CD And DVD Drive Hogs Explorer

Aug 27, 2007

The desktop on Windows XP has been very responsive and everything runs fast... EXCEPT for when you put something in your IDE CD or DVD ROM drive! Explorer freezes for a few seconds until the drive spins up and reads the contents. And that is all good, until you come across a bad CD or DVD, in which case Windows takes forever to read and hogs Explorer for the same time. I can run any application, or do whatever i like, except access any of my drives because Windows is still fighting to read the damn media.I don't know if it is the same with native SATA CD-DVD ROM drives, but this thing is very annoying!Is there a way to "disconnect" the drive while it is accessing the disc, and when it's come to a decision as to wether it can read it or not, then "talk" back to Windows?

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Explorer.exe Hogs The CPU To 99% Causing Huge

Sep 4, 2005

At least twice per day Explorer.exe hogs the CPU to 99%. I can only stop it by rebooting. It has started doing so only the last two weeks or so. I use Windows XP Pro, Norton Security, Stopzilla, Counterspy, Microsoft anti spyware, Norton Ghost, Retrospect Express for my backup drive. I have a Pentium 4 2.25 Ghz, 1.5 Gb memory, Nvidia graphic card. I have searched Microsoft Knowledge Base as well as Google groups and have found no answers.

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Explorer Will Not Shut Down, Hogs CPU Time

Jan 20, 2005

For several weeks "iexplorer.exe" would sometimes hog CPU time as viewed in Win Task Manager.Now, after some meddling with both MSIE and AOL, MSIE will not shut down.
Well, it tries, then the messages: "We've detected an error and must shut down" and "Do you want to send an error message" appear. As soon as I click on the Error message, it starts back up.Also, whenever AOL starts, MSIE starts. MSN Portfolio Manager will not work due to a "Passport" problem (it works other places) which I am sure is related. I have re-installed AOL and MSIE.

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Explorer.exe Hogs My System Resources, Computer Hangs

Jun 1, 2005

This problem surfaced when I was editing a movie, (in "Movieshop") playback became a problem. Although I don't believe that movieshop was the cause of the problem, during the edit process, outlook played a sound to tell me I had mail - there was none.I have tried to repair my o/s but I am still experiencing problems, including:"Unable to complete the operation on "Application/Security/System/Antivirus" the interface was unknown" when trying to read the event viewer.My drivers seem to have rolled back. Moviemaker crashes, microsoft say that this is due to my soundcard driver, I have updated and rolled back about 5 times - no change.Boot ups take forever, the "windows is starting up" screen sits for far too long.

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Find The Space Hogs On My System

Jun 9, 2005

I am looking for a way to find the space hogs on my system with out having to look at the properties of each home folder of 1100 users

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Slow Bootup - SVCHOST.exe Hogs 99% Of The CPU

Sep 15, 2006

Gateway Pentium 3, 700 mhz - 256mb ram, 20gb hard drive.Until a few weeks ago my system booted up fine. Now it boots up to my windows desktop and then takes 20 minutes minimum to complete start up. The SVCHOST.exe hogs 99% of the CPU so nothing happens until it has completed its tasks.I have tried starting it without the start up items and this has no effect. I have cleaned it, defragged it, virus checked it, tuned it.

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When Mapped Drive Not Found/explorer Goes To Next Drive Letter

Jan 23, 2007

A laptop has 5 mapped drives which are only used on the office. Offline files is not an option. When a user on the road clicks on a mapped drive by mistake, the explorer window locks up while it tries to find it.

Instead of doing something sensible like taking the explorer window to C: drive or desktop, it goes to the next drive letter. Of course this is also unavailable. So the machine is essentially unusable for about 5 minutes if the user mis-clicks once.

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Won't Recognize New Drive Even On Windows Explorer

Aug 19, 2005

I've just installed a new WD 120 GB hard drive in the second drive bay of my Dell Dimension 8300 running XP (with all current updates). Windows refuses to assign it a drive letter and it can't be seen on My Computer or Windows explorer. Device Manager insists that it is installed and working properly. The problem persists whether the jumpers are for cable select or master-slave.

