Home Crashes During Installing Devices

May 20, 2005

My system just shuts down while trying to install xp home (sp1 ver). And I am forced to shut down during the install. The install will get to the installing devices graphical user interface and quit at the 34 minute mark.Then upon reboot it will check the disk and other parameters and they check out ok, so... hence xp will resume the setup automatically and the process just repeats itself over and over and stall out at the 34 minute mark. Is there a reason for this?

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Crashes During Installation - Load Devices

Jan 10, 2007

I am trying to load Windows Xp on a Gateway laptop and it crashes at the same spot everytime - during the loading of devices at 34 minutes remaining I have changed the RAM and HDD, Is there a way to load Windows XP and not load devices?

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Problem In Installing Of Printer And Other Devices

Jan 9, 2005

Any WIN XP help pages? I have used win 98 for years, and now have win xp and can't install my printer or anything.

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Installing Devices - Halts On IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

Feb 5, 2010

It gets to "Installing Devices" then goes to BSOD with: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP 0x0000000A (0x00000010, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8051AA58) I've swapped out the video card and tweaked every setting I can find in BIOS to no avail. There are no BIOS settings for cache or shadowing. Does anyone have any thought as to why XP won't load but 7 will?

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Not Auto Installing Drivers - USB Devices

Apr 18, 2010

my friend give me his Gateway 610XL all in one PC to fix a few problems. one of them was internet explorer not showing up when called for, that was an easy fix; however, this next problem has to do with USB devices and it's giving me a bit of trouble. basically, any USB devices i connect to it, windows doesn't auto install or even try to auto install the drivers. no matter what i connect to it (mouse, keyboard, thumb drive). i can go into device manager and install the drivers manually just fine but i would like to fix the auto install feature for my friend cuz he's not that good with computers. i checked and made sure the following services are enabled:

plug and play
user mode driver framework
shell hardware detection

the problem persist even in safe mode. one thing i noticed is when i go to control panel and then hit add hardware, i get a message that says this: "you can only install one device at a time. when the other device installation is complete, try this wizard again" (some where along those lines). i get that message even with nothing connected to the USB ports. i'm guessing what ever this "other device" is, it hanging up pnp so how do i go about aborting that installation? i don't really see anything in the task bar that even suggest a driver installation is on the way. this is running Windows XP Media Center Edition SP3 by that way.

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Repair Failure At Installing Devices

Jun 20, 2006

Whenever I try to repair Windows, everything goes fine up till this point, where half-way through the "Installing devices" stage... nothing seems to happen, no progress. The setup doesn't hang or freeze, it seems to be working just fine except that nothing happens, it does not complete this part, just sits there. I've even left it for an hour and even then no progress.However, if I commence a new setup, a new installation, this problem does not occur and the setup completes successfully.

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Monitor Goes Blank During Installing Devices Of Installation

Sep 9, 2006

My friend's computer monitor loses signal about 75% through the "Installing Devices" phase of the Windows XP Professional installation. Article 311839 in Microsoft's support site has a solution, but it didn't really work at all.

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Unable To Install OS: Getting Black Screen While Installing Devices?

Feb 23, 2006

I was trying to reinstall windows xp home editon because my computer was infected with a virus that could not be deleted even after trying norotn and mcafee. The CD-Rom drives were deleted from the virus,so I had to transfer the xp cd files from one computer to the infected computer through a direct transfer cable During the xp installation, the computer hung and showed a black screen when installing the devices. Now everytime I start the computer up it goes straght into setup and shows a black screen.The CD-Rom drives do not work pressing delete during start-up will not access the BIOS.It seems I cannot flash the BIOS.How do I cancel the xp setup?

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SP2 Crashes While Installing USB Driver

Sep 26, 2005

I am trying to install the USB ports on a 2Ghz Celereon system running Windows XP SP2. When Windows starts, it recognizes that the USB ports have been turned on, and then it identifies the make and model of the USB port, but then the system locks. When I go into BIOS and turn off USB, the system runs just fine. What is causing the machine to lock when I turn the USB ports on?

