Find The Space Hogs On My System

Jun 9, 2005

I am looking for a way to find the space hogs on my system with out having to look at the properties of each home folder of 1100 users

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Explorer.exe Hogs My System Resources, Computer Hangs

Jun 1, 2005

This problem surfaced when I was editing a movie, (in "Movieshop") playback became a problem. Although I don't believe that movieshop was the cause of the problem, during the edit process, outlook played a sound to tell me I had mail - there was none.I have tried to repair my o/s but I am still experiencing problems, including:"Unable to complete the operation on "Application/Security/System/Antivirus" the interface was unknown" when trying to read the event viewer.My drivers seem to have rolled back. Moviemaker crashes, microsoft say that this is due to my soundcard driver, I have updated and rolled back about 5 times - no change.Boot ups take forever, the "windows is starting up" screen sits for far too long.

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Find Free Disk Space From Command Line?

Jun 20, 2007

Does anyone know of a quick and simple way to get the amount of free disk space left on the HDD in WinXP Home? I need to use a batch file to monitor and record the remaining disk space at regular intervals.

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CD And DVD Drive Hogs Explorer

Aug 27, 2007

The desktop on Windows XP has been very responsive and everything runs fast... EXCEPT for when you put something in your IDE CD or DVD ROM drive! Explorer freezes for a few seconds until the drive spins up and reads the contents. And that is all good, until you come across a bad CD or DVD, in which case Windows takes forever to read and hogs Explorer for the same time. I can run any application, or do whatever i like, except access any of my drives because Windows is still fighting to read the damn media.I don't know if it is the same with native SATA CD-DVD ROM drives, but this thing is very annoying!Is there a way to "disconnect" the drive while it is accessing the disc, and when it's come to a decision as to wether it can read it or not, then "talk" back to Windows?

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Explorer.exe Hogs The CPU To 99% Causing Huge

Sep 4, 2005

At least twice per day Explorer.exe hogs the CPU to 99%. I can only stop it by rebooting. It has started doing so only the last two weeks or so. I use Windows XP Pro, Norton Security, Stopzilla, Counterspy, Microsoft anti spyware, Norton Ghost, Retrospect Express for my backup drive. I have a Pentium 4 2.25 Ghz, 1.5 Gb memory, Nvidia graphic card. I have searched Microsoft Knowledge Base as well as Google groups and have found no answers.

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Slow Bootup - SVCHOST.exe Hogs 99% Of The CPU

Sep 15, 2006

Gateway Pentium 3, 700 mhz - 256mb ram, 20gb hard drive.Until a few weeks ago my system booted up fine. Now it boots up to my windows desktop and then takes 20 minutes minimum to complete start up. The SVCHOST.exe hogs 99% of the CPU so nothing happens until it has completed its tasks.I have tried starting it without the start up items and this has no effect. I have cleaned it, defragged it, virus checked it, tuned it.

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Explorer Will Not Shut Down, Hogs CPU Time

Jan 20, 2005

For several weeks "iexplorer.exe" would sometimes hog CPU time as viewed in Win Task Manager.Now, after some meddling with both MSIE and AOL, MSIE will not shut down.
Well, it tries, then the messages: "We've detected an error and must shut down" and "Do you want to send an error message" appear. As soon as I click on the Error message, it starts back up.Also, whenever AOL starts, MSIE starts. MSN Portfolio Manager will not work due to a "Passport" problem (it works other places) which I am sure is related. I have re-installed AOL and MSIE.

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System Restore To Save Space - Backup System Files

Aug 12, 2002

By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to back up your system files:1. Open the Control Panel2. Double-click on system3. Click the System Restore tab4. Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives"5. Hit Apply6. You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to restore your system in case of failure.

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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Unable To Find System Restore In The System?

May 29, 2006

I formatted my pc the other day cause i had so much rubbish on it that i thought it would be easier to do so. I normally play yahoo pool so i need java sun for it too work or microsoft virtual machine, I prefer using virtual machine cause it loads easier and doesnt seem to crash. i cant install virtual machine onto my pc cause it says i have the wrong operating system for that version. java sun 5.0 is installed on my pc but not properly and wont load so i went to unistall it and get this message "error transforms, verify that the specified transform path is valid" I'm not sure what to do, I was gonna do a system restore but i cannot even find that on my pc.

