Installing Messenger 7.0 - Keeps Error

Jan 21, 2005

when i try to install msn messenger 7.0, it keeps bringing up an error, saying that Microsoft Windows Journal msi cannot be found. I don't know how that happened but, is there a way i can fix that problem?.

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MSN Messenger :: Explorer Has Encountered An Error And Needs

Mar 21, 2006

I have been getting the above message recently i click 'don't send' and the windows kind of closes and refreshes and i can still open stuff. now the problem is affecting things like msn messenger which has 'encountered a problem' two or three times now and needs to close. i ran a virus scan and got nothing. It just happens at random times and is pretty much happening everytime i turn on the laptop at some stage.

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Constant Messenger Service Error

Dec 12, 2005

A Messenger Service Error will keep popping up every 2 minutes or so, and says that my system is encrypted.I dont know what else to do, plz email me at if you know what i could do to fix the problem!

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Messenger Tries To Load / All Programmed Have Windows Messenger Icon / RPC Server Not Available

Oct 1, 2007

I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems:
1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal?
2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes.
3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it.
3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.

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Update Log Into Messenger - Error Code 800706ba

Jun 11, 2010

I'm slowly going out of my mind with my ageing laptop...! Im running windows xp home and recently upgraded to sp3. Im not sure if the update caused it but since since then I cant:

1) Install any updates from microsoft either singularly or multiple...
2) Log into messenger.... keep getting error code 800706ba scoured the net for solution and tried most of them..(install-uninstall-cleard/deleted cache etc)
3)Some weird display characters/lines. on startup a lot of characters have been replaced with others....
4) Word documents start with a warning that document could not be registered

Im running zone alarm security suite v8.0.059.000 up to date Not sure if this helps but.... on my search for answers, I have found a number of issues my windows installer was not correctly installed (trying to sort out updates when I found this out) so is now fixed dcom server process launcher is missing presumed lost in Services.msc

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Getting Error While Installing Fax Monitor: 'Fax Device Error'?

Aug 29, 2005

I haveWin XP Home SP2, and an ESS ES56H-PI Data Fax Modem.Unfortunately, over the week-end I completely screwed up my PC when trying to install a Linux O/S, and had to re-install Win XP - which I have successfully done. I am now re-installing my various applications,and have installed Win XP Fax using the same procedure as I used last November (Faxing in Windows XP by Sharon Crawford). Everything seemed to go OK, but when I try to send a fax I get an error message on the Fax Monitor: 'Fax device error'.

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Xp Installing Stop Error

Feb 5, 2006

Installing windows on a pc built for my friend and it comes up with a stop code.
stop d1. driver_irql_not_less_or_equal then it states

address fc40d3b4 base at fc3fb000

which i think refers to a stop a1 as well.

ive tried using 2 different type of memory on the m-board and still get the same error.
there are no other hardware besides a cdrom and hdisk, mosue and keyboard. i did have an old logitech mouse but swapped that as i read that can cause problems too.

i dont know how to go about fixing this as their is a hotfix for acpi problems but thatr equires u to actually have windows on teh pc in teh first place i.e safe mode.

i can get into bios and it performs POST no problems. the only other thing is it boots fromcdrom but it says no emulation.

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Error Installing AVG Free

Sep 9, 2009

My friend had problems with her computer I fixed some but need help with rest.The first problem is I can not install AVG Free it gets 1/2 way then says( Error 0 800700050)Registry Root HKCU (OEMI) Failed Also computer is slow at starting also slow loading Internet Explorer..I downloaded CCleaner - Malware bytes & Advance SystemCare they found lots of spyware & problems all of those are fixed and computer is running a bit faster plus I uninstalled a lot of rubbish that her and kids downloaded also looked at what was running in startup. my friend has windows XP home, service pack3 and uses IE8..My main thing is to get AVG running, and then if there is anything else that I could do to get Computer running faster.

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Internal Error While Installing SP3

Mar 20, 2010

When I try to install SP3, after it has downloaded through Auto-update, it gives me internal error, without any codes or anything. Just says installation did not complete.

