Certain Program Launches Automatically - Worse Than A Virus
Aug 27, 2005
I recently found out through my last windows upgrade that I might be using a counterfeit copy of windows. I wasn't aware of this like I'm sure many, so I read where I could purchase for 149.00 a windows upgrade tool and make my windows XP GENUINE. On line I purchased the upgrade tool. I gave microsoft 149.00 and two days later an email came with product key and took me to a sight to run software to check to see if windows was intact. It ran flawlessly and checked my windows xp and said it was complete. Congraltions menu. After a reboot a message came up that I must activate this windows program. I tried to activate it by online, following instructions, but error said my product key wasn't valid. I then called and spoke with three different activation techs that were unable to help and said I needed the CD.
A few days back I noticed my Anti Virus was automatically disabled. It usually runs continously in the background but of late it was being disabled.I tried re installing but it was of no use. Now I find that a suspcious program 'Form1' is running when I use alt+tab.Could not find this on the task manager though When I try to run anti virus scans / Spybot / Ewido, my computer just freezes after starting the scan!I know somethings wrong but I dont know what
It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?
I'm in need for a good antivirus program that don't take up much resources and works, right now i have mcafee virus scan but for some reason it sometiems disable it self so some suggestions? anything free is welcome, but if something is really good i'd buy it
Every time I boot my computer.A lot of my program window folders open up automatically.I included a screen shot of what it looks like when they open on startup. I have done the MSCONFIG thing and gone to startup.
Computer is all of a sudden very slow. When I did a computer check for information regarding software, I found that many strange software files run automatically at startup. When I checked "msconfig", I only found 24 programs starting at startup which were normal. How do I eliminate these strange files. I don't know which one of these are necessary and I don't know how to eliminate them. They appear as "unknown". One example of a startup file is "zipfldr". There are pages of other ones.
When I turn on my computer, it automatically tries to install some photo program. There are also other problems such as the computer restarting itself with no warning, and it sometimes reverts to a "blue screen of death" where my only choice is to turn off my computer manually. I'm wondering if something could have gotten past my anti-virus software.
I have a PC with Windows XP and for some reason, many of my program icons changed to the icon of another program. This is my Mom's computer and lord only knows how this happened, but for example, when I click start > all programs > microsoft office > word, it's icon is not the word icon, but the icon for another program on the computer. It is like this all over the place.When I click on word, it starts opening the program that is associated with the icon and not word. Any idea why this may be happening and how I can fix it? I tried right-clicking on the program > properties, but the find target button is grayed out so I can't change the program it's associated with.
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a freeware program or some sort of tweak that will allow me to automatically rotate the sounds I hear during Windows XP startup. Can't for the life of me find any advice on this anywhere.I don't want a whole Desktop Theme changer I just want to hear different wav files when I fire up the computer.
The day I uninstalled IconPackager, this probelm comes out.. because one by one, my icons are going corrupted, they're going blank. I'll attach and image on this post so you'll see what my icons look like.First, the ".txt" and ".jpg" files are the only blank icons, and now, there's some icons on the control panel that are going blank, "Scheduled Tasks", "Printers and Faxes", "Network Connections", "Fonts", and "Administrative Tools".
My Disk Clean Up launches but then doesn't do anything. It just sits there - for hours. Anybody got a clue as to what I need to do to get it operational?
hope I'm in the right place.... When I log on my home PC (Window XP with Office 2003), I'd like Outlook and Explorer to open automatically, rather than having to select them from the Start menu.
My USB ports have suddenly stopped working fully. Previously working devices continue to work correctly but I cannot connect new ones. When I try, Windows recognises the new hardware and launches a wizard to find a driver but then fails to find it either locally or on the Internet. Subsequently the device is ignored when plugged in. The devices all work correctly on my other (laptop) PC.The system with problems is a Mesh desktop PC running WinXP Home SP2 with automatic updates enabled. My old Olympus digital camera, HP printer and 256MB flash drive still work fine however my new Panasonic digital camera, 2GB flash drive and LG mobile phone do not work on the Mesh but are fine on my Toshiba laptop.
