Old HD - New Computer - Opertaing System

Aug 8, 2006

Can i install my old HD in a new comp setup by installing the OS over the exsisting OS on the HD?the currant OS is on a Dell and my new comp is AMD..the reason i ask is because i dont want to Format then reinstall the OS and Programs

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Weird GUI With Opertaing System

Aug 25, 2009

I've tried everything and cant get the windows gui to theme its buttons and apps correctly (see attachment). It causes alot of apps to look all messed up... and navigating them almost imposible

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401 - No Password For Opertaing System

Nov 28, 2006

I recently installed IE7 along with a batch of windows automatic updates, didn't like IE7 so am back on IE6. The problem is that now, when I try to access a website where, in the past, a small pop-up window would have appeared asking me for my username and password (yes THAT type of website ) the small window no longer appears and I get the 401 error returned from the website server. On websites where the apssword request is an integral part of the web-page there's no problem, only where in the past the small username / password would have appeared. Any ideas, I have allowed pop-ups, disabled firewalls and everything else but it just doesn't let me in. Also affects MSN music so I can't use my remaining credit either. Running XP with SP2 and all windows updates applied to date

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LOADING PBR 2 - Professional Opertaing System

Oct 27, 2006

i have been struggling with this issue for long now.
My computer once it boots it gives the blue screen "www.dell.com" and then below it gives loading PBR 2...done after which the cursor blinks and stays there as long as the computer is on. It doesnt progress further.

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Reformat My PC - Original Version Of Opertaing System

Feb 27, 2008

I want to reformat my PC but I don't have the windows disc as one never came with it.I have an original version of XP Professional and I don't want to lose it.
So how do I reformat?Is there a way to do so without using an XP disc?

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Deleted Space Not Freed Opertaing System

Nov 6, 2008

Is there some setup parameter that was not set correctly when this system was built Q2 Is there a utility I can run against the HD to report/correct these problems ?Or can you suggest a plan of attack for this problem ?

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Media Center 2010 - Good Opertaing System

Nov 11, 2009

im just asking for your opinion, comments and etc have you ever tried the new XP OS entitled: Windows XP media center 2010?? coz im planning to buy it soon.. i would like to hear your comments if its a good OS.. )

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Low System Resources On Computer

May 16, 2007

I have been quite happily using my laptop without any probblems for the past 4-5 months. Recently howver I have been getting a pop up info bubble informing me that my system rosources are running low.I have around 20G free on the hard drive, have run various spyware and virus checks all to no avail.I have also ran registry cleaners and fixers, but again the problem persists!I have normally only got Yahoo Messenger and Internet explorer running before the message pops up, and I have also recently noticed that my laptop has started to slow down a hell of a lot.I have tried everything that I can think of what with my rather limited knowledge so thought that I would ask the experts.

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Pro New Computer Not Run - Reinstall System

May 18, 2006

My Dell XPS went south. Originally, Windows XP home was installed. I purchased the Pro upgrade. At the suggestion of my computer wizard I've purchased a new case, power supply, motherboard and memory. From the old computer I'm using the two sata hard drives, cd and dvd players, video board and sound board. When I power up will Windows Pro "see" that I have a new computer and thus not run? Will I then have to reinstall Windows? If so, will that effectively wipe out all the info currently on the hard drives?

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Mac Operating System X On Computer

Aug 13, 2007

Is there any way you can put mac's os x on a pc computer. If so do you have to make an alterations to your pc before it can be put on.

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Computer Can't Find My Operating System

Oct 23, 2005

Ok I feel as if all i had is lost. I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP . I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system

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Computer Uses About 500mb Ram For System Cache?

Oct 13, 2008

my computer uses about 500mb ram for system cache when i have no program on (which is half of my total ram)..is this normal? i tried restart the computer, it didnt help..

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My Computer Is Growing : System Getting Slower

Jun 29, 2005

My computer is growing tired. Below this message are some stats about my setup that might be useful. The computer is 5 years old now. I know, ancient by today's standards, but it's what we have right now. Over time, between installed software, uninstalled software, etc., it seems to have gotten slower. I've heard that every once in a while, it's not a bad idea to initialize the hard disk and reinstall the software.

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Computer System32config System Corrupted

Dec 21, 2004

My moms comp says this at statr up and that is all the farther it will get. What is this caused from.

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Getting An Operating System Onto Free Computer

Sep 16, 2006

I had dreams of networking the 2 computers together. The library computer came with Windows 98 on it. In my ignorance I took my Windows XP disk that came with my current computer and loaded that onto the library computer. I thought it was like a music CD, where you can use the same disk in all the products that you own. I found illegal to load one operating system onto 2 computers using the same disk. I bought a Windows XP upgrade from Office Max yesterday for the library computer. I have been told though that I need to have Windows ME or 98 or some older version on the computer for the Windows XP upgrade to work. Since I've already put the XP on the library computer it doesn't have 98 on it anymore. win ME or 98 disk from a friend that has upgraded to XP if they have one laying around.

