Getting Blue Screen After Cleaning Up System Space?

Feb 22, 2007

it all started with me tryin to free up space. i was down to abt 5gb on my windows drive so i copied a video file which was 1.5gb across to my 250gb drive no worries. i then deleted the the original file. after it was sent to the recyle bin, i opened up the recycle bin and deleted it. only to be hit with a file in use error? has happened before so i ignored it and went to delete it again only before i could hit delete i was hit with a bsod.didnt pay that much attention i only noticed that it said the win32k.sys file was the culprit.i rebooted the machine and bang, a bsod before the welcome screen.this time i pay attention, only to see that it doesnt mention the offending file just that its a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA problem.

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Low Disk Space Still After Cleaning

Oct 23, 2006

I am running on windows xp my little word baloon pops up keep telling me i have low disk space i ran disk defragmentor and cleandisk and have deleted many programs but my disk space is has gone down to 0 mb.

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Lost Hard Drive Space And A Blue Screen

Oct 7, 2005

1.I have a dell digital jukebox mp3 player that allows for storage of data or music. I tried to copy a 600mb file from the mp3 player onto my hard drive. I had a little over 600 mb of space left on my hard drive (a total storage capacity of 6GB). It said i had run out of space. So i deleted some files, move some things around and i had 1.1 GB of space free for this transfer. i tried again and this time again the message i got was not enough space on drive c:/. So i cancelled out and checked to see what i had on my hard drive, 500mb free!!!?? So i have lost hard drive space and not gain a file...So i investigated and found that i have 1.81 GB of data on c: documents settingsuser. but once i get into user, i have 6 folders none of which display nearly that much data. They are, favorites, start menu, cookies, desktop, my documents, and a file named ntuser. the ntuser file is 1mb, and my desktop has 700 or so mb on it. So my question is how can i get back this lost hd space,

2.Blue screen. Im on xp pro sp1, i use adaware, registry mechanic, and im generally tidy with my windows; note, reinstalling windows did not solve this. I never used to have this issue, but lately when i go to open or close certain programs i jump to blue screen. it references trixdp.dll i think it was, and then "begin physical dump of memory" i must reboot at this point. I use VLC media player, and exiting this program mandates a blue screen. Just now i exited mozilla browser and this was the first time i got blue screen from this program.

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Installed Internet Cleaning Tool - Free Space Is Gone

Sep 14, 2005

I recently installed a tool known as internet cleaning tool v1.0 which is located at is a task called 'clean free space' included in the program.I do not really understand by the term 'to clean free space' on my drives.If I perform such task,will it delete all the data stored on the selected drive to be cleaned.

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Blue Screen Error Bring Boot Selection Screen - Reinstall Operating System

Nov 12, 2009

Encountered a Blue Screen of Death error. The error stated that I should run Chkdsk and then proceeds to restart and bring me to the Windows boot selection screen (safe mode, last known good configuration, normally). No matter which choice I pick, it always leads to the BSOD then restarts. Since this is getting me nowhere fast, I want to just format and reinstall windows. I do not have my recovery CDs, and when I enter the BIOS to change the boot sequence I cannot change it so the CD drive is above the hard drive in priority. The reason it gives me in the bios is that "All items on this menu cannot be modified in user mode. If any items require changes, please consult your system supervisor. Any ideas on how I can boot off the cd and reinstall windows from scratch?

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System Restarting After Blue Screen

Apr 24, 2008

Everytime I’m going online after a while my computer just restarts. The symptoms I noticed is that downloading of webpages becomes slower than usual before it restarts. Before it restarts a blue screen appears with some text in it but I couldn’t read it because it just flashes a split second. After my pc has restarted a box pops out saying –The system has recovered form a serious error. But it doesn’t state what kind of error it just ask if you want to send the info to Microsoft. I hope someone could help me here. What are the causes and what do I need to do? (by the way im connecting to the net thru a modem, dial –up)

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System Shutdown When Blue Screen Appear

Aug 4, 2005

Pc keeps shutting down, and a blue screen appears which says windows has shutdown to prevent damage too my pc. its happeneing all the time i have not a clue whats wrong with it, and i have recently sent it in too be fixed but its come back in the same state.

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Encountered System Blue Screen

Aug 14, 2009

The last time you encountered a Windows blue screen of death, what was the cause of it? Software issue Hardware issue. No clue as to what caused it.Whats a BSOD?

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Blue Screen Crash System

Aug 14, 2007

Computer crashing to the blue screen. I had the mini dump auto saved when this happened but have no idea what to open it with and would like someone to have a look and let me know what the problem was.