Switched my machine an this morning and heard 4 or 5 mousec licks.over the speakers music then started to play in background without showing the IE browser.It seems somehow that IEXPLORER.exe is launching itself? Tried a few spywares, sophos and Zonealarm running.
well, I managed to screw up my winxp reinstall in a big way. I'm very upset over it since its my sis-in-laws computer. Before, she could not access the internet, but at least she could boot up WinXP and play games, access her email and all of her programs on the desktop...now...nothing but the following popup error message:Error: One of the files containing the system registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful then the popup disappears and sends me to a blue screen (long) message starting with this.
I have Windows XP Home Edition and lately I've been getting a pop-up everytime I start up my computer that reads:To help protect your computer, Windows has closed this program Generic Host Process for Win32 Services. click ok, send an error report once, then have to do battle with this pop-up -- clicking ok and closing it at least five more times before I can finally access my desktop. Then it takes forever for IE to load. Do I have spyware on my computer again????
I just restored my computer to an earlier date and know stuff is worse then it was before now my restore point comes up blank can't even get my help and support to come up what did I do? how can I fix this problem?
When I booted up my computer this morning, Windows loaded, I signed in, and then it took nearly an hour and a half to get the program icons to come up on the desktop. When I try to open one, it can take upwards of 20 minutes to do so, then response within the program is no better. It seems like all the resources are under use, but no one can see what's bogging it down.
When i double click on a folder in say "my documents", a search window opens instead of opening an open window. If i right mouse click on a folder the word "Search" is shown at the top of the list in Bold instead of "Open". how can i fix this?
Hi, my PC is very sensitive when left idle it takes about 5 minutes just to changes web pages.Sometimes it is running well, sometimes it is really slow. I am using windows XP and have firewall and AVG.
I have a amd64 200 with 1GB RAM and 80 GB HD running xp home edition sp2. around may, sp3 tried to install a number of times but failed. After reading the info about how to install sp3, I did so and it completed!
The system worked for about 2 hours and then a 'MACHINE_EXCEPTION' error. I uninstalled sp3 and no more machine_exception errors! now, the anti-virus software started finding infections in windows,windowssystem32, even 'System Volume Information'
I run a any virus program on my computer and they tell me there are certain files that cannot be opened, I'm running windows xp profesional some of the files that it can't open
I currently have Norton Antivirus, but was considering uninstalling it so that less resources are consumed and to free up HD space.It has not really helped me in any way, the last time i got a virus was when i had activeX enabled, which i don't anymore since i use firefox. I also don't stupidly click on .exe files and the sort, so i couldn't get a virus like that.
So do you guys think it is necessary to have an antivirus program? should i keep Norton or can i ditch it?
Have been useing the free "AVG" program for almost a year, and in useing it to scan my "C" drive,it found 83 "nasties" plus 5 virus programs. Was able to remove the 5 virus programs, however in order to remove the "nasties" had to download AVG Pro. on a trial basis.It took care of the "nasties".Does anyone have and use the AVG Pro, and how do you like it? They want almost $39.00 for a two year subscrption, and I am thinking about purchaseing the program. I would love to hear fron anyone (pro or con) about the program.
I can't turn on my spy sweeper anti-virus program. I'm getting a error box stating the entry point Istrcpyni could not be located.File msdart.dll!OS NameMicrosoft Windows XP Home Edition
Downloaded an anti-virus program (Symantec Norton System Works 2005), found I did not like it then uninstalled the program. Now each time I open any program I get a box titles "Run As" with the following message: "Which user account do you want to use" It has two radio button choices, one is me (current user) and my log on name and the other would be if I wanted to select another user. It also has a box to select saying "protect my computer from unauthorized program activity". I have to respond to this box before opening any program and I cannot find a way to stop it from appearing. How do I get rid if this?
Have a Dell Trinitron, with windows xp. Some time ago, after an anti-virus program ran, I could no longer access several icons such as Internet Explorer, Opera, CC cleaner and others. When I click these icons, the message given is "The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." Could someone please tell me how to do this?Also, when I restart the computer, a message comes up saying "Windows cannot find file "1"." I think the anti-virus program removed some virus, and a line or two of programming.