Deleted Space Not Freed Opertaing System

Nov 6, 2008

Is there some setup parameter that was not set correctly when this system was built Q2 Is there a utility I can run against the HD to report/correct these problems ?Or can you suggest a plan of attack for this problem ?

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Old HD - New Computer - Opertaing System

Aug 8, 2006

Can i install my old HD in a new comp setup by installing the OS over the exsisting OS on the HD?the currant OS is on a Dell and my new comp is AMD..the reason i ask is because i dont want to Format then reinstall the OS and Programs

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Weird GUI With Opertaing System

Aug 25, 2009

I've tried everything and cant get the windows gui to theme its buttons and apps correctly (see attachment). It causes alot of apps to look all messed up... and navigating them almost imposible

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401 - No Password For Opertaing System

Nov 28, 2006

I recently installed IE7 along with a batch of windows automatic updates, didn't like IE7 so am back on IE6. The problem is that now, when I try to access a website where, in the past, a small pop-up window would have appeared asking me for my username and password (yes THAT type of website ) the small window no longer appears and I get the 401 error returned from the website server. On websites where the apssword request is an integral part of the web-page there's no problem, only where in the past the small username / password would have appeared. Any ideas, I have allowed pop-ups, disabled firewalls and everything else but it just doesn't let me in. Also affects MSN music so I can't use my remaining credit either. Running XP with SP2 and all windows updates applied to date

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LOADING PBR 2 - Professional Opertaing System

Oct 27, 2006

i have been struggling with this issue for long now.
My computer once it boots it gives the blue screen "" and then below it gives loading PBR 2...done after which the cursor blinks and stays there as long as the computer is on. It doesnt progress further.

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Reformat My PC - Original Version Of Opertaing System

Feb 27, 2008

I want to reformat my PC but I don't have the windows disc as one never came with it.I have an original version of XP Professional and I don't want to lose it.
So how do I reformat?Is there a way to do so without using an XP disc?

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Media Center 2010 - Good Opertaing System

Nov 11, 2009

im just asking for your opinion, comments and etc have you ever tried the new XP OS entitled: Windows XP media center 2010?? coz im planning to buy it soon.. i would like to hear your comments if its a good OS.. )

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Ree Occupied Space When Files Have Been Deleted ?

Aug 3, 2010

i keep getting no desk space messages, even tho i deleted so many files and i kno for a fact the space is free, i tried disk clean up, and it goes as far as MB, disk defragmenter tells me that i need over 15% space
im using windows xp, there is only one drive, which is C:i have 74.52 GB capacity,

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Deleted Files Not Freeing Up Space

Apr 16, 2007

Today I deleted some files totaling about 4 gigs in size (also emptying the recycling bin) and it did not free up any space on my hard drive (NTFS, SATA, 320GB, 16MB Cache, 7200 RPM, Western Digital WD3200KS). It reported the same free space as before I had deleted the files. When I select all the files and hit properties the size on disk is reported as 272 GB (292,118,638,592 bytes), but when I go to properties on the disk itself it reports used space as 276 GB (297,209,229,312 bytes). I was wondering if anyone knew a way to "reclaim" this space (I don't know if windows just didn't mark the space as free or what). This has happened to other drives of mine, reformatting fixes them

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Losing Disk Space For No Reason - Deleted Several Files

Sep 5, 2006

My system had 52 GB a couple of weeks ago. I haven't download much of anything, however last week it was down to 7 GB. I have been deleting pictures and files to no avail. It keeps loses space and now it is down to 149 MB and I am getting error messages. I have deleted several music and video files, but there is no way I have 142 GB of files on my system

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Deleted Recycle Bin Items Take Hard Disk Space

Apr 19, 2005

I correct that deleted Recycle Bin files still remain unseen on the hard drive? If so, is there any way of removing the deleted "Recycle Bin" items without affecting anything else on the Hard Disk? My original and now #2 computer has a very small Hard Disk (15 GB). I have cleaned out everything but the OS and installed programs. I would like to remove the one GB of My Documents files I put into the Recycle Bin and then further deleted from there, if indeed they are still resident on the Hard Disk. My intent is to hopefully increase performance of that machine, which also has a very slow processor and only 190 MB RAM. Right now the OS and programs occupy one-half of the Hard Disk. I am running "XP Home" on that computer. I will only use C #2 for reaching the Internet should my #1 computer "go down. (I would be lost without that daily exercise!) C #1 is fully backed up weekly to an external Hard Disk.