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Installing 2.0 Sp1 - Setup Error

Jun 3, 2008

I�m having many problems during the instalation of microsoft net framework. First of all this occur cause i was trying to install NET FRAMEWORK 3.0 on my computer but the instalation never ended and it give me some errors, so i uninstall every version of the program trying to reinstall them again (i read this may be a solution (i use add/remove programs and a clean up tool specified for removing net framework)), first i try installing 1.0, but a message says that i already have it installed, then 1.1 which i could install fine, then the SP1 for 1.1 says that i need version 2.0.5556 in order to install this service pack, then i try to install 2.0 but an incompatibility error appears referring that i may have installed " framework 2.0 sp1" (wich i don�t), then i try installing 2.0 sp1 but i get a "setup error" nothing else, same when trying with 3.0.

i have try different things like starting/stopping msiexec (on safe mode), installing and removing net framework several times or trying to install IIS (wich i couldn't cause i dont have the original windows cd) as possible solutions, but this problem is driving me crazy! Is there a solution like uninstalling all, installing all again without format? i think it maybe has something to do with file extensions missing, i read something about MSI files, but im not share.

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:Help Installing Over Ubuntu (Error Msg):

Oct 7, 2008

Alright, here?s my deal (I hope ya?ll can help..):The Bottom-Line (Short-Version): I bought a couple PC?s with Ubuntu (Linux) installed. I need XP on it. My XP Install disc doesn?t work (error pops up), if I tried to partition the drive, I?ll mess it up for sure; what the hell do I do?What I?ve Done (Detailed-Version): I recently bought a couple computers (Dell Optiple X GX150) that originally had the XP OS on it; currently, Ubuntu (Linux) resides as the OS (which is a bad thing, in this case).I would like to uninstall/delete ?Ubuntu? and put ?Windows XP? (or any other version for this matter) as my main & ONLY operating system. I have a ?Windows XP Installation Disc? that I TRIED to use and install. I downloaded ?Wine? & ?Crossover?, each opens the .EXE on the disc and allows me to explore. In ?Setup?, it asks: ?What do you want to do?? When I click, ?Install Windows XP?,

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Error After Installing Windows Xp

Jan 27, 2007

I installed windows xp on a new hard drive.Now when I turn the computer on I get an error.A DISK READ ERROR OCCURED press CLT+ALT+DEL to restart when i press CLT+ALT+DEL the computer will restart but I keep getting the same error and windows won't start.

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Installing A CD (error Message)

Dec 25, 2004

I'm trying to install a game from a CD and there is an error message which sais," Setup is unable to locate a file it needs to continue. Please make sure the CD-ROM is in the drive and press retry to continue." I click on retry and the error message keeps on appearing.How do I solve this problem?

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Error When Installing SP3 - Access Is Denied

Apr 25, 2009

I have a desktop machine with XP pro and whenever i try to install SP3, i get an "Access is denied" message about half way through the installation.

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Installing SP3 (An Internal Error Occurred)

Sep 30, 2009

I've recently put together an old computer using parts from 2 similar machines. The specs are..
Mobo: GA-K8VM800M

CPU: AMD Sempron 2800+ - o/ced to 2ghz tonight.
HDD: Master - Seagate, Slave - Maxtor both 70gb
Ram: 256 + 512 @ 400
Onboard VGA..
Standard 250V PSU

Okay so, i've been trying all night to install SP3 on this thing but every time I get this error "An Internal Error Occurred" and it's driving me crazy. I installed a fresh Windows XP SP2 on it and uninstalled the few updates I did through windows updates. I've cleaned the registry. I've done everything it says to do here: I've tried installing it from the Windows updates page, i've tried installing it through Automatic updates and i've even downloaded the full SP3 Package (also tried this in safe-mode). I've read every freaking forum about this error and took their advice. Nothing works........

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Installing Sp2 - Internal Error Occurred

May 18, 2008

I recently did a system repair after having problems with Windows starting up, and I need to re-install sp2 for programs such as iTunes to work. When I try running the update wizard, it gets to the 'collecting inventory' (I think that's what it's called) stage, and then stops with an "An Internal Error Occured" message. Below I posted the data from svcpack.log.

