File: Memories Disc Creator Lost

Jan 9, 2007

I have a HP Pavillion computer and one of the programs, Memories Disc Creator, had a corrupt file. I was told by HP to perform a couple of tasks to try to bring it back and the end result was the file is now gone. HP sent me a series of discs to do a complete system recovery. I endanger losing all my installed programs. I have an external 80gb drive. Can I put all the programs on that drive and then have a quick reinstallaion of all the programs? Is there another way in which to access the program other that a complete recovery?

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Find The Recovery Disc Creator?

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking to reformat my Compaq Presario V5002EA laptop with windows XP home edition SP3. Having read various forums it seems there should be an option in my 'Start > All Programs' menu to begin a system recovery program. Within this program there should be an option to create a set of Recovery Discs from which I could do the reformat.

I can't find this option anywhere on the computer and would prefer not to fork out �31 to HP if I can create the discs myself! Can someone please tell me how to find the Recovery Disc Creator?

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Lost 400gb Disc Space

Sep 5, 2007

I'm in a bit of a pickle. In februari I bought a pc with Vista. Having nothing but problems on the way, I decided to upgrade to XP (yes, upgrade).Everything went fine and the installation was a succes, except that my hard disc is only 127gb now instead of the 500gb I used to have.I thought, no problem, I'll just install PartionMagic 8, repartition the free space and I'm good to go.Partion Magic cannot find the extra space, however, a demo version of Partition Table Doctor 3,5 can. The problem is, if I scan the free space I get nothing but bad sectors and the program can't seem to restore or repair the extra space.I'm going to call the company I bought it from today, but I'm afraid my warrenty is invalid, since I reformatted the drive and lost the recovery files as well.500GB hard disc, in Vista it was prepartitioned into C: at 470GB and D: at 30 as recovery space.One strange thing I noticed, but can't reproduce now, I found a Linux partition of about 7MB using either PartitionMagic or Doctor, can't find it anymore though..

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Deleting Files - Lost A File From My File Server

Oct 3, 2005

I lost a file from my file server yesterday that was extremely important by accidentally deleting it when on my local computer. I am running win2k. When I delete a file from my computer it goes to the recycle bin. When I delete a file from my file server, which is using win2k as well, it does not go to the recycle bin on either computer. Is there any I can tell the file to go to the recycle bin when they are deleted

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System File Checker Not Recognizing Disc?

Sep 3, 2005

When I run system file checker it says: "Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache. Insert your Windows XP Home Edition CD-ROM now."when I click More Information it says either I have inserted the wrong CD or the CD-ROM drive isn't working. I have the CD in, it just doesn't seem to be recognizing it.

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Recovery Cd Creator

Sep 16, 2005

I bought a new pc with xp already installed. It's telling me to make a recovery cd and also to copy the recovery tools to cd. How do I get a recovery tools cd or if it's already installed, where is it?

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Finalizing DVD-RW In Easy CD Creator

Aug 3, 2005

I'm saving picture and video files on separate DVD-RWs. I have Easy CD Creator 5x basic that came w/ the computer and updated it with the patch I pulled my first DVD from a year ago out and added pictures onto it from this year's trip. Original files were there as expected and additions were no problem. Secondly, I started a 2nd disc of all video wmv files. I filled that one to the hilt and do not wish to add to what little room is left.My settings are set thusly: "The selected Record Method finalizes the session. The CD itself is not finalized so additional sessions can be added later. To change this setting click options."Actually, this is the setting I prefer, but in the case of the second disc, it's full for me now and if I wish to possibly play it on my DVD player it needs to be finalized.Problem is, this option isn't available (appears all faded-out) when I click on file, and appears the same to the lower right when I'm looking at disc properties. Only real option in bold black at these times is ERASE, and I don't want to do that! The discs play great on my computer, all material is recognized, etc., but this inability to finalize has me confused. Certainly in theory, a RW disc by its nature will never be truly finalized. Is that what's holding things up? I do believe I should be able to finalize these,

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Transfering Video To Dvd Creator

Jul 20, 2005

can any one tell me what I need to transfer some old video's to dvd I have windows dvd creator program but don't know what cable I need to link my vcr to my laptop I have tried a ulead usb instant video creator but with no luck.