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Explorer Opening When Plugging In Drive

Apr 19, 2007

This is probably an easy question to answer but for the life of me I cannot find the setting anywhere to fix it. The question is - Whenever I connect my IPOD to my Windows XP machice, Windows opens a WIndows Explorer window with the contents of the attached drive (IPOD). How do I stop this from happening? Like I said, it is probably a basic setting or regisry change but I can't seem to locate it?

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Right Click The C: Drive In Explorer - Search Fails

Jun 16, 2005

When I right click the "Windows" directory in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search finds the "Hosts" file in the "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc" directory. All well and good because that's what I want and expect.

However, when I right click on the C: drive itself in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search fails to find the Hosts file in the "...driversetc." directory. It does find
hosts files elsewhere. For example it finds "Hosts.txt" and "Hosts" files that I placed on my desktop.

When I right click a drive in Windows Explorer and select "search", I damn well want to search the entire drive. Unfortunately, Windows has apparently defaulted to some kind of limited search. How do I force
Windows search the entire drive?

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New HD - Will Also Make New Drive Letter In Windows Explorer

Apr 24, 2010

I have Windows XP Pro, sp3. When I got my first external hard drive (HD), I thought it would be a hassle to get windows to see it but it was very easy. I just plugged it in, via USB, and it put a drive letter in Windows Explorer (WE) and I could access it like any other drive. It was easy. My question is: if I get another external HD, can I use it along with my current external HD? That is, can I use the new external HD without unplugging my present external HD.

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External Hard Drive Not Showing In Explorer

Feb 14, 2009

My external USB hard drives always used to show up in either My Computer, or Windows Explorer's double pane view in Windows XP. Although they still show in My Computer, they do not show up in Windows Explorer anymore, unless I select them in My Computer First - and then choose the "Folders" selection. do Not give me the standard answers which are for External drives that don't show up Anywhere .. because the drives DO show up in Disk Management, and they DO show up in My Computer, and this is Not a new drive that needs to be formatted.

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Mp3 Player - Wont Show Up In Explorer As A Drive

Oct 13, 2009

I have a mp3 player (sandisk express) that connects to my lap top by usb. I think my kids have uninstalled something recently as the lap top no longer recognises the mp3 player ie. it wont show up in explorer as a drive and no longer turns on and starts charging when it is connected.The problem doesnt seem to be with the mp3 player as it works fine on my desk top. I have tried refreshing it in the device manager but that didnt work.I traced the location of the driver file on my desk top and the same file resides on my lap top in same location. So I have no idea why the mp3 player wont work on the lap top.

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Drive Shows In System Device But Not In Explorer

Jan 31, 2005

Reformatting a pc of mine to give to my sister. Her old computer had some info on its hard drive that she needed. It was too big to fit on a floppy and the CDROM had died so I took her old drive and hooked it up in the newer pc. The problem is: it shows up in System Devices but not in Windows Explorer. I tried right clicking on My Computer and then Manage to assign a drive letter to it, but it wont allow me. The option for assigning a drive letter isnt even available for that hard drive.

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Explorer Crashes - C Drive And Open Program Files

Feb 23, 2007

When i browse through my c drive and open program files i get an Error saying Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The error signature says:

AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName:
ModVer: Offset: 00007732

It doesnt happen in any other folders. I have searched the web but no one seems to have the same problem

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Hard Drive Listed In Device Manager But Not Explorer

Nov 25, 2005

My primary hard drive crashed and my back up that holds all my pictures, mp3's and other important items is still ok. I reinstalled windows fine on a new hard drive with no problem. My back up hard drive is not showing in my explorer list though. Does anybody know how I may access it? I've installed all motherboard software and it still is not there. I don't wanna reformat that drive unless its the only thing i can do.

