Winxp And Roxio Easy Media Creator 8

Dec 17, 2005

I have a dell inspiron 6000, with a dvd drive. I've installed Roxio Easy media creator 8, evertyhing was perfect, until i insert a data disc, the computer became freezed! and the problem is with every disc, it looks like a conflict, because i leave the computer, for like 20 minutes, and when i came back, the computer was normal, and allow me to use it like nothing happened. I uninstalled the Roxio Software and the problem was solved,

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Finalizing DVD-RW In Easy CD Creator

Aug 3, 2005

I'm saving picture and video files on separate DVD-RWs. I have Easy CD Creator 5x basic that came w/ the computer and updated it with the patch I pulled my first DVD from a year ago out and added pictures onto it from this year's trip. Original files were there as expected and additions were no problem. Secondly, I started a 2nd disc of all video wmv files. I filled that one to the hilt and do not wish to add to what little room is left.My settings are set thusly: "The selected Record Method finalizes the session. The CD itself is not finalized so additional sessions can be added later. To change this setting click options."Actually, this is the setting I prefer, but in the case of the second disc, it's full for me now and if I wish to possibly play it on my DVD player it needs to be finalized.Problem is, this option isn't available (appears all faded-out) when I click on file, and appears the same to the lower right when I'm looking at disc properties. Only real option in bold black at these times is ERASE, and I don't want to do that! The discs play great on my computer, all material is recognized, etc., but this inability to finalize has me confused. Certainly in theory, a RW disc by its nature will never be truly finalized. Is that what's holding things up? I do believe I should be able to finalize these,

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Win Xp Adaptec Easy Cd Creator Drivers

Dec 8, 2007

I have updated to win xp from win me. The Adaptec Easy CD Creator will not work as a message comes up saying "Drivers are not compatible and could cause problems" so they don't load when I have reinstalled the program.This came with my computer when I bought it with win ME. I have the original disk. I have looked at the web site which now is Roxio, but cannot get a straight answer as to what and where the drivers are to download. They keep wanting me to buy their ver. 10 which is $70. All I want is the program I had before no fancy technical program. I just copied some floppy's and cd's. I don't need all that photo stuff that is on the new program. Also do not need to copy DVD's.I read about registry, but don't want to mess with that after getting my computer running smooth now that I have the Win XP installed.What drivers do I need? When I find a web page their are so many I don't know what to do.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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Free And EASY To Use PDF Creator Software

Aug 3, 2006

I am looking for a free PDF creator program that is easy to use. I need to deploy this on about 50 PCs in my office and it needs to be idiot proof, I looked at some of the open source PDF creators and they work well but have too many options for users to screw up. I just want something that lets you print to the PDF printer and then save the file as PDF.

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Easy CD Creator 6 And ITunes Not Playing Nice

Apr 10, 2006

I've been having a small problem with Roxio's Easy CD Creater 6. I installed the program on my computer an I was able to burn Cds and DVDs ok. Then I installed iTunes to connect to my iPod. I then tried to use Roxio and it could not find my DVD RW drive!! I then uninstalled Roxio and then installed it again. I could then find the DVD RW drive but iTunes said it could not initiallize the drivers to burn CDs. How do I setup my computer so I can use multiple CD/DVD buring software packages?

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Upgrade Advisor Incorrectly Reports Easy / CD Creator 5 As Not Compatible

May 5, 2006

i needed to reformat win xp home and i cannot install Roxio because the upgrade advisor is incorrectly reporting incompatibility. (i am at win xp sp2) I did thisds before and it reinstalled nicely a copla years ago Microsft recognizes it they had a page on it in Help and Support (i put in Roxio Creator 5.1 Basic. it told me to try a couple things but to no avail and the workaround says ignore it..IGNORE? HOW?It can't be ignored cause it won't let me install. this is the disc that came with the puter (Dell Dimension 8100) a few years ago. would anybody have any ideas of how to install Roxio (i cannot afford to buy any new software right now and using WMP 10 is just not as comfortable Roxio is easy and it also writes text so the name of each tune that have bought and burned to a CD-R that I play shows up on my car CD player.

