Can't Find Opertion System

Sep 7, 2008

I have a Compaq presario 2700 was working fine when I shut it down. Went to turn it back on I got this message: Operation System not found

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Unable To Find System Restore In The System?

May 29, 2006

I formatted my pc the other day cause i had so much rubbish on it that i thought it would be easier to do so. I normally play yahoo pool so i need java sun for it too work or microsoft virtual machine, I prefer using virtual machine cause it loads easier and doesnt seem to crash. i cant install virtual machine onto my pc cause it says i have the wrong operating system for that version. java sun 5.0 is installed on my pc but not properly and wont load so i went to unistall it and get this message "error transforms, verify that the specified transform path is valid" I'm not sure what to do, I was gonna do a system restore but i cannot even find that on my pc.

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Find The System Info

Mar 7, 2005

Would somebody please tell me how to find "paging of kernel" & "large system cache" on my computer

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Can't Find System Tools

Jul 22, 2004

I cannot find my "system tools" which should be under >start>all programs>accessories>sytem tools

I have tried doing a search for them. Can you please tell me where to look for them and to put them back where they belong. I want to do a system restore point and can't.

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System Cannot Find File

May 23, 2008

When trying to run my Iomega backup, I receive an error on a file: "The system cannot find the file".When trying to delete this file, I receive the message "Cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk".The file has 0 bytes and is not in use it is not marked read only.

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System Cannot Find The File Specified

Oct 28, 2005

I have started getting the following message in my event viewer: Event ID 7000 Service Control Manager The SVKP service failed to start.
The system cannot find the file specified. I did a search for SVKP on the services displayed via Sysinfo and got the following result:
??windows Kernal Driver State=stopped I did a full search for SVKP on my hard drive but came up with nothing

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Cannot Find System Restore

Oct 22, 2005

please a message came up on my computer saying reset system restore. i clicked control panel, system, (it said click system restore tab but i don't see a system restore tab) there about six tabs general ,hardware,etc but i cannot find sys restore. as you can see i am a complete novice? this took about half an hour to type.

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GetLastError()=2: The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Nov 2, 2008

"GetLastError()=2: The system cannot find the file specified"

This is the error message I get when trying to uninstall a program (corel painter). I can't even access the program. When I do I get a "R6002 floating point cannot be loaded error."

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Computer Can't Find My Operating System

Oct 23, 2005

Ok I feel as if all i had is lost. I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP . I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system

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Can't Find MS Backup In System Tools

Nov 22, 2006

Some time ago (can't remember exactly when) I created a Backup of Files (documents, pictures, etc) using Accessories/Systyem Tools/ MS Backup.
Had to restore hard drive after a crash but now can't find MS Backup program to use to restore my Backup. Where can I download this application?
Microsft Update has just finished installing all XP updates on my computer but MS Backup is not one of them)

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The System Cannot Find The File Specified Installing Sp2

Jun 28, 2005

I have a PC with XP sp2 home addition. there are some corrupt files due to a virus (cleaned now). When I try to either reinstall or deinstall Windows XP sp2 I receive the "the system cannot find the file specified" error. I extracted the sp2 .exe file and run the update.exe file and get the same error. I tried to look at the event viewer, but, it is corrupt as well

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Trying To Reformat - Can't Find Operating System

Oct 1, 2010

I started to reformat an old laptop and made it through disc one of my recovery discs. I'm guessing one of my cats knocked the power cord out of the computer. The battery died before disc two could finish. Now when I turn it on it says it can't find the operating system. It was working perfectly fine prior to this, just really slow, and I can see the hard drive is still there through BIOS.

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Find The Space Hogs On My System

Jun 9, 2005

I am looking for a way to find the space hogs on my system with out having to look at the properties of each home folder of 1100 users

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HJT Log - Bsod - Find Operating System

Jan 1, 2006

I am sure you will need a HJT log but can't remember how to get one. This computer has been starting up fine but if i walk away I comp back to :1962 no operating system found. Press f1 to repeat boot sequence and when I do that I get a weird graph and more errors. I don;t know where to start. If you advise how to get a log maybe that's where I should begin.

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System Not Find Sound Driver

Mar 5, 2006

Right i had a fried hard drive so i took it to a local store and got them to put a new one on and load windows, great. Problem is i have no sound, for whatever reason windowns xp hasn't found it. Is there a universal driver or something i can install?

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Find Missing Drivers Of System

Oct 20, 2007

Reinstalled WinXP and now all my drivers are missing. This CPU was custom made. At first i thought all i had to do was download the chipset and the geforce 4 driver. But now i'm confused.

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Can't Find An Operating System - How To Get Start?

Jan 4, 2005

I just built myself a new computer. I figured that I'd need to install the motherboard software first, then XP. When the computer starts up it says that it can't find an OS. This is because I haven't installed it yet. How do I install it or what process do I need to take?

