System Automatically Shutsdown

Jan 12, 2006

The ati2dvag display has stopped working normally. Save your work & reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to microsoft After computer is on 15 minutes or so it everytihng appears to be in safe mode. It isn't but that is what it looks like, words are HUGE Computer is also shutting off every 15 mintues or so, it is a new Toshiba Laptop which is running Windows XP.

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System Formatting-during Updation System Reboots Automatically

Mar 5, 2007

I formatted my system with Windows 2000 professional.

I installed SP4 after that.and anti virus software

Then i tried to update my system..there were around 50 odd updates.

but during the system reboot automatically.

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System Reboots Itself Automatically

Dec 6, 2005

I am really without a clue, the only hardware modification I have done is install two more 512mb sticks of ram. I had two and installed 2 more all same type Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200). So now I am running 2 gigs of ram. It rebooted and I got the boots screen to choose type of boot.....last good config, ect....I chose normal and it gave me the xp windows screen with the horizontal progress graphic and then it kinda hangs on a black screen for a bit and finally it will give me the user/password window.

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Log On - System Automatically Restarts

Jun 23, 2005

Every time I either log off of an account or switch user, as soon as I enter the password on another account, they computer immediately restarts without warning. I'm running XP Pro?

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System Turn On Automatically

Jul 28, 2008

I need a way to get my PC to turn on after 5 minutes if it's turned off accidentally. I have an FTP server running, and everything works once it's turned on ie it's configured to work upon startup, but the problem is, it's in my office, and people keep turning it off. How annoying. How can I get it to turn back on if anyone turns it off.

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System Automatically Goes In Safe Mode

May 28, 2005

I have the spy bot on my other computer not this one and it is not networked at home. the problem is I can get the windows xp first page to come up but then it goes to safe mode safe mode network last working page and start windows automatically I have tried all and to no avail. the blue screen flashes for a nanosecond so I can't get to the restore part. Do you think my computer has crashed?

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System Locking Up And Shutting Off Automatically

Nov 12, 2006

I am running Windows 2000 and computer is starting to lock up and turn off automatically.

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System Automatically Connects To The Internet

Dec 29, 2004

I just bought a new hp pavilion a730n and I am having problems with it connecting to the internet on its own. Everytime I turn it on, it connects to the internet. Is there a setting I need to change?

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Device 10 Notification - System Shutdown Automatically

Apr 9, 2008

New (3 months) Dell Vostro 1000 with Windows XP Professional. Last few days when trying to shut down I'm getting an error message "Device 10 Notification" with the option to cancel or end task. Either choice leads me to the same issue that the program is not responding. Sometimes the computer goes ahead and shuts down anyway, other times I have to shut down without ending the program.

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Setup Error - System Shuts Down Automatically

Dec 16, 2006

This PC is a brand new custom build, I was installing windows XP on it for the very first time. The setup loads everything but after it says "Starting up windows" A new screen comes up with this error "A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer."

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System Automatically Shut Down - Blue Screen

Aug 30, 2007

About 3 days ago, I was on my computer and then it just automatically shut off, then went to a blue screen. I don't quite remember what the blue screen said, but it mention something about disabling BIOS and disableing/removing any new software I had downloaded. I didn't download ANY new software, and I dont really know much about computers, therefore don't know what to do about the BIOs. It also did mention something about disabling caching as well. I thought this was a one time thing, so I booted up my computer again, and it happened at 14 minutes later, and then again and again. I tried doing a last known good configuration while booting up the computer, but than a bigger problem started. My mouse stopped working. It's a wireless Microsoft mouse, and I used the other one that I had, and that didn't work either. It seemed that the adapter didn't want to connect with the mouse, therefore just sat there with the light blinking.

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System Updates Install Automatically After Turned On

Sep 23, 2007

I am on a fresh clean install of Windows XP and Windows has already updated five times now. Windows is set for automatically download recommended updates and install them. I turned on my computer tonight and it downloading updates again for a total of six times now, when will it stop? I am starting to worrie here.

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System Restart Automatically Without No Error Shown

Jun 19, 2006

I notice i have had this problem for the past 2 weeks and today by pc restarted itself out of no where.Can anyone explain why cause i ran virus scans and i'm pretty sure i'm clean.

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Operating System Corrupt Or Missing Automatically

Dec 22, 2009

My mother-in-law purchased a computer from V2 Premier 6 years ago. Her computer crashed and said the Windows XP is either missing or corrupt. There was not a Windows XP CD-Rom included in box with the computer. It says for repairs to insert the Windows XP CD-Rom. How does she get one sent to her from the manufacturer or from V2 Premier?

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System Reboots Automatically - No Blue Screen Of Death

Aug 12, 2005

I have been having a problem with my system. Suddenly, the entire system shuts off and reboots. I have the automatic restarts disabled, and if all things are equal,I should at least be getting a "blue screen of death". So, I think it is NOT a Stop error. Then when I check my Event log, I see it is always caused by Security Center. This Windows XP SP2 feature, for some reason, seems to be shutting me down at its leisure. Is there a setting to prevent this

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System Automatically Assings External Drive Letters

Mar 5, 2006

I've got three external USB hard drives(connected thru a hub) and two thumb drives that I use nearly every day for backup and transfers. Every time I fire one up, the system assigns whatever drive letter it feels like at the time. I have to go to Computer Management and change the letter in order for my sync programs to work on that drive. Short of setting the letters and leaving all the drives run, is there a way to get 2000 to remember each drive and it's correct drive letter after they are shut down?

