Freezing Up System - Computer Gets Slow

Jan 4, 2005

Last year when my computer slowed down, you helped me out with Hijack This, Adaware and Spybot Search. I am having the same problems again freezing up, very slow. Do you still recommend running these same programs? Can you tell me which one to do first and how to get/send you the Hijack This log?

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Computer Running Very Slow: System Freezing Randomly?

Feb 8, 2009

About a week back I seem to have gotten a virus that tried to act like a windows firewall popup in an attempt to get me to download bogus software that would do bad things to my computer, well I didn't fall for it, but AVG didn't pikc the virus up right away. But after a day or two it did, and stoped it, but it also found a few other viruses hiding out in windows restore files. I'm actually not sure if this is related to my main problem, but it happened around the same time so I'm reporting it. Ok shortly after I got rid of those viruses my computer started freezing. But I'm not talking about a total lock up. Its kinda like a slow freeze.

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Computer Too Slow And Freezing

Aug 7, 2010

I am staying with my sister in law for a few days and have tried to clean and update her computer for her but have had only limited success so far. I have run a HiJack This scan and attach it below. Itt would be appreciated if someone could have a look at it and see if there is anything else I can do.

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Slow Explorer - Freezing System - 256 MB RAM

Apr 2, 2006

My windows explorer runs really really slow when you simply click on files that are about the size of an mp3 or larger. This is especially noticable with my secondary drive (F: drive) and the mp3 player that I connect via USB that acts as an external drive (G when plugged to the computer. My computer does run a lot in the background, most of it being junk for the stupid satellite internet system (yes, laugh. I hate it), but it still seems odd that, especially with movies, I can't even get them to open at all; it just freezes, but if I do start>run and put in the file name, it goes fine. I've got Windows 2000 with 256 MB RAM.

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Computer's Been Freezing Up - Running Slow

Nov 24, 2007

My computer has been hanging, freezing up completely, and generally driving me crazy. Web pages don't respond, they stay open for hours after I try to close them.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0

Scan saved at 7:45:22 AM, on 11/24/2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)

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Slow, Lagging, Freezing Computer

Apr 13, 2007

I have had my Windows XPfor 4 years. Now let me just says its Slow and always crashes and now the toolbar is freezing. How do i solve the problem? So far i have tried:But it’s still slow and crashes all the time. Any one know what the problem is? Also tried a system restore but it still goes slow.

* Ad Ware Check
* Spy Ware Check
* Virus Check
* Cleaning up the Hard drive
* Disk Defragmenter

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Computer Slow Constantly Freezing

Aug 31, 2005

My computer is so slow and constantly freezing...I constantly get a pop up warning about virtual minimum being too low, i went in and checked and the min was like 256 and the max was 5hundred something....I have scanned with avg, and housecall...nothing, I scanned with spybot, ad-aware, and Microsoft anti spyware...NOTHING...which i find it hard to believe im not accumulating any spyware but whatever... so 9i upgraded to high speed...No difference whatsoever... I am ready to throw this thing out the window... I was thinking of reformatting, but my mom sent me here instead....

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Computer Is Going So Slow / Freezing All Time

Jul 20, 2010

my computer is going so slow and freezing all the time i have avg virus program and its not picking anything wrong with the computer up and i cant still defrag or anything .I know i was told it would be best to format it but im not sure how to do it as i have a external hard drive know also so could someone please tell me how to get all my stuff over to the hard drive and how to format this computer cause knowing me ill wipe it all out.

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Computer Running Slow: Freezing 3 Times A Day?

Jan 16, 2005

im running on windows xp but for the past week or so my computer has been running extremely slow constantly freezing and at least 3 times a day it restarts on its own and i desperately need it to work because its the only computer with a printer and i have alot of things that need to be typed as soon as possible please someone help me out

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System Running Slow And Freezing After Opening An Email?

Jul 1, 2010

A few days ago, someone apparently hacked into my wife's Yahoo email account and sent out a bunch of bogus emails to people in her address book, including myself. The email contained a link. Since she sometimes sends me stuff to check out, I made the supreme mistake of clicking on it. It took me to some pharmaceutical site and I knew it was bogus and clicked out immediately. But the damage seems to have been done.