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Re-defrag Reserved System Space

Dec 28, 2005

Defraging main HardDisk Drive in XP Home edition w/ diskeeper 8.x and everything went smoothly as always, but then I decided to uninstall some useless apps and then went back to re-defrag and the reserved system space disappeared. Diskeeper was moving my files into the area where the reserved system space used to be so I stopped it. I then ran system restore and brought my system back 2days and re-tried to defrag and the reserved system space is still missing. Is this even a big deal? The computer (Dell 4400 P3) seems to be working just fine. Thanks.

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Minimum Space For System Resore

Aug 28, 2005

What is the minimum space required for the system restore to work effectively?

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Format Operating System To Get More Space

Jul 31, 2005

I did a clean install of Windows 2000 Pro on my Toshiba Tecra 8100 laptop. My hard drive has a capacity of 11gb. After the clean install I only have 4.8gb left on the hard drive. I have followed reformatting instructions and installed again, but get the same result. It is taking forever to test different suggestions, since I have to keep reinstalling. File system is ntfs. A good portion of the gig being used is in Documents and Settings, but I thought that should get wiped out. I don't understand why I am still seeing folders for iPod, Lexar, etc. I have burned 16 hours on this.

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Running Out Of Space System Folder Too Big

Dec 27, 2005

I have a problem that give me headache. my hardisk is running out of space. it's capacity is about 19 GB and i think that enough for my Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 PC. While recking my brain toward the problem, i notice that the Windows foler in C: is too big, about 6.4 GB.! It's that reasonable, it's it? Uninstalling some programs is not my choice as i need all the program for my work. It's something can I do? of course i have done disk cleanup.

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Reserved System Space -CLOGGING Drives

Oct 31, 2006

When I run Diskeeper to defrag them it shows the space on the drives and what that space represents.

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Loosing 1GB Of Free Space After Each System Restore?

Aug 21, 2005

my problem is, after each restore was completed, i lost 1GB of free space on my C drive. by the 5th restore, i was up to losing 2GB of free space on my C drive. i know this because i went to My Computer looked at the amount of free disc space on my C drive. after doing the 5 or so restores, i've lost a total of about 6 GB of my C drive's free space. why is that happening? how do i get that space back?

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System Not Recognizing Full Disk Space?

Mar 22, 2005

I just had Win XP Pro installed on my machine. Primary HD is 80 GB. The drive previously ran Win 98 SE. The tech formatted it and installed Win XP Pro. System runs fine and all appears to function OK. However, the drive capacity is not accurately displayed anywhere in the system (other than BIOS). I'm trying to find out how I can have the drive space accurately displayed.

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Uninstalling .NET Framework / Taking Lot Of System Space?

May 16, 2008

i had Microsoft .NET framework installed,I have a question: Do i need it? For some weird reason I have Microsoft .NET framework 2 (Sp1),3 (Sp1) and 3.5(whats the difference between service packs and non service packs)so could i delete all of them because i realized that they take up quite alot of space??

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System Restore Problem - Space On My Hardrive

Mar 26, 2005

I just restored my xp computer to an earlier system restore point.After checking the properties of my c drive I found that the used space on my hardrive had increased by about 3/4 of a gigabyte. I couldn't understand why that was, so I used a program called dirgraph to analyze, and chart what amount of space the individual directories each use on my c drive, and then took a snapshot of the chart.
I then undid my restore, and instead of regaining the .75gb back, I lost another .75gb. So I used dirgraph again, compared snapshots, and found where the extra space is being taken from. Dirgraph shows a subdirectory of c called "System Volume Information". It has a subdirectory called "restore". In it was another subdirectory with a large 5gb file, and 2 smaller .75gb files, named rp1064, and rp1066. One of the .75gb files was not in the snapshot I took before I undid my restore. I know the system restore put them in(it added the 1st when I did the restore, and the 2nd when I undid the restore). But the thing is that my system restore is set to use 12% of my hardrive, or 4010mb(max allowed). And the file(csystem volume information

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Getting Blue Screen After Cleaning Up System Space?

