD drive) and then when promted just insert your original XP Home or WIN98 disk which sorts out the "key problem". I have listed what this Power Seller says - I have also emailed previous buyers who say it's a great product - legal etc. But these buyers had installed over a working copy of Windows 2000 and XP Home....

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Clean Install From OEM Recovery Disk!?

Jan 5, 2007

First off I've searched this but haven't found the relavent information I'm looking for. Chances are I've looked or searched in the wrong places.I've heard I need to boot from disk then format, to do a clean XP install when do I format and how.Also, I'm going to be getting more RAM very shortly, probably tomorrow, and I think this is the majority of the slow, lagging problems I've been having with the laptop (only 256 now) and I was wondering if I should hold off on the re-install untill I put the new RAM in there or does that not matter.

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After System Recovery Cannot Install Updates

Jun 24, 2005

using do a system recovery on xo home and when I go to Windowsupdates, it says I have a problem in updating and give me 3 options 1/ find answer from Response centre, from newsgroup and cal MS. Any specific reason why when I just did a system recovery and install my NAV (updated). For some reason, when I was updatring I gpt infected by sasser but I got it fix by applying patch 835732 and run stinger.

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