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Lost File Extension

Mar 19, 2010

I have a contact file;might have downloaded from my phone long back;however the file does not have the extension;therefore i am not able to open it wil any s/w;how to find the extension OR file type ;so that i can open the file and see the contact numbers

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Win Xp Adaptec Easy Cd Creator Drivers

Dec 8, 2007

I have updated to win xp from win me. The Adaptec Easy CD Creator will not work as a message comes up saying "Drivers are not compatible and could cause problems" so they don't load when I have reinstalled the program.This came with my computer when I bought it with win ME. I have the original disk. I have looked at the web site which now is Roxio, but cannot get a straight answer as to what and where the drivers are to download. They keep wanting me to buy their ver. 10 which is $70. All I want is the program I had before no fancy technical program. I just copied some floppy's and cd's. I don't need all that photo stuff that is on the new program. Also do not need to copy DVD's.I read about registry, but don't want to mess with that after getting my computer running smooth now that I have the Win XP installed.What drivers do I need? When I find a web page their are so many I don't know what to do.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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Free And EASY To Use PDF Creator Software

Aug 3, 2006

I am looking for a free PDF creator program that is easy to use. I need to deploy this on about 50 PCs in my office and it needs to be idiot proof, I looked at some of the open source PDF creators and they work well but have too many options for users to screw up. I just want something that lets you print to the PDF printer and then save the file as PDF.

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Lost File System From Drive

Feb 3, 2006

Trying to help upgrade my hard drive. I have a Local C drive 20 GB and I have a Maxtor 120 GB in my E: drive. I have previously sent an exact image copy of my C drive to my E: drive using Norton's ghost 9.0 symantec. Since he has tinkered with my Hard drive it is not even recognizing a file system at all. It asks if I want to format the drive and I know that will wipe it out completely if I do that. The exact warning or prompt that shows goes as follows. The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and the volume is not corrupted. I run windows XP home edition and my computer is a pentium 3 300 SE by gateway.

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Winxp And Roxio Easy Media Creator 8

Dec 17, 2005

I have a dell inspiron 6000, with a dvd drive. I've installed Roxio Easy media creator 8, evertyhing was perfect, until i insert a data disc, the computer became freezed! and the problem is with every disc, it looks like a conflict, because i leave the computer, for like 20 minutes, and when i came back, the computer was normal, and allow me to use it like nothing happened. I uninstalled the Roxio Software and the problem was solved,

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Easy CD Creator 6 And ITunes Not Playing Nice

Apr 10, 2006

I've been having a small problem with Roxio's Easy CD Creater 6. I installed the program on my computer an I was able to burn Cds and DVDs ok. Then I installed iTunes to connect to my iPod. I then tried to use Roxio and it could not find my DVD RW drive!! I then uninstalled Roxio and then installed it again. I could then find the DVD RW drive but iTunes said it could not initiallize the drivers to burn CDs. How do I setup my computer so I can use multiple CD/DVD buring software packages?

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I Have A Labtec Web Cam With Disc But My Mini Doesn't Have A Place For The Disc

Nov 15, 2009

i have a labtec web cam with software but i have a dell mini and have no where to insert the disc, please help

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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Lost Wallpaper After Exporting Registry File?

Jul 15, 2008

I exported a backup of the registry to the desktop, and now when I remove that registry back up file from the desktop to another folder, the wallpaper disappears.I tried to import it again from that another folder but it didn't make any difference. I don't want to keep the reg file on my Desktop. How can I restore the registry so my wallpaper shows up, and delete the reg file from the desktop.

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Recovery - Lost Folders - DISCover.EXE File?

Oct 26, 2010

My XP system (Compaq) failed to start up completely after booting. Claimed 'Missing' DISCover.EXE file, others, locked up. Hit F10 for system recovery to makes repairs from the hidden partition. It assured me that my data would not be lost

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Lost Connection After Deleting Vantage File

Oct 4, 2009

The other day, I was deleting unneeded files on my laptop. I deleted Think Vantage Access Connections, thinking it was just another space consuming file. After this my internet stopped working do you think it was because of the file. If so, what can I do to get it back and if not what can I do to connect to the internet. The laptop is not sending out a signal, and all the other phones, and computers are working in the house.

