Installed On 2 Hdds, Get Programs To Work From A Secondary Hdd?

Jul 9, 2005

i put together a system the other day after my old one totally pooped out on me. i installed the hard drive from my old system into the new one as a second hard drive, and installed xp pro onto a different hard drive (primary master) in the new system.
how can i use all my old programs that are installed on the old hard drive without confusing the heck out of xp? many of the applications on the old hdd are confused when i run them, i am guessing because when they reference files in locations where they think they should be, but they are not finding them. i don't even have enough room on the primary master drive to install all the programs, its a very small drive. nor do i have enough room to fit xp onto the second hard drive.

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Dual Booting To HDDs - Secondary Master Ide Controller

Apr 12, 2008

somehow, i accidently stumbled into a method of dual-booting 2 OpSystems (WinXP/WinME specifically). I have WinXP on one HDD, set as active on the Primary Master ide controller. I also have WinME on another HDD set as active on the Secondary Master ide controller.i can choose which OS to bootup at whim, simply by going into BIOSBoot Tabhit enter on HardDrive and then choose which HDD to boot. Then i exit that tab, exit BIOS "SaveYes". Either HDD will boot. its simple, it works well. its differant from the orthodox way of setting up a dual-boot. Booting NTFS WinXP, files on the WinME FAT HDD are read by XP. But not the other way.

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Get Rid Of The Orange In Start-all Programs- When You Installed New Programs

Feb 5, 2005

I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it

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Installed Programs Are Missing In Add Remove Programs

Sep 8, 2006

Just did an upgrade install of Win2k on a Win98SE system. I've had this computer for ages and did not want to do a clean install.The upgrade went fine except for one problem.In my add/remove program section all of my previously installed programs are missing.They were not deleted, just missing from add/remove.How do I restore these programs back into the add/remove program section?

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Set Up Certain Programs To Work And Not Work For A User

Feb 14, 2006

I just got a laptop with 200 server installed on it and I would like to learn about it. I need some help with what I thought would be a simple setup. I want to set up 2 users for this laptop. myself and my daughter. I have it set with myself as the admin and her as a user. I want to be able to limit the amount of damage she does to the poor thing. My main question is how to set up certain programs to work and not work for her. I have one program music match that works in admin but not on user even though it seems to say it will work for users. From what I have seen from this operating system its not real easy to set it up. I have a book from the library but its a que and not good for me. Any advise on a good book would be great. I know it would be easier to use xp or win 2000 pro but thats not nearly challenging enough for me.

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Installed Caesar IV And It Does Not Work

Dec 27, 2007

I recently installed Caesar IV and it does not work. I have the required system specs, but out of the 512 RAM on my pc (also the amount needed to run the game) the computer tells me only 265 is free, even when I am not running any programs. How can I free up the required 512? I downloaded and ran a 'free up RAM' program but it made little difference.

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Cannot Access Programs Once Installed OS

Jul 3, 2010

My Laptop was crashed. I could not recover with recovery disc, so I installed xp Pro from OS from the CD I had for my another PC. Every thing is fine but now I can not access my programs, all though I do see them on my C/program folder.

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Re-installed Xp / Can't Access Programs

Sep 11, 2005

reinstalled xp b/c of massive problems, i think i installed it overtop of my old installation, i can finally get into windows, but none of my programs are there. If I go to explore I see all of my programs on the c: drive but none of them appear on the start menu, I also see old user names and our documents but can only access them in explore. i tried to copy ms office to the start menu via drag and drop, but when i try to open application it says it is not installed for do i get to my programs in this new installation? I did not delete any partitions when i reinstalled. Is there any awy to access the old user names?

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Connecting Installed Programs

Aug 8, 2005

Sometimes I have to re-install windows without uninstalling my programs. When I do this-- the programs are still there, BUT, XP can't connect to them. I have to reinstall the programs.How do I avoid this and/or what do I need to do to get everything back as it was? This is NOT for a complete format and reload.