Feb 22, 2007

it all started with me tryin to free up space. i was down to abt 5gb on my windows drive so i copied a video file which was 1.5gb across to my 250gb drive no worries. i then deleted the the original file. after it was sent to the recyle bin, i opened up the recycle bin and deleted it. only to be hit with a file in use error? has happened before so i ignored it and went to delete it again only before i could hit delete i was hit with a bsod.didnt pay that much attention i only noticed that it said the win32k.sys file was the culprit.i rebooted the machine and bang, a bsod before the welcome screen.this time i pay attention, only to see that it doesnt mention the offending file just that its a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA problem.

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Deleted Space Not Freed Opertaing System

Nov 6, 2008

Is there some setup parameter that was not set correctly when this system was built Q2 Is there a utility I can run against the HD to report/correct these problems ?Or can you suggest a plan of attack for this problem ?

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Wrong Disk Space Shown By System

Aug 9, 2005

I have got a 200 gig hard disk and when i go to properties it say its full i the piechart but when u go in to the hard Disk and select all folders it says theres only 40 gig been used . Has any1 got any sugestions on how to fix this prob i have tryed disk clean but it does not do any thing.

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Too Much Disk Space Consumed For System Volume Information

May 27, 2007

A folder named "System Volume Information" has been created in each drive (C:,D:,E:,F:)and consuming significant disk space day by day. Whether deleting these folders will create any problem. Any other technique to stop increasing the size of these folders ? Please suggest.Presently consuming more than 3 GB in total.
Sometimes I need system restore to speed up the PC (besides other registry tools )therefore this function is enabled in the system.

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Finding The Required Space For Installing Operating System?

Jul 25, 2005

How much space should I plan to partition for a new install of Windows XP pro? My current setup has 3 partitions on an 80GB drive. My system drive is about 5GB and I keep getting the low disk space message. Is 10GB enough or too much? I install all of my software and documents to another partition.

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Lost Huge System Space Of 7gig Automatically?

Feb 9, 2008

I have win xp and my hard drive is literally vanishing while I watch. For example: I deleted nearly 7 gigs worth of stuff from it and checked properties on it, and during the course of a half hour it dropped from 7 gigs to approximately 8megs all by itself. I have not downloaded anything, but I have noticed for some time my space has been vanishing on me. I have msn internet service and it has been creating duplicate emails at an alarming rate. I m not sure if this is the culprit or not but when I deleted it i suddenly had 6 gigs back.

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Hardive Was 200g And System Showing Less Space Of 128GB?

Oct 4, 2006

This all started with check disk saying i have a corrupt file on my HD. Everything was working fine i was ignoring the error (only because i have tons of projects that im working on) every time windows started windows would say i have a corrupt file. I finally gave in and ran check disk it wiped 80 gig's of data which i had not backed up in any shape of form. Finally i after much trying to recover the data i gave up and decided to format the whole drive and start fresh.

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Find The System Info

Mar 7, 2005

Would somebody please tell me how to find "paging of kernel" & "large system cache" on my computer

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Can't Find Opertion System

Sep 7, 2008

I have a Compaq presario 2700 was working fine when I shut it down. Went to turn it back on I got this message: Operation System not found

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Can't Find System Tools

Jul 22, 2004

I cannot find my "system tools" which should be under >start>all programs>accessories>sytem tools

I have tried doing a search for them. Can you please tell me where to look for them and to put them back where they belong. I want to do a system restore point and can't.

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System Cannot Find File

May 23, 2008

When trying to run my Iomega backup, I receive an error on a file: "The system cannot find the file".When trying to delete this file, I receive the message "Cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk".The file has 0 bytes and is not in use it is not marked read only.

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System Cannot Find The File Specified

Oct 28, 2005

I have started getting the following message in my event viewer: Event ID 7000 Service Control Manager The SVKP service failed to start.
The system cannot find the file specified. I did a search for SVKP on the services displayed via Sysinfo and got the following result:
??windows Kernal Driver State=stopped I did a full search for SVKP on my hard drive but came up with nothing

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