Unbootable Hard Drive: Data Recovery?

Jan 27, 2006

The other day my computer crashed during log off. When I turned it on again, i ended up with a blue screen saying 'unbootable boot volume' . I guess at this point i should have sent it to a technician!...anyway i found a number of forum posts with the same problem and followed the instructions to do 'chkdsk' from MS DOS. This looked to be doing stuff.... but now... instead of a blue screen I get nothing...the screen just goes blank!

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Data Recovery From Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2005

I am looking at my partition and for some weird reason it is saying Partition 1 inactive. How do i correct this so i can recover data of this drive.

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Recovery Of Data Off Of Possible Damaged Hard Drive?

Sep 20, 2006

I found myself facing a black screen with this text:"We appologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.It your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automaticlly shutdown to protect your files and folder, choose last known good configuration to revet to the most recent settings that worked.If a previous start up attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the powe or reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem choose start windows normally

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Performing The Data Recovery After Hard Drive Failure?

Oct 15, 2009

My external hard drive has suddenly stopped working.My computer can see the drive (but not the drive label) and the shortcut I have for the drive will open it but when it does there is nothing there.I have downloaded a few so called free data recovery pieces of software and they can all see the data on my drive with no problems, even stuff I'd previously deleted seems to be available for recovery, however, as soon as you try to recover the data these "free to use" tools need to be registered and paid for.

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Hard Drive Crash, Recovery The Data / Internet Wont Work?

Jan 8, 2006

My hard drive crashed beyond salvage. I bought a new hard drive, installed it and used my recovery disks to get the basics back. It is a Sony Vaio laptop (PCG-Gr390, to be specific). It has Windows XP, pre SP1/SP2. When I installed it, I went through the formatting process and formatted it for the first time, being that it's a new HD. Everything worked as expected, but I have yet to update anything because I can not successfully connect to the Internet.

All efforts to create a connection were unsuccessful.Next to my laptop is a slow Dell desktop, runnung a fully updated XP operating system. Using the same cable modem, connection to the Internet was fine with the desktop for both wired and wireless, but not the newly formatted laptop. My ethernet jack and wireless card on the laptop are working (according to the device manager).

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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Recovery Data From Hard Disk After Deleting Partition?

Oct 15, 2010

i have found that my little bro has accidentally formated my hdd and deleted partitions also then he created new partitions and installed XP. now is there any hope or a way that i can recover my previous data ????

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Options To Back Up A Now Unbootable Drive

Apr 1, 2007

I need to reinstall XP on my current hard drive (160 Gig 5400 RPM Maxtor) due to a failure of xp to boot. First however, I would like to copy over my old files so I don't lose them when I eventually reformat this drive. At my disposal I have 1 working laptop, 1 300 Gig External 3.5 USB 2.0 HD and 2 40 Gig 2.5 (Laptop HD) and USB 2.0 external laptop drive enclosure, Windows XP Install Disc. I have ran scandsk /p (1 error found) and tried running the recovery console. My idea is to use one the 40 gig hard drives for a new install of windows and put the unbootable drive in the external enclosure to copy my files over however on my working computer, I don't believe it is that easy... If I remember correctly, you cannot just copy files off a once bootable hard drive?

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Data Recovery: NTFS Partition Writing Table To Wrongs Drive?

Sep 8, 2005

I recently destroyed file structure due to mistakenly writing a partition table to the wrong hard disk drive on my machine while installing an experimental version of OS X. The saving factor is that the partition that may have formatted was only 20GB out of 200GB and the rest was unallocated free space. I have installed a temporary instance of WinXP to use data recovery software and recover the majority of files from the drive (it is installed on the non-corrupted

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Transfer Data From Hard Drive To Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2008

I had this idea, see if anybody has an opinion about this. My wife has an old XP computer I want to buy her a new one but she doesn't like the vista and she wants to keep the old xp operating system. What I want to do is take the old hard drive and put it in the new computer as the master and take the new hard drive and put it in as the slave erasing the vista off it. Then using the master slave way can I transfer the xp operating system and all her files and data from the old hard drive to the new one.

