Lost Huge System Space Of 7gig Automatically?

Feb 9, 2008

I have win xp and my hard drive is literally vanishing while I watch. For example: I deleted nearly 7 gigs worth of stuff from it and checked properties on it, and during the course of a half hour it dropped from 7 gigs to approximately 8megs all by itself. I have not downloaded anything, but I have noticed for some time my space has been vanishing on me. I have msn internet service and it has been creating duplicate emails at an alarming rate. I m not sure if this is the culprit or not but when I deleted it i suddenly had 6 gigs back.

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Lost Huge Folder

Oct 7, 2005

I had my thumb on the left mouse key with a folder selected in wdws explorer tree and was startled by a sound outside. I inadvertantly "dragged" that folder to the left of the tree -- and now that whole huge folder has disappeared. It is not in the recycle bin, and I have even searched the drive with wdws "find files."

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Lost Space On Physical Memory / System Asking For Login Options?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a memory problem, I have 248 MB of physical memory and only 88MB free. That is better than it was last night -- last night I had only 33MB free. My virtual memory is 606 MB with 244MB free.I cannot access certain things all of a sudden -- for instance, when I click in the system tools to do a disk defrag it never comes up. When I click on the Set Program Access and Defaults it never comes up. In control panel when I click on any of the icons in Administrative Tools -- none of them open.when the computer boots up it has the screen where it is asking for a password

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Free Space Is Automatically Occupied

Dec 28, 2006

I'm having some issues with my Free Space on my C: partition. The C partition has 40GB of space. When I add Program files, Windows, Documents and Settings, it shows that I use around 6GB of space. With nothing in Temp and Recycle Bin, I should have 34 GB of free space. However, I have only 5.5 GB. Does anyone know where my 34 GB of free space may have disappeared? I tried defragmenting my C partition but it couldn't defragment all files. Here is the report. It doesn't tell me much. You may be able to "read" it.

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Automatically Rebooted - Files Lost

Oct 16, 2009

My computer rebooted itself a few days ago. When it did this my computer stopped at the log in user screen. I've never had any other users setup on my computer. When rebooting it always goes straight to the windows desktop. After that I noticed that my desktop picture and all of the folders I had on the desktop were gone. My favorites were removed form IE8 and I keep getting a security settings warning bar that doesn't let me fix it. I click fix my setting and it looks like it does then on the next page it pops up again. So I had to create another user with admin rights to use for the internet. I can find all of my files that were on the desktop but they are showing up under user owner but if I log into widows with user owner they don't show up. I also show another user with no admin rights and is password protected. ASP.NET machine A?

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Reinstalling - Lost Automatically Double Click

Jan 26, 2005

I used to have a automatic double click when I clicked once,reinstalled XP and have lost it,How can I get it back?

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Lost Disk Space

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using XP Home with SP2. When I Look at the properties of the C: drive, it says I have used approx 55GB with 19GB left. The Defrag utility says the same. However, when I look at all the space used in all the directories on C: I appear only to have used about 25GB, which is actually more like what I think I'm using. Can anyone please point me to what might be using up the huge amount of extra space - it's a hell of a lot to go missing and I'd like to retrieve it.

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Computer Has Lost Disk Space

Aug 4, 2005

I have a Dell server with a 400GB HD. After installing Windows 2000 Server, Disk Management only reads 10GB of disk space for Partition C: and 120GB for Partition D:. Between drives C: and D: the total disk space is about 130GB. I lost almost 270GB of space. I installed Acronis Disk Director to see if I can recover that 270GB of missing space. Well Acronis only sees the same amount that Windows does.Is there any other utility that I can use to regain that lost space.

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Recover Lost Space From Partition

Aug 1, 2002

After partitioning, my 80 GB HDD is only 74.5GB. Can I recover the lost space using Partition Magic or something.

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Hard Drive Space Lost

Nov 13, 2007

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I recently replaced a bad motherboard which forced me to wipe my hard drive since it was set up in a raid format. I currently have 2 120GB hard drives which is equivalent of about 198GB total.When I reinstalled Windows I made 1 partition of about 30GB for Windows and other programs only and created the other partition with the rest of the hard drive without really looking at the GBs avail on it. Once Windows was installed I noticed that the 2nd partition only had 120GB giving me 150GB total. I booted from the Windows CD again and did not see any unaccounted space from the hard drive.

