Crashes / When I Open A Folder Taskbar Becomes Un-clickable

Jun 2, 2007

Everything seems to be working without a problem. And after running numerous virus scans and spyware scans, I don't pick up any problems. However, every time I open up a folder which has some of my movies in it my computer hangs. Actually only windows explorer hangs, everything else functions fine, but my taskbar becomes un-clickable and the folders hang. I then close the drwtsn process and it all resets. I don't really want to delete the folder with my movies so is there any way to do anything about this?

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Move To Folder Crashes Explorer

Oct 13, 2006

when I try to move a file using "Move To Folder" Windows Explorer says it has encountered a problem and must shutdown then after I close that dialog (send error report/or not) Dr Watson Post Mortem Debugger does the same computer locks up except I can use Task Manager to reboot.

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Explorer Crashes - Open Up Folders

May 19, 2007

when I would open up folders and Windows Explorer would have an error message and then it would refresh my computer and close all Windows Explorer Window(s). Ive researched quite a bit in my spare time in the past two days and found that it could be related to ntdll.dll. But in my research I haven't really found any solutions, yet it almost seems like a common/uncommon problem.

I have done a few system restores all of which were unable to return to a previous state. I am up to date on the latest virus/spyware/adware definitions and ran scans using: Norton Internet Security 2007, Spy Sweeper, AdAware, Spybot Search & Destroy and Stinger......

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Explorer Crashes When I Open My Music

Nov 26, 2004

My OS is Windows XP and the message I get is "Windows Explorer has encountered an problem and must shut down. Sorry for the inconvienence."

This also happens when I right-click on the desktop, but after that message, I get a similar one from Dr. Postmortem Debugger (or something like that) and the computer freezes.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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System Crashes When Renaming Folder On Disc?

Sep 30, 2005

I am using Windows XP Home OS. I have formatted a CD-R disc using Direct CD format utility. When I try to create a new folder on this CD and rename it after the "new folder" appears, the system crashes and reboots itself. I have been able to do this without any problem before and this has suddenly just occurred. I can't be sure if this is the first time I have tried this since updating to SP2. Can this be a problem with Windows Explorer?

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Explorer Crashes When Any Task Is Performed On This Folder?

Dec 21, 2006

alrighty, here's what's happening. theres a folder with a ton of music in it that I created for the sole purpose of gathering it all in one place. now, when you rollover the folder icon, double click it, explore it, search it, open it, etc, you get the send/dont-send windows error and explorer crashes and restarts when you click dont-send.

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Internet Explorer Crashes Every Time When Open

Apr 27, 2006

My internet explorer just started crashing every time i open it, and also the kazaa lite prog crashes the same way. i haven't tried any other programs, but this is what hijackthis says:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 23:05:57, on 27/04/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Cannot Open Folder Picture In A Shared Folder Across Network

Jan 23, 2009

I have a shared folder which contains many folders for many users on my network and to make users folders recognisable we chose to fix a folder picture of every folder with the picture of the folder owner. The problem is that those folders never have a constant folder picture on all of my network computers as the picture always changes for some reason, I've tried to set permissions on thumb.db file

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Changing Folder Icons - Lock Folder Not Open

Jul 22, 2008

I was just changing some folder icons in Folder Options>File Types and now when I click on a folder it opens in OneNote! I went to File Types>File Folder>Advanced and under the Actions it reads: Add to VLC find Lock folder with Folder Lock Open as Notebook in OneNote
Play with VLC

The first two of the 3 check boxes underneath are ticked. I have no idea what the default action was before, but I don't see anything resembling simply open a folder. Can anyone help me reset the default action or create a new one to open the folder?

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Cannot Open Every Folder - Re Open File View Closed

Dec 22, 2006

Why can't I get XP to open every folder using the "Details" option? I do have it set so that it remembers (most of the time) to re-open that folder with the file view it was in when it was closed, but I want XP to open every new and old folder with the "file details" view. Seems like a simple thing, but I can't get XP to understand that's what I want.

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Undeletable Folder/Files Crashes Explorer.exe & Virus

Dec 14, 2005

My operating system is Window 2000.Last Friday my laptop was infected with UnSpyPC, a Quicklink toolbar and 6 large icons.Thanks to HiJackThis and Spyware removal programs etc I think I have gotten rid of the problematic crap. However now I seem to have ended up with a few corrupt Folders/Files.Whenever I try to run a Norton Antivirus scan or any number of Spyware removal programs such as Spybot, Spysweeper, Ewido, Ad-Aware etc they all get stuck or crash on one particular general data Folder. Explorer.exe also crashes and generally freezes the whole system when trying to access or search this folder

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Can't Open Any Folders, Active Desktop Recovery Crashes

Oct 14, 2007

I try to open any folder from the desktop, or explorer(right click start button), or my documents, they don't open, but program shortcuts seem to work. Once inside a program I can navigate to and open folders I couldn't do previousy on desktop. It seems just an error when on the desktop itself.