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Installed New Windows / Want To Use Old Programs

Aug 22, 2005

I failed to repair my older c:windows XP folder and installed new c:windows2 folder. I would like to use my installed programs in the older windows which i can see in the programs folder. What do i need to do to get them working on the new folder without reinstalling them. When done do I just delete the old windows folder to save space on my hard drive.

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Installed Sp2 : Excel & WMP Wont Work?

Apr 18, 2005

I just install SP2 the other day and there are a few fixes I need, I've gotten more of the compatitbility issue Number 1 is with Excel. When I open up any workbook it treats the left mouse button as pressed. So when I go to click on any cell is highlights it and tries to select an entire group. The only way for me to close the program is to use the taskmanager or right click the program on my start bar.Number 2 is WMP. Some video files I had don't play sound anymore and I have all the same codecs as before.

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Installing SP3 Wil Remove All The Installed Programs

May 6, 2009

If I install SP3, will it remove all my installed softwares and my files?

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Logs Are Based On Which Programs Installed?

Nov 8, 2009

I need to logs of my pc. But the date is far. Such as I need the logs of April 2009. My logs are based on which programs installed, which internet address visited, which folder is viewed and what time the computer restarted. When I look at the event viewer I can not see logs according to the log

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Upgrade Installed Programs Reflected

Jul 20, 2005

Windows XP upgrade disk. If I upgrade, will all my installed programs continue to work, and be reflected in the XP registry?

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AVG Installed / No Programs Are Allowed To Start

Jun 10, 2008

windows cannot access the specified divice, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.I stopped by a friend's house to service his infected Dell Laptop.Now I can't even access the system information - this is all I know.I installed AVG immediately upon installation it showed me three virus. I clicked on heal and quarantine as needed.Now the computer won't allow me to start any programs besides internet explorer and other silly, useless programs.

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Moving Installed Programs To Another Partition

Aug 10, 2005

I recently downloaded and installed Apple QuickTime as a part of I-tunes.I-tunes installed in the directory I selected, but Quick Time installed in the program files directory without asking.I am low on space in this partition and want to move it. Norton used to have a utility to do this, but if it is in Systemworks 2004, I can't find it.I would also like to move some other programs.I can't just cut and paste because there are registry entries.Is there a utility for this?I am reluctant to edit the registry manually.Can I cut and paste and then rely on Norton's Win Doctor to find and fix the registry errors?

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Programs Don't Work After Run Them

Apr 29, 2007

I dont know exactly what is up with my computer but basically its all messed up. A good deal of my programs don't work after I run them once so i have to reinstall them every time i want to use them (iTunes, SmartFTP client, Propellerhead Reason, Ahead Nero).Also, sometimes when I boot up my computer, the taskbar, start button, and icons don't load up and I need to end the 'explorer.exe' process and manually restart it. Then after going to the start menu then 'all programs' once or twice, the menu just freezes up and closes without letting me choose a program. At first I thought that my windows install was corrupt or something but then I remembered that none of this started happening until after I reformated my drives. Today I just finished reformating again and i'm having the same problems the programs not wanting to work. I would love any help (hopefully its not my hardware.)

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Installed Updates: Keyboard And Mouse Wont Work?

Jan 26, 2008

I just resently updated XP.I havn't updated XP in a long time so there were quiet a few updates. After the update I rebooted XP.When I logged into my account and started using my keyboard the mouse would not move, and the keyboard would stop working. I would even push the caps lock or num lock keys to see if the indicator lights wold turn on/off, No. I have to use the on-screen keyboard to type.

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Getting Blue Screen And Installed Drivers Wont Work?

Mar 29, 2008

when I try to boot up my computer I get a blue screen right after the windows is loaded. It just flicks up for a second so I cannot see what it says. It does same with safe mode.I'm not sure, but I think it is caused by display driver I tryied to install. I got a nVidia 8600GT-m card, and nVidia doesn't provide official driver for it, it must come from the vendor or I need to use modified driver. The driver that came from the vendor didn't support some of the openGL functions and gave error when I tried to run stuff on higher resolution

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Installed Fresh Copy Of OS: USB Ports Wont Work?