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Drive Won't Show In Explorer - File System Stops

Oct 12, 2008

H i have an old 80gb drive that i wish to use for storage by use of a hard drive enclosure. It had an old xp installed on it which ino longer wish to use, but when i hook it up to the pc the drive doesn't show up, i mounted the drive on a linux(ubuntu) system and managed to delete everything except the windows folder, i believe the ntfs file system is stopping it from being deleted, my question is how can i delete the windows folder so that i can format and reuse the drive without putting it into the pc, any further info needed will be duly supplied

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Explorer Encountered Error And Needs To Close - Clicking On Drive

Jul 21, 2005

When I open My Computer and right click on the C: drive to bring up drop-down menu, it always says that Explorer has encountered an error and needs to close.

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Difficult Browsing The Files In Flash Drive Using Windows Explorer?

Oct 13, 2007

My antivirus detected krag.exe and removed it from my flash drive. However, when I try to open the drive by double-clicking on the corresponding drive (F in My Computer, a pop-up window appears saying "Choose the program you want to use to open this file:". I chose windows explorer since it's what you use when trying to explore or browse through files.

The problem is, the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" is grayed out and can't be checked/ticked. So, I have to keep pointing the "open with" pop-up box to explorer.exe whenever I want to browse the files in my flash drive.The last attempt that I did to fix this problem was to right click on the drive letter then properties then went to the autoplay tab and chose "Open folder to view files". The "Open with" pop-up box still appears whenever i double click on the drive letter.

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Drive Names In Explorer Completely Changed, Crashes You Double Click

Sep 23, 2010

This is so weird, see the screenshot.


This happened after booting up my pc today (running XP Pro SP3).

I had a malware infection days ago and removed it almost completely (apart from random tabs popping up in Firefox).

Last night I ran O&O Defrag and it finished without any problems or errors.

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Explorer Hangs When I Right Click On Hard Drive - Hard Disk Properties

May 6, 2005

I can not access hard disk properties because Windows Explorer hangs whenever I Right click on a hard drive icon. I am running WXP pro SP2 completely up to date with updates.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Explorer W2000 : Wont Open Windows Explorer From Desktop ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hard drive crash, transplanted HD to new computer which now has 2 hard drives, C & D. Problem is I cannot open Windows Explorer from desktop or any other location, from either drive. I get a message that says it "generates errors." And that it is keeping a log, presumably for use on some Day of Judgment. (I get around it for now by right-clicking My Computer and picking Explore from the pop-up menu.)I have gone to the usual download sites in search of WE, no dice.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Explorer Crashes - Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted

Sep 11, 2007

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module netapi32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2976, fault address 0x0003952c. When a user is editing documents in Word 2003 from a network share, the Windows Explorer then shuts down and refreshes the desktop. The error message above is in the Application Event Log. the Event ID is 1000. Done some searches and tried a few things but still user gets this error. After this error in the Event Log another message is "The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The Event ID is 1002 for this one.

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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Wont Open Internet Explorer And Windows Explorer?

Apr 11, 2010

internet explorer wont open and windows explorer giving problems as well done virus scan spyware nothing came back this is the error amgettingadrgipghze54 argdf has encountered a problem and needs to close and allso windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close error signature .update.exe appver.1515.8784.0.81

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Installer Starts When Opening Explorer And Internet Explorer

Mar 25, 2006

I recently put a new hard drive in my computer. Now whenever I try to start Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer the windows installer starts and the windows will not open until I have cancelled the installer several times. I scanned the registry with Registry Fix and fixed all problems. It still starts every time. Netscape has no like problem starting.

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Explorer Runtime Error - Not Related To Internet Explorer

Sep 3, 2006

I badly need your support. Day before yesterday (01-Aug-06) night I upgraded the yahoo toolbar and used their norton anti spy to scan. Then I shut down the system and started to work the next day. Every thing is perfectly ok except for one thing. In Windows Explorer, on any folder or drive if I double click or open I get a crash. If I do explore then there is no problem.

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How To Permanently Disable / Remove Explorer Bar Pane In XP Explorer?

Nov 7, 2007

Anyone know how to permanently disable/remove the explorer bar pane in windows XP explorer. I have been searching for 2 hours and can not find a answer. If i press the x it goes but next time i open a window it is back.

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