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Lost 400gb Disc Space

Sep 5, 2007

I'm in a bit of a pickle. In februari I bought a pc with Vista. Having nothing but problems on the way, I decided to upgrade to XP (yes, upgrade).Everything went fine and the installation was a succes, except that my hard disc is only 127gb now instead of the 500gb I used to have.I thought, no problem, I'll just install PartionMagic 8, repartition the free space and I'm good to go.Partion Magic cannot find the extra space, however, a demo version of Partition Table Doctor 3,5 can. The problem is, if I scan the free space I get nothing but bad sectors and the program can't seem to restore or repair the extra space.I'm going to call the company I bought it from today, but I'm afraid my warrenty is invalid, since I reformatted the drive and lost the recovery files as well.500GB hard disc, in Vista it was prepartitioned into C: at 470GB and D: at 30 as recovery space.One strange thing I noticed, but can't reproduce now, I found a Linux partition of about 7MB using either PartitionMagic or Doctor, can't find it anymore though..

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Lost Hard Disk Space

Apr 3, 2009

My Lenovo laptop has 100GB. However, after practically having minimum programs (MS Office 07), plus whatever default comes with Lenovo, I am still left with 25GB! There is practically no music and no movies.I ran WinDirStat, and surprisingly under C: it shows 33.2 GB. As I only have one drive, 33.2 GB (C:) + 25 GB free (diskspace) is not equal to 100 GB.I have deleted temp files, perform disk cleanup, defrag, check that I have no system restore backup file on my hard disk.

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Lost Space After A Failed Installation Attempt?

Aug 29, 2007

I went to install nero 7 ultra. then i realized I didnt have enough space for the whole install. I hit cancel at some point in the install and lost about a gig. My laptop has like no free room

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Lost 5Gb Of Hard Disk Space Over Night?

Feb 24, 2007

I had 22 gigs free of 40 gig hard drive and today morning i have 17.5 gig free. I have dld few linkin park songs. That's it. I ran disk clean up, i have evidence eliminator i have tried just about everything and still instead of freeing up space i am actually loosing space. I had 18.5 half an hour ago and now 17.5? i don't no what i should del please help me out. Computer is a bit slow so i no i m a running out of space but at this rate i will have no space in a week

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Lost Hard Drive Space And A Blue Screen

Oct 7, 2005

1.I have a dell digital jukebox mp3 player that allows for storage of data or music. I tried to copy a 600mb file from the mp3 player onto my hard drive. I had a little over 600 mb of space left on my hard drive (a total storage capacity of 6GB). It said i had run out of space. So i deleted some files, move some things around and i had 1.1 GB of space free for this transfer. i tried again and this time again the message i got was not enough space on drive c:/. So i cancelled out and checked to see what i had on my hard drive, 500mb free!!!?? So i have lost hard drive space and not gain a file...So i investigated and found that i have 1.81 GB of data on c: documents settingsuser. but once i get into user, i have 6 folders none of which display nearly that much data. They are, favorites, start menu, cookies, desktop, my documents, and a file named ntuser. the ntuser file is 1mb, and my desktop has 700 or so mb on it. So my question is how can i get back this lost hd space,

2.Blue screen. Im on xp pro sp1, i use adaware, registry mechanic, and im generally tidy with my windows; note, reinstalling windows did not solve this. I never used to have this issue, but lately when i go to open or close certain programs i jump to blue screen. it references trixdp.dll i think it was, and then "begin physical dump of memory" i must reboot at this point. I use VLC media player, and exiting this program mandates a blue screen. Just now i exited mozilla browser and this was the first time i got blue screen from this program.

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Clean Free Space - Recover My Lost Data

Sep 17, 2005

I recently installed a internet cleaning tool called R-Wipe&Clean v5.1 which is located at http://www.r-tt.com/ When I perform the 'Clean Unused Space' which is one of its functions on a selected drive,to my horror all my data were deleted.When I go to check my disk management under admin tools in the control panel,its file system is not stated(FAT32 or NTFS).Please can you tell me how can I recover my lost data.Pls recommend a software to do this

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Lost 20GB Space Of Hard Disk / Unable To Recover?