My wallpaper vanishes and the active desktop recovery screen appears telling me to restore the desktop after somekind of windows error.

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Explorer Crashes - C Drive And Open Program Files

Feb 23, 2007

When i browse through my c drive and open program files i get an Error saying Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The error signature says:

AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName:
ModVer: Offset: 00007732

It doesnt happen in any other folders. I have searched the web but no one seems to have the same problem

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Open Multimedia Files Player Crashes - PC Rescue

Oct 12, 2005

I am having some major issues with multimedia files, namely if I try to play any mpg files on either my WMP or an ATI Multimedia player, my player crashes immediately and I get the standard windows XP error and report it but the windows explorer window also closes with the same type of windows error and reports the problem.

I can only assume this is a result from a "phantom" jpg file I found in a folder this week. The file was "anchored" in a folder in my documents, I say anchored because I was unable to delete/rename/copy/cut/drag and drop/etc. the jpg. Again, I'm only calling it a jpg as it showed a jpg icon although no image was displayed in the preview window and when I selected properties under the file menu, it showed no information, no description, nothing, it even showed 0 kb, although I seem to recall it showed perhaps 82kb when listed in the folder. I was able to finally delete the file by deleting the file folder it was stored in, but it did not undo the damage I mentioned above. Prior to figuring out how to delete the file I ran Adaware, Spybot S&D, Norton, and Ewido and they found nothing out of the ordinary. I also posted an HJT log here and was told it appeared to be clean.

So, when I saw the "debugger" link, I found PCRescue and installed and ran it. Of course I knew it would find lots of errors over 700 but would only delete about 22 in only two registries "windows startup" and "file extensions" Is it worth paying for the full version or is this problem something much more alarming. Lastly, I occassionally see a window informing me DrWatson Debugger needs to be closed, I never installed DrWatson and when I tried to Uninstall it using the control panel, I find no listing there.

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Changing Colours Of Taskbar And Inside Folder

Jan 3, 2006

am having problems changing the colour of my windows xp taskbar, and the colours of the bars inside a folder.the problem is when i try to change the colours to the original, using the appearance tab in the display properties, all it shows is windows classic styles, it doesnt show the original xp styles. (see attached print screen), what i want is the original colours of the folders and the task bar that are available when u first install xp.i had a trojan, spyware and malware problem, when i removed it the colours changed into, how do i change it into original,

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Taskbar Open Windows Shows Url Instead Of Window Name

Sep 4, 2008

Since installing IE7 the open windows on the taskbar show the url instead of the website name. For example instead of showing 'Yahoo' it says Is there a way to change this?

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When Minimizing Open Windows / Tabs Disappear Instead Of Appearing On Bottom Taskbar

Jun 29, 2006

Had diffs yesterday with computer running at snail speed > did ad-aware/norton scans to clean up > now when I minimize any open window, the tab/s just disappear/s to the left of the lower taskbar so they can't be opened easily again. Must be an easy fix for this but after hours of research in MS Help + Google + your existing threads, haven't been able to source a solution.It happened once before but I can't recall how I got it going properly again - that's what age does to the memory!! Now when I have a PC prob & manage to solve it, I note the solution for the future!Would greatly appreciate any suggestions to solve this irritating prob.

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Windows Explorer And Folder Shortcuts Open To "my Documents" And Not The Folder

Apr 2, 2007

I made the change below however, if I click on a folder in the left hand "Folders" pane, it works as before and opens the folder and displayed in the contents in the right hand pane.

However, if I click on any folders in the right hand (files pane) a new windows explorer window opens a displays the "my documents".

The same thing happens if you click on a shortcut to a folder. Instead of the folder opening, it opens a new window and displays "my documents".

This problems started when I added a new function to the folder file folder file type properties to print out the contents of a folder by calling a batch file that piped the content to a file.

In the file association for file folders in the advanced section I now have three functions
- the afore mentioned 'create file list'
- explore (the default), and
- find

For the folder file type I just have:
- explore and
- open

Any suggestions on how to put things back to the way Windows Explorer always worked before make clicking folders in the right hand pane open them up properly in the same window as per clicking them on the left hand pane?

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When Viewing "my Picture" Folder In Thumbnail The Related Application Crashes

Nov 10, 2008

Problem: When I try to work with a picture in an application the application crashes when the "my pictures" folder is viewed in Thumbnail.

1) From windows explorer when I go to My Documents click on My pictures and select thumbnail view and explorer crashes

2) if a picture is embedded in an email and I right click and select save "save picture as" the "my picture" folder pops up in thumbnail view and I get the error "ms outlook has encountered a problem...." if I report or don't report the error outlook crashes.

3) If I try to insert a a picture into excel...inset>picture>from file. The application opens the "my picture" folder in thumbnail view and then excel promptly crashes.

