Pro New Computer Not Run - Reinstall System

May 18, 2006

My Dell XPS went south. Originally, Windows XP home was installed. I purchased the Pro upgrade. At the suggestion of my computer wizard I've purchased a new case, power supply, motherboard and memory. From the old computer I'm using the two sata hard drives, cd and dvd players, video board and sound board. When I power up will Windows Pro "see" that I have a new computer and thus not run? Will I then have to reinstall Windows? If so, will that effectively wipe out all the info currently on the hard drives?

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System Reboot Even After Formated And Reinstall Operating System

Aug 15, 2006

My machine keeps rebooting, I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled xp pro and still the problem persists. what could cause a problem like this?

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Uninstall Operating System From One System/Reinstall In Another

Dec 30, 2007

How difficult is the process of uninstalling XP on my old PC and reinstalling that same copy on my new one? I want to wait until the first service pack of Vista is out before upgrading. I've heard reinstalling XP on a new PC can cause problems but I don't see how it would if it's no longer on my old PC.

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System Reinstall/Restore From Cd

Jan 10, 2007

There are threads here about using the system restore to restore to a certain point, but I want to restore the entire machine completely using the cd that came with the computer. Basically we have a kids machine that wasn't protected, got a virus, and is totally hosed. Instead of spending time cleaning or fixing it, I'd rather just start over. But when I put the CD in, reboot, pick the system restore, the PC Angel screen comes up and then nothing happens. It just hangs on a black screen and doesn't go anywhere or do anything.

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Computer Hangs On Reinstall

Aug 1, 2007

I have a laptop that cannot find boot media device since it went into hibernate. I ran recovery console from Win 2000 disk and ran chkdsk but still no joy. Now I can't get into recovery console as it hangs up when it trys to log onto the WIN NT folder. If I boot as normal it just stays at the initial Windows logo screen.I can't get into dos as it wont log me into WIN NT when I select option 1 from recovery console. Also I cannot reinstall windows either as it hangs up when it says "searching for a previously installed versions of window".I heard that there is a program called Bart_PE and have downloaded it but it doesn't seem to recognize it as a bootable cd.

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Computer Locked Up On Reinstall

Jan 1, 2006

This morning I attempted to do a complete reinstall of XP by booting from the CD. The screen currently says It has been on this screen for about 20 minutes now.I decided to do a reinstall because the system had unexpectedly begun freezing up.

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Fresh Reinstall System Restore Won't Fix

Aug 6, 2007

Ive been using WindowBlinds but when i booted this morning it wont start with windows and my theme changed to windows classic. i thought it was a problem with WindowBlinds but the problem still remained after a fresh reinstall. Even a system restore wont fix it. I have Tune-Up Utilities but Tune-up styler that cannot apply themes as well!started when i installed CounterSpy last night.

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Erase And Reinstall Operating System

Sep 3, 2005

Completelly erasing EVERYTHING from my computer and then reinstalling windows xp. I have too many viruses and want to start from scratch.

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Reinstall Operating System On Back Up

Mar 16, 2006

1) this pblm started after i did a reinstall of windows some time back. my system works fine now but for one thing. at every boot after its done post, the screen goes blank/dark/black for about 40 seconds, then a white progress bar appears at the bottom of the screen and only then does the windows logo with the blue progress bar appears. from then on its smooth sailing, a few seconds till the welcome screen and i'm in windows.2) this hasn't happen for a few weeks now. sometimes while in windows the pc reboots by itself but during post it wont recognize the hd. like nothing connected to the ide cable. fixed it by disconnecting/reconnecting the ide cable

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How To Reinstall New System And Boot CD Upgrade?

Mar 4, 2007

I need to reinstall my windows XP on a new system that i am building. My old system has died and I do have a Boot CD from my "UPGRADE" version from the OLD machine. Will i be able to load the upgrade version (i have my XP Disk) from the old machine on my new machine starting with the Boot CD?

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Reinstall Operating System Without A Disc

Dec 22, 2008

Laptop new online so it came with Windows XP sp2 already installed. That I recall, it did not come with a disc or any included software. I've been having some major problems with my computer as of late and I'd just love to wipe the whole darn thing clean and reinstall everything, but I'm not sure if that's even an option if I don't have a disc. What other options do I have?

