I have a computer that I need to wipe the hard drive and perform a fresh install on.I'ts a windows xp pro os that is pre windows service pack 2 and I don't want to spend the next twenty years downloading all those windows critical updates again.So my question is: Is there a way to legally copy all those update files on a cd or is there a way to make things easier for me by getting them by some other method?
my pc had the Windows XP Home Edition Product Key label with the key on the bottom. I didn't receive a Windows XP disk with this laptop. How can I legally use this key to use in installing XP Home Edition.
The requirements at UNC greensboro states that all students must use Micrsoft xp proffessional, 2000, or media center. So i went to stales this am to get the upgrade from xp home to pro and it was $199.00 (Just what I needed more expenses ). At checkout a manager asked me if it was for me and I said no my daughter`s laptop as UNCG requires he to havre the upgrade or they won`y let her connect when she gets there. She very quickly told me that schools can suggest but not reqire as it is against the law to require. She also told me that if they require it that they must reimburse me for the upgrade.
The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)
I need to copy all files on a local drive to a network drive once a week. I want to be able to do this using a batch file that I can have Windows scheduler execute. This means the use of the Windows Backup utility is not possible. However, program suggestions that have a cloning ability with no compression and does not create its own file can be used.
I have just started experiencing this problem after installing a new backup hard drive. I am searching a large folder of mp3 files to copy to my mp3 player.Periodically and seemingly at random the folder I am searching through resets.That is it blinks and shifts back to the top of the folder.So I then have to remember where I was and find the place that I left off.
I'm using an SD card for a Palm Pilot T|X and I'm copying files back and forth frequently using an SD reader, but I'm starting to get a couple of error messages (in XP, not on the actual Palm) while copying files FROM the SD card (not TO the card, I'm copying TO the card just fine). For example, if I copy specific mp3 files, I get this error message- Cannot Copy *filename*: The parameter is incorrect. The weird thing is that only certain mp3 files do this while others copy just fine. The weirder thing is I can play the file in Winamp directly from the card just fine. Yet other messages pop up with different files. Sometimes I get that specific message with another file, but I also get this one--
Cannot copy *filename*: Cannot read from the source file or disk I've noticed that the first one is far more common than the second. I've also noticed that the second can be fixed by safe-removing the SD card and reinserting it (up until now, I haven't been safe-removing, which I now suspect may be the source of the problem). I've also noticed that I can't copy files from my card to my Palm's internal memory using FileZ, but that may be unrelated (also, I know that this isn't a Palm forum anyway; I'm mainly asking about my problem within XP).
I am trying to install xp onto my new hdd. it goes through the formality of formating then it starts to copy files from cd to my hdd then all of a sudden it cant copy files. it is random(not a particalar file) some times at 5% 20% 80% ect:..but i can install winme no problems..then i try to install xp over the top of winme and i get the same problem..I have even taken my copy(originall) of xp to my friends and it installs with no problems at all..then i have taken their disk drive back to my machine, connected it and xp boots up with my motherboard..all is ok...but, when i do a fresh install with xp on their hdd i get the same problem..no settings in bios have been altered in anyway..
If I access "My Pictures" on WXP, I can copy pictures to a CD-RW without any problem. If I try to use the "Copy" command to copy a folder such as my Quicken Data files, I receive a message that the disc is not formatted or it may be corrupted. If I use the disk "that may be corrupted" I can copy pictures to it and then erase them. Why won't data files copy? Am I going about it the wrong way?
When I try to copy files to a DVD+RW it puts them into some kind of temporary files and then tells me it's ready to copy them to the CD. But it won't let me copy them to a DVD, seems to be looking for a CD. Why must I wait for these temporary files to be created. I was once able to start the copying and it would copy them with no delay. Is there some way to bypass this creation of temporary files and just begin the copying immediately?
I have erased my hard drive and was reinstalling xp pro.when it is copying install files i keep getting messages that certain files did not copy correct, and I can skip them but xp probably won't work.After several attempts, I just started skipping all the files and xp was on the hard drive, but when logged on it would crash.I have tried using different copies but i get same message about files aren't being copied correct.
I have old backup of favorites (bunch of *.lnk files) from Internet Explorer that i had on cd and forgot about it. Then i formated my pc and had to start over collecting them. Now after year i find out my old favs was on backup cd and i want to merge my old favorites with my current ones, the problem is there is about 100 links in old folder and about 200 links in current folder and many of them lead to same sites, i dont wanna have duplicates and i dont wanna sort them manually.
Is there prog that can copy file from one folder to another, checking if each file from source folder is not present in destination folder (and subfolders) under different name (by checking size or crc or md5 whatever)?
Or prog that can check which of files from source folder (without subfolders) are same as files in destination folder (without subfolders) and mark them to delete or move or smooth
i have lots of photos that i need to back up but how do i do it? im pretty good with pcs but all i want to do is back up all my pics to cd were by inserting one after the othe untill they are all full i have nero but when you have filled one disc (multisession)and want to continue you cant as it doesnt know were to back up to/from. i used to us back up lit may moons ago but no more any help would be nice. its a pane in the asre when you have to keep note of the file you got up to before you can follow on with another disc. im using xp home
I'm running Win XP Pro SP 3, I have a file that I periodically copy to several different computers on a LAN. The exact destinations of the file change occasionally and I want to minimize the amount of maintenance involved when there is a change. In the folder containing the file I have a shortcut to each of the destination drives. When one of the destination folders changes I update the shortcut in that folder. If I drag the file to each of the shortcuts using the right mouse button one of the options is to copy the file to the target of the shortcut, so one way to copy the file is to manually drag it to each shortcut. Is it possible to achieve similar functionality with a batch file? It is easy enough to write a batch file that copies the files to each destination by coding the destinations into the batch file but is it possible to use a batch file to copy the file to the target of each shortcut? I suspect that parsing the .lnk files is complex but I don't know if there is another way to do this.
