Pro SP2 - USB Device - How To Reverse The Deletion

Aug 5, 2010

In the process of trying to troubleshoot a USB device problem on an XP pro SP2 machine, I went into device manager and after confirming the device associated with the problem (device marked with a yellow question) by connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting again, I deleted the device. I did so assuming that when I reconnected the device that windows would reinstall it, it did not. After several reboots, including a safe mode reboot, windows no longer responds to the attachement of the device to the machine. No audio indication, no activity in device manager, no sys tray activity. How do I reverse the deletion of the device?

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Can Reverse The Restore

Oct 27, 2006

my daughter has restored her computer to the first available date on her computer and has lost everything is there a way tto go back to where she was

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Reverse Alphabetical Order

Aug 16, 2005

When i go to open or save a file, the windows always return to reverse alphabetical order, how can i change this default back to alphabetical order?

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Used Reverse / Uninstall Failed Update

Nov 22, 2007

I have a large amount of the above named files as a result of MS patches and updates. If these patches and updates were successful, and apparently they were, as I have received no indications otherwise. It's my understanding that these files are used to reverse or uninstall a failed update; Is that correct? How can I verify that all patches and updates were successfully applied? I've had no trouble after installing these, so I'm assuming that all is well. So the question is, How do I remove these $NTUninstallKB******* files?

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Explorer Window Title Path Is In Reverse

Feb 10, 2008

The title bar of all my Explorer windows is in reverse! Am I going cuckoo? I'm sure it wasn't like this a few minutes ago.

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Admin User Account - Reverse Limited Restrictions

Jan 6, 2006

I made a HUGE mistake today. I was configuring 2 'puters at a time & accidently made the only admin account into a limited account. At first, I swear, I remember seeing the at least one other account that was an admin but I guess not. The login screen is a bit wierd as well. Instead of it being the new xp screen with the users' icon it has the old 2000 version with the window asking for the username & password. I tried to enter the UN in that I thought I remember seeing & a variety of possible passwords but nada.

1. is it possible to reverse the limited restrictions on the formerly admin account without any other admin account. This seems unlikely but I guess there has to be a way, right? (GOD!, I hioe there is a way!)

2. If there really is another admin account (it seems unlikely that windows would allow the only account to be changed to limited access) then how can I recoup the forgotten password. I didnt make a passwords disks.

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Reverse Connecting Wifi Router - Increase Range

Sep 12, 2006

Is it possible to reverse connect a wifi router? Using the wifi router instead, of say, a usb wifi adapter? Has anyone tried this? Would this increase the range of a wifi network?

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Reverse Keystrokes Rebooting - E-mail Address Appears Backwards

Sep 3, 2009

I have had this problem in the past, solved by rebooting. Must have been something I have done, Bill would never make a mistake like this one.The problem is that all of a sudden, my keystrokes are desrever i.e. reversed. This results in passwords being entered incorectly, a pain because you cannot see it happening. You realise what is going on when you click on forgotten password and your e-mail address appears backwards when typing it

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Mozilla Firefox- Deletion Option Is Not There

Aug 26, 2005

On the Mozilla Firefox browser I have a blank toolbar right below the two toolbars that I specified. The deletion option is not there. How would I get rid of that extra toolbar

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User Name And Password Deletion For Startup?

Dec 29, 2005

When i go to certain sites such as I get a popup window with a scrolldown list of previous user names I have typed in. How do I delete this list of user names?? In the windows help it says click on the name of the drop down list and click on delete, but the user names are still there, not deleted, Thanx, Win XP home edition, service pak 2

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Preventing User Accounts Deletion By Others?

Sep 1, 2007

If I've created a user account through the control panel, how do I make it so that others are unable to delete them? My 5 year old son has recently been deleting my user accounts and I need a way to prevent this from happening anymore.

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Retrieving Browser History After Deletion?

Apr 8, 2008

How do you find your browser history after it has been deleted?

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Invalid System Disk Following A Partition Deletion

Oct 4, 2007

Until recently, my computer's single 120GB hard drive has been partitioned like so:
C: - ~5GB, active partition with boot.ini etc, used as a recovery partition D: - ~110GB, extended partition with Windows Last night I finally took the plunge and, using Paragon Partition Manager, got rid of the C: partition seeing as I never used its contents, and extended the D: patition to take up the free space created. I then made the D: partition PRIMARY and ACTIVE.To boot into XP, I then used a boot disk from started fine, and everything was dandy. I copied the BOOT.ini, NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM files across to D:, removed the boot disk and rebooted.'Invalid System Disk'. I'm still unable to boot without a boot CD.