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Automatically Launching Application After Logon - Standalone System

Aug 31, 2005

The machine in question is in an unsupervised, Kiosk type environement. The
computer is a stand-alone XP pro. It reboots itself once a day. The OS
automatically logs on a user with limited permissions after each reboot. I
have put a shortcut of the application in the Startup folder of the user. So
far, so good.The problem:The app that's being auto-launched runs on a local instance of SQL engine MSDE). It sometimes happens that the SQL services have not had enough time

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Lost Huge System Space Of 7gig Automatically?

Feb 9, 2008

I have win xp and my hard drive is literally vanishing while I watch. For example: I deleted nearly 7 gigs worth of stuff from it and checked properties on it, and during the course of a half hour it dropped from 7 gigs to approximately 8megs all by itself. I have not downloaded anything, but I have noticed for some time my space has been vanishing on me. I have msn internet service and it has been creating duplicate emails at an alarming rate. I m not sure if this is the culprit or not but when I deleted it i suddenly had 6 gigs back.

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System Restore Has Stopped Automatically Creating Check Points?

Aug 3, 2005

For some reason System Restore has stopped automatically creating System Checkpoints. It is turned on, and is set to use the Maximum amount of space for monitoring my C drive. Yes, there is a great deal of unused disk space. I had used Disk Cleanup/ More Options/System Restore Cleanup prior to the problem, only that one option, not any of the other Disk Cleanup options. So, I have no earlier Restore Points to restore to, only the ones which I have Manually created since.

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Install Photo Gallery Files Automatically When System Boot

Jun 8, 2005

When Windows XP boots, it begins to install Photo Gallery, which it can't find. What is this and how can I turn it off?

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System Automatically Restarts: Blue Screen Check For Harddisk Errors?

Sep 16, 2010

System automatically restarts, if i disable restarts.Blue screen appears and informing to check for harddisk errors by run-chkdsk /f.But still i cannot clear my problem because check disk is not working when system restarts.

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Log In To OS Automatically

Dec 10, 2005

I cannot log into window XP automatically, everytime that i turn on my pc i have to click on my username (eventhough there's no password) in order to let window continue starting the pc desktop. I've check the pc system and the general information shown that the pc is registered to a user name "user" where my window username is something else "Vicky", could it be the reason? How do you change the information on the system General tab

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Pc Keeps Going On Standby Automatically

May 1, 2008

What exactly do I have to do to keep my pc from going on standby?

I have disabled powermanagement in bios, in display settings under the Power settings they are all set to Never hibernate is unchecked but it still keeps going to standby

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Pc Automatically Goes Into Immediate Hibernation

Oct 13, 2006

Every time you open an program or window in my wife's computer it immediately goes into hibernation mode. You can then go back into window/program out of hibernation, but then it immedaietly returns to hibernation.

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Win 2K PC Not Locking Automatically

Jan 4, 2008

One of my operatives is using a Windows 2000 SP4 PC, networked, and she's had problems shutting it down (which I've now resolved) but it's not locking when she's away from her desk, leaving it accessible to all. She assures me it used to lock.Before I delete her profile etc. I thought I'd ask on here in case it's a registry setting or something simple that I've missed.

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CD's Dvd's Don't Start Automatically

Jul 2, 2005

I am not sure why or when but now CD's dvd's don't start automatically, I have to go to my computer and click on the dvd drive to start it. This happens with all disks, music movies and new software, even though I have certain programs set to start when disk is inserted they don't, like WinDVD is set to load when a movie disk is put in and now it does not start, so I am not sure what I did, but if anyone has a fix I sure would appreciate it. Win XP Pro SP2, AMD Athlon xp 3000+ 2.1 ghz 768 mb ram.GE force fx 5700 ve graphics card with 256 mb ram.Sygate pro firewall, and AVG virus protection free version, Problem happens with or without firewall and virus software on.

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Bypass - Log In Automatically

Jan 28, 2009

For some reason my computer is asking me to select the admin when I turn it on or do a restart. Is there any way to bypass that and just have the computer take me to the desktop automatically?

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Keeps Shutting Down Automatically

Dec 10, 2004

I'm having this problem where my computer keeps shuting down (automatically) when I log in, right when the applications are loading. The message that popped up varied quite a few times, when of the messages I've seen the most is: "imjpmig.exe-dll initiation failed" and "the application is shutting down".Also, how do you change your BIOS (I'm so used to Win ME) with XP? Which button do you press and when do you press it?

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Getting Loged Out Automatically

Aug 1, 2009

I have a acer travlemate 800 laptop, i cannot get past the welcome screen. I click on my user name and it logs in and then log back out. I cannot get past the welcome screen.

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Pc Cannot Shutdown Automatically

Apr 17, 2005

I can not shutdown my pc automatic(manual only)?

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PC Automatically Starts Up

Oct 17, 2006

My PC automatically starts up at exactly 12:00 every night. It starts up and shows the login window. Really annoying. Does anyone have an idea on how to turn this off?

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