I need to logs of my pc. But the date is far. Such as I need the logs of April 2009. My logs are based on which programs installed, which internet address visited, which folder is viewed and what time the computer restarted. When I look at the event viewer I can not see logs according to the log
So the desktop i think is infected with malware or something because every time i try to log in on any ones name (even in safe mode) it logs off. i tried looking at other forums but i couldn't understand what they were saying and TechGuy has never failed me before so any ideas?
My WinXP has gone thru a lot lately but it generally works fine.owever, after a long trip, when it was jogged around a bit, it has notbooted since. Well, it boots to the welcome screen then immediately logs off and returns to the welcome screen.It works ok in Safe mode, per se. I tried adding a new user but that just doesn't matter.
I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it
Just did an upgrade install of Win2k on a Win98SE system. I've had this computer for ages and did not want to do a clean install.The upgrade went fine except for one problem.In my add/remove program section all of my previously installed programs are missing.They were not deleted, just missing from add/remove.How do I restore these programs back into the add/remove program section?
my computers busted again (and for the third time I call for help from my trusty laptop...it never seems to die whenever my desktop is in need...she's like a good neighbour...) Few days ago my ISP disconnected my internet because they found an IRC bot infecting their network. I ran my antivirus and (gasp) it found system32/virut virus, among a plethora of other files. I'm not sure how bad this virus is, or if indeed anything can be salvaged. I let the antivirus remove what it could, and rebooted my PC
I tried cleaning up some of the spyware that is on my computer the other day. Once I had, I restarted. The welcome screen appeared, it flashed my background and then went to a welcome screen with my name on it. I click on my name, the log in music plays, my background appears and then the log out music plays and I am right back at the welcome screen with my name on it. I have tried opening in every type of safe mode and all other available options when I hit F8. I called the maker of my computer and they said it is a spyware problem
I have Windows XP with SP2, and I normally have my computer set up with one user account so that it logs in straight away. I was working on it the other day and it randomly restarted, and came up with the classic user log on screen. i.e. where you must enter your username and password, not the one where it gives you a choice of user names. Also, before it loaded this screen, it flashed an unusual blue screen momentarily. I tried to log on using my username, and it started to log me on, made the traditional windows log on noise, but the dialog bow said logging out at the bottom, which is what it did moments later and I found myself back at the classic log on screen. I have tried several times to log on, I have restarted my computer, and I have started it in safe mode and it keeps doing the same thing.
I have Win XP HE and have two user accounts. When one logs off ( & if its been idle for app. 15 mins.) ..the puter locks up..This has never happened in the past. (usually after app. ten minutes the WindowsXP logo appears randomly on screen which I'm assuming is normal .When moving the mouse, the Windows sign on screen appears.This happens sometimes).What I mean by locking up is that when we move the pointer to get to the sign on screen, the screen just becomes black
I go to log in on my Windows XP Home sp2 and when I log in, the background flashes then instantly logs me off. Happens in safe mode aswell as safe mode under the admin account.Ok I know alot of you have heard of this but, here is the deal, The windows xp home cd does not pick up my harddrive, I cant get signed in through normal mode aswell as safe mode, Last know config does crap, I have it hooked up to my friends pc right now and I just backed up all my important files. Nothing seems to be working, I have tried several bootable cds with registry editors in then and again none of them picked up my harddrive. So I am at a stand still! nothing seems to pick up my harddrive except plugging it into another pc.
My Laptop was crashed. I could not recover with recovery disc, so I installed xp Pro from OS from the CD I had for my another PC. Every thing is fine but now I can not access my programs, all though I do see them on my C/program folder.
reinstalled xp b/c of massive problems, i think i installed it overtop of my old installation, i can finally get into windows, but none of my programs are there. If I go to explore I see all of my programs on the c: drive but none of them appear on the start menu, I also see old user names and our documents but can only access them in explore. i tried to copy ms office to the start menu via drag and drop, but when i try to open application it says it is not installed for user.how do i get to my programs in this new installation? I did not delete any partitions when i reinstalled. Is there any awy to access the old user names?
Sometimes I have to re-install windows without uninstalling my programs. When I do this-- the programs are still there, BUT, XP can't connect to them. I have to reinstall the programs.How do I avoid this and/or what do I need to do to get everything back as it was? This is NOT for a complete format and reload.
I failed to repair my older c:windows XP folder and installed new c:windows2 folder. I would like to use my installed programs in the older windows which i can see in the programs folder. What do i need to do to get them working on the new folder without reinstalling them. When done do I just delete the old windows folder to save space on my hard drive.
windows cannot access the specified divice, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.I stopped by a friend's house to service his infected Dell Laptop.Now I can't even access the system information - this is all I know.I installed AVG immediately upon installation it showed me three virus. I clicked on heal and quarantine as needed.Now the computer won't allow me to start any programs besides internet explorer and other silly, useless programs.
I recently downloaded and installed Apple QuickTime as a part of I-tunes.I-tunes installed in the directory I selected, but Quick Time installed in the program files directory without asking.I am low on space in this partition and want to move it. Norton used to have a utility to do this, but if it is in Systemworks 2004, I can't find it.I would also like to move some other programs.I can't just cut and paste because there are registry entries.Is there a utility for this?I am reluctant to edit the registry manually.Can I cut and paste and then rely on Norton's Win Doctor to find and fix the registry errors?
i put together a system the other day after my old one totally pooped out on me. i installed the hard drive from my old system into the new one as a second hard drive, and installed xp pro onto a different hard drive (primary master) in the new system. how can i use all my old programs that are installed on the old hard drive without confusing the heck out of xp? many of the applications on the old hdd are confused when i run them, i am guessing because when they reference files in locations where they think they should be, but they are not finding them. i don't even have enough room on the primary master drive to install all the programs, its a very small drive. nor do i have enough room to fit xp onto the second hard drive.