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USB Hard Drive - Losing Drive When Copying Data

Aug 3, 2005

I have recently added a 160Gb Maxtor 6 P160PO drive in an external hi-speed USB housing connected via a 4 port USB-2 card. I have tried copying large amounts of data (13-20Gb) but after a few minutes, I get "The drive is not ready" and it disappears from My Computer. If I disconnect it and re-connect it, it will reappear. The same happended with a 20Gb drive I swapped in, so it seems that it's not the drive. I have tried a different port to no avail.

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Copy Data From One Hard Drive To Another - Different OS

Sep 3, 2005

My hard drive just changed to fat32 for some reason and all the data is gone? Does anyone know what could be wrong, can I get my data back? When I start it up it goes through a check, ive left the check running and its been going ages, im not sure what its doing. Says something about lost clusters and truncated?

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Formatted Hard Drive - How To Get Old Data

Jan 27, 2006

I got a 2nd hand lap top from my boss yesterday. Took it home last night and formatted the hard drive, then installed Centos and Linux over it. Got to work this morning to discover that my boss hadn't copied all his files over! I need to recover all his Outlook files.

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Getting Data From Crashed Hard Drive

Aug 24, 2007

My Sony Vaio had a file missing hal.dll file. A computer guy tried to use a boot disc to get the file and cant. Says my hard drives have crashed. And he cant do anythng because its a raid system and 2 hard drives.suggested i call someone to remove the data. its not backed up!!!

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Transferring Data Off A Bad Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2005

I am new to this site and I come here today to ask a question, perhaps someone here will be able to offer a bit of advice.I have a toshiba laptop, running xp pro sp2, 80GB hard drive.Hard drive inoperable due to bad sectors. My hard drive was partitioned into several sections with the C: section containing the os and the D: section containing my data. I could not boot my system so I tried reinstalling os on C: section again, it required a format. I formatted the C: section and then attempted to reinstall os, no luck!Using a third party diagnostic CD I see that my data on the D: partition is still available and intact. The diagnostic disk creates a makeshift os which allows for very limited manipulation of information on hard drive. Since I can not install os onto bad hard drive section C how can I transfer data from the section D: partition to either a new hard drive or to a storage medium?

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Recover Data From Old Hard Drive

Mar 13, 2007

My old hdd was used to run Windows XP Pro, where my profile was password protect and set for private. Since replacing that crashed pc with a new 1 that runs Windows Media Center I have been able to recover all except the data listed under my account's My Documents. When I scroll over it it says folder empty. When I click on it it says access denied (something like that). How can I retrieve this data. I tried some freeware I found online, but all it did was locate previously deleted files to recover. I want to recover stuff not previously deleted.

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Need To Acess Data On Old Hard Drive

Apr 1, 2005

The motherboard in my old HP computer died and I have got 40 GB worth of data on the hard drive that is still working.I got a new XP computer and added the old hard drive as a slave, to get the data out, but apparently the old XP program is locking me out. How do I get around this block, so that I can get onto the old data, to save it, and get it ready to be reformatted, for use in another computer?

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HP Recovery Hard Drive

Sep 28, 2007

I spotted that it's named Recovery, i open it and there's nothing in it...but when it's in a .rar it shows everything that it has in it, when i extracted it showed nothing, i think they're hidden

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Extracting Data Off A Corrupt Hard Drive?

Aug 2, 2009

I have my windows XP Partition on the C Drive. I am trying to extract all the info from my D Drive and put it onto an External Hard drive. For some reason it is just not letting me transfer the files. I have tried to send and copy them over with no luck. I have tried using Acronis T.Image, but doesn't work (tells me that there is bad sectors and can't transfer). Tried using bootable disks (UBCD 4 Win, Drive XML, Norton partition manager 9.0 etc. As soon as I start extracting files it gives me and error message and asks if I want to ignore, retry etc. What would you suggest. I was going to run a disk check on this D drive, but I am afraid of it wiping out some of my files. Is there another bootable disk that I should use for extracting my files.