4) If I try to change the wallpaper on my computer and go to browse which opens "my picture" folder in thumbnail view and guess what...the application crashes. Here is get the error

"Run a DLL as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close." I click on DEBUG and get the error "Dr Watson postmortem has encountered a problem and needs to close" when I hit DEBUG again nothing happens.

I am using windows XP pro and MS office business edition 2003. I have a dell latitude d820 and I have recently have had the hard drive cleaned and everything reinstalled up to service pack 2 (service pack 3 eliminated that fax console which I use so I am NOT using SP3)

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Folder Open Options

Aug 5, 2005

When I go to my documents and open the folders, they always open in the list view. I would like to have them open all the time with thumbnail view.I change the view when the folders are open, but they always revert back to details when I go to them again. Can it be changed permanently?

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Folder Always Open At Startup

Feb 10, 2005

Every time I startup windows XP my C:Program FilesCommon folder is open. It does this, regardless of who is logging on. I'm sick to death of closing the thing now.There's also a folder inside the common folder called 'Bin'. Don't know if this has anything to do with it.

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Font Folder Won't Open

Jul 21, 2004

I've been installing fonts onto my computer and I have probably 1600 or so in my folder now. Now whenever I try opening the folder it unexpectedly quits. I don't think it's a memory problem, cause I've got plenty of it. Also, it won't let me install any more fonts cause it keeps closing down.

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Won't Open Xvid Folder

Sep 28, 2006

I am in the process of converting my DVDs to Xvids using AutoGK. I two HDDs a 120Gb Maxtor IDE for windows and generic stuff and a 250Gb Maxtor SATA HDD on which the Xvids are stored. A couple of weeks ago I formatted the windows partition of my IDE HDD to reinstall XP.I have a few DVDs which are TV series and as such are split into folders containing season 1, 2, etc. When I try to access the folders to play (rename, delete etc) the files the window opens but none of the thumbnail previews load, then the screen freezes and I have to use task manager to exit.The strange thing is that if I load the files directly from windows media player they play fine. It seems that ever since the reinstall that windows can't handle the files and just bombs out. I have copied some of the files onto the other HDD and the same problem occurs.

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Folder Won't Open In Same Window

Oct 29, 2006

I was trying to change the appearance of my icons via "Tools > Folder Options > File Types > Advanced > Change Icon". Next thing I know, every time I try to open a folder, it does a "Search" instead -- so I try to change this by adding a new "Action" (open).Now, what happens, (and which is my problem), is that a new window opens whenever I open a folder. The option for "Open each folder in the same window" is set.

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Compressed Zip Folder - Can Never Open Anything

Sep 13, 2005

I guess I don't understand the zip files..I have Home XP and I can extract to the zip folder but I can never open anything.

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Folder Open In New Window

Oct 18, 2006

I actually have 2 problems, which both, one of, or neither are the result of me using the DOS emulator for Windows DosBox.So here goes. First problem: With a complete disaccordance with my screen settings, my system tray icons are all coloured in 16 colors instead of 32 bit. Rest of applications and all other windows environment are fine. I fail to make any sense out of it.Second problem: Out of the blue, whenever I am double clicking on a folder, it opens in a new window instead of the old one.

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Cannot Open More Than One Folder At Time

Aug 9, 2008

Is there a way in Windows XP to view the contents of two or more folder contents at the same time? Right now when I click on a Folder 1 to view the files in it, then click ob Folder 2, Folder 1 closes. I can't view the contents of more than one folder at a time without opening up another desktop window in My Computer or Desktop Explorer.

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Folder Open In New Explorer

Aug 30, 2006

While trying to change the global icon for folders, I seem to have changed whatever the folder opens with. Now when I open a folder in explorer, it opens a new explorer window instead of just doing it in that one. explorer_ problem.avi. This is a short video clip demonstrating my problem, since visuals work better than text. I tried reverting whatever I did through Folder Options > File types, but no disc.

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Double Clicking To Open Folder

Aug 7, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to change my setting for clicking to open a folder for my home computer. When I dbl click with left mouse button It goes to the search screen. I have to right click and choose "open". On my computer at work when I left click a folder it will open and right click a folder the "open option is on top of the list and on my home computer the "search " option is on top.

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Common Folder Open During Start Up

Jan 15, 2007

I have XP home on my desk top and every time I start windows,the common folder opens on my desk top. How do I get rid of it and why is it there?

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OUTLOOK EXPRESS 6 Folder Won't Open

Oct 3, 2010

Outlook Express 6 XP.Appended to my Inbox I have folders for different addresses and Message Rules causes the emails to go into the right folders. This has been working well since about 1997. Just clicked on the folder that contains mail received to my most important address and it looks empty.It says in blue next to the folder that there are heaps in there but while all the other folders open fine when I click on this one it does not show any emails and the hour glass comes on and stays on (disallowing any other action in OE from that point on) until I use Control+Alt+Delete to forcibly close Outlook Express.I have been dumping emails from other folders in case it is a capacity thing, have rebooted PC no luck.

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