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Downloaded An Update: Computer Is Freezing And Running Slow?

Apr 29, 2005

Downloaded what I thought what is an update... now my computer is freezing and running slow, denying access to programs.I have windows 2000 professional and a microsoft (or at least what I thought was a microsoft) update popped up. I went ahead and downloaded and that is when the problems started. Can anyone help? Did I download a virus?

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Computer Freezing Randomly / System Restore Wont Work?

Jun 24, 2005

PC Freezing up. Restored to two weeks ago whenh didn't have the prob but still frezing. Usually after 5-30 mins of use.Started after BBand installed. Wonder if its an overheating prob.CPU variesd fromm 65-82C when idle and fan sticks at 2163 revs and doesn't change.

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Slow Startup And Random Freezing

Mar 4, 2007

My pc takes ages to boot up and when it does it has started to randomly freeze. I've ran various scans such as registry mechanic and spyware doctor and nothing has been found.

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Slow & Keep Freezing - Not Responding - Can Improve

Apr 11, 2010

My computer is so slow it keeps freezing. it is always saying it is not responding so I have to push ctrl, alt & delete and then end program. it is driving me to drink it is so slow. What can I do to improve it.

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N Force Audio Drivers Causing Slow Down / Freezing

Jan 11, 2008

I found recently (since last reinstall) that my mic input was not working. I figured it might be that the mic input was being used for 5.1, but not being able to find this option in windows anywhere remembered that the NVmixer had loads of options to change all this. So i dug out the old driver cd, installed the nForce2 audio drivers and programs and restart.Since then when my pc starts up it either freezes (starting with open apps, then single beep and total freeze), or slows right down to the point where task manager will take 2-4mins to open on three fingering.

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System Very Slow - Computer Gets Struck

Aug 1, 2010

My computer is very very slow to start. sometimes my computer gets struck and i can't acces any applications, in this case i have no other way than to restart.sometimes if i let my computer switched on for some time without doing any thing then all my applications tend to be very slow. i can't watch videos on streaming.

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System Process At 99%: Computer Extremely Slow?

Jul 6, 2010

In the Task Manager it goes between about 85 to 99%. And no, I'm not looking at the System Idle Process as so many newbies do. A few days ago I had the motherboard replaced as it was bad. It was done at a service place in Tijuana. They had to reformat the hard disk and reinstall my versions of XP and my upgrade to XP Pro. Then I have been updating via the internet to the Windows updates including Service Pac 3.

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Slow Computer Speed: System Using 100% Resources?

Sep 2, 2008

The comp's CPU usage is almost always running at 100%. I can see this in the task manager and the fans always seem to be running on overdrive (very loud). Sometimes it'll calm down and usage will run at a normal level but this is only for a short time and then it jumps back up and fans as well. I thought at first it might be my AVG antivirus but i've removed and still have the same problem.

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Computer Started To Slow Down: System Try Wont Appear?

Sep 25, 2006

recently i have noticed my computer has started to slow down, when i start the comp the system tray items used to apear immediately but now is soo firewall is off..i dont know if the slowness is a result of installing Music Match? but the computer has surely become slower on startup.i did however have some spyware on my comp which i removed, this was a result of installing a trial version of ZoneAlarm 6.5 WHICH IS SOOO UNSTABLE...

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Computer Running Slow: Cpu Using 100% Of System Resources?

Sep 24, 2009

computer is running slow, his cpu is always at 100% usage

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Computer Running Extremely Slow - Done System Restore

Jun 7, 2010

it takes forever to do anything. It's like it can only do one thing at a time its so slow. When I turn it on and log into my profile, it takes about 5 mins for it to load the desktop and about another 5 mins to load the antivirus software (Norton Security Suite 2010). The same goes for everything I do on this computer, it takes a while for the internet browser (IE 8 and FireFox), opening any program on this computer takes a while to load up. I have run Norton and it doesn't come up with anything. I have done a system restore a couple of times but it doesn't seem to help any

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System Idle Process / Computer Running Slow?