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Crashes / Restarts When Installing Software From CD

Jul 18, 2007

it is not the hardware's issue, as this is a dual-boot windows ME and new installation of XP (w/SP2) home and this never happens when it is running ME, only XP (they are on different drives). What can this be due to, and how can I tweak my XP software to not crash (and create a need for system restore due to errors!) everytime I want to install software from a CD?

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What To Do When Windows Xp Home Crashes

Dec 14, 2004

What do you do when windows xp home crashes? I can not boot up, all I get is the revolving screen of choices to either boot normal, boot in safe mode, boot in safe mode with logging etc. Any of the choices just brings me back to the same screen. If I insert my OS recovery CD, it wants to wipe the hard drive and start fresh.

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No Audio Devices Listed By Sound Devices

May 6, 2006

I have lost my sound. The sounds icon in control panel say " no audio devices" AND the sound tab shows all listed devices as working porperly. I have deleted an sound object that allows it in device manager and allowed XP to load wht it will. I still have no sound. I checked for sound services in services and they are started as well.If I load Knoppix and test, my sounds work so I am assumming it is not a hardware problem.

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Installing SP2 On Home Edition

Jul 14, 2005

Should I install SP2 on my XP home edition on my laptop? is this fine or are there problems related and or is it even neccesary.

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Installing I-Tunes On Home

Jun 24, 2009

I'm trying to update my I-Tunes on my PC running Windows XP Home SP3. Installation cannot complete and I get the following message: Could not open key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMedia. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. I have no idea what that means, this is my home computer so there are no administrators or support personnel why don't I have access to this key? How can I complete the installation?

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No Winxp Home Cd-rom! But Need For Installing Drivers

May 30, 2006

I'm trying to get a new usb mouse to work on it, and I have the drivers for it - but when installing the 'new hardware', it reaches a point wherein it asks to insert the "Windows XP Home Edition CD-ROM", but I don't have one! It won't allow me to skip this, and if I click cancel, the mouse isn't installed, and an error window appears saying that an error occured during the new hardware's installation.

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Problem In Installing Xp Home Server

Jan 29, 2008

What kind of problems will I encounter if I install XP Home over Windows 98. Will I have to do a clean install, upgrade my BIOS?

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Installing Vista Home Premium 64 Bit Sp1 Over Pro Sp3

Oct 9, 2009

First of all is it worth my time or does vista have too many problems. my main concern is that i do not have the xp disc and if i want to go back to xp should i even bother.i do have the hp recovery tools disc for xp.

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Installing Xp Home Edition Over Xp Professional

Aug 1, 2005

I am trying to re-install XP HE over an unauthorized copy of XP Pro, why is it that when i reboot from the disk & i come to press F8 to agree with the terms nothing happens & all i can do is press escape to abort.My system is a P4 2.8 with 520meg of memory & and 80 gig HD.

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Partitioning And Installing 2000 Pro After Home

Aug 18, 2006

I'm an intermediate user just beginning to study for MS sys admin.Both my laptops run XP home, but I have 2000 Pro from when I had a desktop...which I unfortunately gave to a family member. I'd like to install this on one of my laptops because the Pro capabilities will allow me to "study" a little better than just home XP. At any rate, I'd like the experience of configuring everything. will I lose everything in XP if I set up a partition to install 2000 Pro? Is it even possible to install both of them without installing 2000 first? The XP came pre-loaded on my computer but I do have a disk.

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Uninstalling 2000 Pro And Installing Home

Oct 28, 2006

I have a pentium III Dell spare computer siting on a shelf downstairs with win pro 2000 installed on it. Is it a hard thing to uninstall that operating system and reinstall the windows xp home from my main home Dell computer?

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Unable To Access The Internet After Installing Xp Home OEM?