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Solution For Reinstall Operating System

Jun 12, 2008

I have a problem:my computer is infected with a virus.My system is a Windows XP Professional 2002 SP2. I don't want the solution having me reinstall windows XP because my XP CD doesn't work and my parents won't buy one.

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Want To Reinstall, Need List Of Programs On Computer

Nov 21, 2008

I am reinstalling windows xp. i have had it running for 4 years and its getting slower so i'm thinking of doing a clean install.

what i want to know is; is there a way to list all the currently installed programs to assist me with the reinstallation. I want to be able to print out a list so i can install the same programs again-- bar a pile i will leave off.

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Was Pre-loaded On Computer / Never Had Product Key / Can Reinstall Without That?

Feb 24, 2005

One of our computers (kids have at school) might need a reformat & XP Home reinstall. I'm wondering about the Product Key - we never had it. It is a Dell. XP Home was already installed. We have Reinstall discs. I am reading about reinstalling XP and it says to Have Your Product Key handy! I'm finding the Product Key can be ONLY be found "on the orange sticker on the back of the envelope holding the original disc." We never had original discs since XP was installed, so we don't have that enevelope or Product Key sticker - nothing. Those orange stickers seem to be the only way to find the 25-digit Product Key for XP. We have the reinstall discs and 20-digit Product Registration numbers (shown on the Registered to box on the system info box).If it turns out the computer will need to be reformatted and XP reinstalled, will the Reinstall disc know that XP was pre-installed by Dell and we didn't install it? How will it work? What information will I have to supply? (I've looked at the Dell site but feel uneasy.)

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System Files Missing Error - Reinstall Ie7?

May 12, 2007

Lately my pc has experienced lots of different problems. It all started one day when I installed a program named xfire. It was running fine with xfire until I came home from school. Heres a list of the problems:

1. live messneger has forgot my email and runs slowly when i attempt to retype it.
2.Live messneger cannot connect at all. It just comes up with this message straight away
3. The copy of windows I'm running has been classed as an illegal copy by the microsoft website (my pc has a preinstalled installation of windows which was on when it was bought from a store).
4.Many installation programs now come up with errors about missing files.
5.I can't find any viruses with avast,ad-aware or spybot.
6. I uninstalled ie 7 which somehow allowed the normal windows messenger to work without the scripts errors I got before, but now I can't reinstall ie7. The setup always comes up with a missing file error.

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Graphics Card - Reinstall Operating System

Aug 13, 2009

I had to reinstall my operating system (Windows XP Media Center), and now i don't seem to have a graphics card. i looked inside my computer and couldn't figure it out. im not really sure what to do.i had intel express family chipset before the reinstallation.

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Reinstall Operating System When Installing New Board

Dec 11, 2008

Is it necessary to reinstall windows when you put a new mobo in your pc? Especially when you change from an Nvidia board to an intel board. Or will reinstalling only the chipset drivers do the trick?

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Error Disable Reinstall Operating System

Sep 26, 2007

I got this error.I am not able to reinstall windows XP even.

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After Restarting System Motorola Surboard Needs To Reinstall

Apr 30, 2006

Whenever I restart my computer my motorola surboard needs to be reinstalled. I have no idea why. Once I reinstall it from the disc that came with it everything is fine but it didnt use to be this way. I have it connected to a usb port in the rear of my computer.

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After Reinstall Windows Computer Wouldn't Start Up

Apr 16, 2008

I had to reinstall windows after a virus took out all of the essential .dll files and the computer wouldn't start up, I now have a problem with some of my hardware not working. When I go into device manager the following have yellow question marks beside them:

ethernet controller
multimedia audio controller
video controller (VGA compatible).

The computer itself is an XC cube edition (not sure if that's a brand or not). It was supplied for a disabled student if that helps? It runs windows XP service pack 2.

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Slow Computer Speed: Wipe Off Everything / Reinstall Xp?