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Micro Soft Recycle Bin Before Complete Deletion

Aug 14, 2004

when I delete stuff from the recycle bin where does it go? I know there is one place left before it's completed delete from my pc but where?

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Denial Of Access To For Deletion After Update

Oct 25, 2009

A thread that may have addressed this problem with an update to XP professional has unfortunately closed so I have to ask it about it again. I have automatic update selected and on one occasion when shutting down, the system went into update mode. After two hours it was still chuntering away so I rebooted. Next I find 80 folders on my C-drive with long alpha-numeric names containg a mixture of Word and other files. They seem to have something to do with the Microsoft update. When I try to delete them I get a message denying me access to aspnet.msp and saying this file, and consequently none of the other newly-arrived folders, can be deleted. I tried a systm restore by that failed. I tried a restart in safe mode but access to deletion was still denied. I eventually installed the latest .Net Frame 3.5(?) but these files are still there. I would be grateful for advice or how to remove these folders and files.

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Automatic Deletion Of Temp Folder Content?

Apr 27, 2005

I need to free up some disk space on my laptop hard drive (Casio Laptop, Win XP, Office 2000, Pentium 4, 133 MHZ, 20gig HHD). c:/temp folder has about 6GB of file in it. Is it safe to delete files in the c:/temp folder and is there any way I can automate the deletion of files from this folder once a month or something?

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Accidental Deletion Of Registry Keys While Removing Viruses ?

Oct 21, 2005

While trying to delete some spyware off my computer I accidently deleted something and now the interenet doesn't work. There is a connection but somehow none of the internet applications work. I was using adaware and the add on LSP explorer. I deleted the Name space providers specifically the TCPIP and UDPIP.

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Updates Drivers Slowly Process - Uninstall / Deletion Most File Deleted

Sep 24, 2008

Am attempting to delete three old zip/unzip driver folders so I can install updated versions of the drivers, but every time I go to delete, a warning pops-up stating ...."nothing to do"......, then it slowly (crawls, actually) begins, stating..... "deleting from archive". The files are full, so there's obvious data that needs to be removed despite the warning that there's nothing to do. At the speed this thing is deleting, if at all, it will take days. My question is, why can't I do a conventional uninstall/deletion the way most files are deleted, and why is it requiring so much time? (FYI, once this process starts, the only way to stop it is to do a CTRL-ALT-DELETE- just canceling doesn't do a thing), I have to remove thes drivers before installing the new versions. Is there another method of removing these files

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Insert USB Device To Computer / Keeps Restarting Wont Stop Doing / Until Remove Usb Device

Nov 22, 2008

Insert any USB device to this computer, Computer keeps restarting and it wont stop doing that until I remove the usb device. I tried with all the usb ports on this computer and problem is the same. Even by hooking up a usb keyboard or mouse, computer wont get to the login screen. it keeps on restarting. It wont even go into 'safe mode'.Anyone have any clue whats going on and the solution to fix it?

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Device Can't Start (CODE 10) - C-MEDIA AC97 Audio Device ?

Oct 1, 2005

I have an AMD 2.1 athlon, i try and re-install my C-MEDIA AC97 Audio Device, i dont have the CD and i dont know how to fix this

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Device Manager Reports Unknown Device Found?

Jul 15, 2005

I have installed a targus 7 port powered USB HUB on my computer. Device manager reports unknown device. I have deleted and it restalled the drived after the system rebooted. Device manager still saying unknown device. Their is not driver needed according to the manufacture. When the PC is booting it does see the IPOD mini and the Flash drive. But once the PC is fully out and login and I look a the device manager is still reporting unlnown device error (code 10).

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Audio Device Not Found / Listed In Device Manager

Aug 4, 2010

I had some trouble last night and today with getting rid of a virus. Now that it is gone, I am having sound problems (maybe related, maybe not). This morning, when I opened iTunes I got a message that there was no audio device detected. After trying several things, I rebooted. Magically, I could play music again. However, a short while later, I again got an error message telling me that there is no audio device found, even though it shows up in Device Manager as working properly. The problem goes away for a short time after I reboot, but returns. It is Realtek AC 97. Why won't my computer keep recognizing it? (It tried going to Realtek's site to download an update. It has updates for Windows 98, 95, etc., but not for XP. Or at least I couldn't find it.)