3.937: 2008/05/18 22:35:36.268 (local)
3.937: f:a20f92d53e2234d8e995e0i386updateupdate.exe (version 5.5.1005.0)
3.937: Service Pack started with following command line:
4.093: Return Value From OnACPower = 1
4.093: OnACPower returned value( 0x1 ) which is Equal To 0x1
4.093: Condition succeeded for section OnACPower.Section in Line 1 of PreRequisite
4.093: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSetupWindowsFeatures is not Present
4.093: First Condition in A6Block.Section Succeeded..................

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Getting Error While Installing Service Pack 2 ?

Nov 23, 2007

I am getting a Error message as stated below Service Pack 2 Setup Error Service Pack 2 Setup could not backup registry key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Windows to file C:WINNT$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg003555. 5: Access is denied.I need to install Service Pack 2 for a program.

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Error 5 When Installing Service Pack 2?

Feb 11, 2010

I got an error 5:access denied could not back up registry key when trying to install Service Pack 2 for Windows xp

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Installing Fax Device Results In Getting The Error?

Apr 29, 2008

we installed the Microsoft Fax process on an XP Pro PC. It is setup only to send faxes and works great most of the time. However, every once in awhile, it will stop sending faxes even though there are faxes still showing in the Outbox of the Fax Console and Fax Monitor shows Ready to send. What we do see in the Fax Monitor's more>> window is that the last fax said that the fax did not answer, fax was cancelled after about 5 minutes of sitting there trying and it requeued the fax. It then shows a message of Fax Device Error.There is nothing in the Event Logs showing that there is a device problem. Looking at the Printers and Faxes in the Control Panel show the Fax is Ready.

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Following Error Occured While Installing DSL Software

Mar 27, 2010

A small window comes with message " Error loading newdev.dll".After clicking on OK button I got one more window with message:"Administrator privileges are required to install,uninstall,or configure the DSL software".Following troubleshooting steps I have performed:I have downloaded the DSL software from the interned instead of working with the original CD that came with the broadband.

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Installing On IBM Thinkpad Error Reading

Dec 8, 2007

I have just received an old laptop from my sister, and had to put a new Hard drive in it as the old one had died. So all going good the Hard drive i could format, then start the installation of windows, until it then begins to state that there are files missing on the disc that it needs for installation. The disc is a legit copy of windows I have purchased and is in good condition with no scratches at all so there is no data missing. further more i installed windows 98 onto it and that was fine... The laptop is not so old as to it wont support XP as it is designed for xp and previously had xp on there.

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Stop Error (0xF4) When Installing

Oct 3, 2007

Over the last two weeks, I've reinstalled Windows five times. I'm literally at my wits end. Here's my problem...

Whenever I try to install almost anything, I get Stop error 0xF4, which is the termination of a system-critical process or thread. Sometimes it happens for no reason, but for the most part, it's usually just when I'm installing something. Unfortunately, I don't have all the parameters of the stop error, but according to the Overclockers Forum, my first parameter (0x03) denotes that it is a process that is being terminated.

There are sometimes when the sfc /scannow command can temporarily fix the problem (that is, to run it before installing an app, then install the application once it is finished) but that's not always the case.

It should also be noted that there are some instances when I get a 0x7A error, but this is seldom. I merely included it in the event that it may prove to be helpful.

I'm running Windows XP Home, with an ASUS A8N-VM-UAYGZ motherboard. I'm sure you guys need more specs than that, and if so, please tell me. Also, I intended to include the Stop error message in it's entirety, but I neglected to write it down (odd, since I've seen it 40+ times). So I will write a follow-up with the Stop error and ...

