Lost 400gb Disc Space

Sep 5, 2007

I'm in a bit of a pickle. In februari I bought a pc with Vista. Having nothing but problems on the way, I decided to upgrade to XP (yes, upgrade).Everything went fine and the installation was a succes, except that my hard disc is only 127gb now instead of the 500gb I used to have.I thought, no problem, I'll just install PartionMagic 8, repartition the free space and I'm good to go.Partion Magic cannot find the extra space, however, a demo version of Partition Table Doctor 3,5 can. The problem is, if I scan the free space I get nothing but bad sectors and the program can't seem to restore or repair the extra space.I'm going to call the company I bought it from today, but I'm afraid my warrenty is invalid, since I reformatted the drive and lost the recovery files as well.500GB hard disc, in Vista it was prepartitioned into C: at 470GB and D: at 30 as recovery space.One strange thing I noticed, but can't reproduce now, I found a Linux partition of about 7MB using either PartitionMagic or Doctor, can't find it anymore though..

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Free Space Inaccuracies?? Calculating Disc Space?

Mar 14, 2006

I've noticed sometimes that the Free Space on my harddrives won't reflect changes I've made. For example, on my 28.6gb F: drive, I had about 586mb free. I just deleted a video file of about 700 mb, so it should be up to about 1.2 gb. Oddly enough, its still at 586mb.

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Disc Space Error

Mar 21, 2006

I tried to google this problem, but entering not enough space into google comes up with a lot of random junk... e.g. zoo websites with not enough space for animals!When I install any programs they all report that i have my 23gb free, which windows and all hd space reporting programs say, but when they actually go to install they say not enough space.

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Disc Drives Space Used But No Files

Mar 2, 2005

crash lost everything on my drive. I reinstalled and have run some recovery programs and recovered the files that were still intact. One of my disk drives I had to reformat and I have put maybe a Gig of files back on it. Windows explorer is showing that it has 15.7 GB used on the disk but I cannot see the files except for those I have added since the crash. Can I recover the files or the space

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Press Space Bar - Boots Disc

Feb 23, 2007

I am trying to reformat my computer... I had some alzheimers issues with it.. it lost some files etc etc. So I figured why not a better time to completely wipe it clean.I have done this before on other computers and its gone so smoothly with the "press space bar" deal as it boots from the XP disc. I reordered all my boot config so the cdrom is first then the hdd then something called an fdd then floppy.BUT when I exit bios and restart the boot it never asks for the space bar press...

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Disc Space Dangerously Low - Harmful Changes

Dec 6, 2005

I just installed XP, over ME. Then afterward, I got a message that went something like; " disc space dangerously low on D:/. If you continue system restore may not function properly, to undo any harmful changes..." . After checking my available space on C drive it was 26+ Gigs. I never could download my photos because it would kick me out of the program half way through.

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Low Disc Space Registery Error?

Aug 28, 2009

From time to time I get a Windows error messages saying "Resource Error". Well today while Avast was upgrading I got this message - In the top of the message box it was titled "Windows-Low On Registry Space "The message read: "The system has reached the maximum size allowed for the system part of the registry. Additional storage requests will be ignored".
AMD XP2700+, MMX, 3DNow - 2.2 GHz
2 gig RAM
Windows XP Home Addition(5.1), Build 2600
BOIS - Pheonix - AwardBIOS v6.ooPG
System - Asus - A7N8X
Direct X - 9.0c
Display - Radeon 9800 Pro
Sound SB Audigy2 ZS

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Unable To Running Low Disc Space?