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Transfer The Data Files Off A CD Onto My Hard Drive?

Apr 16, 2007

I would like to transfer the data files off a CD onto my hard drive, then set the program that needs the data files on the CD to read from the files on the hard drive rather than the CD. My CD drive is getting a bit old, but I am unable at the present time to upgrade it.

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Commands To Wipe All Data From Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2005

what is procedure and commands to wipe all data from harddrive? the currently installed os is windows 2000. its so badly infected with trojans( thanks kids!) that i am going to start anew and put better access limits on it.(take that guys). already have downloaded all data i want to keep and will be scanning it( before installing) with avast and other goodies i've downloaded.

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Access Is Denied Data On Old Hard Drive

May 7, 2007

My desktop PC motherboard/PSU recently died; it ran Windows XP Home. I enclosed the hard drive in a hard drive enclosure. Now I am trying to access/copy my files from the old hard drive, using a friend's laptop (also running Windows XP Home).At first, I could see the directory of folders in the old hard drive but not the files themselves. So I followed the steps in this article to take ownership of the relevant folders (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308421).After taking ownership of the folders, I was able to see the actual files in the folders. However, when I tried to copy them to the laptop, I get something along the lines of this error message:Error Copying File or Folder.

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Backup Data To An External USB Hard Drive

Jan 5, 2008

I am backing up data to an external USB hard drive. What should I backup? I don't have enough room to backup my whole hard drive onto the external. I'm looking for suggestions of specific folders ie. Documents and Settings, etc. as opposed to advice like "whatever can't be downloaded or replaced easily".

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How To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Drive

Sep 30, 2008

My systemwas suddenly crashed and I askedone of my company person to helpme in recovering the data on my hard drive and he said that his system is not registering(recognising) my hard drive due to which is he unable to restore the data. he suggested to contact one strore who will chargefrom 2000 to 5000 $ and I don't have that much money to recover my valueble data. how to recover my data on my hard drive.

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Recover Data Files From PC'S Hard Drive

Sep 4, 2010

I just reinstalled windows xp on a computer which was having problems with win xp installation. I do not remember how I reinstalled it but I somehow forgot to save a few data files. I would like to have kept. Does anyone know of any utilities including freeware and non freeware to try to scan the hard disk and recover the files in case they still exist and the problem is that they are just not indexed by the file system?

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Get Data From Second Hard Drive After Reformatting Windows On Other?

Sep 15, 2009

I have two hard drives(40 GB & 160GB both internal) installed in my system. Earlier I had installed windows XP on the first hard drive (40GB) and was using second hard drive as additional storage. I had partitioned my second hard drive into 5 partitions P, Q, R, S, T. Recently I reformatted my first hard drive and reinstalled windows XP. However this has also affected my second hard drive. Now Windows shows only two drives C: (my first hard drive) and D: (second hard drive) as only one partition each. Moreover it is not showing any data on the second hard drive. I want to get back my parition info and data on the second hard drive. I thought that formatting my first drive will not affect second drive and therefore didn't take back up of the second drive. What shall I do to get back my data and partition info.

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Format My Hard Drive - Wiping Out All Data

Feb 2, 2008

How can I format my hard drive ( wiping out all datas ) ? I have Windows XP installed.

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Recovering Data From Formatted Hard Drive?

Aug 20, 2005

I somehow accidentally formatted my "E" Drive, I know all my MP3s were in there and some other stuff I don't know yet.is there any way I can recover them?

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Formatting Hard Drive Without Losing Data

Jan 13, 2007

I know theres heaps of partition and format tools out there to help you do certain things, but what i was wondering is instead of formatting the old fashioned way, and losing everything, is there a way i can format and not lose anything, so i dont have to do a million re installs? my hard drive is partitioned NTFS. and i have my C: where all my windows files are stored seperate to all my other drives.

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Information About Hard Drive Recovery

Apr 26, 2005

Heres a real test. What or where is there information about hard drive recovery particularly "fdisk" and then 3% into formatting on XP os?

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