I am trying to get files off of a computer that has an IDE raid setup.The IDE Raid is on the motherboard and I have all the drivers. Win XP is installed but will not boot.I have tried many of the MS fixes that deal with XP stopping during the boot up. Frankly I do not care about getting XP to run again on this system, but I do need some files as the owners did not back up their files.I used the XP CD to boot up the computer, F6 to enable raid and gained access to the hard drive.I installed a second IDE drive in the computer to transfer the files to. Everything seemed fine. I could see both drives, look at any directory and so on. However, I was not allowed access to copy any files, make any directories, etc. Just to get to the raid drive in the first place I had to enter the admin, so shouldn't I have had permission on both drives? I also wanted to try just booting to a command prompt, but had no access to the raid drive that way.I tried UBCD Win XP to no avail for the same reason, no drivers for the raid so it just wasn't there.
I initially had a problem with java after installing a SP2 update for IE. And eventually reinstalled XP, that didn't correct the issue and then I had to get a new product code because I was in the "you have 30 days to activate" loop even though my copy of XP was already activated.So called Microsoft, got new product key and started to install again. This is when I first got the "Unable to copy files" error. I tried 2 different copies of XP but got the same issue, with the same files, with each disk.I've talked to Microsoft for hours, and finally had a guy tell me it was my motherboard (now this is after having swapped out my memory with the manufacturer). I just received my replacement board (M7NCD by Biostar) and I am still getting the same error. The gist is that at the dsound3d.dll, I start to get "unable to copy file" errors. I attempt to retry the copy, which works occasionally, but eventually I get an error (normally a memory error) Microsoft had said that even with those errors, it wasn't my memory but my motherboard that was the issue
Just wondering if anyone knows of a program that will copy files and folders along thier permissions.I came across the Scopy stuff on M$ but just wondering if there is a easier way
So I have a laptop without a CD drive and I've done this before so I know it came be done, just can't seem to find the googled page that i found last time with the how to. I want to take the laptop HD out and put it into a USB mobile disk enclosure, then from my desktop in my windows xp RUN command I wanna set the XP CD in the drive to copy all its install files to the blank HD and start the XP installation but NOT RESTART after its done. Then take the HD out of the enclosure, pop it back into the laptop, boot up and have the install do the rest from there.
so i have a epson picturemate(personal photo lab) and i have it installed but everytime i put the memory card in it so i can copy the photos to my computer, the screen that asks me what i want to do (copy files to folder..view..etc.) doesnt show up anymore and i want to know how i can get that back so i can save my photos to my computer..it use to show up before i got internet and now it does not..
Just tried to install windows on my new build,first one I've tried by myself.Everything seemed to b ok,when prompted to hit f6 I did.Nothing happened.Windows said to hit reset,I did.It started to copy files for a short while then displayed error code OXOOOOOO7B (OXF7C7A524,OXCOOOOO34,OXOOOOOOOO,OXOOOOOOOO) What now ,do I need to clear(RTC) RAM in CMOS b4 starting over?
Have a laptop that i got in 2003 and i bought microsoft office pro with it. well my laptop is having problems and i have an extended warranty on it, the company said that the harddrive might have to be formated and i should backup everything. since my laptop didn't come with office and the cd got lost with the move to college, is there a way to copy the office program files? what im talking about is how with a game you can copy the folder .programs files/ea games/need for speed. like that and if you copy that folder to another computer it will work without having to be installed. i know its not in the registry.
I want to copy files from my hard drive to my dvd writer.InCD screws this up.I want to be able to open windows explorer and move/copy]selected files to a dvd. I then want to be able to read the files direct from the dvd using windows explorer.
I have been trying to delete pics. When i press control and click on each pic to delete a bunch at one time, I get copies of the files im trying to highlight. I thought I was clicking on create shortcut, but it is creating a copy of all I have highlighted even before I get to the delete menu.
I have been having the following problem off and on for some time:
When I try to copy/paste files and folders in windows XP explorer (or in the desktop or a program's dialog box), windows wants to re-install one of the programs I have already installed on my computer or that I installed once upon a time.
Currently this is happening with Roxio Easy media Creator 7, but in the past it has happened with many other programs, such as MS Office, Roxio and some other shareware programs.
I completely reinstalled my Win XP OS and i saved my "necessary" files(music, videos. etc...) to an external hard drive but i accidentally encrypted them and now i have to figure out how to decrypt them so i can copy them to my new OS.
When i try to just uncheck the "Encrypt contents to secure data" box i get the error
I have a desktop and a laptop but decided I needed to reinstall windows on the desktop. I backed up everything and started the re-boot. I deleted the partition and installed a fresh copy of windows. The first thing I noticed while it was installing was that it said it could not copy the files: presetup.cmd & setupORG. I skipped these and continued the installation but once the setup restarted my PC it hits an error screen saying that because these files were not copied setup has to abort.
I have an IDE drive housed in an external USB enclosure. When I connect it to my XP Pro (SP2) desktop it is recognised, and I can browse the folders and files. However when I try to copy a large number of files from the drive to a local hard drive on the desktop I get a "resource no longer available" error, and the external drive is no longer visible to the PC. I can then disconnect and reconnect the drive but only get back into the same loop.
We have several folders with sub folders and files that we like to copy from one PCWinxp to another PCVista. Is there a way to copy these folders without changing the modifications dates? Meaning to preserve all the modifications dates on all the folders, subfolders and files.