May 10, 2008

Like many PC owners, I am running low on disk space. My once seemingly massive hard drive capacity of 185gb is now reduced to around 18gb, which has now prompted me to have a serious clear out.
Problem is, I honestly can't work out where all the used space has gone!
O.K. so, I have trawled through My Documents and held my mouse over all the folders that are likely to contain the most files - like, for instance, My Music, which shows at around 30gb, or, My Pictures, which has a filesize of approx. 20gb.
I have also looked at all the other folders in My Documents, none of which seem to exceed a few dozen, or a few hundred megabytes.
I have also looked at my installed software to see if any programs are swallowing up excessive space. But again, none seem to individually exceed more than a few hundred megabytes, at most.
So, were has all the rest of my missing 100gb gone?
My question is simple.
Is tere any easy and fast way to determine exactly what proportion of the HDD is taken up by what software?
Is there a software program available (preferably freeware) that will scan the drive and tell me exactly whats taking up space, and to what degree?
I have tried a few programs that say they will do exactly this, but after a scan all they seem to display is a pie chart showing whole sections lumped together, such as My Documents - total filesize 40gb etc. But this isn't really that helpful. It needs to be more thorough and broken-down than that.
For all I know, there may be a huge amount of space occupied by some long-since archieved files, of which I am totally oblivious. But, with the average PC holding millions of such files, how could I ever locate the possible cause unless I have software to do it for me?

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Unable To Read Total Space On Disc?

Jan 26, 2009

My computer says I only have 8gb of hard drive space total. I know when I bought the computer it came with much more. Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.080814-1233)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation
System Model: Dimension 2400
BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A05
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.53GHz
Memory: 638MB RAM
Page File: 484MB used, 884MB available
Windows Dir: C:WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

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File: Memories Disc Creator Lost

Jan 9, 2007

I have a HP Pavillion computer and one of the programs, Memories Disc Creator, had a corrupt file. I was told by HP to perform a couple of tasks to try to bring it back and the end result was the file is now gone. HP sent me a series of discs to do a complete system recovery. I endanger losing all my installed programs. I have an external 80gb drive. Can I put all the programs on that drive and then have a quick reinstallaion of all the programs? Is there another way in which to access the program other that a complete recovery?

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Disc Clean Up To Click On Compress Drive To Save Space?

Jun 3, 2005

Is it ok after running disc clean up to click on compress drive to save space?

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Shredding / Wiping Software Cannot Wipe Free Disc Space Files

Nov 4, 2007

I have been looking at image recovery programs to see what can be extracted from the free space after all the cleaning operations have been implemented. Having seen the amount of information that can be recovered I will no longer empty the Recycle Bin without shredding the contents, but it seems that an enormous amount of information is still being collected which the normal individual is unaware of.

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Lost Disk Space

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using XP Home with SP2. When I Look at the properties of the C: drive, it says I have used approx 55GB with 19GB left. The Defrag utility says the same. However, when I look at all the space used in all the directories on C: I appear only to have used about 25GB, which is actually more like what I think I'm using. Can anyone please point me to what might be using up the huge amount of extra space - it's a hell of a lot to go missing and I'd like to retrieve it.

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Computer Has Lost Disk Space

Aug 4, 2005

I have a Dell server with a 400GB HD. After installing Windows 2000 Server, Disk Management only reads 10GB of disk space for Partition C: and 120GB for Partition D:. Between drives C: and D: the total disk space is about 130GB. I lost almost 270GB of space. I installed Acronis Disk Director to see if I can recover that 270GB of missing space. Well Acronis only sees the same amount that Windows does.Is there any other utility that I can use to regain that lost space.

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Recover Lost Space From Partition

Aug 1, 2002

After partitioning, my 80 GB HDD is only 74.5GB. Can I recover the lost space using Partition Magic or something.

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Hard Drive Space Lost

Nov 13, 2007

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I recently replaced a bad motherboard which forced me to wipe my hard drive since it was set up in a raid format. I currently have 2 120GB hard drives which is equivalent of about 198GB total.When I reinstalled Windows I made 1 partition of about 30GB for Windows and other programs only and created the other partition with the rest of the hard drive without really looking at the GBs avail on it. Once Windows was installed I noticed that the 2nd partition only had 120GB giving me 150GB total. I booted from the Windows CD again and did not see any unaccounted space from the hard drive.

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Lost Hard Disk Space

Apr 3, 2009

My Lenovo laptop has 100GB. However, after practically having minimum programs (MS Office 07), plus whatever default comes with Lenovo, I am still left with 25GB! There is practically no music and no movies.I ran WinDirStat, and surprisingly under C: it shows 33.2 GB. As I only have one drive, 33.2 GB (C:) + 25 GB free (diskspace) is not equal to 100 GB.I have deleted temp files, perform disk cleanup, defrag, check that I have no system restore backup file on my hard disk.

