Ntso.exe - Updates Not Installing

Jun 2, 2008

Ive recently come across a problem all starting after using windows xp disc to recover from a virus that made the pc not log in (some virus called ntso.exe which i got rid of)....I used the windows xp disc with SP2 to do a non destructive install which kept all my files but had to reinstall gfx drivers / sound / mobo chipset and ai gear for asus mobo.I then came across the problem , windows update says it was downloading ,downloaded then said "express install" so I did install them but after about a minute it says error installing these updates and just closes and then update.exe keeps coming on and off in processes.

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Installing Updates: "Some Updates Were Unable To Be Installed"?

May 19, 2010

When I run the install Windows updates, the updates do not install, and I receive the following message (not verbatim, but close):"Some updates were unable to be installed..."This problem "came out of no where" and there has been no suspicious activity prior to it starting other than an IE7 redirect rootkit that NeonFx helped me remove (if I recall correctly an infection of agp440).

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How Can Download Critical Updates Without Installing Them?

May 14, 2005

How do i download critical updates for windows Xp Service Pack 2 without installing them?

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Getting Win Updates Without Installing Genuine Advantage?

Jun 17, 2007

Can anyone tell me please how to get Windows Updates without installing WGA.My copy of Windows XP has already been validated and from what I read elsewhere it is no advantage to having WGA installed again and again as apparently this is Microsoft's way of keeping tabs on users activity. I have auto update completely turned off as I prefer to be in control of downloads

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Microsoft Update Not Installing Updates

Jul 30, 2007

my computer is not allowing me to install updates from microsoft update, it will download them then will come up with a box saying could not install the following updates,

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Cumulative Security Updates Not Installing

Jun 30, 2006

One of my XP machines keeps attempting to install the same updates. At the end of the process I get this error:

The following updates were not installed:

Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer for Windows XP (KB916281)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB917344)

The system tray icon is present and says "updates are ready for your computer."

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Not Installing Updates - System Getting Really Slow

Oct 9, 2010

I work with 8 identical PCs at work and at home, they all have same Win XP Pro (bulk license), 6 update automatically, 2 have never been updated.This 2 un-updated, still work fast, (as if windows was freshlly installed) the other 6, keep getting slower, & sluggish. In 4 of them Windows was reinstalled 2 and 3 times; and the remaining 2 became ultra-slow.Software and use is the same on all of them.(office work) No additional software downloaded or installed in any.Should I forget about the "risks" of not updating and reinstall and use the no update option???

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Updates Not Installing - Redownloading The Same Thing

Jan 25, 2005

i have windows on automatic updates and today when i went to install updates it seamed to work fine but now, it says i never updated and it just keeps redownloading the same thing.. i've installed at least 3 times and still the same updates say need to be installed any ideas why? thx. -cnelons.

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Updates Failed After Installing Firefox 1

Feb 8, 2005

Just installed Firefox a week ago and today cannot install Windows Updates for security fixes. Assume there is a conflict having IE and Firefox.

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Stuck In Startup Loop Installing MS Updates

Dec 22, 2006

I was installing MS updates and my system went down and began looping in startup. I have tried F8, safe mode s/u, safe mode w/networking etc, No luck.It keeps looping.

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Stopping Automatic Reboot - After Installing Updates

Sep 18, 2007

Tired of being constantly nagged by reboot requests after installing XP updates I went to the wsindows update folder in Group Policy and enabled the "No automatic restart for scheduled updates" option, clicked apply and forgot about it. Untill my computer installed the automatic update for .Netframework, when, without any warning it went into reboot mode causing me to completely lose the data I was working on. The only other option in the update folder is to delay the restart but as this only allows you to stretch it to a max of 30 minutes it's not much help.

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Installing Security Updates - Colors And Styles Have Changed

Jan 12, 2005

I went to the Windows update site last night for the lastest security updates for XP, and after installing them the colors and size of my taskbar and toolbars have changed! They are much more narrow than before and all are a dark grey. Even pop-up boxes are the same color. I've gone into properties but can't seem to make it the old blue color again.

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Installing Automatic Updates:too Slow/ Taking 8 Hours?

Jun 28, 2005

One of our XP computers runs automated updates for Windows. However the last few days, there have been 10 updates installing, and the 3rd update is taking hours upon hours to install. I have never seen anything like that before.Is this normal? How would I go about approaching this? It will more than likely update itself later today

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Update KB892130 Will Not Validate And Stops Updates Installing

Jun 24, 2008

I have a legal copy of XP which has been registered. There are 92 updates that will not install. I isolated KB892130 as the validation tool that will not validate with Microsoft before the other updates can be installed. I have turned off Avast (antivirus), but did not disable it. I have a laptop with Avast on it which has updated perfectly. I have forced validation from DOS but this still doesn't let the updates go ahead

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Clicked On Installing Updates - Syatem Wont Boot Now

May 23, 2007

I was goin to restart my computer b/c my internet connection wasnt working well, and when i went to the start menu-restart, the shut down button said something along the lines of "updates for your pc" so instead of restarting, I clicked on that. When i did that, the pc was telling me it was updating, then it went tot the blue "windows is shutting down" screen Well, it stayed like that for about 20 minutes, so I thought it may have froze (it's done this before when i wasnt updating, just shutting down) When I went to turn it back on, i got the black screen with the white text that said "We are sorry for the inconvieniece, windows did not start successfully"

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WinPro SP2 - Boots Only In Safe Mode After Installing Updates?

Oct 11, 2007

After automatic update installed updates at shutdown, my WinXP Pro SP2 laptop now boots only in Safe Mode. In this mode, I am able to copy files from C drive to USB connected backup drive. Hence, my files of interest are saved. Nothing I have tried seems to allow me to boot in normal mode.