Sep 15, 2008

i have just recovered from a very nasty virus on my machine i have reinstalled xp home oem i am able to access the internet using the IE but i am unable to access the internet when trying to activate xp the error is saying that i do not have a internet connection is there any help any one can give i have checked the connection and i am set up for a LAN this is what i have always done and it has worked in the past

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Installation Error When Installing Home And Pro Edition

Jul 18, 2005

I keep trying to install Windows XP (tried both professional & home edition) and when it starts checking my system, it gives me the following error (the error comes when it is checking (which is the 4rth messsage on bottom of window), "Setup is loading files (Kernel DLL)".I then get the error message "File setupdd.sys could not be loaded. The error code is 4. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"I have searched high and low to find Error Code 4 in microsoft's web page and have found nothing.

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Installing Home SP2 - Factors Slow Down Installation

Dec 20, 2005

What factors slow down the installation? because im doing a reformat and my computer is going waaaay slower than normal to even load setup for xp

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Installing Service Pack 4 For A Home Used Computer?

Jun 6, 2006

I have read numerous articles pertaining to problems encountered after downloading SP4. If a computer is going to be used for home use only without multiple users, and only a printer, scanner and a DSL connection, should SP4 be installed?Are there any major benefits (or drawbacks) having SP4 installed?What is the best service pack to have installed for a home use computer?

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Installing On A System With Vista - System Crashes

Feb 22, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio VGN NR160 E which came with Vista Home Premium. Actually it's crashing repeatedly because of an outdate touch pad driver "apfiltr.sys". But I have not been able to find a newer updated version for the same! So I am thinking of reverting back to Win XP.

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Installing OEM Version: Impacts Of Clean OEM Home Install?

Jul 13, 2005

I understand that if I install an OEM version it will be a new installation (not an upgrade) and all data files and programs will be wiped clean as part of the installation (step one is formatting the hard drive). I'm okay with that, because I have files on other machines and reinstall any programs that I need My question is reference to drivers being deleted and needing to be reinstalled. I'm not as familiar on the driver issue. Does this mean that most of the peripherals I currently have under Win2000 will not work with the initial installation of XP and I'll have to seek out drivers for these items (wireless NIC, dvd-rom, cd-rw, second HD?

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Installing Remote Desktop Connection On Home Edition Via Pro Cd?

Sep 29, 2006

Is it possible to install RDC on an XP Home edition machine?? Like can I install it from a XP Pro disc or dl it from MS??

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Browser Crashes, PC Crashes, BSOD

Mar 5, 2010

I started getting browser and sometimes PC crashes. At first it seemed to be browser related. But the PC would also crash when idle. I tried disabling add- ons in Firefox and opening in safe mode. Tried using Chrome but it would crash with the message that Flash had malfunctioned. Then I started getting Stop messages and BSODs.I hadn't installed and new hardware and, I don't think, installed any new big programs except for updates to existing ones.

I emailed a few of the mini dump files to a friend. He said they didn't specify which drivers were causing the problem. But it might be something to do with the video or the network card. I rolled back drivers. No change. I updated drivers and uninstalled lots of programs. For a month everything seemed stable. Then the BSODs started to return. Infrequently at first but then more regularily. Sorry the story is a bit confused but it is difficult to remember every detail of what happened and the order I did things in.

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Installing Windows Xp Pro Over Windows Xp Home

Sep 17, 2005

I currently have windows xp home. I want to install windows xp home. how do i install it so i can keep my files from xp home. cause when i install xp pro i dont wana loose personal files or data.

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Other Devices Have No Sound

Apr 15, 2010

I have trouble with the sound after reformating the computer and installing a new O.S. but can find a solution similar to mine with XP x 64 bit So I'm in the same boat ,,, Reformate my computer Install Xp x64 and no sound .But I tried already downloading the sound driver for my Motherboard in ASUS run the exe. but no sound still , the Yellow question mark still in the Other Devices / Multimedia Audio Controller, Pls can someone point me in the right direction of what step I'm missing and in wich order of installing, with all this sound drivers options I don't know wich one I need first to install and wich one I dont really need, for sure my sound card , but the other 3 ?

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