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Lost Space After A Failed Installation Attempt?

Aug 29, 2007

I went to install nero 7 ultra. then i realized I didnt have enough space for the whole install. I hit cancel at some point in the install and lost about a gig. My laptop has like no free room

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Lost 5Gb Of Hard Disk Space Over Night?

Feb 24, 2007

I had 22 gigs free of 40 gig hard drive and today morning i have 17.5 gig free. I have dld few linkin park songs. That's it. I ran disk clean up, i have evidence eliminator i have tried just about everything and still instead of freeing up space i am actually loosing space. I had 18.5 half an hour ago and now 17.5? i don't no what i should del please help me out. Computer is a bit slow so i no i m a running out of space but at this rate i will have no space in a week

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Lost Hard Drive Space And A Blue Screen

Oct 7, 2005

1.I have a dell digital jukebox mp3 player that allows for storage of data or music. I tried to copy a 600mb file from the mp3 player onto my hard drive. I had a little over 600 mb of space left on my hard drive (a total storage capacity of 6GB). It said i had run out of space. So i deleted some files, move some things around and i had 1.1 GB of space free for this transfer. i tried again and this time again the message i got was not enough space on drive c:/. So i cancelled out and checked to see what i had on my hard drive, 500mb free!!!?? So i have lost hard drive space and not gain a file...So i investigated and found that i have 1.81 GB of data on c: documents settingsuser. but once i get into user, i have 6 folders none of which display nearly that much data. They are, favorites, start menu, cookies, desktop, my documents, and a file named ntuser. the ntuser file is 1mb, and my desktop has 700 or so mb on it. So my question is how can i get back this lost hd space,

2.Blue screen. Im on xp pro sp1, i use adaware, registry mechanic, and im generally tidy with my windows; note, reinstalling windows did not solve this. I never used to have this issue, but lately when i go to open or close certain programs i jump to blue screen. it references trixdp.dll i think it was, and then "begin physical dump of memory" i must reboot at this point. I use VLC media player, and exiting this program mandates a blue screen. Just now i exited mozilla browser and this was the first time i got blue screen from this program.

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Clean Free Space - Recover My Lost Data

Sep 17, 2005

I recently installed a internet cleaning tool called R-Wipe&Clean v5.1 which is located at http://www.r-tt.com/ When I perform the 'Clean Unused Space' which is one of its functions on a selected drive,to my horror all my data were deleted.When I go to check my disk management under admin tools in the control panel,its file system is not stated(FAT32 or NTFS).Please can you tell me how can I recover my lost data.Pls recommend a software to do this

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Lost Huge System Space Of 7gig Automatically?

Feb 9, 2008

I have win xp and my hard drive is literally vanishing while I watch. For example: I deleted nearly 7 gigs worth of stuff from it and checked properties on it, and during the course of a half hour it dropped from 7 gigs to approximately 8megs all by itself. I have not downloaded anything, but I have noticed for some time my space has been vanishing on me. I have msn internet service and it has been creating duplicate emails at an alarming rate. I m not sure if this is the culprit or not but when I deleted it i suddenly had 6 gigs back.

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Lost 20GB Space Of Hard Disk / Unable To Recover?

Sep 26, 2007

i was infested with spyware so i decided to use a programe called clean wipe which it said wiped everything off your computer after wipeing i reinstalled windows xp sp2 but it would only let me partition 20gb but before the wipe i had 40gb so ive lost 20gb somewhere.

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Lost Space On Physical Memory / System Asking For Login Options?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a memory problem, I have 248 MB of physical memory and only 88MB free. That is better than it was last night -- last night I had only 33MB free. My virtual memory is 606 MB with 244MB free.I cannot access certain things all of a sudden -- for instance, when I click in the system tools to do a disk defrag it never comes up. When I click on the Set Program Access and Defaults it never comes up. In control panel when I click on any of the icons in Administrative Tools -- none of them open.when the computer boots up it has the screen where it is asking for a password

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I Have A Labtec Web Cam With Disc But My Mini Doesn't Have A Place For The Disc

Nov 15, 2009

i have a labtec web cam with software but i have a dell mini and have no where to insert the disc, please help

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with windows...free cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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