Repair Install Doesn't See Hard Drive Size Right

Oct 6, 2010

My problem in a nutshell. I'm trying to install XP as a repair but it isn't going well. I've done it before and I'm quite familiar with the steps, but this time there is one new wrinkle. Windows tells me it sees two partitions, which it shouldn't. There is only one, but it is comprised of two HDD's in a stripe setup. There is a total of 1.2TB of space between the two of them. The free space is somewhere in the 800-900 GB range before the machine started having problems. Windows keeps saying that there is only 900 MB of free space, which is not enough to install windows. Laughable. There is a ton of free space on those drives, and there is an existing XP installation, albiet one that doesn't work.

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Can't Install On My Hard Drive - Cd Doesn't Works

Oct 14, 2005

My home computer just crashe I got a blue screen, and i have lost my Recovery CD, so i tooke the Hard drive to my Office and installed on another PC as SLAVE (running windows XP) I backed up all my Data and then I formated the Hard Drive as NTFS, but now that i installed back the hard drive to my computer, i can't install the windows xp, I have de WIn XP CD, and I chosed to boot from the CD-ROM here the CD is but it doesn't work... what can I do...? How can I boot the PC to install windows XP?

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Already Have The Hard Drive To Repair

Sep 13, 2005

I have just purchased a new Personal Computer except the hard drive and i want to use the copy of XP i have already on the Hard Drive.How do you run a repair so that you can re-install windows without loosing everything.

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Hard Drive Partition Size

Apr 8, 2007

I'm not sure this belongs in this section so if its out of place, plz move it.Ok, I just bought a HITACHI HDT725032VLA360 320GB HDD. My OS is currently installed on my 80GB WD800JB. I was thinking of reinstalling windows on the HITACHI but I'm unsure of how to partition it to ensure my performance is as good as possible. So what are your recommendations for the partition size for the OS on the HITACHI ?

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Page File Size For On 2nd Hard Drive

Jul 17, 2009

I will be creating a partition on the second Hdd for the pagefile.I have 2 Gig of Ram installed.My question is what size should the partition be? Less than than 8 Gigs I am aware of.But more importantly, what Min and Max should the settings be for the PagFile. Perhaps let the system decide?If I do set a PagFile on the OS partition I am considering 2MB - 200Mb to generate a kernel dump report. Note: Although I will have an Image of OS If the issue at hand is small enough I amy gain some experience in trying to fix it using the reports.

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Only Detecting Half The Size Of Hard Drive

Jun 21, 2008

I've recently installed windows xp over again and when I did it doesn't read the full hdd. so now I have 124 of the full 232.I'm on SP 2 right now and I believe I'm fully updated. I've already attempted partition magic and one I think it was called gnome drive. Both want me to purchase the products so I'm trying to find the free way out.

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Reports Hard Drive Size Incorrectly

Aug 14, 2005

I Have just installed a Maxtor SATA 200 GB hard drive in my computer.Partition Magic reads this drive at slightly over 200 GB, but WindowsXP reports it as 193GB. What gives?

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How To Max Hard Drive Size Running Win2000?

Jan 9, 2008

I have 2 computers that i need to know what is the max hard drive size. One computer is running winME and the other is running Win2000. As for the win2000 i changed the registry for 48 bit LBA support in order to see my 320gb drive. The reason why I ask is because I'm planning to purchase a 750gb or 1tb external hard drive to backup my system. I don't want to purchase it to find that the system can only see 500gb or something like that. I'm gonna post this same post in the winMe area.

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New Hard Disk Managment -Drive Size Is Displayed As Less

Dec 10, 2007

New HDD-Disk Managment -Drive size is displayed as less?Evening Guys, Just after a bit of help from you.Just been out and purchased a 250GB PATA HHD to use as a slave.Fitted the new drive as normal and booted the PC.Located the drive in Disk Management, Right clicked the DISK 0 which was the new unallocated drive, and clicked initialize, The drive is showing as 31.49GB Unallocated, As the drive has not been formatted as yet i thought this would be the reason why, Right clicked the 31.49GB Unallocated, selected new partition and the "wizard" will only allow a maximum of 31GB drive partition.As this is a 250 gb drive, i need this to be larger, ideally 250 GB before format.Please can you advise how i go about formatting the drive and increasing the size?

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Second Hard Drive Doesn't Work

Oct 28, 2007

So, I have the same problem few seems to have here, my 2nd HDD doesn't show up. The problem came when I formated my main HDD and installed XP on it. After that I can't get the 2nd HDD working.First of all, it shows on BIOS, its connected with cables (tried several, thought if the cables were broken), shows on control panel, on system. But I can't see any drives, not a single one. It has worked correctly for over 5 years, which 4 of them has been with the main HDD and XP, the same thing I have now.The 2nd HDD is Samsung SV4002H, I have few pics to clear the problem.

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Reallocate Hard Drive Partition Size VIA Disk Mgmt

Nov 20, 2006

I would like to reallocate my 2 partitions on my HDD, because I am running low on one of them . Can this reallocation be done in the Disk Management portion of XP? If so, how do I do it My C partiton has 17g and my F has 37 g. I'd like to even them out.