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Little Free Space On Main HD - Have Deleted All The Temp Files

Jun 27, 2005

When I look with the Explore facility the size of all my directories in C: I found roughly 8.3 GB, When I look at the used space with Property on C: I found 26.2 GB or 3 times more ! The remaining free space si 1.5 GB.I cannot understand why.I have deleted all the temp files, try to delete the maximum unnecessary
files but I now cannot go much further so I cannot defragment for instance and I suppose I am going into a wall soon if I do not act quickly.

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System Restore To Save Space - Backup System Files

Aug 12, 2002

By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to back up your system files:1. Open the Control Panel2. Double-click on system3. Click the System Restore tab4. Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives"5. Hit Apply6. You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to restore your system in case of failure.

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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System Files Deleted By Virus?

May 6, 2010

We have a Dell Inspiron 6000, and it won't boot Windows XP, giving me the message system32configsystem is missing or corrupt. I've gone through a number of steps to recover, including using Windows XP startup disk to go into Recovery console, following MS knowledge base articles, running chkdsk, etc. What I've found out is that the "system" file from both windowssystem32config and from windows epair is gone.

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After System Recovery / Many Programs Were Deleted

Jul 5, 2008

I recently did a system recovery on my desktop (HP pavilion 504n - window xp home edition). After the recovery, I manage to get all my files in "My Documents" but many programs were delete. However, my c-drive free space remained the same as before the recovery.

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Deleted Partion - System Restarts Frequenty

Nov 2, 2006

I recently found out that a pirated copy of windows was installed on my machine so I went and bought a new copy of XP to install and get my maching running right.

My hardrive has 2 partitions. One for windows and the other for my files. My problem is that I go through the steps to do the reinstall and I get to the part to delete the partition where XP is located. As soon as I hit delete the computer immediately cuts off. I have tried it several times with the same result.

It never even asks to confirm the delete. It just shuts down like the computer was unplugged a;; pf a sudden.

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System Files Are Deleted Replace From The Backup

Dec 6, 2006

If a system file was acidently deleted, etc, can this file be replaced from a backup if I had previously performed a backup of all the windows/system files to another hard drive.This would be done using the xp backup tool that comes with windows.

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Recovering Deleted Files - Tried To Run System Restore

Feb 9, 2006

The files were deleted (and Norton Protected recycle bin emptied) from both the C: (boot drive/OS) and D: drives and when I tried to run System Restore, it gave me an error message, so I assume some of the system files may have been deleted as well. I am not the primary user of this computer and while the computer was functioning after I discovered this, I made the mistake of re-booting the computer and now get a ''NTLDR is missing - press Ctrl + Alt + Delete'' at boot. I have the Sony System recovery discs (no Windows XP disc that I can find) but I don't want to lose any more data and I would still like to try and recover the previously deleted files.

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Sp3 Deleted - No Operating System And Harddrive Found

Jun 27, 2008

I loaded windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86i on my pc runninig win xp and after laoding it it contiuously started to reboot stating no operating system and harddrive to be found. it happen 2 me on laptop and pc

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Can Deleted System Restore Points Be Recovered

Feb 7, 2008

When I used the xp home edition System Configuration Utility { SRU} it deleted all my system restore points. Not only did the SRU not solve the problem, but I could then not use the system restore facility which may have solved the problem . I have downloaded nothing but an Ad-Aware update since I lost all my system restore points.Can these deleted system restore points be recovered?