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WinMCE 2002 Vs MCE 2005: Pre-installed With WinXP Media Center SP2?

Mar 20, 2007

I have a new computer that came pre-installed with WinXP Media Center Edition 2002 SP2. I was also sent the discs for WinXP MCE 2005. I have tried to updgrade the original installation and then perform a clean install. In both cases after the installation, when I check properties on My Computer it says WinXp MCE 2002 SP2. Shouldn't it say 2005 MCE?

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Write Errors In XP Roxio Or WMP

Jan 3, 2006

After burning CDs for some time with success, both video and music, I'm getting "Writing Errors" when trying the same thing lately, ruining the CD. Here's what I've done so far:Changed the brand of CD from Phillips to Maxell got "write errors" Went from Roxio Easy CD and DVD Creator to Windows Media Player same problem.Tried to contact Roxio tech support.they make it almost impossible, no results Tried to contact Sony (software for the Roxio).they gave me a phone number that ended up being the Hilton Hotel! Then, when I called back, Sony was closed.Went to my "old" Compaq computer running Win98SE, and can burn Roxio CDs successfully, but the system is too slow for video.Hope this is enough info for you expert-type people - I'm trying to avoid system restore.

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ROXIO- Explorer Wasn't Showing Drives

Sep 12, 2006

ROXIO version of GOBACK being the cause of the problem. when I had to do a reinstall of windows and noticed that Windows Explorer wasn't showing my second and third drives.I know and very easily fixable by going into Disk Management. drives were showing in Disk Management, there was no letter assigned to them.

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Finding Free Alternative To Roxio Disc Copier?

Aug 30, 2005

I have replaced my hard drive completely. One thing I really miss about my old setup was that I had Roxio disc copier, which really came in handy for my job. Since I no longer have the application CD that it came on, I am slightly SOL and have to spend a lot of time burning copies from media player.Does anyone know of a simple, free program that will allow me to copy a disc that is in the D: drive to a blank one in the E: drive?

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Recovery Cd Creator

Sep 16, 2005

I bought a new pc with xp already installed. It's telling me to make a recovery cd and also to copy the recovery tools to cd. How do I get a recovery tools cd or if it's already installed, where is it?

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Transfering Video To Dvd Creator

Jul 20, 2005

can any one tell me what I need to transfer some old video's to dvd I have windows dvd creator program but don't know what cable I need to link my vcr to my laptop I have tried a ulead usb instant video creator but with no luck.

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Find The Recovery Disc Creator?

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking to reformat my Compaq Presario V5002EA laptop with windows XP home edition SP3. Having read various forums it seems there should be an option in my 'Start > All Programs' menu to begin a system recovery program. Within this program there should be an option to create a set of Recovery Discs from which I could do the reformat.

I can't find this option anywhere on the computer and would prefer not to fork out �31 to HP if I can create the discs myself! Can someone please tell me how to find the Recovery Disc Creator?

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File: Memories Disc Creator Lost

Jan 9, 2007

I have a HP Pavillion computer and one of the programs, Memories Disc Creator, had a corrupt file. I was told by HP to perform a couple of tasks to try to bring it back and the end result was the file is now gone. HP sent me a series of discs to do a complete system recovery. I endanger losing all my installed programs. I have an external 80gb drive. Can I put all the programs on that drive and then have a quick reinstallaion of all the programs? Is there another way in which to access the program other that a complete recovery?

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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Better Easy IP Check

Aug 12, 2002

Use this if you just want to display your IP address and not the extra information (default gateway / subnet mask)Simply copy and paste the following into notepad@echo.@ipconfig | find "IP Address"@echo.@pauseAnd save as IP.BAT (save to your windows dir if you want to be able to access it anywhere)Now when you type IP you will see:---------------------------IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.xPress any key to continue . . .---------------------------(information about the code: @echo. produces a blank line, @ipconfig | find "IP Address" causes the output of ipconfig to be piped to the find command, which looks for the line containing "IP Address", find then outputs your IP address, @pause causes the terminal to wait for user input before continuing. The @ before each command tells the terminal not to echo the command being typed.)

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Hiding The Recycle Bin The Easy Way?