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Hard Drive Doesn't Appear In Disk Management

May 21, 2009

Here's my problem, for no apparent reason my hard drives are not listed under the disk management utility(cd drives appear). They appear on "my computer" correctly, they show up in "Device Manager"(and I have no yellow question marks).In addition in "disk defragmenter" they appear but I'm unable to even run the analyse command(using other software I'm able to defragment them).I've tried EaseusParttion Manager, but the drives don't appear as well.I'm not able to use USB drives as well(I assume it is related), they appear in the right side of the task bar and they appear in "device manager" but not in "my computer" nor "Disk Management

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2009

I am running XP Pro on my computer. On another drive I have windows 7. My computer stopped booting to my XP drive all of a sudden, but it would let me boot to my Windows 7 drive. That lasted for about 3 days. Now I can't boot to either drive. When I start the computer it says there is no HDD. I tried to use the XP disk to repair, that didn't work., so I thought I'd do an XP install. But my hard drive doesn't show up all the time. Or it will show the HDD but upon trying to pick a partition to set up XP in, it then tell me there is no HDD. I get the blue screen of death, and have to manually force a shut down. Other times it tell me that the HDD is RAW, and it needs to be formatted. How can I get the HDD to format? Is there a way to do it through DOS. Sometimes I can't even get to the DOS prompt. The bootup section is corrupt. I need to repair it, but can't if the system doesn't see my HDD.

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Installer Doesn't Read Full Hard Drive

Apr 7, 2010

I have spent a long time struggling with Windows over different errors, which all lead back to page file problems, which ultimately all led back to my RAM. I found this out after XP's system file went irreparably corrupt, when my hackintosh (installed on a different hard drive) started experiencing the same problems.Bad RAM has been removed, and I'm trying to reinstall XP. I formatted the drive using OSX's Disk Utility program, wrote zeros to the entire surface, and partitioned it in FAT32 (Disk Utility can not format to NTSC).When I use my CD to reinstall Windows, it does not read the full drive. It instead offers to install XP on a 130gb drive where my 640gb drive is. If I follow it through, it installs just fine, but it formats my 640gb drive to only have one usable NTSC partition of 130gb.The last time I attempted this, I removed every drive and storage device from my computer except for the 640gb drive and the same thing still happened.

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Repair Console - Corrupt File - Hard Drive From Floppy Disk

Sep 14, 2005

When I boot my computer, it tells me it can't load windows because the following file is missing or corrupt:<windows root>system32hal.dllCan i use the "repair console" to copy this file onto the hard drive from a floppy disk? If not, how do I rectify this problem?

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Administration Disk Doesn't Recognize My External Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2008

Well I have an hard drive into a external enclousure but the windows XP of a new CPU do not finish detect it when I connect it. But the same external hard drive work fine in my laptop. I formated my CPU 2 times, but i got the same error of Windows. My CPU has a new motherboard Foxconn M7VMX-K.

The USB ports work fine with my pendrive.

In my computer i can see a new hard drive with a letter (K, whithout data.

The Windows XP Administrator Disk doesn't show nothing about the external hard drive.

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New Hard Drive Xp - New Install - Doesnot Find Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

i have a Compaq nx 7400 .i was hahving a lot of problems with the computer so i decided to put a new hard drive in and reinstall XP .
well i have the new hard drive in and started up the machine and changed the bott options to run from the dvd and all went fine until i should press the ENTER ( return ) button to install XP now . as soon as i did that the next window said no hard drive found . this was also happening on the old hard drive that was in the machine .

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Install Via Portable HDD - Drive Doesn't Read Cd Properly?

Nov 13, 2008

when I was formatting his pc (for win xp) through bootable cd i formatted his C drive keeping xp cd in drive, later i came to know his drive dsn't read cd properly and unable to complete installation, he dnt have floppy drive. I have portable HDD(hitachi 80GB) and want to install xp via usb(hard disk), is it posible?? nd How to do?

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Want To Repair Windows / Doesn't Boot Up Properly

May 1, 2010

I want to repair my windows cause I doesn't boot up properly..I hve followed instructions but when I put cd in it takes mr to set up windows n asking mr to select I select my current system drive n it is asking mr to press c to continue setup using this partition..N then it ask me to format or leave current file system I doing something wrong, how come I don't have the repair windows xp option like it shows on the user guide?

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Norton 05 Doesn't Support Repair File

Jul 4, 2005

It's been a while now that at windows startup, I always get a pop up from my norton antivirus 2005 saying that the config file is not installed.I have to give several ok in order to close definitively the window.After that, norton works fine.

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Install Onto Hard Drive Via USB

Jan 14, 2005

I have a desktop computer which doesn't boot up anymore. It currently has Windows ME on the drive. I want to reformat the drive and reinstall Windows.

I have taken the drive out of the computer and am going to put the drive into an external USB Hard Drive enclosure. Can I reformat/partition and install Windows 2000 Profesional onto this drive via the USB Hard Drive enclosure?

I'll be hooking the USB Hard Drive enclosure up to my laptop which is running Windows XP.