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System Installing Updates All The Time / Unable To Stop?

Feb 15, 2008

The computer uses XP home and is set for automatic updates.Every time I switch off it says it is installing update 1 of 1 even if I have not been connected to the net.When I tried using manual update I was told that the installation of <Windows Installer 3.1> had failed.Is the computer trying to install this same thing every time?If it is how do I get it to install properly or remove it from the list of programs ready to be installed?I think that when I installed the drivers for the motherboard this installer, or an earlier version, was installed by the Intel download.

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Computer Warning For Low Disk Space After Installing Updates?

Sep 4, 2008

Yesterday I had 560 MB's of free space on Drive C, today I suddenly received a low disk warning. I had 163 MB's remaining, then a few minutes later I had 90 MB's. I searched Drive C for files/folders over 1 MB that had been modified in the last week and there were a half dozen huge files that were part of a Windows XP update it was trying to install. I turned off the automatic updates so I can do them manually from now on, but can I do anything about those files that were modified today to free up space? One of them is marked a temporary file - can I delete it?

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Installing Updates On Shutdown: Turn Off Button Had Security Shield?

Dec 17, 2004

I have Windows XP w/SP-2 installed on a laptop. Last night, I was notified that there were four critical updates to be installed. I clicked to install them. When I shut the computer down, I noticed that the "Turn off" button had the little security shield icon superimposed and mousing over the button said that it would install updates and shut down my computer. I had never noticed anything like this before, but I assumed it was a new feature that came with a recent Windows update.

Now I'm worried that I was wrong, because after shutting down at 11:30 pm or so last night, the computer seems to be hung. I have a screen with a blue background, the Windows XP logo, and I get a message that alternates between saying "Do not turn off or unplug your computer; it will turn off automatically." and "Installing update 1 of 4." Again, this is behaviour I've never seen before, and has been going on now for over 9 hours. Unfortunately, I did not make note of the critical updates, but I seem to remember that the file sizes were not that large.

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System Crashed After Installing Updates / Unable To Pass Boot Process?

Aug 31, 2005

I clicked on the Icon for windows updates on my PC, and after the updates were done, my PC will not boot up.I keep getting one of those blue screens with one of those wonderful error messages.I have tried doing a system restore, several times, but it will not even let me do that

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Automatic Updates Unseen In Add/remove List/ Auto Updates Only Download Security Updates?

Jun 1, 2006

The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.

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Updates Service Wont Work: Installing Defender To Work?

Nov 17, 2006

okay at first this wasn't too anoying but now it is a major problem at first it was just that when i went to windows update it would get stuck in the thing where it says that it is checking for the latest updates.to try and solve this issue i did these things:i ran windows update for 3 days straight and didn't do anything on my computer (it was stuck in the screen i mentioned before)i reinstalled windows, but for some reason the problem carried over a friend of mine told me about windows defender and that it was free, so i installed it and behold it uses windows to update and im stuck with the bare bones of the program.

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Hardware Video Driver Updates On MS Updates Web?

Sep 7, 2005

I've got an NEC LCD2010X monitor, and everytime I download the latest update from MS for either the NVIDA or Matrox Video cards I always find the drivers
don't work... why ? Latest case is with the NVIDA update - I can't go beyond 4bit 640x480.

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Disable Driver Updates From Auto Updates?

Apr 24, 2006

Is there a way to disable Windows Automatic Updates from updating device drivers. There are a several PC's at my job that have problems with a device driver update from. I would still like to recieve regular security updates, but I dont want any device driver updates.

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Installed Updates: Reboot / Showing Same Updates?

Aug 31, 2005

I click on install, they install, I reboot - then, hey presto, they're back again!! I know the easy way is to turn off automatic updates - but, surely, there's a way around this?

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Operating System Updates - Automatic Updates

Sep 7, 2005

My computer is only about 4 months old and I do not have it set to receive automatic updates. It seemed, with my last computer, the updates created more problems than they were worth. Does anyone have an opinion on how important it is to get these updates or am I just as well off not receiving them? The last time I checked to see what updates were available it appeared Microsoft even said that some of them could create problems.

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Using Updates To Find Driver Updates?

Mar 24, 2005

Use Windows Update to find driver updates In Windows Update click Custom Install in the main column, and then click Select optional hardware updates in the left-hand column. Windows Update examines all parts of your system to determine what needs updating and it may recommend more than just driver updates. It's a good idea to visit Windows Update regularly for driver updates and other non-critical updates.

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Getting Critical Updates Among Monthly Updates?

Aug 10, 2005

I am using XP Pro SP 2 with automatic updates enabled. As far as I understand since April 2005 updates are downloaded from Windows Update site once a month Correct me, if I am wrong) somewhere between 10-14 of every month? If so, how should I install critical updates, which issued between two monthly update dates?

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SP2 Updates Not Able To Download Files / Updates

Aug 8, 2005

I have downloaded SP2 and some additional updates, I am not able to download files/updates from www.apple.com. Is there some glitch or do I need to reset some of the settings so that it will let me download from their site? (I'm trying to download ipod updater but the login and download buttons do not load)

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Installing Acting Weird - Installing Windows Server 2003

Dec 20, 2006

I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003

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Installing XP: Go Into Setup And Change Boot Settings Without Re-installing?

Feb 19, 2005

I recently installed xp for the first time after replacing motherboard and CPU.I skipped setup because I didn't know what I was doing. Now I can't boot up (cold or warm) without using the original disk. Can I just go into setup and change boot settings without re-installing.Is there anything else I should know before I attempt to fix this problem? I am tired of using the disk every time I update something or install new program.

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