Jan 9, 2009

I had to format the hard drive and reload XP SP2.Seems to be working fine.But, my USB ports don't work. Do I have a driver problem, and if so, what is the fix.

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Computer Running Very Slowly: Installed Programs Conflicting?

Dec 12, 2006

OK, my computer has been running very slowly over the last couple of years. I took it to someone to fix but the computer is still running rather slowly. I'm not sure if there is a virus, or if any programs that are installed on it are conflicting.

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Launching Programs Installed In Sever Accessing Remotely?

Jul 9, 2009

Can someone please tell me how can I launch throughout a work station a program that is installed in a server?

In other words, I need to install all mt programs in a server and only launch on my work station so I do not corrupt the server and I don't have to reinstall all programs on a new work station.

Thank you very, very much.

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Computer Wont Show Newly Installed Programs?

Jul 20, 2005

For some reason my computer will not show new programs installed when you go to, Start, All Programs, tabs, however, the programs are installed and you can see them when you use explore and follow the path to the program. Can the page be to full to show all the programs or what?

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Getting Older Programs To Work Under OS

Aug 12, 2002

straight outa the help, thought some people might find it usefullTo set the compatibility properties for a program manuallyRight-click the program icon on your desktop or the shortcut on the Start menu for the program you want to run, and then click Properties. Click the Compatibility tab, and change the compatibility settings for your program. NotesThe Compatibility tab is only available for programs installed on your hard drive. Although you can run the Program Compatibility Wizard on programs or setup files on a CD-ROM or floppy disk, your changes will not remain in effect after you close the program.

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Installed Kaspersky 2006 And/or Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Oct 4, 2005

I have just installed the Beta version of Kaspersky 2006. I'm experiencing problems with Internet explorer which cannot open full pages and shows error in script (I think that's what it is). It opens the top of the page but not the content or it just indicates that it cannot find the server or the page.

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Installed SP3 Security Updates: D-Link Program Wont Work?

Oct 27, 2008

I installed SP3 as a security update download for my XP. Everything went fine till after the reboot, where my D-Link program would not work. A message came up, saying it "can't find an entry point to Wlanapi.dll" I un-installed SP3 and everything is fine again.

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Installed Battle For Middle Earth 2 / Wont Work On Notebook?

Nov 6, 2007

i just installed BFME2 on my F572US notebook.and I go to run the game it gets to the splash screen and it just dies after a while. the disk totlay fine and i can't figure out why it's not working. I'm running Xp pro.

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Installed Norton System Works: Javascripts Wont Work?

Jun 28, 2005

Since I tried to install Norton Systemworks 2005 (uninstalled since),I can't run any javascript. When I click on a link that's suposed to execute a script, nothing happens. I tried to uninstall/install J2SE runtime 1.5. No change.

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Installed Norton System Works: Javascripts Wont Work?

Jun 28, 2005

Since I tried to install Norton Systemworks 2005 (uninstalled since),I can't run any javascript. When I click on a link that's suposed to execute a script, nothing happens. I tried to uninstall/install J2SE runtime 1.5. No change.

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Installed Norton System Works: Javascripts Wont Work?

Jun 28, 2005

Since I tried to install Norton Systemworks 2005 (uninstalled since),I can't run any javascript. When I click on a link that's suposed to execute a script, nothing happens.I tried to uninstall/install J2SE runtime 1.5. No change.

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Installed Vista Beta 2, Now Unable To Work With Dual Boot Linux?

Jun 12, 2006

I was running a dual boot of windows XP and Ubuntu Linux prior to installing Vista beta 2. Now, after upgrading windows XP to vista beta 2 i no longer have the boot screen that allows me to chose between my linux boot and my vista. Any way i can get back into linux? I did not make a boot disc for linux.

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