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Install From Hard Drive

Jun 29, 2005

I can not boot from DVD's laptop (just from floppy), and I have winxp kit on harddrive. Can I install it from there (an how) or from LAN (my laptop can not boot from LAN)?

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Install On New Hard Drive - Need A New Key Code?

Aug 29, 2007

computer about 5 years ago, it came with Windows XP Home edition reinstalled. The manufacture did not include a windows XP Home disc - instead there is a Windows XP Home code sticker on the back of the computer.

I have to replace the hard drive and do not wish to pay the retailer to reload windows XP Home -have installed other Windows operating systems and hard drives � so I have the skills for this task. Now my million dollar question - Product key codes with Windows XP; f I borrowed a retail copy of Windows XP Home can I use the Windows code from the Microsoft Windows XP Home sticker on my computer to reinstall Windows XP Home on my system and activate it or do I need a new key code?

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How To Install Sata Hard Drive

Mar 3, 2006

Just bought a 300Gig Maxtor SATA hard drive. My supports the connection onboard. How do I get Windows XP pro to reconized the full 300Gigs and not just 137Gigs. I have a Intel(R) Desktop board D85GVHZ Base System
Intel(R) Celeron CPU 3.06Hz 512MB of ram.

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Install On Brand New Hard Drive

Sep 8, 2008

I was asked by a friend to install a brand new harddrive on his computer. His old one is completely burned up and will not work at all. He sent me the computer with no hard drive and the new one still in the box. I formatted the harddrive using external enclosure and my computer. Now I'm stuck. How do you install windows on the harddrive. I put the cd in the drive and turn on the computer. All I get is a message: NTLDR is missing. Hit cntl+alt+del to restart.How do I Install windows xp onto this harddrive when I can't get past this message?

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Install Directly From Hard Drive

Dec 27, 2005

How do you install XP directly from harddrive?" by extracting the info from the disk?

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Install A External Hard Drive

Aug 20, 2005

To anyone that might be able to help... I've had this external hard drive for a long time and I haven't been able to access it to store lots of music and videos on. My computer sees that it is there, but like I had said earlier, I can't use it. It won't let me see it unless I go to Device Manager. My computer is getting old on me and it's been places most labtops shouldn't have gone... Once in Purgatory, and now, it's on Hell's surface. I get the safely remove hardware icon down by my clock, but I don't want to remove it, I want to use it. I want it to show up in my drives so I can instantly see how much space I have left and what not... I went through the Troubleshooter, tried every possible way that I can think of, the ways the troubleshooter.

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Format Hard Drive For Install

Jun 13, 2006

I'm having problems formatting a hdd to install Winxp. A friend gave me his old HP 743a comp (2.4 Ghz, 512 mb ram) because the monitor kept going black. I am fairly sure the problem was one of the CPU heatsink clips was broken and not allowing contact between heatsink and cpu. It doesn't go black now that I have fixed the clip. He removed his HDD, so I bought a second hand 10 Gb just to see if I could get the thing running. I formatted the HDD with a win98se boot disk. Everything goes well except I can't get the "start with cdrom support" page to come up. The Cd drive is a CD-RW/DVD combo drive (32 x 10 x 12 x 40x). Sorry I can't find the brand and model number at the moment. I did check up on it a week ago and it's only supported by win2000 and winxp. I was wondering if this could be the problem?

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External USB Does Not Install Hard-Drive

May 5, 2006

I have a Sony VAIO desktop running Windows XP. I purchased a Comstar 160MB External USB2 Hard-Drive and installed it. Since Windows XP is supposed to have the drivers that are necessary, no driver disk was included, and none was needed.The problem developed when my Windows XP began to give me problems later. I had to re-install Windows XP. I did that, and I downloaded all Windows XP up dates (including Service Pack 2). Now, this Windows installation does not install the external hard-drive. Windows recognizes that there is "a USB2 device," but Windows states that there are no drivers and asks me to furnish them.

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Cannot Install - Recognize The Hard Drive

Nov 21, 2007

I would like to have a go at this slipstreaming thing, since I cannot install Windows XP Pro (it's a retail version from my desktop pc, which I'm now getting rid of) on my Toshiba laptop - it won't recognize the hard drive. I know how to do it, but I don't know which files (SATA drivers) to include in it. The harddrive is new (didn't come with the laptop) and it's a Samsung HM120JI, but it seems to be compatible, since the recovery disk worked fine and I am now running Windows XP home edition.

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Pro SP2 Clean Install: Upgrading Hard Drive?

Jan 31, 2007

I'm upgrading my hard drive and here's the order I'm thinking of... 1. BIOS update. I know, if it ain't broke don't fix it but my board is about 2 years old and the current BIOS revision is fairly stable and comlpete plus I figured if I'm ever going to do a BIOS update I should do it immediately preceeding a clean install Also, supposedly my ASUS board has some feature that will prevent you from being screwed even if you have a bad flash. OS with required serial drivers. not really sure what that involves but in another thread I was told I needed to have the serial drivers ready to go and push F6 when it asks for them at the beginning of the install (I've seen that screen on previous installs but I've never had to mess with it).

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