Feb 20, 2003

An easy way to hide the Recycle Bin is just to create two .reg files.... open your notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Hidebin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry. You have to refresh the desktop to see the changes.

To bring back the Recycle Bin, open notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Showbin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry, once again refresh the desktop to see the changes.


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Easy Re-install Of Applications

Aug 12, 2002

If you need to re-install a hidden Windows component, there is an easy way to do this. Open the INF folder in your windows folder [C:WINDOWSINF] Find the *.inf files. Find the application title you need in the filename [for example messenger is msmsgs.inf] If you are unsure of the installer, RIGHT CLICK on the file, then select open, at the top of the file should say what application it is:; MSMSGS.INF; Setup INF file for Messenger When you have found the file the right click on it then click install.Tip:  To reinstall Microsoft Outlook Express, Right click and select install on MSOE50.inf.

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NT Backup Install Easy Way

Jun 20, 2003

NT Backup is, by default, installed only with XP Pro.To install it in XP Home Editon doubleclick this file on your XP cd:VALUEADDMSFTNTBACKUPNTBACKUP.MSI.Start>run>NTBACKUP.

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Media Player Does Not Recognize Music And Video As Media Files

Sep 18, 2007

Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.

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Cannot Ping Winxp Pc's

Sep 16, 2005

I cannot ping xp computers. I can ping win2k machines all day long. The xp boxes are running
sp2, but I have a policy in effect that disables the firewall. I also have a
policy in effect that renames the administrator and guest accounts. IF the
firewall is disabled is there any reason that any of these machines would
not respond to a ping request. Wouldn't be a big deal, but my print tracking
app requires it. All XP machines can communicate with the network just fine.
I can ping anything from each XP machine successfully.

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Do A Scandisk On WinXP?

Jan 14, 2006

I am using a borrowed computer which has Windows XP installed. I am having difficulty getting a brand new game to load a saved file. I don't know where to look to do a scandisk on this OS.

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WinXp Freezes After 1 Min

Sep 9, 2010

When I opened up the case, the northbridge heatsink clip had snapped off. I put the case on it's side and reseated the heatsink, and put a case fan over it. I reformatted and installed winXP. The computer freezes a minute or so after entering windows. Also ran ubuntu linux off a usb stick and it would freeze after 5 or so minutes. Ran memtest and no errors after 9 hours, Speedfan s.m.a.r.t says the hard drive is fine. I booted into Safemode, and ran orthos small ffts cpu test, and no errors after an hour.

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What Is WinXP Basic RAM?

May 30, 2005

May I know what's WinXP's basic RAM? or how can I know how much RAM I have.

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Easy To Remember Strong Password

Apr 17, 2010

I found a Guide to Easy To Remember Strong Password on this site

Now i am curious to know how long should a password be

Also please suggest your ideas of Secure password

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NTloader Missing After Easy BCD Sets MBR

May 20, 2010

I installed XP Pro 64-Bit to run alongside my Windows 7 install - unfortunately XP did not detect Windows 7 and I used EasyBCD in XP to create the start-up dual-boot 7 (C) - default Windows XP (E)
3 seconds

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Easy Way To Create Desktop Shortcuts

Aug 12, 2002

Instead of going into the register, it is simpler to open Windows Explorer, find the .exe file that you want, right-click on it and choose send to desktop.

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Easy To Use Program For Creating Websites

Aug 16, 2005

As mentioned in another question, I need to design and maintain a website to show and sell my wife's artwork. It will be as simple as I can make it, very clean and straightforward, consisting of text and photos of the work for sale and a method of ordering and paying. So I'm essentially looking for a program without a lot of bells and whistles--a program that will make the process as easy as possible for me. I'm a very senior citizen and although I can slowly make my way around in this business, I'm not much of a computer whiz.

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Easy Way To Enter Personal Information?

May 4, 2006

Does someone know of an application that makes personal information like Name, Address, Phone, password (s),etc. available to be pasted when required. Like using the right click to select various entries.

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Blocking A Cookie In WinXP

Oct 13, 2005

How do I block a single cookie in IE6? There is one particular one that I wish to block without blocking others.

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