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Error (Stop: 0x0000007B) While Installing PRO

Oct 17, 2009

Recently I bought a very cheap Acer Aspire M1640-E1150 which came with an MSI motherboard, an Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200, 2 GB of DDR2 RAM, and a 320 GB HDD from Hitachi. The system came with Vista initially installed on it, and needless to say, it was very slow! I decided to do the right thing and go to XP, so I found all the drivers required and I proceeded to install Pro from a disc that I have from a previous computer. As soon as the screen booted up and the system was being checked by the program, the system gave me an error message, before I even got to partition anything, it was initial. I tried to restart, took one of my RAM sticks out, but nothing was working. I even tried to format the HDD through an external drive, but nothing was working.

The error message is "Stop: 0X0000007B" and something about a virus or a software or a hardware being the problem. The system was running smoothly on Vista, and I even formatted the C drive, and I am sure that there were no viruses.

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Error On Installing Operating System

Jun 12, 2005

I have built a computer and when i go to install windows it gives me this error message it says Error:SXS.DLL:syntax error in mainifest or policy file D:I386asms6000MSFTWINDOWSCOMMON|CONTROLS.MAN on line

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Error Copying Aad2xe5b.sys While Installing Etho's SP3

Apr 29, 2008

I can't get past an error message copying file aad2xe5b.sys to C:$WIN_NT$.~BTaad2xe5b.sys

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32-bit Set Up Launcher Error Message After Re-installing A Game

Oct 25, 2006

Re-installing a game, Enigma: Rising Tide I receive this error message. This happened one time before. I don't recall how I was able to overcome, but presently I had to re-install the game and now I have this error message again. I understand that there have been other instances with others installing games where this message appears.

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Blue Screen Technical Error While Installing Xp?

Jun 19, 2010

i am getting an blue screen technical error while installing windows xp

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Pci.sys Blue Screen Error When Installing Proffessional?

Sep 23, 2008

Now, I wanted to install and image the Windows XP Proffessional of mine. It should've worked, but for some reason, it's giving me a blue screen error right when the Loading Windows part of setup starts. This blue screen error mentions pci.sys.Now I've installed that Windows XP Proffessional on about 5 machines before, and it's always worked for me (I believe it was 5 or so). Anyway, I've never needed to install it on this machine before until now, because it's more convienient to install it here. Note that it's not running on any other machine or anything, I haven't needed it installed on a machine for awhile.

Well, here's what I've been trying. According to several Internet sites, I might need to install additional drivers by creating a custom disk with nLite. I've indeed now created 1 DVD, and about 2 CDs, with different drivers and can't seem to find the right driver that needs sticking on there, because people seem to say different parts may be missing.If this makes any difference, I know that both my Home Edition and my Media Center Edition have Service Pack 2 on it when all I do is install the Windows. This CD of Windows XP Proffessional does not. It only has Service Pack 1 installed when you just install Windows with the disk.

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Error Installing SP3 - File Open Or In Use By Another Application

Dec 12, 2008

When trying to install SP3 I get the error "The file c:windowssystem32driversusbstor.sys is open or in use by another application." I know that usbstor.sys is something like the service that prevents USB drives from auto-installing or auto-running, but isn't that completely irrevelent if I'm just trying to install SP3?Anyway, I've pretty much tried closing all other apps, and even tried to install in safe mode;

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The Infamous Access Denied - Error When Installing SP2

Aug 27, 2007

I'm running XP Pro, finally updating to SP2. About halfway through I get the "Access is denied" error message. I followed Microsoft's instructions to locate the registry subkey causing the problem, however (as shown in the attached picture) the problem isn't in the usual (infact, that file isn't mentioned at all in the setupapi file), but in the DependOnService. Problem is, it doesn't exist under the directories listed. As shown in the second uploaded picture, it's not in the SSDPSRV directory itself, and the only subdirectories are a pyramid of jibberish (none of which contain anything except a "(Default)" value).

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Installing .net Framework 3.5 : Results In Registry Error?

Jan 20, 2009

Am trying to install 3.5 .net framework on my xp computer. below are some screenshots that it gives me. Also a log file of the errors. one line in particular gives a path to my backup drive when it should be my C drive. Looks like the registry has the wrong path and don't know where to find it to fix. F is my backup drive.

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