May 12, 2010

My laptop is an hp pavillion dv4000 version 2002(w/SP3), and I got it almost 3-4 years ago. It has, as expected, gotten slow over the years. But now, it's EXTREMELY slow. As in, it takes like 10 minutes to start up. It takes several minutes for my internet browser to pop up. Doing more than one thing at once is impossible. And I constantly have "Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low" popping up...from doing even the simplest tasks on it.

I really like this laptop and don't want to purchase a new one. I want to completely wipe off everything from the laptop and then reinstall windows XP so that I can start afresh. Problem is, I don't have the CD, my laptop never came with it. The manual says it already came with the recovery feature pre-installed.

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Computer Barely Moving / Responding Reinstall It

Jun 7, 2008

My windows xp started moving really slow so i tried to fix it by doing the following: RAN-- cceaner; iobit smartdefra; cwshredder; kasaspy remover; windows defender; deleted old java and replaced t with new sun java; troan kiler; drive detective; zone alarm security; advanced window care; ad-ware spy scanner. It runs slower after all that. It takes 2 mins to load any thing, screen freezes, would n't log on or off properly. Dell help line just tells me to reinstall windows. but i think my hard drive is ruined. i'm trying to save money by not taking the computer in to a shop.

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Reinstall Dell Dim 4600 - Computer Slow Down

Jul 24, 2008

My computer was going slow and pop-ups like crazy. So I backed up all of my information and got a new install disk from Dell. Heres the problem, When installing it keeps getting hung up on 36, 16, or 9 mins. It will not pass that point. I have exhausted all of my options, I restart checked all the cables, drained the power by pulling the cord and holding the power button then plugging it back in. Then called dell and they walked me through wiping the HD clean, by starting up in DOS and walking me through the steps. Well did all that and started install again, and once again it got hung up on 23 mins

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Uninstalling And Reinstall Xp Home / Cleared Off Computer?

Sep 2, 2005

I have windows xp pro installed on my computer. Can I uninstall that and reinstall windows xp home and have everything cleared off my computer? I want to clean everything off of it and start over.

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Computer Freezes - Reinstall Norton Antivirus

Jul 17, 2005

I've been having trouble with my computer freezing once it has been on for a while (>1hr 30 min), the mouse at first goes slow, then stops, and it also freezes sometimes whenever i put the capslock on (Weird, I know). I just reformatted my computer to solve the problem, installed Norton Anti-virus 2005, and defragmented it after all the windows update stuff was installed

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Continuous Restarting Of Computer Between Steps Of Reinstall

Oct 27, 2007

I complete each step just fine up to the point after the repair finishes and computer restarts, then goes to the blue windows xp setup screen (the screen that has the header "an exciting new look") with the text "setup is being restarted." this screen is shown for about 10 seconds, then the computer shuts down, restarts and repeats this "setup is being restarted."

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Bsod - Reinstall Formatt Drive - Norton System

Sep 25, 2006

Receiving the following on boot up: PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED All searches indicate GoBack by Roxio or Norton. Neither installed - Do not want to reinstall or format drive.

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Local Area Connection - Reinstall Operating System

Apr 7, 2006

I just reinstalled XP on my laptop and I tried to connect to the internet with a cable modem and when i looked the local area connection wasnt there. I dodnt have any connection and i am using a router. I tried the Connection Wizard and tried to make a new home/small office connection but that didnt work eather.

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Reformat Hard Drive - Reinstall Operating System

Nov 17, 2008

I want to reload XP PRO, clean the haed drive and give him a fresh start, yet it tells me that I have an earlier version and will not let me install it. It says to reboot and start using my XP Pro and it still does not work. I have checked the BIOS and everything is right in it, i.e boot from CD. I for the life of me cannot format this drive so I can reload a fresh copy of XP PRO and all the updates, and then some other programs. I am pulling my hair out over this. What am I missing that I cannot format and start over,

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Automatic Logon Screen - Reinstall Operating System

Jul 23, 2005

i just had to reinstall windows xp pro service 2 and i now have to go through the logon screen when before i never did. it just went straight to my windows screen.
how do i enable auto logon?

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Find Key To Reinstall Operating System With Rescue Disk

Jun 9, 2010

I'm having problems with my window XP opening. I have taken my hard drive out and put in an enclosure, and backed it up. Now I'm trying to determine the product key to reinstall it with the rescue disk.

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