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Folder Icons Lost- File Extensions To Change

Aug 12, 2005

Go to control panel, folder options. Click on the File Types tab. Scroll to the file extensions you want to change and click change. Select the program you want. But it will not let me apply it as the apply button is grayed out.

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Auto Picture File Re-size Option Lost

Nov 3, 2005

I use the standard picture handling feature that came with XP-Home on my computer in 2002. When flagging a picture and clicking on 'Email This File', I used to be given the option to reduce the picture size for the email.This size-reduction option disappeared some months ago but I wasn't too bothered as my file sizes were quite small anyway. However it's a real nuisance now that I take/file all photos at maximum resolution. Before I email a picture, especially to someone on dial-up, I now have to open Photoshop Elements and reduce the file size

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Upgrade Advisor Incorrectly Reports Easy / CD Creator 5 As Not Compatible

May 5, 2006

i needed to reformat win xp home and i cannot install Roxio because the upgrade advisor is incorrectly reporting incompatibility. (i am at win xp sp2) I did thisds before and it reinstalled nicely a copla years ago Microsft recognizes it they had a page on it in Help and Support (i put in Roxio Creator 5.1 Basic. it told me to try a couple things but to no avail and the workaround says ignore it..IGNORE? HOW?It can't be ignored cause it won't let me install. this is the disc that came with the puter (Dell Dimension 8100) a few years ago. would anybody have any ideas of how to install Roxio (i cannot afford to buy any new software right now and using WMP 10 is just not as comfortable Roxio is easy and it also writes text so the name of each tune that have bought and burned to a CD-R that I play shows up on my car CD player.

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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Bootable Disc/Recovery Disc Terminology

Jul 19, 2005

I get a little confused by terms like restore vs recovery, which are often interchanged incorrectly IMO -and then there are the terms bootable disc and startup disc, which can also get confusing - and I have seen other terms used also.

please explain exactly what you mean by the "bootable XP CD". I have a new XPsp2 home edition pc, and I had a millennium before that (which I made a "startup disc" for in add/remove programs - so I guess a startup disc is yet another term for boot disc - it was only a 3-1/2" diskette (less than a meg), and it would get my millennium to boot by typing "scanreg /restore" at a prompt that you eventually came to.

For my XP, I immediately made a Compaq "recovery dvd" (it took 2-dvd's) utilizing the "Compaq recovery cd-dvd creator" in start/programs/pc tools. This dvd (can also use cd's but it takes 8 or 9 cd's I believe) contains everything that is on the pc (from the factory), and which is also in the system recovery partition D:. There is also something called a "Recovery Tools CD", which I did not burn, since it did not seem necessary, after
reading about it in the "troubleshooting and system recovery guide" that came with my Compaq. I will burn that one to, if you can explain what it will do, that I can't ultimately achieve by using the "recovery dvd". The manual said that one of the things the "recovery tools cd" did was to remove the system recovery partition (drive D), so you could use it - but I'm sure there is another way of doing that from within the pc once you got it running using the recovery dvd - am I right - I've never messed around with partitioning, since I have no need to.

My new XP did not come with any "bootable CD" per se, and I made the "recovery dvd", as stated above. So please shed some light on what the "bootable XP CD" is that you refer to (because you said that a "restore Cd is really overkill" - I assume you mean the "recovery CD" that I mentioned). Also please provide your comments on the "recovery tools CD", and any other comments you have on the various terminologies I have mentioned above.

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Computer Tries To Reboot With Disc, But No Disc

Nov 28, 2007

After putting the windows XP CD in and rebooting, now whenever the computer is restarted I get the blue screen that says unable to find disc press F3 to exit setup. How do I stop this so computer will reboot normally?

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No Disc In The Drive. Please Insert A Disc

Mar 27, 2007

Windows XP Home Edition (sp 2) HP Pavillion After I start the computer, I get this message---Red circle with a white x message states There is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disc into drive. This started this morning. Didn't have it last night when I shut it down. Have no idea why this all of a sudden started. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried clicking on cancel

comes right back. Went into Task Manager and clicked End Task.

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