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Restart System Appear Blue Screen

Sep 24, 2008

I have an older computer running XP, no new hardware. Today I was viewing a site when all of a sudden I got a request from my antivirus (norton) and made a big mistake by doing a one time authorization. Some Program for scaning your system for errors or something like that came up. Almost immediately after that a message from norton came up to close all programs and do a quick scan (not full scan) for problems. I did this and was then told to restart the computer. When the computer tries to restart I get a blue screen that says among other things, problem probably caused by file: Beep.SYS Page fault in nonpaged area Stop: 0x00000050 (0x81000078, 0x00000000, 0xF77802FF,0x00000002) . I can't get the computer to boot into safe mode, debugging mode, or last good configuration.

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Blue Screen Every Time System Starts Up

Sep 20, 2008

I've been getting an error/blue screen message when ever i start up my Acer Aspire 5650 laptop. It is a couple of years old now and,my last laptop died after about the same time so hopefully someone can shed some light.The system will start up and i can use the it with out any trouble but it is anoying to have to sit for up to 5 - 10 minutes while it runs the check every time.

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Blue Screen - System Fails To Start

Sep 1, 2008

Recently, when trying to start up my computer, I keep getting a blue screen after it fails to start up. I've tried starting with "last best known configuration" and "safe mode," but both ultimately end with the blue screen and an error message. I've received two on various times trying to start the computer up, essentially stating

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Get A Blue Screen On Start Up, And System Restarts

Sep 11, 2007

I have a laptop with Windows XP Professional SP2. I get the following error messages in my system recently, and there will be a blue screen that pops up for 2 seconds, i am unable to read the message but the system restarts, this happens frequently now and some times i am able to use my system and found a pop up message saying "system has recovered from serious error" and get the error codes.recent activity that had done is i tried to uninstall .net framework v1.1 in my system as felt that i had .NETframework v2 installed in my system so it wudnt be of no use in my it related with it or anything else as i wanna prevent my system crash, Please provide me a proper solution.

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Blue Screen Will Not Load Nte Operating System

Feb 22, 2007

I am trying to become computer smart......still working on it. My problem....Blue screen will not load nt4 os......BS states memory dump. Tried to restart......not working. I can enter, and did, f2 startup. I read where I needed to delete an old partition, did, now nt4 startup disk with not load, as i am prompted that the drive is too big (3.99). I cant seem to partition the drive? I would like to just start from scratch, wipe drive, start over..I just want to get this going so I could update nt4 (currently has sp1). I think I have my work cutout for me.

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System Show Blue Screen After Start

Nov 21, 2008

Presario v6000 with windows XP professional. When I try to start windows I get a blue screen with white text stating that window terminated unexpectedly. Then it shuts down and attempts to reboot with the same result. I ordered a recovery disk from HP. when I attemted to install the; I received an error message stating the software does not support this system. I call HP and they claim it's a virus or a computer issue. How do I process to get my system working again? or did HP send the wrong disk?

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System Shows Blue Screen After Start Up

Feb 9, 2007

Getting the blue screen on an XP machine after each solution i have tried. I have replace the ram, cleared the page file, ran chkdsk, and I was doing a repair install and I got the blue screen again. What else could it be. I used a hard drive utility and the hard drive is fine. all 4 sticks of memory can't be bad. I tried them one at a time. I need some help and thoughts.

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System Automatically Shut Down - Blue Screen

Aug 30, 2007

About 3 days ago, I was on my computer and then it just automatically shut off, then went to a blue screen. I don't quite remember what the blue screen said, but it mention something about disabling BIOS and disableing/removing any new software I had downloaded. I didn't download ANY new software, and I dont really know much about computers, therefore don't know what to do about the BIOs. It also did mention something about disabling caching as well. I thought this was a one time thing, so I booted up my computer again, and it happened at 14 minutes later, and then again and again. I tried doing a last known good configuration while booting up the computer, but than a bigger problem started. My mouse stopped working. It's a wireless Microsoft mouse, and I used the other one that I had, and that didn't work either. It seemed that the adapter didn't want to connect with the mouse, therefore just sat there with the light blinking.

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Blue Screen Shown After Boot UP System

Sep 23, 2006

System will freeze and require restart in the morning it will randomly restart and then say that it's recovered from a serious error and get blue screens but usually has various different filenames or doesn't have one at all just those addresses i'm not sure how to read the files windows puts in mini dump or how to use them.

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Blue Screen Shown After Start Up System

Dec 8, 2005

For some strange reason I am starting to get a blue screen with all kinds of stuff on it that I do not understand. The only way that I could show it is by taking a picture of it.