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The System Cannot Find The File Specified During Microsoft Installations

Oct 28, 2008

I am having problems being able to install updates from microsoft. I uninstalled SP3 and when trying to reinstall, I get the "The system cannot find the file specified" message. This message also occurs when starting Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint etc.I tried renaming SoftwareDistribution folder & deleting contents but to no avail. I tried manual download in safemode but same error.

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Error Message: Can't Find Operating System

Jan 30, 2007

I got back from class today and my computer was frozen. I forced a reboot. When it tries to load windows XP, I get an error message that says: Operating System Not Found Can/Should I load with the boot disks? I CAN NOT loose the info on my hard drive.

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System Could Not Find The Phonebook Entry For Connection ?

Aug 27, 2006

Ok, I'm losing my patience with my dial-up connection. I signed up with a new provider and I am getting this message under the Network and Dial-Up Connections window.

Error 623: The System Could Not Find the Phonebook Entry for this Connection

I can connect to the internet via dial-up but it periodically drops my connection and I get the above error message. I am still able to connect to my old dial-up provider and I don't get this error or get dropped. I'm skepitcal that it's the way I initially set up the new connection with the new provider. I found this link ( to microsoft'ss website addressing the issue but it does no help me.

It says to do the following;

1.Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Network and Dial-up Connections.
2.Right-click the Virtual Private Connection in question, and then click Properties.
3.Select the "Dial another connection first" check box, and then select the appropriate Dial-up connection from the drop-down list box. If there is no Dial-up connection to choose from in this location, you may have to create a Dial-up connection and then repeat these steps.

BUT there is no option to "Dial another connection first" check box. It just doesn't exist

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System Cannot Find File Specified Problem When Unzipping

Jun 23, 2007

I've tried and searched throughout the wholeee web it seems like, and I just can't figure out this problem. This error message pops up everytime I try to unzip a .exe file. I've already checked for antivirus programs that might be blocking it, but there's nothing.

I just can't figure it out. All the other stuff from the .zip unzips, but when it reaches the .exe file it gives the error.

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Lost Licensing Number - System Itself Find?

Mar 20, 2006

Because of some funky stuff going on with my computer (corrupted files, virus, etc), I was planning on wiping everything off and starting over. Much to my dismay, I found that one of my darling children had peeled the sticker off the side of the computer with the Windows XP licensing agreement number on it. I know that's the first thing you need when reinstalling Windows XP. Is there anyplace in the system itself to find this number or am I going to be forced to buy another copy of Windows XP?

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Find Code Of Validate Operating System

Apr 19, 2007

Computer has a bad virus and am planning on wiping the drive and re-installing windows. Problem is that I cannot find my key code to validate windows. Is it somewhere on my computer?

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Find System Tools From Programs List

Apr 19, 2007

Working on my pastor's pc running XP Pro and I've the majority of it cleaned up but when I look under where it's supposed to be programs/accesories/system tools>system restore it's not there. I do a file search and it doesn't come up. So, how do I restore the system restore so I can create a restore point? I've never had this before.

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System Unable To Find Temservices.exe File

Dec 11, 2007

help me after scanning my computer with avg i get this warning: "Windows cannot find "COCUME~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~1Tempservices.exe".Make sure you typed the same corrently, and then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click Search.Ok. I want to get rid of this Warning. It appears on desk top whenever i startup computer. My friend tells me it is to do with regedit.

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System Slow Down Unable To Find Resource Of It?

Aug 18, 2008

My computer slowed down considerably a few days ago (it takes five minutes to open a word document) and sometimes freezes up. I've run three antispyware/antivirus programs and found nothing.

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System Slow Down Unable To Find Resource Of It?

Dec 24, 2006

scanned pc no bugs or virusese

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System Configuration Utility: Unable To Find Files?

Mar 2, 2008

When I go to "start" "run" and type in "msconfig" I get an error message that says the file can't be found. Any idea on where to find it?

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Can't Find System Restore Shortcut On Start Menu

Aug 26, 2005

I can still use system restore; but my problem is I can't seem to locate system restore on the start menu, I know that it used to be there. Is there any way to put the icon back on the start menu? Running Window XP Home Edition.

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System Wont Find Any Default Drivers After OS Installation?

Feb 2, 2010

I've got three exactly the same computers (HP and also all the components are identical). They came with new, unformatted, HD's. When I got them I formatted the HD's and installed Windows XP Professional (no SP) and everything worked fine.I now wanted to make a fresh start, so I formatted the HD's once again and installed Windows XP Professional (SP3). After this install I noticed that a number of devices weren't working. I checked the device manager and saw the audio device, ethernet port and video controller in the list, but with a yellow exclamation mark. It saw the devices, but it didn't install the drivers.

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Unable To Find Icon Restorer For System Tray?

Jun 14, 2005

I run WinXP/SP1. Is there some utility which will restore icons which have disappeared from the system tray ("notification area" )?I do not want to use the option for "Hide Inactive Icons" in the properties menu for Start/Toolbar.

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