OK, my computer has been running very slowly over the last couple of years. I took it to someone to fix but the computer is still running rather slowly. I'm not sure if there is a virus, or if any programs that are installed on it are conflicting.
Can someone please tell me how can I launch throughout a work station a program that is installed in a server?
In other words, I need to install all mt programs in a server and only launch on my work station so I do not corrupt the server and I don't have to reinstall all programs on a new work station.
For some reason my computer will not show new programs installed when you go to, Start, All Programs, tabs, however, the programs are installed and you can see them when you use explore and follow the path to the program. Can the page be to full to show all the programs or what?
I ran a bunch of different spyware removal tools and now whe nI try to play swat-4 TSS I have the most terrible lag in the world. Played this game for a yr with NO problems. Lag problem started after I ran those programs. I am curious if the spyware removal proggies didn't take a file or two that I need for internet connection.I know there was somewhere in win 98 that I could check windows for missing corrupt window files and have them replaced and or repaired can you do that with XP and how do I get there ?
After doing some maintenance on my computer, simply removing old unused programs through the "add / remove programs" option in 'control panel', I lost my ability to have any XP based theme. While I was doing the cleanup a few programs asked me to restart or continue, I selected continue until I was done removing all of the programs that I no longer needed or used... Once I did restart it came back up and everything runs great, but No XP look
Could U Plz Tell Me How To Connect Ibm System X 2000 Based Server And Xp Nodes Through 2000 Domain So When I Give Password In The Nodes And Enter It Gets Connected To The Servers Domain
I am trying to speed my XP. So I decided to check at ADD AND/OR REMOVE PROGRAMS folder for stuff I could throw away. And there were at least four versions of Java (TM) Updates 2, 3, 5, 7 each one averaging 114 MB. My question is: Can I delete Updates 2, 3 and 5 ? I don't know at all if each Java update is functioning based on the previous one. Can I live only with the last Update, the number 7 ? Or I am just sheltering a lot of space I need for other programs I would like to install.
This stupid "Gold Bar" that keeps popping up when I run any flash-based scripts is getting oh so annoying! I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it but it keeps coming back. I did everything that it tells me to do to disable it but as soon as I restart IExplorer, all the settings keep resetting.
Anyone who's ever been on newsgroups knows that there is a lot of spam. Outlook express doesn't allow you to filter newsgroup messages by words in the body of the message, so you often have to grin and bear it.If you don't know what I'm talking about then chances are that you don't need this filter.But people who use Usenet have been complaining for ages that Outlook Express doesn't have this capability.There are spammers who change their name 20 times a day and the normal Outlook Express filters are ineffective against that.Anyway, here's the solution.You have to be comfortable playing around in your Windows registry. First, (outlook express), create a normal newsgroup rule, and tell it to filter outany messages with "XYZ" (or whatever) in the subject line, andremember what you called the filter, because you'll need to know that name later.Be sure to specify the newsgroup you wish to apply this rule to, as this is the only thing you won't be able to change after.
Then go into your registry and find that new filter, which will be inHKCU/identities/<your identity>/software/microsoft/Outlookexpress/5.0/rules/news.Once you're there you'll see a bunch of numbered folders, and if you clickon each of them once you can find the one that has the "Name" value that youassigned to the rule you created.Open up that folder, then open up the Criteria folder that's inside that.Now, inside the Criteria folder will be one or two folders labelled 000 and 001.If there is only one (000),left-click it once.If there are two (000) and (001),select the one with the higher number (001).Double click on the word "type" in the right pane, and change the value datasetting to 9.Restart your computer, and you have just created an outlook filter that youcan use to filter out newsgroup messages that have certain words within the body ofthe message, like "buy now", or whatever.
Due to several fundamental errors in my Windows installation, today I decided to make a repair install of my Windows XP Home installation. I booted into my Windows disc, did all the normal stuff, and it seemed to go fine. At the end of the text-based stuff, it gave me the instruction to reboot, having moved the files it needed to the HDD, I believe. Anyway, the jist is that the text-based stuff seemed to go fine, I rebooted as instructed, and then did NOT click to boot from the CD (which, I believe, was the right choice). I let Windows load normally but... no GUI based stuff came up to finish off the repair installation, and consequently, what I've done seems to have had no effect whatsoever.
I have recently had a few minor problems with my pc so I decided to try to repair it with my Windows XP disc. What I actually ended up doing was to reinstall windows xp again and now my pc is back to the day it was made, well almost. None of my other programs are installed but they are still on the "C" drive. Everything is still there. Now my question is, How do I restore my PC to before I put my darn XP disc in my machine?(I have already tried a system restore but it wont go back far enough).
i have a sony vaio laptop....yesterday i got a notice that i had windows updates so i chose the update icon and after it installed them, the laptop restarted. once i see the log in page...i would put in my password and login...and 2 seconds later it would log me off...save my settings and send me back to the log in page. heres the funny part...its happening to the admin account aswell ....IN SAFE MODE!!! i have no idea what to do inorder to fix this issue.