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Blue Screen Shown After Start System

Oct 15, 2009

Computer sudenly shut down, and after trying to restart I received the Blue screen with this error message: Stop: 0x0000007E (0x80000003, 0x805c49B8, 0xf79e02b4, 0xf79dffb0). I tryed to start in Safe Mode, Last Known Good Config. when I attempt to start inn safe mode I receive this message: PAGE _FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA. Stop: 0X00000050 (0xc4b12174, 0x00000001, 0x80537009, 0x00000000). I have Windows XP, and have not installed any new software or hardware anytime recently.

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Blue Screen In Start Up - Boot Up System

Jul 31, 2007

This morning when I booted up, I got a blue screen that had a message telling me something about memory (I think, was still asleep). it told me to start in safe mode.I did that then turned off. When it started back up it was in the advanced options window. I selected "Start normal mode" I have tried to get it to do it again so I could get the codes but cant. I know it showed many partitions plus the message and codes. I am using XP Home with my Dell Dimension desk top. It uses a Celeron 2.53 GHz and 512 Ram. Thank You for any suggestions. Also I delete temp regulary and defrag every week or so but don't know anything other than that as far as maintaining system.

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Dreaded Blue Screen - Restore System

Apr 26, 2006

I recently left my computer running overnight and was suprised to find the blue screen. The computer is an Inspiron 5150 Labtop computer and I was running windows XP. I have no idea wether it is a hardware or software issue. I took the following steps as suggested by Dell tech support ran system diagnostics in safe mode tried sytem restore I was told then that I had to re-install windows.

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System Getting Blue Screen And IRQL Not Less Or Equal?

Mar 9, 2007

My PC bluescreened with the above message.It's happened twice.First when MS Genuine Advantage accessed the web (Kerio Firewall caught the outbound traffic and I granted permission)Second, after MS Defender scanned and then accessed the web (Kerio caught it and I granted permission).No changes to the PC Hardware is the same, did not add new software. Running XP Home with SP2

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Blue Screen Flashes System Restart

Apr 6, 2008

My computer started being really slow and making a lot of noise so I turned it off but now it is not able to completely restart. Right now I'm using the IBM Rescue and Recovery browser so I can't do much besides check and see if I can get any possible help. I try to run Windows normally and it starts loading up then a blue window flashes and the computer restarts. I can't go to Safe Mode because it starts naming off a bunch of drivers then it just resets. I haven't done anything on BIOS because I'm afraid I'll just mess it up (all I really did was set it to default).

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Cleaning System

Apr 3, 2006

The newest version of hijack this w/instructions? And whatever else I need in order for someone on here to look at my system and tell me what needs to be cleaned off?

I am asking b/c when my virus scanner did is regular scanning it said it found to trojans or malware? I don't know if I have opened something that I should not have...not knowing or if someone has used my computer and opened something.

When I open internet says my homepage is about will not let me change it back to the regular homepage.

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Cleaning Up System

Sep 15, 2006

would like to clean up system and have included a hijack this log

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Blue Screen Giving The Error Of System Crashed

Feb 7, 2007

I've been having this problem with my Dell Lattitude D505 Laptop where I put it on standby, and then about 10 seconds after taking it off standby, I get a blue error screen telling me the system crashed. It mentions on the screen something about BIOS memory. Looking through some other posts, I have seen mention of a correlation between this screen and BIOS. does anyone think that this BIOS memory thing is in fact the problem? How do I resolve anything that deals with this BIOS memory? The help section on my computer just defines what BIOS is, it doesn't state where I can find it on my comp.

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On Starting Up Blue Screen And Then Restart - System Restore

Oct 31, 2006

When i open my Laptop , after for about 5 minutes there become a blue screen and then restart. It is about 2 days that is doing like this.

I use system Restore but it cant go to any before date.

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System Reboots Automatically - No Blue Screen Of Death

Aug 12, 2005

I have been having a problem with my system. Suddenly, the entire system shuts off and reboots. I have the automatic restarts disabled, and if all things are equal,I should at least be getting a "blue screen of death". So, I think it is NOT a Stop error. Then when I check my Event log, I see it is always caused by Security Center. This Windows XP SP2 feature, for some reason, seems to be shutting me down at its leisure. Is there a setting to prevent this

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Blue Screen Of Death - Pc Shut Down Damage System

Apr 16, 2007

Im running Windows XP SP2 On a AMD Athlon 64 bit 3400Mhz Processor with a gig of ram. When i insert any disc into either the cd writer or dvd writer i get the blue screen of death saying the pc has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. this one id doing my head right in

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Blue Screen Of Death - Few Seconds System Restarts

May 24, 2007

I have found myself in a sticky predicament. when i start up windows it gets to the loading screen and then the blue screen of death comes up. now, it only comes up for a few mili seconds and then the system restarts, so i am unable to tell you the codes on the screen. this is p#*@ing me off

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