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AVG Free Modified/deleted Some Of System Files

Jul 30, 2005

My pc is running Windows XP Home SP1, and in an attempt to clean out the tenga virus I used AVG Free Edition. I clicked 'heal' when it ran across instances of the virus in my exe files, but it seems to have deleted a few things. In the middle of the session Windows logged off and required me to enter my password for my user account (it doesn't have a pw) and would log off every time I tried to log on

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Deleted Corrupt Files - System Wont Stsrts Now

Dec 27, 2003

Ok I have run into a major problem. First of all I entered 256 DIMM RAM into my motherboard recently and when I booted up, It said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I tried taking the RAM out and the same happens. One source said it could be the PSU, power, but this is doubtful because I unplugged all the extra stuff I could but the same happens.

Taking advice from another source, I took my XP Disc and Booted from it in hope to repair missing/corrupt files. This did no good, It deleted the "corrupt" files, and couldn't find the same files (such as dplayx.dll, dosx.exe. dos869.fon, dmdskmgr.dll, etc.) So now I think these files are gone so when I tried to boot up after this it restarts or shuts down when it reaches the Windows XP loading screen. I tried booting from the CD once again but this time an error message appeared saying:

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System Uses 10 Minute Boot Up / Deleted Unnecessary Items?

Sep 29, 2008

It takes 10 minutes to reboot my computer! 10 minutes later I m cleaning out temp files and cookies and the like, deleting old profiles, cleaning up MSConfig and Defragging AND moving anything that looks important out to his network share.

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Internet Explorer Was Deleted Off System Causing Errors

Feb 28, 2010

I have an XPS 400 Dell computer XP Media Center Operating System. Recently my son added modzilla to our computer. In doing so he deleted internet explorer. The computer was running sluggish so I went back to a later restore date. When the computer came back up after restore only my husband and my profile were shown. while signing into my profile i get the following error message:

EXPLORER.EXE - Unable to locate component
This application has failed to start because
WININET.dll was not found. re-installing the app may fix the problem.

what do i do to get this back? There are no icons or start menue on my deskdop just my background. I can view files if i go to task manager but nothing else can be done. I know very little about computers and I need help very stressed. My kids need a computer for school.

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Deleted Nameless Partition: System Wont Boot?

Aug 16, 2009

My Dell Inspiron B130 Windows Xp SP3 had only one internal hard drive, it was broken up into Drive C and two nameless partions that I did not make I accidentley deleted one of the namless partitions and now my windows XP SP3 laptop is no longer bootable. My computer just says no bootable drive found. I think I deleated some important system data My personal data on Drive C appears to be still there is there any way I can recover the system data or make my laptop bootable again without losing all of my data?

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System Restore Not Working For Permanently Deleted Folder

Sep 22, 2007

I accidentally deleted my entire "My Music" folder from the "My Documents" folder after moving a bunch of files from it to an external hard drive. It was permanently deleted - did not go to the recycle bin first. System Restore did not bring it back.

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Deleted Messenger / Outlook - System Restore Did Not Work

Jan 14, 2007

I meant to delete Windows messenger, but ended up deleting Outlook and my internet explorer. I tried system restore, but that did not work. I am able to get onto the internet with exlporer through other programs on my computer, but the main explorer icon is missing from my desktop and startup toolbar on the bottom left of my screen. I'm most concerned about outlook as there was a rather large mailing list there.I'm not very techie, so please answer in simple terms.

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Restoring Deleted / How Do Restore Fonts Deleted From XP?

Sep 1, 2009

I rather foolishly deleted several fonts from XP. How can I restore them?

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Deleted File Has Been Emptied / Can Get All Deleted Back?

Sep 8, 2006

Once the Deleted File has been emptied can we get all that I deleted back?

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Recovering Deleted Items After The Folder Was Deleted?

Sep 15, 2005

Can I recover messages I accidentally deleted in Outlook Express of Windows 2000XP? These messages were in their own file but somehow got moved to a subfile of the Deleted Items folder. In trying to removed the Deleted Items folder the sub-folder went with it. There were a large number of messages I had received via e-mail that I intended to keep.

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