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Computer Will Not Install Any Operating System

Aug 25, 2009

My computer was locked down by microsoft due to not activating and for some reason i couldnt activate it over the phone. So i decided to , reformat my computer with the Windows XP Professional SP3 on this site and the XP Gamer's edition if the first one didnt work. So i installed the first one and it seemed to have worked perfectly, but when it restarted my computer, it went through the whole first step AGAIN. i thought that it might be normal so i kept going through it. Then it went through it AGAIN, now i knew something was up

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Turn On Computer To Log In Operating System

Dec 5, 2007

I was having issues with spyware, and got those taken care of. But now, when I turn on the computer to log into windows, i get to the welcome and it starts to load windows. it loads the wallpaper, and then nothing. it'll just sit there. Short of reformatting,

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Starting Up System Through Remote Computer

Nov 14, 2006

I have SIS 900 PCI Ethernet Adapter connected to the router which is always online at my office and my systems IP is and I would like to start my computer from a different computer i.e. my home via internet which also has the same Ethernet connected to a router.Please explain me how to power up the office computer and get information from the F Drive which I have put it on Sharing.

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System Restore Not Able To Protect Computer

Oct 2, 2005

I get the following message when I try to do a System Restore: System Restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer, and the run System Restore again. I tried that but restarting did not correct the problem.

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System Very Slow - Computer Gets Struck

Aug 1, 2010

My computer is very very slow to start. sometimes my computer gets struck and i can't acces any applications, in this case i have no other way than to restart.sometimes if i let my computer switched on for some time without doing any thing then all my applications tend to be very slow. i can't watch videos on streaming.

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Freezing Up System - Computer Gets Slow

Jan 4, 2005

Last year when my computer slowed down, you helped me out with Hijack This, Adaware and Spybot Search. I am having the same problems again freezing up, very slow. Do you still recommend running these same programs? Can you tell me which one to do first and how to get/send you the Hijack This log?

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Computer Reboot During System Restore

Aug 24, 2005

My grandfather has given me his computer to fix. The only problem is, he doesn't want to lose everything, though I think he's going to have to (or already has). He was doing a system restore (unnecessarily, may I add) and switched off the computer because it was taking too long (!). Now, Windows XP Home will not boot. The XP loading screen is displayed, then a blue screen for a split second, then it reboots. Safe mode does the same, and last known good configuration does not go past about 1/6 of the white loading bar at the bottom of the screen.So I thought I'd reinstall XP over the top. The problem is that the partition is now 'unknown', according to the Windows XP Setup, so it would appear the partition data is messed up. Thus, I cannot install XP without formatting.

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Computer Reboots: System Recovered From Serious Error?

Jul 25, 2009

my comp reboots for no reason an when its finished rebootin it say i had a serious error

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Windowsystem32/config/system/ Restore My Computer

Nov 2, 2008

every time i log in in my father computer i have this error message popping up on my screan, they suggest that i use the restore cd, i have an emashine computer, with xp, i do not have anythink else, i would like not to loose my files if possible, if i will restore my computer

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System Full Of Trojans Want A Stable Computer?

Jan 21, 2005

I've had a lot of trojans and meltdowns and have reformatted 438545769 times (I have just finished reformatting again. I used to have ZoneAlarm and AVG until I sat and watched as they let a trojan just come on in and munch up all my files. Right now I just want a *stable* computer.

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Accessing Files From Win7 Computer To A Xp System?

Aug 11, 2010

We have 7 computers at our business where I want to place some files on one of the newer ones and let the others simply access them. However, the newest computer is running Win7 64-bit pro. Some of the other computers are just Win XP pro 32-bit. If I setup a "Work Network" on the Win 7 computer where the files are located, will I be able to find them on one of the Win XP computers? Hope I am being descriptive enough. Sorry if I'm not.

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Do Not Have Operating System CD Or Driver CD / Not Computer Savy

Oct 10, 2009

Windows XP system but do not have Operating System CD or driver CD.Not computer savy. Neep some help if anyone has a little time.

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Korgo-v Worm In Computer: Removing From The System?

Jan 22, 2005

I have the Korgo-v worm in my computer,and was wanting to know how to get it out?

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Computer Wont Show Anything After System Restore?

Sep 6, 2005

last night i ran a system restore (to two day prior), i had left the computer, awhile later came back, logged in and waited for windows to start up, the wallpaper of my desktop came up but nothing else, i waited about 20 minutes before leaving again for awhile, returning to the computer in about a half hour. after waiting an hour+ with the computer doing nothing

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System Process At 99%: Computer Extremely Slow?

Jul 6, 2010

In the Task Manager it goes between about 85 to 99%. And no, I'm not looking at the System Idle Process as so many newbies do. A few days ago I had the motherboard replaced as it was bad. It was done at a service place in Tijuana. They had to reformat the hard disk and reinstall my versions of XP and my upgrade to XP Pro. Then I have been updating via the internet to the Windows updates including Service Pac 3.

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