Reformat My PC - Original Version Of Opertaing System
Feb 27, 2008
I want to reformat my PC but I don't have the windows disc as one never came with it.I have an original version of XP Professional and I don't want to lose it.
So how do I reformat?Is there a way to do so without using an XP disc?
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
Features: P4 Dell Laptop, 20GB HD, CD/DVD ROM drive, 3.5 floppy HD, running a Genuine copy of Windows XP Professional SP2, My laptop is really sluggish, I have done everything from defrag through to using reg cleaning utilities and deleting programs i dont need, i was thinking about reformatting my hard drive, however I dont have my original XP Pro cd. Is there a way of keeping my current OS and reformatting my hard drive on my laptop?
Can i install my old HD in a new comp setup by installing the OS over the exsisting OS on the HD?the currant OS is on a Dell and my new comp is AMD..the reason i ask is because i dont want to Format then reinstall the OS and Programs
I've tried everything and cant get the windows gui to theme its buttons and apps correctly (see attachment). It causes alot of apps to look all messed up... and navigating them almost imposible
I recently installed IE7 along with a batch of windows automatic updates, didn't like IE7 so am back on IE6. The problem is that now, when I try to access a website where, in the past, a small pop-up window would have appeared asking me for my username and password (yes THAT type of website ) the small window no longer appears and I get the 401 error returned from the website server. On websites where the apssword request is an integral part of the web-page there's no problem, only where in the past the small username / password would have appeared. Any ideas, I have allowed pop-ups, disabled firewalls and everything else but it just doesn't let me in. Also affects MSN music so I can't use my remaining credit either. Running XP with SP2 and all windows updates applied to date
i have been struggling with this issue for long now. My computer once it boots it gives the blue screen "" and then below it gives loading PBR 2...done after which the cursor blinks and stays there as long as the computer is on. It doesnt progress further.
Is there some setup parameter that was not set correctly when this system was built Q2 Is there a utility I can run against the HD to report/correct these problems ?Or can you suggest a plan of attack for this problem ?
im just asking for your opinion, comments and etc have you ever tried the new XP OS entitled: Windows XP media center 2010?? coz im planning to buy it soon.. i would like to hear your comments if its a good OS.. )
Laptop has become heavily virus infected and needs to be formatted. I do not have original operating system disk. It is out of warranty also. It does not boot up always. How can I format it in order to reinstall windows xp.
i need help putting my system back to it's original configurations. I have this crazy payment demander coming up from on something I never ordered and isn't on my computer.
i got an assembled system i gave a configuration of an original intel motherboard rather than chipset from china.i just want to confirm i got the original one.can you help in recognizing original one.
I have WIN XP PRO SP2 on my system. I have a 120G Harddrive. is it possible to reformst to a dual partition, 50% WIN 98 SE FAT the other half XP NTFS ? I dont have my original XP disk So I dont know if I will be able to reinstall my XP off of my backup disc.
My Pc has been come crippled with large amounts of spyware that make using the PC more and more diffcult each day. I was planning to complete a full system reformat, or system recovery as my manufacturer describes it. The PC was shipped with two drive C and D, both being a partition of one hard drive. I also added 3 further partitions to D, which means there are actually 5 drives. The computer manual says that when performing a system recovery, you can select to just recover the C partition, but it says that a recovery will provide an image of the PC's software when shipped, so does this mean it will restore the original partitions and lose my current partitions?
I have a Compaq Presario Media Center SR2034NX Desktop PC with XP installed from the factory. I needed to do a system recovery that should have put things back to the place they were when I purchased it.10-21-07. It restored things but not back to the original install.Can I do system restore without useing the programs system restore feature? If so, I could restore to an earlier date when things were ok.
I have reformatted many times and took the same steps I always do, Ctl F11, agreed to erase and continue, etc. When I was told to continue, instead of my computer reformatting smoothly, I was given an error saying that it could not be completed and a black screen saying only that an error occured and to hit Ctl + Alt + Dlt, I was brought back to the same black screen asking to restart.
An IBM computer and it's windows XP. I want to reformat it and could someone tell me how to do it please? Because everytime I try getting information it tells me to insert my windows XP disc but I don't have one.
I started to reformat an old laptop and made it through disc one of my recovery discs. I'm guessing one of my cats knocked the power cord out of the computer. The battery died before disc two could finish. Now when I turn it on it says it can't find the operating system. It was working perfectly fine prior to this, just really slow, and I can see the hard drive is still there through BIOS.
I have an 8 month old Dell xp system and have just caught something nasty. I cant do a sytem restore, dl/run any software tools, and its so slow that the system is pretty much useless. Dell says that they think it is spyware and they can fix me right up for just $49.95. I think I have everything I need backed up, so I was thinking about wiping my hard drive and starting over for free. Could someone walk me through it? Then, could someone point me in the right direction to keep this from happening again.
I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.
I want to reload XP PRO, clean the haed drive and give him a fresh start, yet it tells me that I have an earlier version and will not let me install it. It says to reboot and start using my XP Pro and it still does not work. I have checked the BIOS and everything is right in it, i.e boot from CD. I for the life of me cannot format this drive so I can reload a fresh copy of XP PRO and all the updates, and then some other programs. I am pulling my hair out over this. What am I missing that I cannot format and start over,
Whats the difference between a FAST reformat and a SLOW reformat when I reinstall WIN XP Home? I got a damned WinFixer ad ware crap program that keeps reappearing after I re install windows XP and did a FAST reformat. Wouldnt that wipe out that Ad -Ware?
I've heard many bad things about vista but also many goods things. I can now get any version of it i wish and was wondering if it was primary-os good yet? Anyone with experience with using the latest's build's opinion would be much apreciated.
I know you all are always up to date onto personal computer things and news about it.But lets fly up the imaginations, and wonders.Lets say, There's a new windows version, the newest, the 2008.What would you hope that in that version would appear?What hopes you have! what do you think it will appear.