Sep 26, 2007

i was infested with spyware so i decided to use a programe called clean wipe which it said wiped everything off your computer after wipeing i reinstalled windows xp sp2 but it would only let me partition 20gb but before the wipe i had 40gb so ive lost 20gb somewhere.

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System Formatting-during Updation System Reboots Automatically

Mar 5, 2007

I formatted my system with Windows 2000 professional.

I installed SP4 after that.and anti virus software

Then i tried to update my system..there were around 50 odd updates.

but during the updation...my system reboot automatically.

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System Restore To Save Space - Backup System Files

Aug 12, 2002

By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to back up your system files:1. Open the Control Panel2. Double-click on system3. Click the System Restore tab4. Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives"5. Hit Apply6. You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to restore your system in case of failure.

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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HUGE Folder 22.2 GB

Apr 15, 2008

I had 1% free space on my laptop hard drive (OS: Windows XP). After deleting nearly all my music, emails, photos, and documents, there is now 7% free space. I think the problem is my Windows folder, which is 22.2 GB (18,391 Files; 1,819 Folderswhy this folder is big so.

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System Reboots Itself Automatically

Dec 6, 2005

I am really without a clue, the only hardware modification I have done is install two more 512mb sticks of ram. I had two and installed 2 more all same type Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200). So now I am running 2 gigs of ram. It rebooted and I got the boots screen to choose type of boot.....last good config, ect....I chose normal and it gave me the xp windows screen with the horizontal progress graphic and then it kinda hangs on a black screen for a bit and finally it will give me the user/password window.

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System Automatically Shutsdown

Jan 12, 2006

The ati2dvag display has stopped working normally. Save your work & reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to microsoft After computer is on 15 minutes or so it everytihng appears to be in safe mode. It isn't but that is what it looks like, words are HUGE Computer is also shutting off every 15 mintues or so, it is a new Toshiba Laptop which is running Windows XP.

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Log On - System Automatically Restarts

Jun 23, 2005

Every time I either log off of an account or switch user, as soon as I enter the password on another account, they computer immediately restarts without warning. I'm running XP Pro?

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System Turn On Automatically

Jul 28, 2008

I need a way to get my PC to turn on after 5 minutes if it's turned off accidentally. I have an FTP server running, and everything works once it's turned on ie it's configured to work upon startup, but the problem is, it's in my office, and people keep turning it off. How annoying. How can I get it to turn back on if anyone turns it off.

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Huge Size Of Folder

Feb 19, 2008

OS: windows XP sp2, physical memory:1.5 GB any one knows why my windows folder size is 5 GB.it was 2 GB when my windows was new installed .but after the automatic updates installed , and after i installed Visual studio 2005 ,and other softwares it became 5 GB in size.

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Folder On F Drive Is HUGE

Aug 12, 2009

Am trying to do a bit of tidying and my F (main) drive has a WINDOWS folder that is 59.6Gb. When I do properties on the folder's contents (including show hidden files) IT ONLY COMES OUT AT 3.3 gB. there there's over 55Gb of stuff that I can;t access to see what I need and what I can delete.

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System32 Folder Is Huge

Aug 11, 2008

I happen to notice the size of the WindowsSystem32 folder to be a surprising 892 MB. Checking the size of the Windows folder showed a 383 GB size on disk. Aren't these numbers a tad on the large side? Is my system failing to purge trash and temp files by attaching some strange extention on files? Are log files ever labled as anything other than .log? Or temp files ever something besides .tmp? Fellow tech freaks, I await thy wisdom. If I'm just being paranoid, and my OS folders aren't bloated, please pass on anything I can do to keep an eye out for commonly overlooked bad habits of windows xp sp2 including file and folder build-up, leading to sluggish start-up and general degrading of simple operations.

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Huge Mistake - Csrss.exe

Jun 10, 2005

I made a huge mistake on a friend's computer. I removed a file when a virus software told me to. Unfortunately it was wrong and it thought it was a virus. Now I have to know how I can put the file back. It is csrss.exe

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Services.exe File - 70% CPU Huge

Dec 31, 2006

For some reason, my services.exe file on my computer is hogging my CPU, usually holding around 70% of my CPU usage. I'm not sure at all why this is happening. I recently installed a Kensington Bluetooth adapter, could that be the problem? I started having this problem a few days ago, about 5 days after I installed the adapter...

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