Jul 10, 2005

well i've been having problems with the computer running slow, and ive noticed that the system idle process in task manager always says 99 under the cpu tab, is this normal?

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Slow Running Computer: Found No Virus In System?

Apr 7, 2008

I am having problems with my computer running slow. It does not seem to matter what I do it still runs to slow. I am running Windows xp, have no viruses that have been detected but all my programs run slowly. What can I do to fix this problem???

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Computer Running Slow - System Crash - Firefox

Oct 17, 2008

Lately my computer has been having many issues regarding its performance. It's an old computer, about 4 yrs old. HP Pavillion, Windows XP. It runs at around 100% when I have about 3 or 4 programs open, when I restart I almost always receive a message about hardware monitor finding an error. At one time I was wondering if my mouse or keyboard could be the culprit. Sometimes when I am opening tabs in new windows on firefox, and right click with my opens the site in a new window or it shows me the element properties, tries to save the page, bookmark it, etc. I have scanned for viruses and have come up with nothing. I am afraid to turn my computer off because I don't know if it will come back. I've done about three whole system restores on it (all of which have had issues that have resolved if the restore has been started and then let to rest for a few days.)

Another issue last night, was that Firefox would not respond when I entered a website. It would say that it was finding the site, but then it would say "done" very quickly. I put the computer in hibernate (and the part that says "windows is preparing to hibernate" looked drastically different.) This morning I wanted to find out the problem with firefox. i got a message about how firefox had crashed and needed to be restarted. I clicked on "restart firefox" and my computer had a bluescreen error and crashed. This is the message I recieved from windows about that: Blue screen error caused by a device or driver. You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing: Keep Turning The Computer On And Off?

Mar 13, 2008

In recent weeks the computer screen keeps freezing with the cursor being replaced by the hour glass symbol. This usually happens after several hours computer usage - but sometimes it occurs soon after the computer is turned on.When this happens, I am unable to log off; the computer on/off button does not work when the screen freezes and I have to turn the computer off at the mains.In order to be able to log back into my broadband internet connection I have to turn the computer and and off twice and then on again Sometimes when the computer screen image freezes a message box appears always saying "End programme" (i.e. "End programme - CiceroUIWndFrame" or "End programme - mixer").

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Computer Running Slow: System Making Unwanted Sounds?

Sep 1, 2009

Unusually slow system; unsure where to go from here.machine runs very slowly for the processor and for the amount of processes running.There is some degree of visual skipping/slowness,it is particularly apparent with audio and visual media. Even the startup sound is very drawn out and is characterized by a long, skipping echo. Music skips randomly and even alert noises, (such as the one heard when ending a process) has the same skipping/echo. This happens even when there are few apparent processes running and very little CPU usage (such as 5%), as well as when the system is overloaded (which happens remarkably quickly for the 20-30 processes running).

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My System Is Freezing

Jan 5, 2006

Back in November, my computer wouldn't recognize the hard drive. After replacing the hard drive, it still wouldn't recognize it. So I replaced the motherboard. I have since been plagued with a problem... Every so often, the computer freezes up, I can't operate the mouse or keyboard and must reset the system. It's not just during one process that it occurs. It's almost always when I run Outlook Express, but it happens at other times, too.

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Computer Freezing

Dec 28, 2005

Hi! I just recently installed 256 MB of RAM and Windows XP. My computer has started freezing a lot lately. I have to turn computer off and back on. Help.

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Freezing System - Got Too Many Viruses

Jul 30, 2005

although, I work in the it field, my specialty is not in adware/trojan or virus removal when the major vendors norton/mcafee refuse to delete the file. I've acquired and run hijack this and need some assistance in deciphering it as my system keeps freezing recently and it is really driving me a bit crazy since I don't have as much time as I would like to investigate each and every file that seems to be appearing through virus scans and startup utilities.

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Computer Freezing And Beeping

Aug 9, 2007

I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.

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Computer Freezing For 2 Secs Then Ok

Oct 11, 2005

I reformatted my C: drive today and installed win xp pro fresh and now its doing this.

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