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Yellow Exclamation Point On Pci Device In Device Manager

May 12, 2010

Running Windows XP on Emachines ET1161-07. Installed all drivers that I could find, since EMachines does not represent XP. Tried Realtek audio and HD audio, tried Intel, didn't work. Tried NVidia, as it has an NVidia motherboard. Spent too much time on this computer. Can anyone lend a hand? I know it's got something to do with Audio, as there's no audio device detected in Sounds, under Control Panel.Customer has to have computer today.

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Device Manager Not Working - On Boot Up Sound Device

Dec 17, 2005

I gotta a XP Home SP2 Machine was running fine then on boot up sound device not found. went to device mng and no items displayed. System restore had been didabled and Norton disabled as well. Done a spyware scan pull nout so did virus

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This Device Cannot Start Code 10 USB Mass Storage Device

Jul 21, 2005

I've been using a Buslink 40G disk-to-go for about 2 years and love it. Today I plugged it into the USB port and the drive did not display. I've searched forums half the night since this drive contains financial data that hasn't been backed up for a month (yes, bad practice, I know) and I need to get it working. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, updated drivers, removed and reinstalled drivers, rolled back drivers and tried everything short of bios changes I've seen recommended.

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Desktop Shortcuts Deletion Results In "Access Is Denied"?

Feb 8, 2005

i just installed acrobat 5 full version and am trying to delete the desktop shortcut. Everytime i try it itells me "Cannot delete Adobe Acrobat 5.0: Access is denied. The source file may be in use." I have tried restarting and that didnt help i have gone into the processes and stopped all that were allowed still with no luck. I am running win 2K prof and am only a power user on this machine as it is at work any ideas would be great.

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Mystery PCI Input Device In Device Manager

Aug 31, 2005

I had this problem last time when I fresh installed Windows XP Pro on my computer. I don't know the time, but it happens at least 30 days after I reinstall the OS and software. Today, my computer prompted me to install drivers for a PCI Input Device, but I haven't installed any new hardware for months. Basically, I haven't touched the inside of my computer for that long. So why is Device Manager prompting me to install this mystery device? Hardware ID shows that it is from vendor 1102, which is Creative, and I have an Audigy 1. Also, my FireWire port is Code 10, the device cannot start. So I'm thinking the mystery device is the same firewire port. But why show up as a separate device? I tried removing the devices and restarting the computer, but they return to haunt me again. The device properties for the PCI Input Device says PCI SLOT 7, AND I DONT HAVE A 7th slot! Can someone help me, please? Device manager shows my 1394 Net Adapter with a yellow exclamation, and it has code 10, device cannot start. There is an unknown device, the PCI Input Device, which doesn't allow me to install any drivers for it, yet it has the creative Vendor ID 1102. It shows itself as being PCI Slot 7.

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CD Device With Yellow Icon In Device Manager

Dec 8, 2004

I have a feeling that this is simply a case of some registry settings which need adding/modifying/deleting but exactly which ones and what values I do not know. No, I haven't tried re-installing XP.

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USB Device Bad Behavior / No USB Device Icon In Tray

Sep 19, 2006

The system seems to be very stable at this point in time. I run Norton Utilities and other maintenance sw as well as have a firewall/pest remover/anti-virus. Behavior - most things work fine on the USB ports, either the hub or direct connects. One digital camera will only work when direct connected(not thru the hub). I have a scanner that will only work on a 2003 Compaq Presario, but not on the whitebox on any port. Also, I have had two devices that won't work at all. I have noticed that the USB mass storage device icon doesn't seem to be present now when I attach a flash drive. This is recent behavior and doesn't predate every USB problem.

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Unknown PCI Device In Device Manager?

Mar 11, 2006

Last night I installed ATiTool 0.24 over my 0.25 version (stupidly). I also did a BIOS update and installed Cat6.3 and then AVIVO converter. When I rebooted, I had this new PCI device requiring a driver,but it's an unknown device and doing an auto update helped me.I can't get rid of this pesky PCI device (tried uninstalling but Windows detects it again after restart/boot-up). All my stuff is working, so I don't know where this critter came from?

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Unknown Device In The Device Manager?

Dec 24, 2007

I have a huge problem with two unknown devices in my "Device Manager" after formating and reinstalling fresh copy of Win Xp Pro.In my "Device Manager" there is two lines with Unknown devices.

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